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How The Far-Right Could Cause Genocide In India | The Mehdi Hasan Show NBC

Looks like you have done a detailed study of Hinduism.

Are experts on Hinduism very common in pakistan ? pdf seems to be full of them.

I don't have to be an expert to reject something that does not appeal to me

Not retreating from my position but taking @HydraChess ' pragmatism into account, there will be no genocide, it will be communal riots ranging from the single victim to a score or so. It sounds absolutely repulsive to qualify these deaths as less or more, but while asking forgiveness of those already gone, it has to be accepted that there is actually no mechanism like the Final Solution.

Can it not be built?

No, it cannot. Anyone looking closely at the agencies that might engineer this kind of horror will realise that a bunch of idiots in khaki shorts, white shirt and and black cap can do nothing more than scare the cat.
Being hopeful and positive about the out of current situation is fine, but people laughing it out even the idea of a small scale genocide is something that is problematic, lets not forget that denial in itself is a part of the Process that leads to the Genocide, whether it happens or not is a whole different thing, we see denial/blame/other/marginalizing and much more, and now it seems they are in a stage where both parties are openly antagonizing the others and all it takes a couple of videos (out of contexts) that spread on Whatsapp groups, and all it takes is a couple of nutjobs to ignite that fire, and unfortunately South Asia has a shit tons of them in our societies.
Calling someone MC / MF is at best a DIS, not a THREAT.

If a muslim shouts "Hindu MC" in front of any temple, almost everybody will laugh it away. If a mob chants it, Hindus will call the Cops.
I wanted to actually pull out my very sophisticated Punjabi vocabulary and see it in real life how yall will laugh it off like its a joke
but It didn't feel right even as an "example" or "experiment" thing
so I'll just post this video and you can imagine me or any other Muslim poster saying all that
would you find it hilarious if I said all that about Hindus or any other religion for that matter?
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Let me be blunt. The way Hindus extremists operate, they have absolutely no organization to do a real genocide. It will be a "riot" killing 10s of thousands to 100s of thousands to may be a million.
You see that is where you guys are taking it wrong, Genocide does not happen when the aggressive party becomes organized or become larger in numbers, Genocides happen when the Aggressive party who are now in numbers get Power of the State/Law in their hands, and last straw is that when Muslims realize that now its enough and they start doing things to prevent it, Muslims actions will be shown and propagated as aggressive in Hindu groups and vice versa, once things are set in motion they keep rolling and hard to stop, and the vilification of a party, show them as evil , invaders , Love Jihadi's etc, trying to present that they have some sort of evil hidden agenda to destroy the alleged Hindu Rashtra will be your war drums, yes so far its just lynching's here and there, aggressive behaviors and rallies but all it takes a petrol bomb thrown at anyone to ignite a fire that can take lives of few hundred, yes its not genocide but genocides are never a single event, its a process as mentioned by the Expert.

But Genocide as in 10s or 100s of million killed? Not going to happen. That will require organization of Nazis, something not possible with Hindu extremists. We will be back to riot days post babri demolition. May be twice to thrice of that. But to do a Genocide of any significant number of minorities is thankfully beyond the capability of even most determined Hindu extremist organizations.
I disagree and this is an extreme oversimplification of RSS and what they are capable off, even if I agree to what you say lets not forget they now have State with them, just like MODI look the other way in Gujrat, and State not just remain silent but actively participated in the murderous spree, that should be the hallmark of what these RSS and Bajran Dal people with Police and state machinery backing them would be capable of. Plus again you don't need to kill 6 million or 100 million for a genocide to take place, Systematic killing of several thousand and encampment of rest will do the job. One of them most important factor in all that will be how Muslim of India react to provocation and rising aggressiveness from the Hindu mobs outside their Mosques, Hindu's have many festivals of their own and as the trend suggest they will now on every festival will go out and provoke Muslims at their places of worship, and if it keeps happening all it takes is one mishap to happen and things then will be hard to contain unless Muslims learn their place in new Hindu India and just live in subjugation or stand up to fight which means a direct clash between a Minority and state.

I will start getting worried if I see massive amount of fire arm training and distribution. I have been tracking that development for now many years and I have never seen it happen.
You are seeing things which you have access to, what you don't have is that what's in the mind of Hindu fanatic priest or a Imam at the corner Masjid, I think your response shows that either you are just downplaying the severity of what's happening in India to Muslims and it could be because of the same reason as we see many Hindu posters here often come out to defend the Hindu fanatics and blame the victims using stupid Arguments like Love Jihad is real, Thook Jihad etc, so you are not the solution mate you are part of the problem.
And yeah, you know the reality. Sitting in Pakistan or UK or USA. Trust Me Bro?

Sitting everywhere on this planet.... Just not with Hindutva extremists

Why are you sitting here with us Muslim Pakistanis???
There is no need to cull any population. Both Muslims and Hindus belong to the same land and need to learn to live or at the least learn to bear each other. Focus by politicians on things that divide us, is a perfect way to avoid solving for problems that unite us. Having said that Hindus need to take account of what is happening to their mainstream. It is falling off the cliff into an abyss of hatred. It will eventually eat themselves. Hate is destructive.

Now for the Muslims they should not fall in a slumber and expect the Secular system will protect them. They need to mobilize, arm themselves and align. Otherwise they will be washed away. Muslims must learn to resist and fight for their rights, while giving the Hindus a means of building bridges.
Genocides in India are not possible unless India transitions overnight into a dictatorship Govt
Military or civilian dictatorship have never happened in India and not happening for the foreseeable future

Four genocides in the neighborhood - Banglas in 71, Rohingiyas, Tibetans and Uyghurs all are credited to Military / civilian dictatorships

Closest India got to civilian dictatorship was during emergency under Indira Ghandi, times are very different now

Current BJP has worry about its rule every election even at a time when opposition is at its weakest
You see that is where you guys are taking it wrong, Genocide does not happen when the aggressive party becomes organized or become larger in numbers, Genocides happen when the Aggressive party who are now in numbers get Power of the State/Law in their hands, and last straw is that when Muslims realize that now its enough and they start doing things to prevent it, Muslims actions will be shown and propagated as aggressive in Hindu groups and vice versa, once things are set in motion they keep rolling and hard to stop, and the vilification of a party, show them as evil , invaders , Love Jihadi's etc, trying to present that they have some sort of evil hidden agenda to destroy the alleged Hindu Rashtra will be your war drums, yes so far its just lynching's here and there, aggressive behaviors and rallies but all it takes a petrol bomb thrown at anyone to ignite a fire that can take lives of few hundred, yes its not genocide but genocides are never a single event, its a process as mentioned by the Expert.
We have exactly that every 2-3 years. Delhi riots, Assam riots and what not. A nation level Hindu Muslim riot last happened in 1991 after Babri demo. As far as provocations go, it has been happening since very very long. None of these, even with full state power has been able to sustain a massacar for more than few weeks to months. What you are saying ie 10s of millions of killing will require multiple months or year. Not going to happen in India because power that be will not allow. Ambani and Adani will not allow them and they bank roll the current political alliance in election. Also, even the RSS does not have organizational prowess to create a "war machine" of this order.

I disagree and this is an extreme oversimplification of RSS and what they are capable off, even if I agree to what you say lets not forget they now have State with them, just like MODI look the other way in Gujrat, and State not just remain silent but actively participated in the murderous spree, that should be the hallmark of what these RSS and Bajran Dal people with Police and state machinery backing them would be capable of. Plus again you don't need to kill 6 million or 100 million for a genocide to take place, Systematic killing of several thousand and encampment of rest will do the job. One of them most important factor in all that will be how Muslim of India react to provocation and rising aggressiveness from the Hindu mobs outside their Mosques, Hindu's have many festivals of their own and as the trend suggest they will now on every festival will go out and provoke Muslims at their places of worship, and if it keeps happening all it takes is one mishap to happen and things then will be hard to contain unless Muslims learn their place in new Hindu India and just live in subjugation or stand up to fight which means a direct clash between a Minority and state.
Well, here is one thing about the Indian "State". They are not loyal to any political party or ideology. They are loyal to their chair and their self serving interests. Secondly they are slow, inefficient and massively lethargic. Now, governments come and go but their jobs remain long enough. Remember, even with massive mendates that BJP gets, it has never attempted a Trump style capture of power. At worst horse trading of MLAs but thats the extent of it. It has not and it can not stop elections. And that itself forms the biggest deterrence to government employees. Indian state organization is slow lethargic and pathetic. Even during the worst of Covid, they did not order enough vaccines and sat on creating oxygen plants for more than an year. Because they wanted to cover their arses. Now you are telling me that suddenly these people will start building concentration camps and gas chambers to kill 10s or 100s of millions and do it fast enough. I say you are wrong. Indian state is a slow moving latharic beast with NO efficiency and NO sense of emergency at all. It cuts both ways. It means they cannt save people. It also means they cant kill people in large number even if their life depended upon it.
I wanted to actually pull out my very sophisticated Punjabi vocabulary and see it in real life how yall will laugh it off like its a joke
but It didn't feel right even as an "example" or "experiment" thing
so I'll just post this video and you can imagine me or any other Muslim poster saying all that
would you find it hilarious if I said all that about Hindus or any other religion for that matter?
lawl.. yeh kaisee batain huin but...

cmon man, I can't stop laughing lmao,, but not cool otherwise.. senti ho jate log..

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