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India to acquire 15 US-2i aircraft from Japan after defence minister’s visit

V-22 is not exactly outside the box, since it is the only operational AEW aircraft that is suitable for IN.
However V-22 AEW comes with strings attached, which include regular US inspection and intrusion along with directions when to use it and when not to.
In any case loading Viki and Vikrant with 4 V-22 might not even be possible.
Sure land based assets can be used for carrier support, but I would rather have a platform that can land in the sea, refuel and take off again. They can of course be land based.

actually,V-22 isn't only one.its is just only aircraft that can be deployed from ski jump.but some others also suggested that the landing strip of AC is long enough to take off by some medium short takeoff cargo aircrafts..hell,even C-130 could land and take off from AC without catapult(but the stretch its needed is around 780feet,don't know if that'll be available in Viky).the problem is to find a capable platform for AEW operation which will be a STOBAR as well as small enough for storing inside carrier..US-2 will take too much time to deploy,if not impossible in the middle of an operation..some COD platform will be my choice,if not V-22...
actually,V-22 isn't only one.its is just only aircraft that can be deployed from ski jump.but some others also suggested that the landing strip of AC is long enough to take off by some medium short takeoff cargo aircrafts..hell,even C-130 could land and take off from AC without catapult(but the stretch its needed is around 780feet,don't know if that'll be available in Viky).the problem is to find a capable platform for AEW operation which will be a STOBAR as well as small enough for storing inside carrier..US-2 will take too much time to deploy,if not impossible in the middle of an operation..some COD platform will be my choice,if not V-22...

That is just inane. Arrestor wires in Viki is not designed to handle such heavy load. I am not even sure the deck is strengthened to handle such enormous load repeatedly. V-22 is the only real option if the deck can support it.

US-2i can takeoff with upto 3 meter waves.

One US-2i will be always on patrol, its only when it lands, will the other needs to replace it. I see no reason to think it will take more time to deploy than other regular aircrafts. Its maintenance would certainly be more. But its versatility is much more.

Its not a perfect solution, but a practical solution.
That is just inane. Arrestor wires in Viki is not designed to handle such heavy load. I am not even sure the deck is strengthened to handle such enormous load repeatedly. V-22 is the only real option if the deck can support it.
US-2i can takeoff with upto 3 meter waves.

I wonder how you know that..if they can stop a fighter jet as heavy as Mig-29k,which weighs as much as 18000 kg,what stops them another aircraft of same weight,i.e say Hawkeye(actually,hawkeye weighs less than Mig-29K).Russia even planned two for their next aircraft carriers,but got cancelled(Yak-44 which was around 40000 kg and An-7).the only reason is that Hawkeye couldn't be launched using such a short strip.thats why we could use some STOBAR aircraft of same weight.thats what I'm saying.recovery isn't a problem.
This plane looks weird, will it help India about how to build one by themselves?
@sancho @Capt.Popeye
Is there a real need of this plane in IN/ICG? Does it fill some role that was very in demand by IN?

Or is this a case of - we may find its place in the Service because its a good plane(from a Indian Navy POV) and we get to order something from Japan to increase the relationship(MoD POV)

Somehow it looks to me as a purchase of a convenient plane rather than filling a much needed gap in the Service.
@sancho @Capt.Popeye
Is there a real need of this plane in IN/ICG? Does it fill some role that was very in demand by IN?

Or is this a case of - we may find its place in the Service because its a good plane(from a Indian Navy POV) and we get to order something from Japan to increase the relationship(MoD POV)

Somehow it looks to me as a purchase of a convenient plane rather than filling a much needed gap in the Service.

As a SAR platform, it is ideal; while it can fulfil some Surveillance roles........thats all. Purchase of it is appropriate in the sense that there is going to be a great deal of air activity by Indian Aviators (mainly IN Naviators) over the Sea areas. This aircraft will work very well to pick up ditched Aviators. That said; its ideally operated by ICG rather than IN, but there "lies the rub".

If you recall our (mutual) discussion (on another thread here) about ICG, Customs, Maritime Police etc. The responsibilities of the ICG have been defined more by geographical jurisdiction rather than by tasks vis-a-vis the IN. So the IN will pitch for control over these assets. Of course the IAF has also indicated interest in these craft! So MoD will again have to make some Policy Decisions!
Which is just as well.
As a SAR platform, it is ideal; while it can fulfil some Surveillance roles........thats all. Purchase of it is appropriate in the sense that there is going to be a great deal of air activity by Indian Aviators (mainly IN Naviators) over the Sea areas. This aircraft will work very well to pick up ditched Aviators. That said; its ideally operated by ICG rather than IN, but there "lies the rub".

If you recall our (mutual) discussion (on another thread here) about ICG, Customs, Maritime Police etc. The responsibilities of the ICG have been defined more by geographical jurisdiction rather than by tasks vis-a-vis the IN. So the IN will pitch for control over these assets. Of course the IAF has also indicated interest in these craft! So MoD will again have to make some Policy Decisions!
Which is just as well.

Lets see MoD's call then.
I am talking about have a support ship that acts like a landing platform, only it tows the aircraft instead of carrying it. These aircraft's can float at sea so there is not need to provide a carrier landing.

They can pretty much land and take off from sea.

Just thinking out of the box. Besides one aircraft would always be in the air, only one needs to be towed.

The undercarriage of the aircraft can be coated and maintained to make them capable of being towed for thousands of km. Might not look that great, but will certainly save lives.

Lol. I'm afraid that proposal is impractical. This aircraft may be capable of being towed; over very short distances at very low speeds! Not even worth talking about.
It cannot operate in all sea-states. If the weather gets rough; what will you do with the aircraft before it gets swamped in choppy seas?
Lol. I'm afraid that proposal is impractical. This aircraft may be capable of being towed; over very short distances at very low speeds! Not even worth talking about.
It cannot operate in all sea-states. If the weather gets rough; what will you do with the aircraft before it gets swamped in choppy seas?

The Idea was to have them operate from land, and provide support to carrier group. Then land at sea, refuel and then take off and continue their patrol. End of shift they can come back to home base.

I really did not think they could be towed at 30 knots :P
The Idea was to have them operate from land, and provide support to carrier group. Then land at sea, refuel and then take off and continue their patrol. End of shift they can come back to home base.

I really did not think they could be towed at 30 knots :P

Then two questions for you:
1. What support would the aircraft provide to the Carrier Group?
2. What do you think is the max. spd. that you think that they can be towed at? :P
Then two questions for you:
1. What support would the aircraft provide to the Carrier Group?
2. What do you think is the max. spd. that you think that they can be towed at? :P

1. Same role as E-2 Hawkeye. I did talk about putting an antenna above it or in it looking below.

2. Ok, so towing is not such a great idea. :D
The US used seaplanes to great effect during WW2 for both recon and pilot retrieval. Sending out a seaplane to a downed pilot over 100 miles out from the naval group saved numerous lives.

Unfortunately they have one drawback.
When the waves in the ocean get high they can't land.

This is why the US now uses Sea Knight and Sea Stallion helicopters with long winches (and now Ospreys) for retrieval.

Seaplanes still make great ocean recon vehicles.
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