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Hafiz Saeed calls followers to wage jihad against India

Because he is not a terrorists he is fighting for people of Kashmir and Pakistan and your own TTP have separated ways those loyal to Pakistan are now coming for talks openly those who are on RAW payroll
ok , accepted ,,
1. Sir...president Hafeez sayyed is Fredom fighter / A mujaheed
you allowed UN to declared him TERRORIST..
Hafiz Saeed vows jihad against India will continue – The Express Tribune
how can you allow UN to insult his great cause..
or you dont have balls to stand up and say that
or you yourself dont respct his uselss farting ...
be clear ..
if you think
he is Mujahid.. having g8 cause...
-------fight with UN and delist as terrorist .. its insult to him .
if you think UN is right.
---------then teate hm like terrorist..
if you think UN is wrong..
-------- Go to International court of justice..

YOU .. cant do anyting above ..
you never ever stand up for yourself for right reason and for right cause..
always went under cover .. it was before USA and now China..
and you think you can stand up for kashmiris?
those who are on their keens telleing others they can support them to stand up..
nothing new .. pak establsment and these few "Sir,waste " like scum are bunch of jokers only..
as World now itself under theat because of these waste creatures..
you did in Kargil too ..use and throw policy...(remember denied of picking body of NLI soldiers aka freedom fighters..
we buired those soul with full religion and professional (as they were soldiers ) respect..

Sir, HS is useless scum who have some nuisance value .. but not much..
dont hype him much ..
Dawood or Hafiz are mere expendable resources.People like them will keep coming up until their source of power and support is destroyed.There cannot be any compromise, for compromise at this level is tantamount to corruption.

There is no point in denying the fact that historically Pakistani govt or the people in position of power there have actively supported terrorism in India.The recent examples of Mumbai attacks, attack on Indian parliament, countless terrorist attacks in Kashmir are all glaring evidences for that.

Historically, Pakistan has also proved, that they cannot be trusted. Back in 1965, Rana Abdul Hamid, the then Agriculture Minister of Pakistan was invited to India as the Chief guest of the Republic Day parade in India, a great honour.It was a sign of solidarity and faith shown by India.As history provides testimony, Pakistan was deliberately preparing to strike India covertly by sending in infiltrators even when their minister was enjoying India's hospitality.
They moved against India again in 1971, the first air strikes being from the Pakistani side.
They did it yet again in 1999 during Kargil war, almost in similar fashion to what happened in 1965,while our Prime minister was in Lahore talking peace, the Pakistani leadership was busy plotting war.

With a track record like that, I believe, I will not be mistaken not to believe in what Pakistan says any more.

Nowadays they have a problem in their western border, which eases the pressure in the eastern border in terms of priority as well as resources.As soon as the problems in their western borders is sorted out, the center of focus will switch back to Kashmir again and we will have a surge of terrorist attacks.

So, a good Pakistan is not friendly Pakistan, for they will be plotting against India keeping you under the pretense of being peaceful and friendly.For the sake of India, a good Pakistan is a weak Pakistan, for they have historically proved it time and again that they cannot be trusted.

There are very few countries that will be eager to trust pakistan - and that is a fact. You think the iranians, afghans, americans or any other country trusts the pak administration?

The ball is in their court right now and they have to do whatever is possible to gain trust from everybody. One false move will take them back to square one.
It has gone beyond their imagination and beyond their control now. Pakistan is being courted now to send jihadi's to syria, somalia, kashmir and afghanistan. Pakistan has metamorphosed into a jihadi supplying factory for the rest of the world.

kashmiri separatists want paksitan to keep the jihadi tap on by infiltration of terrorists into kashmir.

The saudis / AQ want pakistan to send fighters into syria, somalia and other conflict regions.

The other arabs want them to take on israel.

Ant china forces want them to send jihadis into china. Anti NA forces want them to revive the afghan jihad.

In the meantime none of these customers are concerned about the daily bomb blasts and the sectarian violence as well as teh radicalization that happens inside pak.

The pakistani's desperately want to get out this mess but it's like quicksand and they just are just sinking in deeper.

They have to first get rid of the terror supporting extremists in their midst including those who have run away to safety while wanting them to continue facing the music.

Most support for the UN declared terrorist come from such people here, those who would have been themselves target of his terrorists had they not run away.
They have to first get rid of the terror supporting extremists in their midst including those who have run away to safety while wanting them to continue facing the music.

Most support for the UN declared terrorist come from such people here, those who would have been themselves target of his terrorists had they not run away.

It's high time they did it - because supporting and running these groups and elements hasn't brought them any benefits which they envisaged after the success of the Afghan jihad in the 80's and 90's.

The jihadi's are'nt just a liability anymore they have become a dangerous threat to the existence of pak.
That implies that the Kahsmiri separatist movement is primarily religious communal based and not on some perceived injustice.
they are confused from begining
indinns were paying price sinc long
now their confusion become blunders so world is at stake...

It's high time they did it - because supporting and running these groups and elements hasn't brought them any benefits which they envisaged after the success of the Afghan jihad in the 80's and 90's.

The jihadi's are'nt just a liability anymore they have become a dangerous threat to the existence of pak.
common sense is not very common..
you can correct mistakes but not SINS
If the Kashmiri seperatist movement is painted as an Islamist movement, it will have grave repercussions for 170+ million Muslims in rest of India. Their continued stay in the country will be questioned. Questions like why the two nation theory is applied in bits and pieces to only benefit the Muslims, but not in its entirety to be be evenly fair to all communities, be applied? India has just elected a person as PM of the country with thumping majority, who is quite capable of doing that.
Are Pakistani's and especially people like Hafeez Sayid ready for that?
If the Kashmiri seperatist movement is painted as an Islamist movement, it will have grave repercussions for 170+ million Muslims in rest of India. Their continued stay in the country will be questioned. Questions like why the two nation theory is applied in bits and pieces to only benefit the Muslims, but not in its entirety to be be evenly fair to all communities, be applied?
it above their head..
they care dam about people -kahsmiris or muslim in india..
they give dam about religion -- the biggest culprit of defaming relgion for small gains
all they want is water from kashmir..
ego to prove that they defeated india..
to prove their existence of two nation theory ..
their problme is not india
they themself our problem for themselves
US media routinely exhorts the public to support military action against other nations -- Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, etc.

You are letting the word jihad confuse you: as long as he is talking about supporting Kashmiri civilians against the Indian Army, not Indian civilians, there is nothing wrong with his right to free speech.

Do you see any benefit in distinguishing military and civilians and not mixing their jobs? Hint - accountability and loss.

I will never understand why Indians consider this to be a "masterstroke". Nawaaz Sharif also invited MMS, was that a "masterstroke"?

Sending and accepting invitations is a routine matter. It doesn't take a great statesman to do so: even schmucks like Modi and Nawaz can do it.

NS calling for talk is not a masterstroke but a compulsion. Its pakistan who is not happy with status quo and incapable to break that by any other means than talk.

I hope your view is shared by a large enough segment of the Indian population and Modi listens to you.

I really do.

With time even you will see.
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