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India takes strong pro-Israel stance under Modi in a departure from the past

India is the only country in the world whose entire national policy revolves around an inferiority complex towards Muslims
Stop equating Gaza Palestinian civilians with Hamas.

If Hamas did any killing, that does not mean Gaza Palestinians should pay the price.

3000 babies and toddlers dead in one sided carpet bombing campaign. Planned Genocide and Ethnic cleansing.

Open your eyes, even Hindutvabadis cannot be that blind, supporting massacre of innocent babies, children, women and old men.

If you support, then you deserve to die in the same way.
As expected you are biased heavily

Where did I equate Hamas with suffering of Gazans, don't be dumb and use rhetoric in arguments to get the feel of winning.

All I said was that, the real stakeholders i.e. the neighbors themselves aren't doing nothing but lip service, while you expect us not to take Israel's side when it comes to Oct 7th events.

No human will ever support massacre of innocent civilians, not me and never.
It's a waste of time brother - these Indian Hindutva pigs will only try to BS and skirt around the issue saying they 'sympathize' with Palestinians when we have seen through this RSS org's history (which the Hindu posters here at PDF are part of) that they HATE ALL MUSLIMS with a vengeance.

Don't waste your time with these pigs, it's a lost cause.

They think they are too smart and they can bull$hit you to show how open minded they are about Muslims or Gazans, when it's nothing close to the truth.

They are single-mindedly committed to the destruction and ultimate annihilation/extinction of all Muslims, yet reality is that these beggar low-lifes go work and beg for third rates street-cleaner jobs only in Muslim countries. Their beggar country depends on these remittances to run.

India position in previous UN resolution has already shown it. I mean they are not countries under big influence of USA like Japan, SK, Philippine and the likes, they are not Christian country either where based on their bible teaching, they still see the Israel people as the choosen people.

This position in UN is pretty clear despite any Indian tried to spin it hehehe. Their media also show it.

Arab media like AJ have already made move and even OIC as well when their BJP high profile figure insult prophet Muhammad
India position in previous UN resolution has already shown it. I mean they are not countries under big influence of USA like Japan, SK, Philippine and the likes, they are not Christian country either where based on their bible teaching, they still see the Israel people as the choosen people.

This position in UN is pretty clear despite any Indian tried to spin it hehehe. Their media also show it.

Arab media like AJ have already made move and even OIC as well when their BJP high profile figure insult prophet Muhammad

They are going down this path to a sad end.

Not going to end well for them as they are so dependent on Arab money to run their country.

False bravado from the top down, no realization what their actual position in the world is.

When Arabs finally realize what they are up to (only a matter of time), they will get their come-uppance.
Shouldn't lungis concentrate on stitching chaddis ? All this is Over your pay grade qtiye... :partay:

Calling me names won't solve your bhikharee status.

Your pay grade is even lower chandu.

You can't even compete with us in stitching chaddis - piss poor showing. Bangladesh has far exceeded India a long time ago - this is from 2020.


If we can exceed your GDP per capita by stitching simple chaddis, what will happen when we diversify exports?

That time has already arrived.

A few million people doing back office will only help so much for Billions of people.
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I know most Banglas here hate India with zeal, even stronger than Pakistanis. Surely they must be Jamaatis or Razakars

Still we can't allow them to make shit arguments, using personal bias.

They don't hate India. They are not in love for Hindutva fascist religious bigots, that is all.
Calling me names won't solve your bhikharee status.

Your pay grade is even lower chandu.

You can't even compete with us in stitching chaddis - piss poor showing. Bangladesh has far exceeded India a long time ago - this is from 2020.

View attachment 968154

If we can exceed your GDP per capita by stitching simple chaddis, what will happen when we diversify exports?

That time has already arrived.

A few million people doing back office will only help so much for Billions of people.
Because Europe and USA give you GSP status for being, as expeted, an absolute bhikari LDC shithole. Your chaddis don't attract tariffs which other country's products do. IF kangludesh is such a ashian tigger, then ask them to remove GSP and compete being a bhikhari with other downtrodden failed states :lol:.
It's a re-balancing, bringing back to equilibrium the natural state of relations with Israel.

Article says it right there:

that bit is wrong, both he, and later his daughter (congress) feared it would 'disenfranchise' Indian Musalmans, who have traditionally been a phull sapport voter base for them.

It is still a factor, India, even under Modi, will not throw its lot in with Israel wholesale, but for entirely other (pragmatic) reasons than just fearing the ballot wrath of Indian Muslims.

India has always been about fairness in these sarhad paar matters of the west Asians.

How many times do we have to educate you PDF mazhabi lot on this equation.. its getting tiring, but here we go again:

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View attachment 967706


to call for peace and to send disaster relief goods is all anyone can do, (((they're))) not even listening to the US.. ki kran ?

A lot of pro-Israeli countries give Palestine aid. Far more than India has, yet they are even more pro-Israel than Indians.
Because Europe and USA give you GSP status for being, as expeted, an absolute bhikari LDC shithole. Your chaddis don't attract tariffs which other country's products do. IF kangludesh is such a ashian tigger, then ask them to remove GSP and compete being a bhikhari with other downtrodden failed states :lol:.

GSP my a$$.

We are exporting to the US too and we don't get GSP there. Still exports to US increasing in leaps and bounds.

From 2017 to 2022, Bangladesh’s apparel exports to the US showed a growth rate of 13.99%. Sitting in RSS shakhas and doing gobar snaan does not get you those results.

All you pujaris got are lame excuses and theories.

Ghotey aachhey kaanchkola...

Bangladesh Maintains Position as 3rd Largest Apparel Supplier to the US; Records 13.99% Growth Over Five Years​

By Salman Akhtar•3 months ago
Bangladesh retains its spot as the US's 3rd largest apparel supplier, recording a 13.99% growth in exports over the past five years<br>Image Credit: NPR

Bangladesh retains its spot as the US's 3rd largest apparel supplier, recording a 13.99% growth in exports over the past five years
Image Credit: NPR

Bangladesh continues to secure its position as the third-largest apparel supplier to the United States (US), showing promising growth over the past five years. With a recent increase of 13.99% in apparel export to the US from 2017 to 2022, Bangladesh’s share of the US’s total apparel import rose to 9.75% in 2022 from 8.76% in 2021. This report will delve into the specifics of this growth, the competitive landscape, and what this means for Bangladesh’s textile industry.

Bangladesh’s Strong Performance​

From 2017 to 2022, Bangladesh’s apparel exports to the US showed an impressive growth rate of 13.99%. In comparison, the US’s import of apparel from the world only grew by 4.50% annually during the same period. In 2022, the total US import from the world was valued at $99.93 billion, reflecting a 22.48% increase from the previous year.

Bangladesh’s clothing export to the US specifically grew by 36.38% in 2022, amounting to $9.74 billion, up from $7.16 billion in 2021 and $5.40 billion in 2018. According to quantity-based statistics measured in per square meter equivalent (SME), Bangladesh registered a 20.65% growth in 2022, reaching 3.14 billion SME.

(Read Also: Indian Commerce Minister Expresses Solidarity with Bangladesh, Assures Political Stability and Trade Cooperation)

The Global Competitive Landscape​

While Bangladesh maintains its strong position, China remains the top apparel import source for the US, holding a 21.75% share and achieving 10.83% growth in 2022. However, the US’s import from China declined by 3.11% quantity-wise in 2022 compared to 2021. Vietnam, on the other hand, stayed in the second position with an increased value of $18.24 billion in 2022.

India and Indonesia also displayed robust growth, over 35%, and their shares increased to 5.69% and 5.61% respectively in 2022. Other top-growing countries include Cambodia, South Korea, Pakistan, Honduras, and Mexico.

Implications for Bangladesh’s Textile Industry​

The consistent growth in apparel exports to the US highlights the competitive strength and reliability of Bangladesh’s textile industry. The nation’s ability to maintain its position in the global supply chain reflects quality improvements, compliance with international standards, and adaptability to market demands.

Furthermore, Bangladesh’s textile industry plays a crucial role in the country’s economy, providing employment opportunities and driving industrial development. The growth in the US market, one of Bangladesh’s key export destinations, signals a positive trajectory for the industry’s future.

Bangladesh’s sustained growth in apparel exports to the US over the past five years underscores the country’s significance in the global textile market. With strategic investments in quality, sustainability, and innovation, Bangladesh is poised to continue its upward trajectory, strengthening its position as a leading apparel supplier. This growth not only enriches the country’s economic portfolio but also opens new avenues for collaboration and expansion in the international arena.
A lot of pro-Israeli countries give Palestine aid. Far more than India has, yet they are even more pro-Israel than Indians.
Yes, like I said : "India, even under Modi, will not throw its lot in with Israel wholesale."

Domestic political considerations bhi hai, moral quandry bhi hai.. given those, we are NOT phull sapport Ijrael like many seem to believe here based on twitter noise by a certain section of the horde.
Calling me names won't solve your bhikharee status.

Your pay grade is even lower chandu.

You can't even compete with us in stitching chaddis - piss poor showing. Bangladesh has far exceeded India a long time ago - this is from 2020.

View attachment 968154

If we can exceed your GDP per capita by stitching simple chaddis, what will happen when we diversify exports?

That time has already arrived.

A few million people doing back office will only help so much for Billions of people.

Hehehehe... Go on.. your shift is starting. Get back to chaddis.

Because Europe and USA give you GSP status for being, as expeted, an absolute bhikari LDC shithole. Your chaddis don't attract tariffs which other country's products do. IF kangludesh is such a ashian tigger, then ask them to remove GSP and compete being a bhikhari with other downtrodden failed states :lol:.
Hehehe..These pole vaulters are busy these days burning down those same factories..
Hehehe..These pole vaulters are busy these days burning down those same factories..

All the scheming in the world and "aag lagane-ka saajish" won't work.

We know it is RAW and Indian High Commission people behind this and so far a couple of factories suffered a little.

We will pay you pujaris back - don't worry. Whole towns will go up in flames...
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All the scheming in the world and "aag lagane-ka saajish" won't work.

We know it is RAW and Indian High Commission people behind this and so far a couple of factories suffered a little.

We will pay you pujaris back - don't worry. Whole towns will go up in flames...
Still less than what you killed Bengalis ?

yes...less than you

no more than a few thousand died. I am so glad you are comparing Modi & co with Pak Army... same same?..

3M?.. lol even an idiot knows that is logistically impossible

While previous governments kept dealings with Israel largely quiet, the ruling BJP has different priorities

Hannah Ellis-Petersen

Hannah Ellis-Petersen in Delhi
Tue 31 Oct 2023 01.00 EDT

Just a few hours after Hamas launched its assault on Israel, India’s prime minister was among the first world leaders to respond. In a strongly worded statement, Narendra Modi condemned the “terrorist attacks” and said India “stands in solidarity with Israel at this difficult hour”.

The Indian foreign minister retweeted the comment almost instantly. Another state minister from Modi’s ruling Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) warned in a tweet that India “may face the situation that Israel is confronting today if we don’t stand up against politically motivated radicalism”.

Though Modi’s words chimed with the messaging of most western governments, for India they marked a departure from the past. It was not until a few days later that the foreign ministry quietly reminded the public of India’s historical commitment to the two-state solution for Israel and Palestine.

On Friday, India was among the countries that did not back a UN resolution for a “humanitarian truce” in Gaza, instead choosing to abstain.

For many, the immediacy of Modi’s comments and the UN resolution vote symbolizes just how significantly the India-Israel relationship has shifted since he came to power in 2014, notably demonstrated by the public bonhomie between the two countries’ prime ministers.

Nicolas Blarel, associate professor of international relations at Leiden University and author of The Evolution of India’s Israel Policy, said: “Modi’s position has been openly supportive of Israel but this is the first time that you had an immediate pro-Israel reaction without a balancing statement that immediately follows it up.”

Israel appeared to take Modi’s statement as unequivocal backing. Speaking to reporters in Delhi last week, Israel’s ambassador, Naor Gilon, thanked the country for “100% support”.

Yet it was not a sentiment restricted only to the upper echelons of Indian government. As Azad Essa, a journalist and author of Hostile Homelands: The New Alliance Between India and Israel, said: “This messaging gave a clear signal to the whole rightwing internet cell in India.”

‘We both are victims of Islamic terror’​

An armed soldier stands guard on a street in Srinagar.

Security has been bolstered this week in Srinagar, a city in the disputed Kashmir region, after suspected militants attacked a police officer. Photograph: Farooq Khan/EPA

In the aftermath, the Indian internet factcheckers AltNews and Boom began to observe a flood of disinformation targeting Palestine pushed out by Indian social media accounts, which included fake stories about atrocities committed by Palestinians and Hamas that were shared sometimes millions of times, and often using the conflict to push the same Islamophobic narrative that has been used regularly to demonize India’s Muslim population since the BJP came to power.

BJP-associated Facebook groups also began to push the message that Hamas represented the same Muslim threat facing India in the troubled, majority-Muslim region of Kashmir and Palestinians were sweepingly branded as jihadis.

Messages widely forwarded on WhatsApp urged Hindus to arm themselves and boycott Muslims, reading: “In the future, India could also face conspiracies and attacks like Israel. The possibility of Hindu women facing cruelty cannot be ruled out.”

The same narrative also made its way on to some of India’s most inflammatory news channels, with Arnab Goswami, the rightwing firebrand presenter on India’s Republic TV, telling viewers: “The same radical jihadist Islamist terrorist thinking that Israel is a victim of, we are a victim of as well … Israel is fighting this war on behalf of all of us.”

Some Hindu nationalist groups appeared to heed this as a call to arms. Last week, groups gathered outside the Israeli embassy in Delhi, offering their services to fight Hamas. Among them was Vishnu Gupta, 58, the national president of Hindu Sena, who said he was among 200 men who had volunteered for the Israeli army, adding that his confidence had been boosted by Modi.

“We both are victims of Islamic terror, that is why we have been supporting Israel from the beginning,” said Gupta. “Just like Jerusalem was overtaken by Muslims, holy places in India were also invaded by Muslims. Like Hamas, there are militants from Kashmir supported by Pakistan who would carry terror attacks across India. The only fortunate thing about us is that we are not in the minority.”

Historically, India had a very different relationship with Israel. Its first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, and the influential Indian freedom fighter Mahatma Gandhi had opposed the creation of an Israeli state, fearing it would disfranchise Palestinians, and India voted against it at the UN.

India was the first non-Arab country to recognize the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as the legitimate representative of Palestine in the 1970s, giving the group full diplomatic status in the 1980s and inviting PLO’s long-serving leader Yasser Arafat to visit several times, and consistently maintained a pro-Palestine position at the UN. It was only after the PLO began a dialogue with Israel, and as US pressure began to build, that India finally established diplomatic ties with Israel in 1992.

Potential friction with India’s valuable Gulf partners​

Narendra Modi

Narendra Modi’s foreign policy has also overseen a transformation in ties with Arab Gulf countries. Photograph: Kabir Jhangiani/NurPhoto/Shutterstock
A turning point came in 1999 when India went to war with Pakistan and Israel proved willing to provide arms and ammunition. It was the beginning of a defence relationship that has grown exponentially. India buys about $2bn-worth of arms from Israel every year – its largest arms supplier after Russia – and accounts for 46% of Israel’s overall weapons exports.

But it was the election of Modi that marked a fundamental sea change. While previous governments had kept their dealings with Israel largely quiet, due to concerns of alienating foreign allies and its own vast Muslim population, Modi’s Hindu nationalist BJP government had very different priorities.

In 2017, Modi became the first Indian prime minister to visit Israel, which was reciprocated months later when Netanyahu travelled to Delhi. The images of the pair strolling barefoot with their trousers rolled up along Haifa beach in Tel Aviv, described by Indian media at the time as a “budding bromance”, were later used by both leaders in campaign material.

Essa said: “The narrative they were pushing was clear: that India and Israel are these ancient civilisations that had been derailed by outsiders – which means Muslims – and their leaders have come together, like long-lost brothers, to fulfil their destiny.”

The ideological alignment between the two leaders was certainly more apparent than in the past. The BJP’s ideological forefathers, and its rank and file today, have long regarded Israel as a model for the religious nationalist state, referred to as the Hindu Rashtra, that the Hindu rightwing in India hope to establish.

While Modi was also the first Indian prime minister to visit Ramallah in Palestine, much of the focus of his government has been on strengthening ties with Israel, be it through defence, culture, agriculture and even film-making. This year, Gautam Adani, the Indian billionaire businessman seen to be close to Modi, paid $1.2bn to acquire the strategic Israeli port of Haifa.

Nonetheless, Modi’s foreign policy has also overseen a transformation in ties with Arab Gulf countries including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, which has been of great financial benefit to India and laid the foundation for a groundbreaking India-Middle East economic trade corridor, running all the way to Europe, which was announced at the G20 forum for international economic cooperation this year but has yet to be built.

While the Gulf has also been working to normalize ties with Israel, analysts said should the Israeli-Hamas conflict continue to escalate, it was likely that India would quieten its pro-Israeli stance to prevent friction with its valuable Gulf partners.

Alvite Singh Ningthoujam, a fellow at Middle East Institute in Delhi, said since Modi’s initial comments, there had been a “calculated silence” from the government.
“While Modi is comfortable making statements that condemn cross-border terrorism, if this conflict escalates, and other countries that his government has relationships with get involved, it will be a big test for India,” he said.

Aakash Hassan contributed reporting from Delhi.
Both Nation will end at the same time.
I used to hear the end war scenario since childhood. I was never able to connect dots. For example, when mujahideens will reach Jerusalem they will find Isa Ibn Maryam (Jesus) among them, and then the ruler of Jerusalem will send an army towards Hind which will conquer Hind and bring the rulers of Hind back. I was never able comprehend what is the connection between Jerusalem and Hind(India). But now it's getting clear and clear everyday.
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