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Modi has come, India-Pakistan friendship is shattered: Hafiz Saeed

One again my dear fellow. you haven't quite grasped what I've just said to you, have you???

First and foremost, if someone like Modi, a Pakistani version of Modi, someone who's typically viewed as an extremist by many outside of India and some inside, your media would give it lots of coverage, and you and I both know the kind of coverage it would be.

Filmy quotes, filmy background music, everything needed to make a bollywood epic, minus the actors, and add the politicians.

Now, why are the Indian elections covered in Pakistan more than elsewhere?? You've got to be kidding yourself if you don't know the answer. Our most immediate neighbour, and someone who can be viewed of as more than a neighbour for good or for bad, for an almost identical culture when viewed from outside the sub continent, similar language and a shared history, and a history of hostility and war. Factor in the fact that, Modi was already famous in Pakistan, rather infamous, for certain events that occurred over 10 years ago. Also add the fact that before Mr Modi was elected, he spoke a lot about Pakistan.

Again, just like your little video display up there, I can hurl some at you, depicting how Modi talked about Pakistan more than ANY mainstream politician in Pakistan, ever talked about India.

In fact, I've said this, and you can search my posts if you wish, I've said since last year, that in the lead up to our elections India wasn't a fraction as much of a topic as Pakistan was in the lead up to your elections.

And lastly, you found once again, a video of Zaid Hamid's reaction. Proving what I was just saying earlier.

Zaid Hamid's video is just one. I posted two other videos also and there are many other videos on youtube as well which I couldn't post due to the three videos limit in one post.
Zaid Hamid's video is just one. I posted two other videos also and there are many other videos on youtube as well which I couldn't post due to the three videos limit in one post.

Right, I got that part, but what else? But where does that at all fit in with what I was just saying.

Face it, no-one here gives a toss about Modi, you guys have hyped him like hell, and for that reason you expect that we are worried, we aren't.
He is given clean chit by supreme court of India which is unlike your supreme court has guts to jail even PM (equivalent to Army / ISI chief in Pakistan).

And you trying to say that killing innocent non-muslims all over the world by terrorists from Pakistan is ok?

...... HS has also been given a clean chit by our courts .... And your court system is not better than our court system .. Someone lied to you

And what I am saying is : "Killing Muslims is also terrorism" and Indian Hindus need to realize this
...... HS has also been given a clean chit by our courts .... And your court system is not better than our court system .. Someone lied to you

And what I am saying is : "Killing Muslims is also terrorism" and Indian Hindus need to realize this
And killing non muslims amounts to what? quite a few fancy names have been given.
As far as Court system is considered ... No one and I mean no one in India would dare to call the Chief Justice .. Kaana !!!
...... HS has also been given a clean chit by our courts .... And your court system is not better than our court system .. Someone lied to you

And what I am saying is : "Killing Muslims is also terrorism" and Indian Hindus need to realize this

Yes indeed it is and more Hindus are worried about it then the Muslims themselves. But we also respect our courts and in the past we accepted many rulings of the court which was not otherwise favourable. And this time its no different.

But in pakistan you never lived in true secular environment and therefore might find it difficult to understand. But as far as Indian muslims are concerned, they are our countrymen and we shall be with them as they are with us.
Right, I got that part, but what else? But where does that at all fit in with what I was just saying.

Face it, no-one here gives a toss about Modi, you guys have hyped him like hell, and for that reason you expect that we are worried, we aren't.

I have provided more than enough proof to back my assertions.Let's agree to disagree and leave it to neutral readers to judge which side is telling the truth.

Btw, just to put icing on the cake-

'Anti-Muslim' Indian leader Modi 'hated' in Pakistan | Asia | DW.DE | 19.02.2014

"Modi is a monster. He is responsible for the killings of thousands of Muslims in Gujarat. Pakistan should break ties with India if he becomes the prime minister," Asif Bajwa, a taxi driver in Karachi, told DW.

For most Pakistanis, Modi's name is synonymous with the 2002 Gujarat massacre, in which some 1,000 people, mainly Muslims, were killed.
I have provided more than enough proof to back my assertions.Let's agree to disagree and leave it to neutral readers to judge which side is telling the truth.

Right, fine. As you wish my dear.

Btw, just to put icing on the cake-
'Anti-Muslim' Indian leader Modi 'hated' in Pakistan | Asia | DW.DE | 19.02.2014

"Modi is a monster. He is responsible for the killings of thousands of Muslims in Gujarat. Pakistan should break ties with India if he becomes the prime minister," Asif Bajwa, a taxi driver in Karachi, told DW.

For most Pakistanis, Modi's name is synonymous with the 2002 Gujarat massacre, in which some 1,000 people, mainly Muslims, were killed.

Yes, icing on the cake, ironically, I view it as that too.
If anyone read what I posted 2 posts ago.

This completely proves it again.
ask your indian butt-buddies here who are the ones posing the question

I dont see any need for that.. If you are so interested , you can ask yourself..

why not if some people can elect a terrorist as head of the states why cant one expect some manners from "a terrorist"

Depends on one's definition of a terrorist and then that of Good terrorist and Bad Terrorist..

Modi doesn't bother us, trust me, doesn't bother any Pakistanis.
Modi's hype outside of India are merely echoes from what is said and expected of him inside.

As if he fell from the sky, and descended upon Delhi with an army of fairies and unicorns, do drive out the evil inept government and stick up a middle finger to the evil, trouble making neighbour to the west.

I could quote some of the things that were said about him here and on other forums. I laughed at some of them, you mgiht take interest in reading them.

And as of martial law, we're far from it, clearly, you don't know enough to talk about Pakistani politics to pass this off.

Almost 70 years of continuous democracy has taught one thing to Indians : That no leader falls from sky. Thats why the vote is to reverse the current situation not the ones you have said. But your countrymen certainly are forever in wait for such a leader. And will remain looking for one forever.

Far from martial law..? Pakistan can never be that far from martial law.. Recent Geo episode is a clear indication of that. You can keep believing otherwise though.
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Almost 70 years of continuous democracy has taught one thing to Indians : That no leader falls from sky. Thats why the vote is to reverse the current situation not the ones you have said. But your countrymen certainly are forever in wait for such a leader. And will remain looking for one forever.

I know, in terms of politics, Indians on the whole are far more mature than Pakistanis who to this day don't understand their vote and literally, and you can quote me as saying on this very forum 'wait for a leader to fall out of the sky'.

But some Indians I feel are very emotional people, rhetoric will fire them up easily, it doesn't take much at all sometimes.

And on this topic of Modi, too many modi supporters acted very strangely.

Far from martial law..? Pakistan can never be that far from martial law.. Recent Geo episode is a clear indication of that. You can keep believing otherwise though.

Pakistan is highly unstable and history tells us to be cautious at the length of our democratic ambitions.

But at this point in time, and for the foreseeable future, we are far from it.
Modi doesn't bother us, trust me, doesn't bother any Pakistanis.
Modi's hype outside of India are merely echoes from what is said and expected of him inside.

As if he fell from the sky, and descended upon Delhi with an army of fairies and unicorns, do drive out the evil inept government and stick up a middle finger to the evil, trouble making neighbour to the west.

I could quote some of the things that were said about him here and on other forums. I laughed at some of them, you mgiht take interest in reading them.

And as of martial law, we're far from it, clearly, you don't know enough to talk about Pakistani politics to pass this off.

Leave aside jokers like Zaid Hamid and Hafiz Saeed. Just check out posts from "ordinary" Pakistanis like @Windjammer and @hussain0216 how they are frothing in the mouth after he has been elected PM. How many anti Modi threads have been opened in the last few days by the Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. All this goes to prove that your countrymen are burning after our elections

Just remember we do not need your permission to elect our PM. However we do not appreciate our PM being called a terrorist. I think there was also a thread regarding insulting of PMs and Presidents
Now I know why Pakistani's here are calling Modi a terrorist. Pakistani's are terrified of Modi.
There are dozens of threads, created by Pakistani's here, dedicated to Modi in the past few days.
There is as much proof to jail Modi as their is to jail Hafeez,

Frankly their is more proof against Modi

If so... You could have been a good adviser to Congis ...Why you did not went to court with all the proof that you are having or you are calming to have ...Simply blogging on to the site is not going to help you...I would like to make you understand that ...Peoples sitting at Supreme Court of India is not Idiot.
Islamabad: Reacting to the Bharatiya Janata Party's victory in the Lok Sabha elections, 26/11 mastermind and Jamaat-ud-Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed has said that there is no longer a chance of improved relations with India. Addressing a gathering in Islamabad, Saeed said the recent election was won on an anti-Pakistan and non-secular agenda.

Saeed has also called Modi a tyrant. "Modi has come. Now, god willing, the illusion of friendship will be shattered. In fact it is already shattered," Saeed said.

"You cannot carry out this friendship any more; he (Modi) is going to show you another way. Everyone knows that the entire Indian election was contested on anti-Pakistan and anti-Islam sentiments," he added.

Modi has come, India-Pakistan friendship is shattered: Hafiz Saeed - IBNLive

lulz :P
He's started shitting in his salwar already even before Modi has taken oath!!
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