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How Tough is China’s Mission to Fight Terrorism

Some racist anti Chinese China hater just accused me of preaching pan Mongolism... hilarious accusation. The person does not know pan Mongolism would include native Americans as well... though majority of them have been wiped off systematically by the Anglo Britons. The present population is of course a bastardized sub-ethnic group.

Well, Empire is different from Civilization.

Let me put some examples.

Mayan, not empire but civilization.
Mesopotamian, not empire but civilization.
Egyptian, not empire but civilization.
Harappan or Indus, not empire but civilization.

Similarly the oldest of all, Chinese, not empire but civilization.

Mongolian, not civilization but empire.
British, not civilization but empire.
Tsarist Russian, not civilization but empire.

Are the Romans not both a civilization and the Roman Empire? The Royal Sassanians both a civilization and the Persian Empire?

What are you smoking, comrade? Empires and civilizations are not mutually exclusive ...

Many empires are civilizations of their own right. And most, if not all civilizations of antiquity consisted of an empire or empires at one time or another - what's so hard to understand, Professor?

BTW, I do not accuse - much less accusing the "United Nations":D. I simply ask questions. Given your immense know-how of the Chinese Civilization (ahem, ahem), would you please shed some light on which of the Muslim "西北五马" forces eliminated the short-lived "East Turkistani State"?

C'mon now - it's alright don't tell us who you are. But do share thy unfathomable knowledge, will ya?
<We lost too much.> **** that much? Didn't ZZT (General Zuo Zongtang) recovered the territory (especially the Ili region) back from the ******* Russia?

NOTE: Some Chinese restaurants in the US serve a dish called General Tso's chicken. This could be referring to ZZT. Strangely, I don't see this dish on the menu of the Chinese restaurants in Asia (or maybe it's just a matter of time before I find one).
china was always a modern nation state. people have identified with being chinese for 5000 years. this is in contrast to the british or US empires where the governed never considered themselves to be british or american.
...the short-lived "East Turkistani State"?

Another invalid term. What if I claim I had a short lived East Antarctica state?

Look, my dear Xinjiang born anti Chinese separatist brother, I want to convey a message to you all and also to your Anglo Saxon masters.

You people use the race card to serve your vested political interests saying that Uighurs are not Chinese but Turks. I know you indicate the different physical structures between Caucasoids and Mongoloids. But you must know every action has opposite and equal reaction. We can also use the race card to counter your race card. You said I was preaching pan Mongolism. Then why are you preaching pan Turanism or Turkism? If you preach Pan Turkism, we will preach pan Mongolism... lets see who wins? Even Japanese will be on our side. If you try to instigate Caucasoid states, We can also instigate the Mongoloids of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia etc. So think hundred times before using the race card, it might back fire. I know BBC is trying its best to use the race card to split China, but consider your self lucky Chinese media does not use race card. Just one official press release from China will be more than enough, because blacks dislike the Anglos more than anyone else.
<this is in contrast to the british or US empires where the governed never considered themselves to be british>

WTF? During the British colonial period, the subjects would like to be called British. Unfortunately, they are forbidden.

If you're a subject you can only be British if you are from a royal family, wealthy family, etc.
<We lost too much.> **** that much? Didn't ZZT (General Zuo Zongtang) recovered the territory (especially the Ili region) back from the ******* Russia?

NOTE: Some Chinese restaurants in the US serve a dish called General Tso's chicken. This could be referring to ZZT. Strangely, I don't see this dish on the menu of the Chinese restaurants in Asia (or maybe it's just a matter of time before I find one).

Look at the map I posted above.
<We lost too much.> **** that much? Didn't ZZT (General Zuo Zongtang) recovered the territory (especially the Ili region) back from the ******* Russia?

NOTE: Some Chinese restaurants in the US serve a dish called General Tso's chicken. This could be referring to ZZT. Strangely, I don't see this dish on the menu of the Chinese restaurants in Asia (or maybe it's just a matter of time before I find one).

&#24038;&#20844;&#40481; is a quintessential "diaspora" dish catering to Yankee taste - I personally never had anything similar to it in China. It's way too oily.

Anyways, ZZT never recovered anything lost in the &#26279;&#26198;&#26465;&#32422; to the Tsarists ...
<because blacks dislike the Anglos more than anyone else.> Whoa. No only the blacks. How about the Latinos? How about the Irish?

<Look at the map I posted above.> Yes, I was referring to your map.
Another invalid term. What if I claim I had a short lived East Antarctica state?

Look, my dear Xinjiang born anti Chinese separatist brother, I want to convey a message to you all and also to your Anglo Saxon masters.

You people use the race card to serve your vested political interests saying that Uighurs are not Chinese but Turks. I know you indicate the different physical structures between Caucasoids and Mongoloids. But you must know every action has opposite and equal reaction. We can also use the race card to counter your race card. You said I was preaching pan Mongolism. Then why are you preaching pan Turanism or Turkism? If you preach Pan Turkism, we will preach pan Mongolism... lets see who wins? Even Japanese will be on our side. If you try to instigate Caucasoid states, We can also instigate the Mongoloids of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia etc. So think hundred times before using the race card, it might back fire. I know BBC is trying its best to use the race card to split China, but consider your self lucky Chinese media does not use race card. Just one official press release from China will be more than enough, because blacks dislike the Anglos more than anyone else.

Thanks for preaching to the choir - LMAO!

Anyways, I know what I am and Uighur I am not. But what the heck are you, Mr. UN?
<because blacks dislike the Anglos more than anyone else.> Whoa. No only the blacks. How about the Latinos? How about the Irish?

<Look at the map I posted above.> Yes, I was referring to your map.

Hispanics, Native Americans, Native Australians, Iranians... the list is getting lengthier...
<Anyways, I know what I am and Uighur I am not.> You're too defensive so you could be. LOL.

Here is my absurd thinking why you could be an Uighur:
1. You live in Canada
Many mainland Chinese (regardless of ethnicity) who moved to Canada are either criminals (meaning government officials who embezzled money) or political refugee.
2. You seem to adore Turkey
First of all if I were, so what? Are Uighurs Chinese not PRC citizens, Mr. Zimbabwe? Did you not get the memo from Mr. Sub-zero? A word of advice: don't get ahead of yourself. I will defer to your "knowledge" when the topic is Bantu homeland ...

In fact, much more likely I could be a Hui Chinese or a Manchu Chinese - but I am neither, though I know a fair number of both from Shanghai.

There were no Uighurs in Shanghai back in my days - not even Kebab sellers (they were Huis or Hans pretending to be Uighurs to increase sale :D)

Why would I adore Turkey? But I sure don't dislike a nation simply on account of their ethno-religious sympathy with a people in the land of China.

Now the Kemalists back in the days did inspire Chinese nationalists - but I don't expect you to know this part of the history ...

This is a posting from another web forum. I put it here as it is relevant.

Falun Gong is the only organization who can run daily free newspaper in all America and Canada cities.

Not even ABC, NBC, New York Times or any news paper network can daily printing out full news paper and have national news to cover the entire North America cities.

Every major Canadian cities I have been to, there are news stands giving these Falun Gong paper; there are no advertisement, no fee and the paper just magically given out daily with out stop.

Who, and which organization can print out massive news prints to cover all of North America? Only the CIA or the NSA have this type of deep pocket and unlimited amount of money at their desposal.

Also, Falun Gong have their own Satellite feeds to cover entire North America; just want kind of harmless organization have their own satellite feed in the world?

Even that Moony Fvck Cult from South Korea can't matching the power and deep pocket of Falun Gong. Washington Post is pale in comparison to the news network of Falun Gong.

That is why, I make a habit to giving Falun Gong member my middle finger whenever I see them in public. These are fvcking evil bastards.

Let me answer the question posted. If you look at the CONTENTS of the "Epoch Times" it is IDENTICAL to Jewish Media Publications. That answers the question of "who" is behind the Falun Gong. :)
<Let me answer the question posted. If you look at the CONTENTS of the "Epoch Times"> Why even bother to look at? It's GARBAGE!!!!!

<First of all if I were, so what?> Nothing wrong. But if you do let the public know.

<Are Uighurs Chinese not PRC citizens, Mr. Zimbabwe?> Of course!!!

Did you not get the memo from Mr. Sub-zero?> NOPE!!

<A word of advice: don't get ahead of yourself. I will defer to your "knowledge" when the topic is Bantu homeland ...> What's this? A threat?

<In fact, much more likely I could be a Hui Chinese or a Manchu Chinese - but I am neither, though I know a fair number of both from Shanghai.> Keep going you might get or reveal the correct one.

<There were no Uighurs in Shanghai back in my days - not even Kebab sellers> The statement is no longer true.

< (they were Huis or Hans pretending to be Uighurs to increase sale)>
Hans pretending to be Uighurs? I can understand Huis but Hans? The Hans might not understand the word halal.

BTW, the Huis are good business people.

Excellent reply brother.

Anyway, we should thank him, since finally he made the confession.

These traitors try to bite the hand that feeds them.

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