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If the wife works family is ruined, the veil is ruined. If the wife works, society is ruined : Bangladeshi bowler Tanzim Hasan Sakib

The natural way is for the man to work and the woman to run the home/kids. Better.

Unless financial necessity forces the woman to work.
But according to such logic university education is Haram as well!

So how can an uneducated woman do a good job according to her family standard? Care to elaborate?

"If the wife works, the family is ruined. If the wife works, the veil is ruined. If the wife works, society is ruined."
. .
Maybe in Pakistan and also in rural.india
In Bangladesh as well! Most of men don't know how to cook! So it's not going to work here as well , at least not in forseable future!

However that's not a problem, because women who do job also cook at home! House maids help them with other household chores!
But according to such logic university education is Haram as well!

So how can an uneducated woman do a good job according to her family standard? Care to elaborate?
University education is haram if the wife prioritises staying at home and caring for her family?

Sorry, your logic has lost me.
. .
University education is haram if the wife prioritises staying at home and caring for her family?

Sorry, your logic has lost me.

He doesn't value women who raise children, to him they are no different to cattle. Obviously in his world an educated women cannot stoop down to having to care for her own children.
In life every thing needs a balance. If you want kids then a woman needs make sacrifice as physically she's affected. Also first few years of a child are critical and women are much better than men in raising them. Husband and wife should have clear roles it helps running the house and is good for the kids.
. .
Not because you are 'white', just judging by your posts.
University education is haram if the wife prioritises staying at home and caring for her family?

Sorry, your logic has lost me.
You are twisting my words! I quoted two post and also my points were marked with green and red text !

The cricketer is talking about ruining veil if women work!

My question was , doesn't university study ( Co-education) also ruin veil according to this logic?

You said that unless it's absolute financial necessity women shouldn't work!

My question was , if she isn't properly educated,how can she work when financial necessity force her to work?
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In Bangladesh as well! Most of men don't know how to cook! So it's not going to work here as well , at least not in forseable future!

However that's not a problem, because women who do job also cook at home! House maids help them with other household chores!
Not a good thing.. because as families get smaller they have to pitch in.

Looks like you drank the Hindutva cool aid about Muslims "breeding like rats", being "ghuspetias" and being "suicide bombers from age 9".

Of course no one in India fact-checks these things. That would be counter-productive to the BJP/RSS voting effort, to scare Hindus into voting for the incumbent Modi administration.

Bangladesh women's fertility rates have been lower than that of India for a long, long time. Indians are the ones actually "breeding like rats" because Indian women's participation rates in the workplace are much, much lower than those of Bangladeshi women.

View attachment 954926

Per capita GDP nominal of Bangladesh is equal to or higher than India, this is old news too.

And the amount of unchecked religious extremism in India today is way higher than that in Bangladesh, that is something Indians are blind to, for one reason or another.
Bangladesh is a secular state. So all respect for Bangladeshis. I dian religious extremism is way lower than other Muslim countries. Incidentally its because of Sheikh Haseena and her close working with Inidia that has helped BD come out of her morass.
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You are twisting my words! I quoted two post and also my points were marked with green and red text !

The cricketer is talking about ruining veil if women work!

My question was , doesn't university study ( Co-education) also ruin veil according to this logic?

You said that unless it's absolute financial necessity women shouldn't work!

My question was , if she isn't properly educated,how can she work when financial necessity force her to work?

You are twisting my words! I quoted two post and also my points were marked with green and red text !

The cricketer is talking about ruining veil if women work!

My question was , doesn't university study ( Co-education) also ruin veil according to this logic?

You said that unless it's absolute financial necessity women shouldn't work!

My question was , if she isn't properly educated,how can she work when financial necessity force her to work?
Sorry, misunderstood you.

Most men or women working in any economy are low educated.

I'm sure, if the will is there, you can make a women only university. I believe that there is one in Pakistan.
. .
All the women in my house in India are working 9-5 and juggling family and work. You just adapt and have fewer kids. You stay home until the kids are school going and then you start your career. You can have servants and maids, if you make good income.

So the women work in your house and you sit at the computer writing crap on pdf , lol ?
Sorry, misunderstood you.
It's alright!
Most men or women working in any economy are low educated.
However it's still ruining veil according the statement of the cricketer!

Besides, many women can't do low jobs, simply because of their family status! Like a woman who used to take house maiden for her own service , can't do the same job for another house!

There are many cases where husband had a good job and after husband died in an accident, wife is in serious trouble!

Her parents family want her to remarry, but many mother can't / don't want to do it because her new husband won't take the responsibility of her kids from previous marriage!

In this case , if her parents' family forced her to do so considering her as a burden for them , then the children's life is ruined in most of cases!

Being someone's wife ( remarriage) shouldn't be the only option for a woman!

Rather I prefer a woman as a good and reasonable mother to her children, because a mother holds the highest place!

So if she decides not to remarry and take care of her children, I always salute her!

That's why she need job , hence she needs to be educated/trained!

I'm sure, if the will is there, you can make a women only university. I believe that there is one in Pakistan.

One or two aren't enough! Besides , it's not only about educational institutes, but you have to make everything in the society that's women only if you are so strict on traditional veil system for every one.

Even living in a joint family is impossible if you literally want to ensure traditional veil system strictly!

As in a joint family , a woman shall have other male family members who are called non Mahram!

Ps - I support his ( the cricketer) freedom of speech ! But don't agree with his unrealistic suggestions ( at least in his defense we can call it wrong choice of words) !
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