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How Tough is China’s Mission to Fight Terrorism

<because we all know what they did to the indians - round them up and gun them down.>

Don't you think this is wasting bullets? Why gun them down? Let nature takes care of them; since they can't do **** with the land that they're given.
Marrying to the Chinese?

China is already running short of women, now if barbarians come to China and marry Chinese women, who will the Han boys marry? Lamp posts?


LOL, Communist borther, don't you see alot of "barbarian" girls married to Chinese boys? Do you like that? :lol:



Vietnam girls form family with Chinese. Vietnam girls are hardworking, soft, loving, and considerate... After all they share similar cultures.

Russian Girls married to Chinese boys, because Chinese boys are not as indulged in alcoholism, as wife-abusing as their Russian counterpart...

Vietnam girls form family with Chinese. Vietnam girls are hardworking, soft, loving, and considerate... After all they share similar cultures.
Gawd Almighty...

Do Vietnamese women really long to marry Chinese men? | CNNGo.com
It is true that women from poor areas of Vietnam have been known to marry Chinese, Korean or Taiwanese men, but to say Vietnamese women long to marry them would be news in Vietnam as well. Usually foreign "wife buyers" are poorer, older men from rural areas who cannot land a mate at home. And what respectable woman would long for a man that can't find a woman except by purchasing one?

&#8220;We hate Chinese men,&#8221; says bank worker P. Ha, 28, on behalf of herself and her friend. But she concedes that marrying into a better life is an opportunity that some find hard to pass up. Seated opposite central Hoan Kiem Lake where many young Vietnamese couples come to walk in circles hand in hand, she explains: &#8220;Many Vietnamese girls need money. They have to escape hardship so they get married for money. I feel so sorry for them.&#8221;

She relates the same sordid tales of abuse and exploitation that have been circulating in local and foreign media for years, the ones that may force the government to begin regulating the foreign marriage market racket. That will be especially important if, by 2020, China has 24 million excess bachelors, as has been reported, who will be looking overseas to find partners.
There are no shortages of more honest stories on how Viet girls are abused and even killed by their Chinese husbands. Same for Korean and Taiwan men as well. But for now, lay off on the propaganda.

The campaign is in response to the estimated thousands of Vietnamese women and girls being trafficked to China and is being jointly implemented by the Women&#8217;s Unions of Viet Nam and China with technical assistance and support provided by both UNICEF Viet Nam and China.
What this military professional who hates Chinese out of racism is doing here? Why this guy is so obsessed with China? Is he a guy or a sweet girl?
What this military professional who hates Chinese out of racism is doing here? Why this guy is so obsessed with China? Is he a guy or a sweet girl?
Can you provide the readership of just one racist comment I made about Chinese? Sorry...But criticisms of the Chinese government does not count.
LOL, Communist borther, don't you see alot of "barbarian" girls married to Chinese boys? Do you like that? :lol:


Vietnam girls form family with Chinese. Vietnam girls are hardworking, soft, loving, and considerate... After all they share similar cultures.

Russian Girls married to Chinese boys, because Chinese boys are not as indulged in alcoholism, as wife-abusing as their Russian counterpart...

Yes I know that very well. My mother is almost a pure blood Caucasoid.






See this perfect couple:

Do you want more?

I don't discriminate women.
<But criticisms of the Chinese government does not count.> But criticism out of racism DOES count.

<&#8220;We hate Chinese men,&#8221; says bank worker P. Ha, 28, on behalf of herself and her friend>
But Ha is a Chinese surname. Maybe she should have said "We hate Chinese mainland men."

<But she concedes that marrying into a better life is an opportunity that some find hard to pass up. Seated opposite central Hoan Kiem Lake where many young Vietnamese couples come to walk in circles hand in hand, she explains: &#8220;Many Vietnamese girls need money. They have to escape hardship so they get married for money. I feel so sorry for them.&#8221;>

****, not only Vietnamese girls, girls in the US too.

<There are no shortages of more honest stories on how Viet girls are abused and even killed by their Chinese husbands. Same for Korean and Taiwan men as well. But for now, lay off on the propaganda.>

Hey in the US too. Guess how many Filipino girls killed in the US? In the US they called MOB (mail order brides).
<But criticisms of the Chinese government does not count.> But criticism out of racism DOES count.
I understand. Now all you have to do is provide the readership with one racist comment I supposedly have made. Else ALL criticisms can be construed as based upon one's racist attitude. Your condition: 'out of racism' is too vague. How do you know I have racist attitude against Chinese? Or are you saying that for convenience's sake, it is better to default to racism as foundation for criticisms even though no evidence could be found?

<“We hate Chinese men,” says bank worker P. Ha, 28, on behalf of herself and her friend>
But Ha is a Chinese surname. Maybe she should have said "We hate Chinese mainland men."

<But she concedes that marrying into a better life is an opportunity that some find hard to pass up. Seated opposite central Hoan Kiem Lake where many young Vietnamese couples come to walk in circles hand in hand, she explains: “Many Vietnamese girls need money. They have to escape hardship so they get married for money. I feel so sorry for them.”>

****, not only Vietnamese girls, girls in the US too.

<There are no shortages of more honest stories on how Viet girls are abused and even killed by their Chinese husbands. Same for Korean and Taiwan men as well. But for now, lay off on the propaganda.>

Hey in the US too. Guess how many Filipino girls killed in the US? In the US they called MOB (mail order brides).
Yes...The point here is stop trying to portray Chinese men as something extraordinary. They are not.

Or are you going to call what I just said as 'racist'? :lol:
If I call a racist a racist. Of course, the racist will not admit and will keep defending himself. Therefore, I don't expect from a racist to confess that he is indeed racist.

Anyway, mDumb, brother, don't reply to this guy. If you read all his posts visiting his profile here http://www.defence.pk/forums/members/gambit.html, you will find how this guy is obsessed with China and spares no opportunity to bash Chinese people as if bashing Chinese people will lead him to his heaven (I mean hell).

His main intention is to derail the thread by posting provocative flame-bait posts and then forcing the mods to close it. Don't pay much attention to him. No military professional has ever paid interests to social affairs. But this guy pays because Chinese are involved here.

I think the management knows it very well how he endlessly tries to bash Chinese everywhere. Am I right, dear Management?

Anyway, if he posts further, just ignore him and never make replies.
If I call a racist a racist. Of course, the racist will not admit and will keep defending himself. Therefore, I don't expect from a racist to confess that he is indeed racist.
That is a sort of circular reasoning. You might want to check up on how stupid that is. If I make a charge against anyone the burden is upon me to provide the public EVIDENCE of said charge. We all know what are the pejoratives for Asians in general and Chinese in particular. So all you have to do is provide the readership with just one instance where I used one of those words to describe Chinese. Are you smart enough to understand that?

No military professional has ever paid interests to social affairs.

You have got to be joking, right? By that line of reasoning, I can say that no Chinese should pay attention to white people's affairs.
Gawd Almighty...

Do Vietnamese women really long to marry Chinese men? | CNNGo.com

There are no shortages of more honest stories on how Viet girls are abused and even killed by their Chinese husbands. Same for Korean and Taiwan men as well. But for now, lay off on the propaganda.

UNICEF Viet Nam - Media centre - Campaign to Stop Trafficking in Women and Children Between Viet Nam and China

I read through your article. One word: LOL!

Every sensible East Asian knows that, in general, Japanese man is more abusive than S. Korean, that is more abusive than Taiwanese, that is more abusive than man in mainland of China.

You know why? Because Mao and CPC called for complete equality of man and woman. Confucius, as old Chinese culture would dictate, didn&#8217;t treat women as human beings. CPC more or less wiped off Confucius ideology, but not in Japan/S.Korea/Taiwan where Confucius tradition is still strong.

Please google translate this article, to see how two-way choice makes the Chinese and Vietnam a family. Of course, if American money talks, don&#8217;t expect Chinese money doesn&#8217;t talk&#8230; &#161;&#176;&#181;&#189;&#212;&#189;&#196;&#207;&#207;&#224;&#199;&#215;&#200;&#165;&#161;&#177;&#163;&#186;&#180;&#243;&#194;&#189;&#161;&#176;&#209;&#176;&#198;&#222;&#191;&#205;&#161;&#177;&#199;&#243;&#197;&#188;&#185;&#253;&#179;&#204;(&#215;&#233;&#205;&#188;) - &#200;&#171;&#199;&#242;&#200;&#200;&#181;&#227; - &#186;&#163;&#205;&#226;&#187;&#170;&#200;&#203;&#214;&#208;&#206;&#196;&#195;&#197;&#187;&#167;

No one denying woman traffic, that is a tragedy, that's how women being mistreated. I saw couple here in USA as well.

Can anyone tell abused women can laugh full-hearty like that?

Toast to the happy and beautiful Vietnamese girls! :cheers: Sincerely hope you all find a happy home in China! Keep up your nice work of making some of our Vietnamese &#8220;military Profession&#8221; loser-man sour-grape.

BTW, it's US soldiers and you type of Vietnamese made Vietnam have more women than men&#8230; :tdown:
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Toast to the happy and beautiful Vietnamese girls! :cheers: Sincerely hope you all find a happy home in China! Keep up your nice work of making some of our Vietnamese “military Profession” loser-man sour-grape.

BTW, it's US soldiers and you type of Vietnamese made Vietnam have more women than men… :tdown:
Buddy...I dumped a Thai beauty after two weeks when I was in Florida because she was a ******. I dated women of all ethnicities and my current G/F is half Chilean and half who-knows-what. Every time I go back to VN, there are no shortages of Viet girls who will gladly leave VN with me. Like it or not, pal, the main reason why so many Viet girls left VN for China or Taiwan or SKR is to escape the economic failure created by communism, not because they see something special in Chinese men.
I think this neo Nazi white supremacist nut who thinks he is as handsome as Tom Cruise must have been an HIV infected as it is evident from his post that he sleeps with prostitutes. :lol:

Buddy...I dumped a Thai beauty after two weeks when I was in Florida because she was a ******. I dated women of all ethnicities and my current G/F is half Chilean and half who-knows-what. Every time I go back to VN, there are no shortages of Viet girls who will gladly leave VN with me.

And since some prostitutes paid some attention to this guy, this guy has started considering himself as Hero No 1. :rofl: :rofl:

Anyway, Mods should see how this $$&^&#37;$% is insulting girls of a particular nation.

Man, indeed, racists remain very safe sitting behind a computer. Sorry Mods, but I don't tolerate racist insults on women.
I read through your article. One word: LOL!

Every sensible East Asian knows that, in general, Japanese man is more abusive than S. Korean, that is more abusive than Taiwanese, that is more abusive than man in mainland of China.
So no Chinese would ever considered the above to be 'racist' even indirectly. Chinese men who tells stories of happy Viet women are to be taken as gospel truth but Viet families who tells stories of their unhappy daughters in China are laughable. If anything, even though we Viet make no secret of our Chinese ancestry and Northern Viet such as my family are actually proud of it, we know how condescending the Chinese are to when it comes to SE Asians.

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