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How Tough is China’s Mission to Fight Terrorism

100 years of Chinese presence in Holland
YouTube - 100 years of Chinese presence in Holland

Bantu my foot... don't cross the limit.

Go to your Turkey and celebrate your foolishness there. Let me see how the Turks about whom you are fantasizing treat you in reality... don't get upset if they use some racially oriented derogatory terms as part of their hospitality. :whistle:

Hey dude, It happens that I've spent considerable time of my life in Holland :smitten: sort of grew up in the region. I wasn't aware that Chinese have been in Holland for 100 yrs already until you mentioned it. Turks in Holland are definitely not the sharpest tool. Majority of them are in Kabab biz, many are scums of the local society. If you go to some centain nightclubs where large number of Turks used to gether, they often carry knives and will not hesitate a second to stab you if you take a wrong look, kind of like blacks in the states. Many years ago, a group of turks kicked a foreigner to death at the entrance of a nightclub...

Chinese in Benelux though are more mixed, originally coming from everywhere from China/HK, souhteast Asia even Brazil. Most of us have integrated into the local society long ago, spreading across allover the places (even in small villages)in the region. So even when one goes to Chinatown in Amsterdam, or Brussels, or even Frankfurt, he won't find as many Chinese there as in, for example, SF (I know it's not a good comparison, still, it's far less than one should expect). Last time I was in Amsterdam was pre-2008 Summer Olympics rally in the central plaza near the Centraal Station, a stone's throw away from Chinatown. It was a fantastic festival-alike open-air concert packed with Chinese students and the locals, organised by Chinese Accosiation of the Nederlands and overseas Chinese students. :smitten:
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Let me join the pan-earth digression? :cheesy:

Personally, I think Chinese civilization is NOT exclusively ethnic/racial specific, though the main carrier of the civilization is Han which is a function of time. Anyone who adopts the culture and tradition, etc. and is willing to live in “China” (which is also a function of time) can be the Chinese.

Recent study of DNA seems to suggest strongly that when entering Asian continents from Africa, a subset of the early man roamed into China via two routes: one was through Indian subcontinent and enters China from South. This set of tribes was later under the control of Emperor Yan (炎). The other went perhaps through Iran/Afghanistan/central Asia into China. This set of tribes was later under control of Emperor Huang (黄). And that famous battle who-knows-how-long-ago sort of reunited the two sets of tribes.

I think it is still a mystery why those occupies the Yellow River basin can out-develop those in peripheral areas. A then rich soil and favorable weather there must have played a vital role, such that people could release themselves from daily toil and study language and techniques. But the tribes lived in Zhejiang, known as Liangzu Culture (良渚文化) should also have those favorable factors. One reason may be that the location in Zhejiang is not as vital as Yellow River basin.

As the civilization formed, it started being admired by “barbarians” around China proper. Given then low mobility in life, I’d like to guess the Chinese from south and from north must have more different features than they are now. And the barbarians are constantly being absorbed into the Chinese, peacefully or forcefully.

The biggest mixture of the race is arguably during the Age of Fragmentation The Age of Fragmentation - China History Forum, Chinese History Forum

It is interesting to look at Vietnamese and Koreans. They have their own language now, but if they completely abandon Chinese language, they lose their history: as their histories are all in Chinese. To some extent, this applies to Japanese as well.

So even they are not Chinese today, they are still a part of Chinese civilization. A little peripheral, though...
Hey dude, It happens that I've spent considerable time of my life in Holland :smitten: sort of grew up in the region. Turks in Holland are definitely not the sharpest tool. Most of them are in Kabab biz, many are scums of the local society. If you go to some centain nightclubs, most turks there carry knives and will not hesitate a second to stab you if you take a wrong look, kind of like blacks in the states.

Actually you know what pisses me is that the people who did a disgusting genocide during the first world war and killed the Armenian civilians in the same way Nazis did during the second world war... I mean there are striking similarities between the Armenian genocide and the Jewish genocide and these are well documented... now these people are still having the dream of building a Turanian empire at the cost of some weak peaceful nations of Central Asia. I mean if they want to move the wheel of Time backward and build their dream project Turan empire, they will have to occupy Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia and also other central Asian as well as Eastern European nation states... and these people do have the habit of (judging from the Armenian genocide) of systematically murder the masses. They are the most dangerous people. We can't let them slaughter innocent peaceful people of other central Asian states for their building of the Turanian empire.

Look, here many people always go by religion, and they have sympathy for Turanian terrorists because they belong to their religion. This is a blunder they are going to commit. If you have been to the Middle East, you know how it divides along Shia Sunni lines and if the Turanian terrorists get any potential WMD like a nuclear bomb, they will start threatening their weak neighbors to nuke them any time.

And they might actually nuke them... they are very crazy and they cannot be relied upon.

Look at this low life scumbag...

This Uighur terrorist used to dream about building the Turanian empire... but his body was blown to bits by a US drone. Actually you know, Chinese politburo guys are educated and thats why very peaceful and always show restraint. This is the reason Uighur terrorists might have taken the Hans weak people. These Uighur terrorists should have lived in Palestine or Northern Caucasus to experience something different. They are lucky that China has a kind hearted premier like Wen Jiabao who must have stopped Hu Jintao of using any force to counter Uighur terrorism. We all know PLA is under the command of Hu. But the Uighurs, if they cross the limit, there would not be PAP in Xinjiang... their terrorism might force Hu to allow PLA handle the situation. And if PLA armored division goes to Xinjiang, Uighur terrorists will not even have the time to regret. Had there been any person like me in place of Hu Jintao, I would have already sent PLA with T 99 tanks and PLAAF H-6K Badgers to clear the mess strictly within 24 hours.

Because when I see the photos where small children were brutally slaughtered on the streets... my blood starts boiling. Chinese people bled to death on the streets of Urumqi... still the elite Politburo is talking about peaceful harmony...!!!

China still needs to learn from Pakistan. See how Pakistan army is dealing with terrorism.
Let me join the pan-earth digression? :cheesy:

Personally, I think Chinese civilization is NOT exclusively ethnic/racial specific, though the main carrier of the civilization is Han which is a function of time. Anyone who adopts the culture and tradition, etc. and is willing to live in “China” (which is also a function of time) can be the Chinese.


It is interesting to look at Vietnamese and Koreans. They have their own language now, but if they completely abandon Chinese language, they lose their history: as their histories are all in Chinese. To some extent, this applies to Japanese as well.

So even they are not Chinese today, they are still a part of Chinese civilization. A little peripheral, though...

Agreed except one point: I disgree that
Anyone who adopts the culture and tradition, etc. and is willing to live in “China” (which is also a function of time) can be the Chinese.

For instance, indians live in China, and are willing to adopt Chinese culture and tradition, will locals accept them as "Chinese"? I think not , and I believe most, if not all, Han Chinese think not :disagree:

Having said that, I know that I am risking hurting the feeling of many Central Asian Chinese citizens by not being politically correct. Yet face it, many existing Central Asian Chinese citizens have already had certian amount of Mongoloid blood in their veins. Centainly, they are Chinese by nationality, but not Chinese by culture and pure bloodness.

You see, Chineseness has to do with race as well, being a Mongoloid race seems to be the tacit yet resolute requirement. This is what differentiats the East Asian culture (largely being Chinese culture) from modern day American or European artificial multi-culti ones. Chinese culture has always been held together by Han in history even under foreign occupations( mogols and Manchu). So the race factor of being Han is an inseperable part of being Chinese, being a Han Chinese particularly. Even for Muslin Chinese in China, for example, they largely look almost the same as Han due to centries of mixed breeding, apart from sharing largely the same Chinese culture, to such a large entent that they are actually Han Chinese in a nutshell, even though being labelled political correctly as "Hui" ( Muslim Chinese). The similar goes with many others.

Therefore, even though the origin of the Han was coming from sort of misterious "mixed" race in the acient past as you mentioned, Han Chinese is THE most hardcore racialist( note: which is different from racist per see) one can find anywhere on earth! This is proven by the fact, among other causes, that the Han is largest homogeneous populace in human history, relatively speaking.

All these arguments should not neccesarily give seperalists an excuse. China is a cilvilisation, but also an empire ever since she expanded towards central asia long time ago. Thus Central Asians can be model Chinese citizens enjoying all teh rights as the Han and even more, while not fullly recognised, strictly speaking, as "Chinese" (the Han really, and all what it represents) in Chinese traditional folk culture.

Generally, I think fighting terrorism should be a piece of cake for Han Chinese, as China is the most successful example in the textbook of world history of how to deal with Separatist influence. Some central Asians' trying to seperat from CHina is 100X harder than trying to seperate Alaska or Texas from the USA.
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if all else fails we can always deport them to that land of freedom, afghanistan, where there are free elections and the great US army "protecting" them. i think they'll feel more at home there.

90% of muslims in china have no problem with the government, only the Uighurs do.
if all else fails we can always deport them to that land of freedom, afghanistan, where there are free elections and the great US army "protecting" them. i think they'll feel more at home there.

90% of muslims in china have no problem with the government, only the Uighurs do.

Wrong conception, they don't have problem with the government, Xinjiang is an autonomous province and its ruled by Uighurs themselves.

He is a Uighur.


???????????? ??????? ????????? ???????????? ???????? - China Radio International

Actually the Uighur separatists are against Chinese, because they think they all are Caucasoids which is not true. They are as Mongoloids as the Mongolians themselves are.
Wrong conception, they don't have problem with the government, Xinjiang is an autonomous province and its ruled by Uighurs themselves.

He is a Uighur.


???????????? ??????? ????????? ???????????? ???????? - China Radio International

Actually the Uighur separatists are against Chinese, because they think they all are Caucasoids which is not true. They are as Mongoloids as the Mongolians themselves are.

Uighurs are bast**d by definition. As you said, if the seperalists really want to trace their anceators, most likely they'll find that nothing could dominate their Mongol bloodline.

Uighur are about as to Caucasoids as I am to Eskimos. :lol: I am Han by the way.

It reminds me that disgusting Ribera said to the German press that her skin is as white as Caucasoids while that of Chinese are yellow. Damn it! Being a typical Northern Han Chinese myself, my skin tone is as white as Northen European Caucasoids, while definitely much "whiter" than typical Southern Europeans, let alone those avearge Uighurs . No kidding.
Slightly outside the topic: without DNA from labs, it is ridiculous for Uighurs to have such a claim. Skin colour and facial looks are not proof.

For example, I am well over 6 foot, say about 6'1. When I went to Spain for summer vacations with my mates - most of them Northen Europeans, I usually got tanned much eaiser than they did. Nevertheless, once, after the a nearly perfect tan, I went to a local nightclub with friends. The local Spanish group took me as an Italian (it happens that I have a Roman nose and big eyes) and cursed me in Spanish "Bastardo Italiano, tu" (you bastard italian) when they thought I was flirting with one of their favorate chics; while an Italian dude nearby in the same nightclub heard that "Bastardo Italiano, tu" and almost wanted to fight me, thinking I was the Spanard who said that to him; my mates still thought I am Chinese of course and got confused; and my English gf who came later, shocked by my tanned skin and thought I was a Filipino at a distance...ha ha ha. See? Facial features and skin tone tell nothing about who you really are, only a stereotype guess.

Oh, just want to add, I remember 1 or 2 days later when we went to a local Chinese reataurant in a big group, I sat in the corner quietly... when it was my turn to order dishes, I naturally spoke Mandarin to the waitdress, she shocked, then covered her mouth laughing...she also thought that I was not a Chinese by simplely glancing over my deep-tanned skin.
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Uighurs are bast**d by definition. As you said, if the seperalists really want to trace their anceators, most likely they'll find that nothing could dominate their Mongol bloodline.

Uighur are about as to Caucasoids as I am to Eskimos. :lol: I am Han by the way.

It reminds me that disgusting Ribera said to the German press that her skin is as white as Caucasoids while that of Chinese are yellow. Damn it! Being a typical Northern Han Chinese myself, my skin tone is as white as Northen European Caucasoids, while definitely much "whiter" than typical Southern Europeans, let alone those avearge Uighurs . No kidding.


Well, I must covey this message to the Uighur separatists.

Hey you illiterate uneducated junks, it will just take a fraction of a second for your God Mother Rebiya to turn her back to your faces under a different circumstance. The sooner you realize this, the better would be consequences for you...

As for the Northern Hans, I know they are warrior like people and they do have Sogdiana (Aryan) blood flowing through their veins... Just read my post above and you will understand.

I don't know whether you know or not, but Confucius himself was an Aryan by look and there are many historical evidences as well.

I will post a stunning historical article in my next post.

Well, I must covey this message to the Uighur separatists.

haha, sorry for my mispelling as I didn't quite remember her exact name, but am sure she said exactly the same thing to a German (or maybe Swedish?)megazine.

I don't know whether you know or not, but Confucius himself was an Aryan by look and there are many historical evidences as well.

no kidding, many European supermacists are so eager to claim that Chinese civilsation was founded by whites, by falsely claiming Confucius was an aryan, or some remote tomb mummies, blah blah ....

:lol: yeah right, if Confucius were aryan, I must be aryan too? No Way!!

Confucius was Han! :china:
haha, sorry for my mispelling as I didn't quite remember her exact name, but am sure she said exactly the same thing to a German (or maybe Swedish?)megazine.

no kidding, many European supermacists are so eager to claim that Chinese civilsation was founded by whites, by falsely claiming Confucius was an aryan, or some remote tomb mummies, blah blah ....

yeah right, if Confucius were aryan, I must be aryan too? No Way!!

Confucius was Han! :china:

Of course Confucius was a Han. No doubt about that. But there are some portraits which portray him as Aryan looking?? Why?




The answer is the Sogdian (Aryan) women.

Now, lets have a look at the terracotta warriors.



Face close up:


Ancient Sogdian books refer to this kind of chariots. And the Hans used to use this particular kind of chariot.


When did the first Sogdian arrive in China to trade? Various answers have been given to this quite simple question, but one of the most popular, which can still be found in many recent books or articles, makes Alexander the Great the villain of the story. Due to the disaster which befell Sogdiana during his campaigns there in 329-328 BCE, the Sogdians would have been forced to emigrate as far east as China. The creation of the Sogdian trading network between Samarkand and China thus was a by-product of the Greek conquest of the Achaemenid Empire.

Sogdians in China: A Short History and Some New Discoveries

But my next post will be more stunning.
haha, sorry for my mispelling as I didn't quite remember her exact name, but am sure she said exactly the same thing to a German (or maybe Swedish?)megazine.

no kidding, many European supermacists are so eager to claim that Chinese civilsation was founded by whites, by falsely claiming Confucius was an aryan, or some remote tomb mummies, blah blah ....

:lol: yeah right, if Confucius were aryan, I must be aryan too? No Way!!

Confucius was Han! :china:

You know the Huns of Attila were disgustingly barbaric people always busy at occupying others' territories and slaughtering civilians. Attila's Huns drove the Gothic people from to the Roman empire due to which today Europe exists.

Huns used to boast that no one could stop them from advancing. The Huns along with the Sogdians (Aryans) of the Tarim basin were planning to create a central Asian empire at the expense of China. The Hans showed restraint and sent an envoy, the barbaric Huns mistreated the envoy. The Hans then decided to teach the Huns a good lesson. The Huns were actually using the Sogdians (Aryans) as mere pawns against China.

A Han expedition defeated both the Huns and the Sogdian Aryans, while the Huns were mostly killed, the Sogdians were held as captives and were brought to China. Later the Sogdian women married the Hans as only Hans could give them protection and social status. They became incorporated into the Chinese society.

Here is a short history of the Han expedition from the University of Virginia Library.

The history of the former Han dynasty

The affair of Chih-chih's son deepened the enmity between himself
and the Chinese. His son had been staying at the Chinese court; in
45 B.C., Chih-chih sent an envoy with presents, asking that his son be
returned. The proper thing was for a Chinese envoy to convoy the boy safely to his father's court, for which purpose Ku Chi was appointed.

Some Chinese officials, however, feared for the safety of a Chinese envoy and argued that it would be sufficient to escort the boy to the borders.

Ku Chi replied that for the sake of future relations with Chih-chih, the
boy should be convoyed all the way. The matter seems to have been
delayed and debated from 45 to 42 B.C.; perhaps because of this circumstance, when Ku Chi reached Chih-chih's court with the boy, Chih-chih killed the Chinese envoy. He knew that he had outraged the Chinese by this act, and that they would try to take vengenace, so he planned to flee further west.

Chih-chih's move to Sogdiana was on invitation of the King. The
Greek kingdom in Sogdiana , a state located across the mountains of
central Asia west of the Wu-sun, in the valley of the Jaxartes River,
had collapsed a century previously; at this time the Sogdianans were
much troubled by Wu-sun raids into their territory. Knowing of Chih-chih's great fame as a victorious fighter and Shan-yü, and remembering that the Wu-sun had previously been vassals of the Huns, the King of Sogdiana invited Chih-chih to settle on the eastern borders of Sogdiana , and serve as a defence against the Wu-sun. An arrangement was made, and the King of Sogdiana sent some nobles with several thousand camels, *****, and horses to convoy Chih-chih. Unfortunately for him, a cold spell caught his troop on the road and only 3,000 people survived the trip to Sogdiana . Unless Chih-chih was followed by other Huns at other dates (which does not seem very likely) there was thus in this century no mass migration of Huns westwards.

The King of Sogdiana and Chih-chih confirmed their alliance by each
marrying the other's daughter. With Sogdianan troops, Chih-chih
attacked and drove away the Wu-sun, penetrating deep into their territory, so that they left their western borders uninhabited for a thousand li.

Other successes puffed Chih-chih up until he repudiated the King of
Sogdiana as his overlord and killed the King's daughter, setting himself up as an independent king and building a fortified capital city for himself. He exacted tribute even from Ferghana and states north of it, which were Chinese tributaries.

Chih-chih's power was a threat to the Chinese hold on the Tarim basin.

At this time the valley of the Tarim basin (with surrounding regions
west and north) was called by the Chinese "the Western Frontier
Regions." It had been put under the control of a Protector-General with an Associate. To maintain order, a Chinese military force was established in a central part of the Tarim basin (usually at Turfan) as an agricultural colony, under an officer called the Mou-and-Chi Colonel. (Mou and chi are the central stems and this officer was located in the center of the Western Frontier Regions.) Each of the cities in the Western Frontier Regions was also required to contribute a force of levies at the call of the Emperor. The office of Protector-General had been established in 67 B.C. and later, in 59 B.C., its rank had been increased to fully two thousand piculs, a rank the same as that of Grand Administrators of Commanderies and many court officials. The office of Mouand-Chi Colonel had been established in 48 B.C.; hence it can be seen that the Tarim basin did not become an important part of the Chinese administration until almost the latter half of the first century B.C.

In 38 B.C. Ch'en Tang was sent out to the Tarim basin as Associate
to the new Protector-General, Kan Yen-shou. The former was an ambitious boy from a poor family, who had been given very minor posts and had asked for a foreign appointment in order to have an opportunity to distinguish himself. He showed himself a man of keen insight and paid much attention to his duties. He soon comprehended the political situation of central Asia, and saw in Chih-chih a potential source of serious danger to Chinese interests. Chih-chih was brave and able, and planned an empire in central Asia athwart the silk route. Although he had moved out of the regions tributary to the Chinese, his empire would endanger the western part of the Western Frontier Regions. Hence it was important to crush him before he had established himself firmly in Sogdiana .

To attack Chih-chih rapidly required a bold stroke on Ch'en T'ang's
part. Kan Yen-shou agreed with his Associate that Chih-chih must be
crushed, and wanted to follow the usual procedure: memorialize the court and ask for permission. Ch'en T'ang had, however, gaged the temper of the Emperor and his court; such a request would bring endless delays, consultations, and finally a refusal from the pacifistic and narrow-minded court and ministers. No request was sent. Kan Yen-shou fell ill for a long period, and Ch'en T'ang seized this opportunity. He boldly forged an imperial order mobilizing the troops of the cities together with the garrison of the Mou-and-Chi Colonel. When the troops arrived at the Protector-General's seat at Wu-lei, in the neighborhood of the present Chadir, Kan Yen-shou was aghast and rose from his sick bed, intending to stop the mobilization. Ch'en T'ang, however, intimidated and persuaded his superior officer to desist. The expeditionary force, numbering more than 40,000, was organized into six regiments, each with a Colonel.

Following the Chinese practise of having separate columns converge upon a single objective, three regiments were to take the southern route along the southern border of the Takla-Makan Desert, cross the Pamirs, and traverse Ferghana to Sogdiana . The other three regiments, under the Protector-General himself, with Ch'en T'ang, were to follow the northern route, north of the desert, gather at Uch-Turfan, cross the mountains to the Issik Kul, and transverse Wu-sun territory into Sogdiana . Kan Yen-shou and Ch'en T'ang memorialized the Emperor, accusing themselves of having forged an imperial order and relating the circumstances, then set out westwards, where imperial commands to desist could not reach them for some months.

The column of the Protector-General defeated a Sogdianan raiding
party and arrived in Sogdiana ahead of the other column. The Chinese troops were kept from robbing the Sogdianans, and a secret arrangement was made with these people. Then Sogdianan nobles who had grudges against Chih-chih allowed themselves to be captured, so that the Chinese were informed of Chih-chih's circumstances. At last the Chinese army encamped three li from Chih-chih's city.

This city was defended by an earthen wall, outside of which there was
a double wooden palisade and a moat, with towers for archers inside the city. On the wall several hundred armed men were seen; outside more than a hundred cavalry rode about; and at both sides of the city gate there were lined up more than a hundred soldiers arranged "like the scales of a fish" (probably Roman legionaries from Crassus' army; cf. TP 36, 64-80). When the Hun cavalry rode towards the Chinese, the disciplined Chinese line awaited the attack with their crossbows ready cocked, so that the horsemen were repulsed with losses. The Chinese crossbows outranged the Hun bows, and arrow fire drove the Huns into their city. Then the Chinese force was marshalled around the city on all sides; the sound of a drum signalled the attack. They drained the moat and advanced with great shields in front and lances and crossbows behind. Some of these crossbows were so heavy that they could only be cocked by a strong man lying on the ground, with his feet against the bow and pulling the string with his hands. Such were the bows used by "skilled soldiers." The Hun archers were outranged, driven from their towers, and made to take refuge behind the earthen wall. Chih-chih himself, with his Yen-chih (empress) and several tens of other women, shot from one of the towers; Chinese arrows hit him in the nose and killed some of his ladies, so that he too had to descend. Then the Chinese gathered faggots and set fire to the palisades. During the night, several hundred Hun cavalry tried to escape, but were shot down by the Chinese. By midnight the palisade was pierced, and the people within withdrew inside the earthen wall.

During the night large bands of Sogdianan cavalry surrounded the
Chinese besiegers in response to the call of Chih-chih for succor. They
attacked several times, but unsuccessfully, never pressing their attacks home. Probably they were only half-hearted, for Chih-chih had offended the Sogdianans by his high-handed actions. At dawn the Chinese feigned to attack the Sogdianans, setting fires and making a loud noise with bells, drums, and shouting, thus frightening the Sogdianan horses and driving the attackers away. Then the Chinese pushed forward against the city on all sides under protection of their large shields, and penetrated the earthen wall. Chih-chih's people, numbering more than a hundred, fled into his private quarters. The Chinese set fire to this place; in the fighting, Chih-chih was wounded and killed. The city was looted and the credentials of Ku Chi and another Chinese envoy were discovered.

Altogether 1518 heads were taken, including those of Chih-chih, his
Yen-chih, his Heir-apparent, and distinguished kings in his following.
One hundred forty-five captives (possibly the Romans) were taken alive, and more than a thousand persons surrendered. These captives were distributed among the auxiliaries of the Chinese, while the Romans were settled at Li-chien in present Kansu. From the above account, it is possible to estimate the size of Chih-chih's following. There is no indication in it of any Hun mass migration into Asia west of the central mountains. In the attack, all Huns were probably killed and those taken alive were Sogdianans and others who had joined Chih-chih.

The foregoing is the most vivid and detailed account of military
operations to be found in the HS. It is now found in the "Memoir of
Ch'en T'ang," and was probably taken from Ch'en T'ang's report to
Emperor Yüan, together with the maps of his route, adorned with paintings, which accompanied the report and which delighted the court and imperial harem. (It is translated by J. J. L. Duyvendak in T'oung Pao, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 259-261 and by de Groot in Die Hunnen, pp. 230-7.)

His expedition shows the power of the Chinese governmental organization at the time, that the Chinese should have been able, without drawing upon the central government, to make an expedition to such a vast distance and capture a fortified town, exacting vengeance for a murdered envoy.

One important reason for this success was that the Chinese enjoyed a decided material advantage over the barbarians. Many years later, in the reign of Emperor Ch'eng, another Protector-General of the Western Frontier Regions was besieged by the Wu-sun. When he sent for help, Ch'en T'ang was summoned from private life to advise the Emperor. On his expedition he had suffered from cold, so that he was not able to straighten his arms, hence he was specially exempted from the usual prostrations when he entered the imperial presence. Ch'en T'ang said that the barbarians' swords had been blunt and their bows and crossbows were not good, so that one Chinese soldier had been equal to five barbarian soldiers; that by this time the barbarians had secured some of the Chinese skill, but even yet one Chinese was worth three barbarians.

Mr. C. W. Bishop suggested that perhaps these barbarians, like the
Germans conquered by Julius Caesar, did not know how to temper iron, with the result that their weapons were soft. Probably the barbarians' crossbows did not have the efficient Han crossbow trigger mechanism, the secret of which, (a triple compound lever) was closely guarded and not permitted to leave China, so that it did not reach even medieval Europe. Without such a mechanism, strong crossbows would not be practical. Chinese crossbow bolts could drive defenders from a city wall. Chinese mechanical skill undoubtedly played a large part in their military conquests.

How did the central government treat its servants who had achieved a notable victory? Similarly to the way governments in Europe have
sometimes treated those who conquered colonial territory for them.
Emperor Yüan was inwardly elated and proud of Ch'en T'ang's achievement, the most brilliant in several reigns. But Shih Hsien, Emperor Yüan's favorite eunuch, who controlled the government, bore a grudge against Kan Yen-shou. Shih Hsien had wanted to marry his elder sister to Kan Yen-shou, but the latter had refused. The meticulous Confucian Lieutenant Chancellor, K'uang Heng, and the Confucian Grandee Secretary, P'an Yen-shou, were mortally offended because the imperial order summoning the expedition had been forged. Thus the influential ministers were united against Ch'en T'ang. In the spring of 35 B.C., the head of Shan-yü Chih-chih arrived in Ch'ang-an, with the suggestion that it be hung up at the gate of the Lodge in Ch'ang-an for Barbarian Princes, in order to show them that even if a person who had outraged the Chinese should fly to the most distant parts, he would be pursued and executed. But the ministers memorialized that, according to the Confucian rules for the seasons, winter was the time for executions and spring was the time to cover skeletons and bury carcases, so that the head should not be hung up. The generals at the Chinese court, however, replied that it should be hung up for ten days and then buried. Ch'en T'ang was accused of avarice and of having sent into China illegally-obtained wealth. The Colonel Director of the Retainers, whose duty it was to investigate imperial officials in the capital and neighboring commandaries, ordered that Ch'en T'ang's conduct should be investigated.

Normally Ch'en T'ang would have been arrested and imprisoned;
Ch'en T'ang replied, asking if the Colonel was avenging the death of
Chih-chih. Emperor Yüan was shocked and immediately sent out
officers and soldiers, ordering the cities to feast Ch'en T'ang's troops.
Shih Hsien and K'uang Heng, however, told the Emperor at a banquet
that since Kan Yen-shou and Ch'en T'ang had raised their army by
forging an imperial order, they would be fortunate not to be executed,
and, if they were rewarded by being given noble ranks and estates, their illegal acts would be repeated by later envoys, thus causing trouble for the government. Although Emperor Yüan was delighted at the great military victory achieved in his reign, he did not want to go contrary to the advice of his favorite eunuch and Lieutenant Chancellor, so the matter dragged along for a long time. In 33 B.C., Kan Yen-shou was at last given a full marquisate with a small estate, and Ch'en T'ang was made a Kuan-nei Marquis. They were each given a grant of a hundred catties of actual gold and official promotion. That same year the Hun Shan-yu Hu-han-hsieh came to pay court to Emperor Yüan to thank him for having annihilated his rival.

When, a month later, Emperor Ch'eng came to the throne, K'uang
Heng memorialized that Ch'en T'ang had not acted correctly towards
the barbarians; he had stolen the treasures he secured in Sogdiana , and although he had done these things before a general amnesty had been declared, yet it was not proper that he should occupy an official position. So he was tried and dismissed. Later he was accused and condemned on a capital charge; Emperor Ch'eng freed him from punishment, but took away his noble rank and made him a common soldier. The imperial ministers had long memories for an offence against their pride.

The history of the former Han dynasty :: :: University of Virginia Library
race isn't important, it is obvious that chinese people are not white and are not even close to white. the only "white" chinese people are the russians that escaped the czar in the 19th century and have lived in china for generations, and they make up less than 0.001% of the population.

uighurs are not even close to white, stand an uighur chinese and russian chinese together and the difference is self evident.
race isn't important, it is obvious that chinese people are not white and are not even close to white. ...

Race is VERY important.

Indeed behend every significant human endeavour, there is a race responsible for it. So far I see only 2 races who have contributed a lion share to culture, art, sciences and every field you can honestly name of in human history :

Sino-centered North-East Asians AND Greek-Anglo-German centered Europeans. (with no specific peck order up to this point in history)

Race is not important?

Be proud to be Han!

Again, I am not a racist, but definitely a racialist.
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Race is VERY important.

Indeed behend every significant human endeavour, there is a race responsible for it. So far I see only 2 races who have contributed a lion share to culture, art, sciences and every field you can honestly name of in human history :

Sino-centered North-East Asians AND Greek-Anglo-German centered Europeans. (with no specific peck order up to this point in history)

Race is not important?

Be proud to be Han!

Again, I am not a racist, but definitely a racialist.

Honestly speaking, I don't think there is a good prospect for Hans in China. The Hans of mainland China face discrimination at home. Who is responsible for this?

Of course the anti nationalist unpatriotic Communist regime of China. The commie comedians are gradually making the Hans a minority in China with their one child policy. Only the Hans are not allowed to have as many Children as they want. Uighurs can have as many as want. WTF? If you pursue one child policy, pursue it for all, why make discrimination?

Han families should be encouraged to have more Han boys. China needs more Han men to protect the territorial integrity. China has a vast border, shortage of Han soldiers will make the borders vulnerable. This is why Uighur separatist terrorists have been able to plan about building their Turanian empire splitting Xinjiang from China. Why don't the commie comedians of Beijing understand this simple fact? Actually these money grubbing greedy anti nationalists who worship the hilarious commie symbol don't want to understand. They want to destroy the Hans and China.

When these sol called elite commie comedians appear on the TV to do some comedy shows, I just laugh at them.

During the Han dynasty China was so powerful. Only Hans can make China powerful. Look, there were drastic changes in China during the Sino Japanese, Sino British, Sino American as well as civil wars. Many brave Hans died during the wars, many fled to Taiwan and other parts of the world.

Just see the Hans of Taiwan, see how such a small island which used to be inhabitated by some primitive tribals emerged as a potential regional power after the mainland nationalist Hans fled to it and settled there down. Have you ever heard about the Taiwan tribals demanding separation from the Hans of Taiwan? No, the tribals can't do that because they know the might of the Hans of Taiwan. Actually I am an admirer of the Taiwanese Hans. Though they have been converted into Christianity, but still they are Hans and their blood remains as same as it used to be in the past.

Just think what would have happened to the Uighur terrorists, if the Nationalist govt of Taiwan had been in power in mainland China. But the commie comedians act as if Xinjiang is a disputed territory and so they don't have the right to punish the separatists and terrorists. Why so inferiority complex these commie comedians have, I simply can't figure out. This is why the proud Taiwanese Hans don't want to be part of China.

The central govt should issue a statement saying if anyone think that he is not Chinese, he can get out of the country because this country is not his home.

China needs to have a leader like Putin.

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