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How The Far-Right Could Cause Genocide In India | The Mehdi Hasan Show NBC

NCC is NOTHING in front of RSS. If RSS wants it can churn out better trained men within a year.
Thankfully they don't. I will hate to see RSS mentioned on the same page as ISIS. Too many family members will then join no fly list everywhere to say the least.
India has been living with this polarization for the last 1000 years. Muslims were instructed by law to live separately from Hindus in the Indian islamic empires. I use the world islamic empire because this happened before the mughal rule.

The origin of "two nation theory" always existed, the British get wrong credit for this.

After such a long history and experience, it will take a LOT to "trigger" the Hindus into genocide. Even during the worst phase of islamic rule where hindus were second class citizens, slaves and hindu women and children were sold in bazaars, the Hindus formed the just and fair Vijaynagar Empire and the Maratha empire and gave equal right to muslims.

The problem is Muslims judge Hindus by THEIR OWN STANDARS and think Hindus will act like Muslims.

And "secular" Hindus who have drawn up and concluded a False Equivalence between Hindus and Muslims (same same) think along similar lines (only less brutal)

Which is why Muslims and "secular" Hindus Love to talk about "Hindu Taliban". An oxymoron if there ever was one.

The systematic genocide got triggered long ago with Article 35 and Ghar Wapsi program.
NCC is Indian govt organization. RSS is not. If RSS starts giving fire arm training en mass, that will be trouble.
They are already an illegal organisation.

Practising arms drill with a lathi is illegal. It is just that nobody wants to bell the cat.
Wasn't it the same Hindus who brought in Article 35 ?

Ghar Wapsi was started in 1875 by Swami Dayanand Saraswati of the Arya Samaj. This in turn gave birth to Tablighi Jamaat.
This Aryan supremacist theology has always played her part in many uncounted genocides throughout history of region known as India
If muslims decide to kill all Hindus, that would be trouble too.
@Joe Shearer See? I told you... this is the root cause. Funny enough even Modi does not want to address this. Rather why will he? Unless this is addressed, Modi or similar will remain the only answer.

RSS has No Formal "Membership".

When Nathuram godse joined Hindu Mahasabha , he effectively left RSS.
Huh? How so?
They are already an illegal organisation.

Practising arms drill with a lathi is illegal. It is just that nobody wants to bell the cat.

Chairman Meow refuses association with the RSS :
What part of Hinduism is unnatural ? Hinduism exist to teach oneness with Nature.

I am ignoring the "force" part.
For once, I find myself on your side.

Against this kind of stony obduracy, everything is a wasted effort.
Which part of that is "fake" ? pretty much all have been reported on mainstream media.

How about "no caste" in islam ?


Upper Caste "Syed" wont even accept lower caste into Islam.

All Hindutva extremist dirt. Fact is Islam is the fastest growing religion amongst converts. Most of the converts are independent educated women.

Do to any mosque in the West. Always White converts there.
LOL. I was replying to your absurd Hypothetical with an absurd Hypothetical of my own.

I have found that this is the best way to deal with nauseating "virtue signaling".

But Thank you for that excellent display of Confirmation Bias.
Of course you were. Never mind "Hypothetical" is not even a noun and i am not even sure what do you mean to say. Carry on! And don't bother about making sense. Its totally optional. well played.
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