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How The Far-Right Could Cause Genocide In India | The Mehdi Hasan Show NBC

India is well on course with the systematic genocide under constitutional cover. The highly polarised marginalised society is awaiting a trigger.

Most of the media has already given a taste of what's on the offer.

Unless made to implode from within, there is no external help coming for Indians and India.
@Joe Shearer The points raised by both experts in Mehdi's show may or may not be reflective of the ground realities in India, but if I take videos of Indian Hindu posters here showing Muslims rallying with swords and provoking Hindu's as truth then its not something that helps the " Indian " situation because of if Posters on PDF has access to these videos and can be shared here without context so it can be shared on whatsapp groups without context as well that rally thousands of angry Hindu's and vice versa, posters who are posting videos of Muslims rallies and provocations does indirectly justify the behavior of Hindutva as reactionary or in more easier terms " They started/did it first ", once you get to that level you know its too late and ain't no way back from that. Sooner or later, one or series of videos either from Muslims posting about Hindu or Hindutva's posting videos of Muslim will create a reaction that big and severe that would cause a lot more damage than Gujraat, and that is something what Indians either ignorant of or purposely denying it that blaming Muslims of India or Blaming Hindu of India, or saying they did first or they started it is not helpful infact its the recipe of disaster.
You are preaching to the choir.

I agree totally.

Calling someone MC / MF is at best a DIS, not a THREAT.

If a muslim shouts "Hindu MC" in front of any temple, almost everybody will laugh it away. If a mob chants it, Hindus will call the Cops.

Hindus have been called WORSE and face this kind of abuse almost every day of the year.

1. Puducherry resident Manzoor Ali abuses Hindu deities, priests at a Hindu temple, arrested: Reports

2. Watch: Christian Missionaries Abuse Hinduism Inside Temple; Bible Smuggled Beside Lord Krishna’s Vigraha In Chennai

3. Uttar Pradesh: Muslim mob attacks Dalits inside a temple for playing bhajans on loudspeaker, six arrested

4. Bulandshahr: Shivling desecrated, Irshad arrested for urinating on the idol

I can post 100 such incidents. LOL at calling MC.
What bullshit.
@Joe Shearer The points raised by both experts in Mehdi's show may or may not be reflective of the ground realities in India, but if I take videos of Indian Hindu posters here showing Muslims rallying with swords and provoking Hindu's as truth then its not something that helps the " Indian " situation because of if Posters on PDF has access to these videos and can be shared here without context so it can be shared on whatsapp groups without context as well that rally thousands of angry Hindu's and vice versa, posters who are posting videos of Muslims rallies and provocations does indirectly justify the behavior of Hindutva as reactionary or in more easier terms " They started/did it first ", once you get to that level you know its too late and ain't no way back from that. Sooner or later, one or series of videos either from Muslims posting about Hindu or Hindutva's posting videos of Muslim will create a reaction that big and severe that would cause a lot more damage than Gujraat, and that is something what Indians either ignorant of or purposely denying it that blaming Muslims of India or Blaming Hindu of India, or saying they did first or they started it is not helpful infact its the recipe of disaster.
Let me be blunt. The way Hindus extremists operate, they have absolutely no organization to do a real genocide. It will be a "riot" killing 10s of thousands to 100s of thousands to may be a million.

But Genocide as in 10s or 100s of million killed? Not going to happen. That will require organization of Nazis, something not possible with Hindu extremists. We will be back to riot days post babri demolition. May be twice to thrice of that. But to do a Genocide of any significant number of minorities is thankfully beyond the capability of even most determined Hindu extremist organizations.

I will start getting worried if I see massive amount of fire arm training and distribution. I have been tracking that development for now many years and I have never seen it happen.

Lets not forget that ours is a country that has shrugged more than a million dead just in past two years and moved ahead with a callous indifference and a little fiddle in its feet.

My own family has seen 5 deaths. We move along.
The origin of "two nation theory" always existed, the British get wrong credit for this.

The origin of the Two Nation Theory were the Hindutvadis like Savarkar and co. who said that India should be a land of "Indian origin" people - the Hindus - and ideologies from outside and their followers - the Muslims and the Christians - have no business being in India. LOL, as if Hinduism itself had Indian origin.

BTW what are you doing in Muslim-majority Indonesia ? @Indos, please have your government send this person back to his beloved Bharat.
The origin of the Two Nation Theory were the Hindutvadis like Savarkar and co. who said that India should be a land of "Indian origin" people - the Hindus - and ideologies from outside and their followers - the Muslims and the Christians - have no business being in India. LOL, as if Hinduism itself had Indian origin.

BTW what are you doing in Muslim-majority Indonesia ? @Indos, please have your government send this person back to his beloved Bharat.

I was inspired by you and have quit my job to build microprocessors. I want to be as successful as you.
Let me be blunt. The way Hindus extremists operate, they have absolutely no organization to do a real genocide. It will be a "riot" killing 10s of thousands to 100s of thousands to may be a million.

But Genocide as in 10s or 100s of million killed? Not going to happen. That will require organization of Nazis, something not possible with Hindu extremists. We will be back to riot days post babri demolition. May be twice to thrice of that. But to do a Genocide of any significant number of minorities is thankfully beyond the capability of even most determined Hindu extremist organizations.

I will start getting worried if I see massive amount of fire arm training and distribution. I have been tracking that development for now many years and I have never seen it happen.

Lets not forget that ours is a country that has shrugged more than a million dead just in past two years and moved ahead with a callous indifference and a little fiddle in its feet.

My own family has seen 5 deaths. We move along.

Not retreating from my position but taking @HydraChess ' pragmatism into account, there will be no genocide, it will be communal riots ranging from the single victim to a score or so. It sounds absolutely repulsive to qualify these deaths as less or more, but while asking forgiveness of those already gone, it has to be accepted that there is actually no mechanism like the Final Solution.

Can it not be built?

No, it cannot. Anyone looking closely at the agencies that might engineer this kind of horror will realise that a bunch of idiots in khaki shorts, white shirt and and black cap can do nothing more than scare the cat.
Can it not be built?

No, it cannot. Anyone looking closely at the agencies that might engineer this kind of horror will realise that a bunch of idiots in khaki shorts, white shirt and and black cap can do nothing more than scare the cat.
The reason why this never happens is because all government employee know one thing : They work for government and not party. Parties come and go from power. They have to remain in job.
I was inspired by you and have quit my job to build microprocessors. I want to be as successful as you.

Hope Modi is funding you. And unless you change your ideology you can't be as much an achiever and intellectual as me. :)
Hope Modi is funding you. And unless you change your ideology you can't be as much an achiever and intellectual as me. :)
You are my inspiration. I have started reading Ghada-fi and will talk about creating a microprocessor and give free advice to everybody.
No, it cannot. Anyone looking closely at the agencies that might engineer this kind of horror will realise that a bunch of idiots in khaki shorts, white shirt and and black cap can do nothing more than scare the cat.
Don't get me wrong, RSS has a massive organizational capability. They run some of the tightest election campaign for BJP known to mankind. Its the real secret weapon of Modi.

Their experience with weapons is blissfully limited. Not to mention, stupidly superficial. Its more of a circus to keep people happy with no real capability. Modi fools his followers first after all.

If they were operating at the level of NCC, I would have been scared to death.
Don't get me wrong, RSS has a massive organizational capability. They run some of the tightest election campaign for BJP known to mankind. Its the real secret weapon of Modi.

Their experience with weapons is blissfully limited. Not to mention, stupidly superficial. Its more of a circus to keep people happy with no real capability. Modi fools his followers first after all.

If they were operating at the level of NCC, I would have been scared to death.

BJP election campaigns are run by BJP. RSS chips in with manpower support purely on a voluntary basis.

If RSS wants, they can build weapons capability too. Only they won't because their philosophy is the help Hindus dissolve the artificial caste barrier and help develop them into Strong individuals who value the nation.

RSS did not take up arms even during the Emergency. Though they ran the largest underground network against it.

What RSS does best is Nation building.

RSS opened the first school at Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh in 1952. Today, 12,850 schools are operating in India under Vidya Bharti.

NCC is NOTHING in front of RSS. If RSS wants it can churn out better trained men within a year.
You are my inspiration. I have started reading Ghada-fi and will talk about creating a microprocessor and give free advice to everybody.

Stop your lies. I am neither your inspiration nor are you reading Gaddafi nor will your IIT Madras ever design a microprocessor. All you do is post snarky nonsense. You are a waste of server space and internet packets. Stop polluting the internet and go back to your beloved Bharat. I reported you and your two chums.
Stop your lies. I am neither your inspiration nor are you reading Gaddafi nor will your IIT Madras ever design a microprocessor. All you do is post snarky nonsense. You are a waste of server space and internet packets. Stop polluting the internet and go back to your beloved Bharat. I reported you and your two chums.
Calm down.

They're getting to you.
If RSS wants, they can build weapons capability too. Only they won't because their philosophy is the help Hindus dissolve the artificial caste barrier and help develop them into Strong individuals who value the nation.
Last time when someone from RSS smuggled a gun and ran with it... ....well.... they got literally banned and branded a criminal organization.... to say the least. So yeah, its wise to learn from past.

Out of this BJP has 23 Million Volunteers, Bharatiya Kisan Sangh has 8 million members, Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh has 12 million members, VHP has 7 million volunteers etc.
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