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Hillary Clinton confirms US bounty on 26/11 suspect Hafiz Saeed


May 27, 2011
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Kolkata: US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Monday confirmed that the US has announced a bounty for terror group Lashkar-e-Toiba's founder and Jamat-ud-Dawa's chief Hafiz Saeed. "I authorised award for Hafiz Saeed who was responsible for attacks in Mumbai. It may take longer than we like but we will stand with you and trying to make that happen. India and US are greatest rebukes to religious discrimination," said Hillary in Kolkata on Monday.
Hafiz Saeed is believed to have been closely involved in planning and launching the Mumbai terror attacks in November 2008.
Hillary's confirmation of the bounty for Saeed assumes significance because the US Ambassador to Pakistan, Cameron Munter, had April 29 claimed that the US government never made such an offer. Munter argued that the Pakistani media had misreported the issue.
"Pakistani media is very active and responsible but it misreported the issue of Hafiz Saeed. Though Hafiz Saeed is a suspected accused of the Mumbai terror attacks, the US government didn't place any bounty/head money for him," Munter was quoted by the Dawn newspaper as saying.
Earlier, in the first week of April, US's Rewards for Justice website announced that information leading to the arrest or conviction of Saeed, 61, shall be rewarded with upto $10 million.
At an interaction with students and citizens at a Kolkata school Hillary also said that the bilateral ties between India and the US were most important. On the second day of her Kolkata visit, she lauded India's political development that exemplifies equality and empowerment.
Hillary, who will be pushing multi-brand retail in FDI and trade investment opportunities with West Bengal during her meeting with Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday, called for reducing trade barriers between the two nations.
Sticking to her agenda, Hillary said that stopping oil imports from Iran is India's role in the international community. She said that the US expected India to do more and block the threat posed by Iran.
"Arms race in region is feared as Iran pursues its nuclear program. India understands the use of diplomacy to resolve this threat and is working to lower purchase of Iran oil. We hope they will do even more. We believe this is part of India's role in the international community," she said.

Hillary Clinton confirms US bounty on 26/11 suspect Hafiz Saeed - India News - IBNLive
lets see where this actually heads. i guess time will tell if this was of any use .
Hilary Clinton is in India right now. She has said so many different things against Pakistan (India's arch enemy). Reasons are 'DIPLOMACY'....:coffee:
Hilary Clinton is in India right now. She has said so many different things against Pakistan (India's arch enemy). Reasons are 'DIPLOMACY'....:coffee:

But it does hurt Pakistan.
Hilary Clinton is in India right now. She has said so many different things against Pakistan (India's arch enemy). Reasons are 'DIPLOMACY'....:coffee:

How come then that she says pretty much the same stuff about Pakistan even when she comes there?
But it does hurt Pakistan.

There always comes a point where you feel no more pain..... I think such statements doesn't matter now.... Pakistan is gonna face sanctions anyway after 2014... just like 80s
How come then that she says pretty much the same stuff about Pakistan even when she comes there?

Wordings are different when she is in Pakistan. Usually you don't see her blame a country.
Often it is ' eliminate terrorists together', 'improve relations with each other', 'open supply route', 'drone attacks', etc....
Just look at Obama for instance. He never in his life must have criticized Pakistan in 4 years as much as he did by visiting to Afghanistan for few days....
There always comes a point where you feel no more pain..... I think such statements doesn't matter now.... Pakistan is gonna face sanctions anyway after 2014... just like 80s

I still don't think it is too late if some people in the govt and Army are willing to mend their ways. I'm not implying Pakistan needs to give in.
I still don't think it is too late if some people in the govt and Army are willing to mend their ways. I'm not implying Pakistan needs to give in.

Thats whats the problem is .... By mend their ways means is just follow as directed. Well that can't happen. If US wants us to send military in every corner of Tribal area with full force, Tanks, Jets we can't do that. Reasons are our army is already stretched thin.An army which was always trained for one border now suddenly have two borders to protects. 2ndly tribal areas are place where even still thing can become normal by talks so why send army. 3rd Not feasible economy wise. 4rth If US want to stop cross border terrorism then its a two way road. US and Afghanistan are keeping BLA leaders in Afghanistan and karzai admitted it in wiki leaks. so give some get some.

As far LeT and other group are concerned. These came into existence after a long series of events. You can't just arrest everyone and put them in jail. It takes time to dismantle such group. It starts with education and good relations. And believe it or not the top brass is working on it.
"I authorised award for Hafiz Saeed who was responsible for attacks in Mumbai."
Hillary's confirmation of the bounty for Saeed assumes significance because the US Ambassador to Pakistan, Cameron Munter, had April 29 claimed that the US government never made such an offer. Munter argued that the Pakistani media had misreported the issue.
"Pakistani media is very active and responsible but it misreported the issue of Hafiz Saeed. Though Hafiz Saeed is a suspected accused of the Mumbai terror attacks, the US government didn't place any bounty/head money for him," Munter was quoted by the Dawn newspaper as saying.
Hillary Clinton confirms US bounty on 26/11 suspect Hafiz Saeed - India News - IBNLive

All this hoopla is about the choice of words.

So nice to see Indian media come to the defence of Pakistan media!
Sometimes, the US says that bounty only on evidence, but now she says bounty on Hafiz saeed himself.

It get confusing.
The discovery and or capture/death of AAZ will further add to the troubles for Pakistan if indeed she is correct:

excerpt from: Qaeda chief believed to be in Pakistan, says Clinton | DAWN.COM

KOLKATA: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Monday the United States believed the chief of al Qaeda was in Pakistan and she vowed to keep up pressure on militant groups in the country.

“We want to disable al Qaeda and we have made a lot of progress in doing that,” Clinton told an audience in India, a week after the one-year anniversary of the killing of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan by US special forces.

“There are several significant leaders still on the run. Zawahiri, who inherited the leadership from bin Laden is somewhere, we believe, in Pakistan,” she added.

Ayman al-Zawahiri, an Egyptian cleric, was second-in-command under Osama and was regarded by US intelligence agencies as chief ideologue for the militant group.

How come then that she says pretty much the same stuff about Pakistan even when she comes there?

You know, Dogs do the same ... Bark .. Bark ... No matter its in neighbourhood or in your own home.
Have the details of the actual text of the 'bounty' changed? If not, then Munter's clarification, and that of the State Department before him, continue to remain valid.
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