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How Tough is China’s Mission to Fight Terrorism

Really? Iranians are Aryans, who only consist less than 10% of modern Iranian populace though, while Turks are not related to Aryan, that's for sure!

Tajiks is Iranian-speaking race, settle among Tajikistan, Afghanistan and China (Xinjiang). They consider they are ethnic Iranian.

But races in Central Asia are more complex.

Many Uzebek in Uzbekistan are actually Turkified Tajiks.

Also, Uyghur = Uzbek. (many more Uyghur has Iranian blood)
Tajiks is Iranian-speaking race, settle among Tajikistan, Afghanistan and China (Xinjiang). They consider they are ethnic Iranian.

But races in Central Asia are more complex.

Many Uzebek in Uzbekistan are actually Turkified Tajiks.

Also, Uyghur = Uzbek. (many more Uyghur has Iranian blood)

Well, I've only put loosely that Iranians are Aryans. That was a controversial statement. In reality, most of the blood of their aryan ancestors have been bred out long ago throughout centries of interbreeding with Turks, Mogols, Arabs, etc, despite of the fact that there are still some tiny amount of Aryan people in modern iran, not pure blood of course, but with some facial features sporadically. The similar goes for India, albeit with more Negroid infusions.

Therefore, I see most people as you mentioned previously as Central Asians in general - mixed blood of Turks, Mogols, Iranian, Arabs, and some with Negroids and quasi Negroids, even though each having their own sub folk culture, identity, or even religion, which are more or less a social construct imo, not biological one. All in all, they are all central asains, not pure blood like East Asians or white Europeans.
<not pure blood like East Asians or white Europeans.> You need to reconsider this statement by doing more research.

As I mentioned earlier, the Mongols conquered Eastern Europe. You can imagine what happened to these defeated Eastern Europeans (especially the Eastern European women).
I've always feel that russians and eastern europeans in general do look different from both asians and western europeans.
Just take for example, the Hazaras of the Oxus region, the graveyard of empires.

They are the direct descendants of Chengiz Khan's Mongolian Mongoloid community.

Hazara people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have a Hazara friend. He is a nice handsome guy. I often chat with him, though he lives in Australia but he informed me that the Hazara population in Afghanistan is shrinking rapidly. Only 3-4 millions left. Many have migrated to other countries. The Hazaras look as same as East Asians.

Though some Hazaras' blood got mixed later.


I am afraid, BBC and Uighur separatists might now claim Hazaras are European Turks. :lol: :lol:

Ha ha ha ha ha.... ignorance leads to destruction... :lol:
< (they were Huis or Hans pretending to be Uighurs to increase sale)>
Hans pretending to be Uighurs? I can understand Huis but Hans? The Hans might not understand the word halal.

BTW, the Huis are good business people.

Master Dumb, I advised you not to get ahead of yourself - but you won't listen. Which district and neighbourhood of Shanghai did you grow up in? Which high school or university in Shanghai did you attend? How many hundreds of relatives in Shanghai do you have?

So if I told you from personal experience that half of Kebab sellers in Shanghai in the last 80s were Han "pretenders" and the other half were Hui "pretenders", I wasn't making a statement out of Wikipedia as you would pertaining to General Tso's chicken!

And of course I know how relatively cosmopolitan today's Shanghai is!

Anyways, feel free to share your knowledge, brother Zimbabwe! :smitten:
<Master Dumb, I advised you not to get ahead of yourself - but you won't listen. Which district and neighbourhood of Shanghai did you grow up in? Which high school or university in Shanghai did you attend? How many hundreds of relatives in Shanghai do you have?> So, this is all you've got? I shall remain cool.

<I wasn't making a statement out of Wikipedia as you would pertaining to General Tso's chicken!> Not from Wikipedia but from some people. I am interested in knowing how some of these Chinese dishes came about. Another one is Mapo tofu.

If you have some please share them with me.
... I shall remain cool ... I am interested in knowing how some of these Chinese dishes came about. Another one is Mapo tofu.

If you have some please share them with me.

Not sure this is the appropriate thread for food lore. But even with the little that I know, I can tell you that &#40635;&#23110;&#35910;&#33104; is a heck lot more authentically "Chinese" than the &#24038;&#20844;&#40481; you take a fancy to.

But that's alright - you are cool. :azn:
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Just take for example, the Hazaras of the Oxus region, the graveyard of empires.

They are the direct descendants of Chengiz Khan's Mongolian Mongoloid community.

Hazara people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have a Hazara friend. He is a nice handsome guy. I often chat with him, though he lives in Australia but he informed me that the Hazara population in Afghanistan is shrinking rapidly. Only 3-4 millions left. Many have migrated to other countries. The Hazaras look as same as East Asians.

Though some Hazaras' blood got mixed later.


I am afraid, BBC and Uighur separatists might now claim Hazaras are European Turks. :lol: :lol:

Ha ha ha ha ha.... ignorance leads to destruction... :lol:

Hazaras is ethnic Mongol.
Well, I've only put loosely that Iranians are Aryans. That was a controversial statement. In reality, most of the blood of their aryan ancestors have been bred out long ago throughout centries of interbreeding with Turks, Mogols, Arabs, etc, despite of the fact that there are still some tiny amount of Aryan people in modern iran, not pure blood of course, but with some facial features sporadically. The similar goes for India, albeit with more Negroid infusions.

Therefore, I see most people as you mentioned previously as Central Asians in general - mixed blood of Turks, Mogols, Iranian, Arabs, and some with Negroids and quasi Negroids, even though each having their own sub folk culture, identity, or even religion, which are more or less a social construct imo, not biological one. All in all, they are all central asains, not pure blood like East Asians or white Europeans.

Brother, Aryan is a very controversial term, it still remains a mystery who were the actual Aryans. Was there any Aryan at all?

Many people claim to be Aryans. But whoever the Aryans were, the ancient Chinese had a good relationship with them.

From Wikipedia:

Sogdiana is thought to be "listed" as the second of the "good lands and countries" that Ahura Mazda was believed to have created. This region is listed after the first, Airyana Vaeja, Land of the Aryans, in the Zoroastrian book of Vendidad, hence one can see how notice of this region has been taken since ancient times.

Hellenistic period

An independent and warlike Sogdiana formed a border region insulating the Achaemenid Persians from the nomadic Scythians to the north and east. The Sogdian Rock or Rock of Ariamazes, a fortress in Sogdiana, was captured in 327 BC by the forces of Alexander the Great; after an extended campaign putting down Sogdian resistance and founding military outposts manned by his Macedonian veterans, Alexander united Sogdiana with Bactria into one satrapy. The military power of the Sogdians never recovered. Subsequently Sogdiana formed part of the Hellenistic Greco-Bactrian kingdom, founded in 248 BC by Diodotus, for about a century. Euthydemus I seems to have held the Sogdian territory, and his coins were later copied locally. Eucratides apparently recovered sovereignty of Sogdia temporarily. Finally the area was occupied by nomads when the Scythians and Yuezhis overran it around 150 BC.

Then there was a war and the Sogdiana Aryans got defeated by the Hans.

In 36 BC

...[a] Han expedition into central Asia, west of the Jaxartes River, apparently encountered and defeated a contingent of Roman legionaries. The Romans may have been the enslaved remnants of Crassus' army, defeated by the Parthians and forced to fight on their eastern frontier. Sogdiana (modern Bukhara), east of the Oxus River, on the Polytimetus River, was apparently the most easterly penetration ever made by Roman forces in Asia. The margin of Chinese victory appears to have been their crossbows, whose bolts and darts seem easily to have penetrated Roman shields and armor.

R. Ernest Dupuy and Trevor N. Dupuy, The Harper Encyclopedia of Military History from 3500 B.C. to the Present, Fourth Edition (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1993), 133, apparently relying on Homer H. Dubs, "A Roman City in Ancient China", in Greece and Rome, Second Series, Vol. 4, No. 2 (Oct., 1957), pp. 139-148

But then relationship improved through intermarriages.

The few documented pairings of Chinese male owners with Sogdian girls raise the question how often Sogdian and Chinese families intermarried. The historical record is largely silent on this topic, but Rong Xinjiang has found a total of twenty-one recorded marriages in the seventh century in which one partner was Sogdian, and in eighteen cases, the spouse is also Sogdian.

Sogdiana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Discovery channel made a documentary on the ancient Chinese graves and mummies found in the silk road region.

This is a complete set of documentary series from China on the beauty of Loulan.

Thats why Northern Hans look different from Southern Hans. Even You might have inherited Aryan DNA from your great grandmother. The only thing is that the mtDNA that you might have inside you is not prominent.
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Even up to the 19th century, the Hans used to remain to be hardcore warriors who could not live without fighting.

Recently a film released which has drawn much attention from the Western audience.

The Warlords

View attachment e66454c2474fdd6b3e445e5f7ee5622c.jpg


Movie Review - 'Warlords' - In 19th-Century China, Brotherhood And Betrayal : NPR
Movie Review - The Warlords - 19th-Century Battles, Epic and Personal - NYTimes.com

Another movie worth watching is "14 Blades". It's about the Royal Mercinary Justice League that dishes out capital punishment. It stars Donnie Yen. :china::flame:
Thats why Northern Hans look different from Southern Hans. Even You might have inherited Aryan DNA from your great grandmother. The only thing is that the mtDNA that you might have inside you is not prominent.

!:what: :what: :what:! Even the ComIntern can't make up this sh!t. :smitten:

Wait, didn't we all hail from the Great Bantustan a little while ago anyways? :D

I used to think India was a tool for somebody with a design. And perhaps so was Turkey to an extent. But nooooo, there are clearly those who wish the PRC to serve as no less of a tool ...

For the purpose of discussion on terrorism, related historical, economical, and cultural roots, and a nation's preparedness in dealing with it, this thread and participants (yours truly is party to the guilt) have lapsed into the realm of laughing stocks.

But for April Fool's Day, we can't complain! :smokin:
!:what: :what: :what:! Even the ComIntern can't make up this sh!t. :smitten:

100 years of Chinese presence in Holland

Wait, didn't we all hail from the Great Bantustan a little while ago anyways? :D

Bantu my foot... don't cross the limit.

I used to think India was a tool for somebody with a design. And perhaps so was Turkey to an extent. But nooooo, there are clearly those who wish the PRC to serve as no less of a tool ...

For the purpose of discussion on terrorism, related historical, economical, and cultural roots, and a nation's preparedness in dealing with it, this thread and participants (yours truly is party to the guilt) have lapsed into the realm of laughing stocks.

But for April Fool's Day, we can't complain! :smokin:

Go to your Turkey and celebrate your foolishness there. Let me see how the Turks about whom you are fantasizing treat you in reality... don't get upset if they use some racially oriented derogatory terms as part of their hospitality. :whistle:
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100 years of Chinese presence in Holland
YouTube - 100 years of Chinese presence in Holland

Bantu my foot... don't cross the limit.

Go to your Turkey and celebrate your foolishness there. Let me see how the Turks about whom you are fantasizing treat you in reality... don't get upset if they use some racially oriented derogatory terms as part of their hospitality. :whistle:

:coffee: Okay Mr. My-friend-is-a-hazara-and-they-made-me-the-"pan-mongol"-spokesperson. No I have not been to Turkey. But there is no need to mistake me for some Visa student busy killing time in karaoke bars and bubble tea joints in T.O., alright? :azn:

Around here we are pretty close to the real "U.N." - in a mostly positive manner, and I assure you I have "pitched my tent" far and wide to get the most out of it.

I am sorry for your experience and "fragile ego" - get out more, for you are the self-styled Bolshevik and the United Nation of Benetton to boot!


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