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Hafiz Saeed calls followers to wage jihad against India

Why this terrorist hafiz saeed is roaming free in Pakistan? he should be hanged or handed over to india. His mercenaries posed as Afghan taliban in kunar and attacked TTP.
Because he is not a terrorists he is fighting for people of Kashmir and Pakistan and your own TTP have separated ways those loyal to Pakistan are now coming for talks openly those who are on RAW payroll
hafiz sayeed days are numbered - him along with jamaati rats, lakwi, dawood, hafiz etc will most likely be neutralized - the reason being is pak admin is truly looking to straighten things up vis a vis india and as long as these anti india groups exist in pakistan there cannot be true dialogue and compromise. There are a few anti pakistan groups in india too - but they are firmly in control under indian govt and are in tune with it. But the pakistani side is being bamboozled by these groups and their mere existence will not take our relations any forward.

Elimination of hafiz, dawood and the rest is our sole requirement and we are not moving forward till they are neutralized and pakistan very well know this. Besides there groups have proved themselves useless for pak because they havent delivered kashmir or any major disturbance in india to pak as they promised for more than two decades, in fact they have started causing problems to their parent pak now more than india.

They are expendable now for pak more than ever. On the other hand till they exist pak will face all sorts of trouble from india which has become a behemoth be it from the afghan side or the US or the iranian side. Chinese are neutral because they will consider good relations with India more important than supporting jihadi forces from pak.

It;s a right pickle for pak - either neutralize these destabilizing anti india forces or face the music for a long time till pak disintegrates, and pak very well know this. So deliver what we want is the only way forward for them.

Yes, there will be no "fallout" as some self proclaimed "experts" hallucinate.

If Pakistan can "get away" with sponsoring terror all over the world (if 50,000 dead in their own country, including 15000 Shia, would still count as getting away), taking our some terrorist scum will hardly have any "fallout" that can't be managed.

In fact, I will assume that many sections in Pakistan will be secretly elated and it will be a favor to them, just like the drones.
hafiz sayeed days are numbered - him along with jamaati rats, lakwi, dawood, hafiz etc will most likely be neutralized - the reason being is pak admin is truly looking to straighten things up vis a vis india and as long as these anti india groups exist in pakistan there cannot be true dialogue and compromise. There are a few anti pakistan groups in india too - but they are firmly in control under indian govt and are in tune with it. But the pakistani side is being bamboozled by these groups and their mere existence will not take our relations any forward.

Elimination of hafiz, dawood and the rest is our sole requirement and we are not moving forward till they are neutralized and pakistan very well know this. Besides there groups have proved themselves useless for pak because they havent delivered kashmir or any major disturbance in india to pak as they promised for more than two decades, in fact they have started causing problems to their parent pak now more than india.

They are expendable now for pak more than ever. On the other hand till they exist pak will face all sorts of trouble from india which has become a behemoth be it from the afghan side or the US or the iranian side. Chinese are neutral because they will consider good relations with India more important than supporting jihadi forces from pak.

It;s a right pickle for pak - either neutralize these destabilizing anti india forces or face the music for a long time till pak disintegrates, and pak very well know this. So deliver what we want is the only way forward for them.
We would gladly do so once india hangs Thakrey and company along with RSS and Bajrangdall crownies.
And Also you have to come up with something solid Legal Evidence instead of "His Taliban" or "Terrorist".
India is in no position to as any state about terrorism unless it stops State Terrorism and Interference in Baluchistan.
Because he is not a terrorists he is fighting for people of Kashmir and Pakistan and your own TTP have separated ways those loyal to Pakistan are now coming for talks openly those who are on RAW payroll

I welcome you to come over in Kashmir.

Every day that any terrorist manages to stay alive after crossing over after one week, you will get a bonus. Proof must.
And Jihad will continue to be waged against enemies of Islam and Pakistan weather they are attacking Muslims in Kashmir or some where else

when are u joining the jehad sir !
hafiz sayeed days are numbered - him along with jamaati rats, lakwi, dawood, hafiz etc will most likely be neutralized - the reason being is pak admin is truly looking to straighten things up vis a vis india and as long as these anti india groups exist in pakistan there cannot be true dialogue and compromise. There are a few anti pakistan groups in india too - but they are firmly in control under indian govt and are in tune with it. But the pakistani side is being bamboozled by these groups and their mere existence will not take our relations any forward.

Dawood or Hafiz are mere expendable resources.People like them will keep coming up until their source of power and support is destroyed.There cannot be any compromise, for compromise at this level is tantamount to corruption.

Elimination of hafiz, dawood and the rest is our sole requirement and we are not moving forward till they are neutralized and pakistan very well know this. Besides there groups have proved themselves useless for pak because they havent delivered kashmir or any major disturbance in india to pak as they promised for more than two decades, in fact they have started causing problems to their parent pak now more than india.

They are expendable now for pak more than ever. On the other hand till they exist pak will face all sorts of trouble from india which has become a behemoth be it from the afghan side or the US or the iranian side. Chinese are neutral because they will consider good relations with India more important than supporting jihadi forces from pak.

It;s a right pickle for pak - either neutralize these destabilizing anti india forces or face the music for a long time till pak disintegrates, and pak very well know this. So deliver what we want is the only way forward for them.

There is no point in denying the fact that historically Pakistani govt or the people in position of power there have actively supported terrorism in India.The recent examples of Mumbai attacks, attack on Indian parliament, countless terrorist attacks in Kashmir are all glaring evidences for that.

Historically, Pakistan has also proved, that they cannot be trusted. Back in 1965, Rana Abdul Hamid, the then Agriculture Minister of Pakistan was invited to India as the Chief guest of the Republic Day parade in India, a great honour.It was a sign of solidarity and faith shown by India.As history provides testimony, Pakistan was deliberately preparing to strike India covertly by sending in infiltrators even when their minister was enjoying India's hospitality.
They moved against India again in 1971, the first air strikes being from the Pakistani side.
They did it yet again in 1999 during Kargil war, almost in similar fashion to what happened in 1965,while our Prime minister was in Lahore talking peace, the Pakistani leadership was busy plotting war.

With a track record like that, I believe, I will not be mistaken not to believe in what Pakistan says any more.

Nowadays they have a problem in their western border, which eases the pressure in the eastern border in terms of priority as well as resources.As soon as the problems in their western borders is sorted out, the center of focus will switch back to Kashmir again and we will have a surge of terrorist attacks.

So, a good Pakistan is not friendly Pakistan, for they will be plotting against India keeping you under the pretense of being peaceful and friendly.For the sake of India, a good Pakistan is a weak Pakistan, for they have historically proved it time and again that they cannot be trusted.
Because he is not a terrorists he is fighting for people of Kashmir and Pakistan and your own TTP have separated ways those loyal to Pakistan are now coming for talks openly those who are on RAW payroll
This hafiz saeed is on ISI payroll. Remember omar khalid khorasani also fought in kashmir, he is declared terrorist and this one is not?
We would gladly do so once india hangs Thakrey and company along with RSS and Bajrangdall crownies.

Bal Thackery died two years ago - the others that you mention have nothing to do with pakistan, they havent sent terrorists into pakistan like how lakwi, sayeed, hafiz, dawood or hum have done or are doing in india - you do not have a case against any of them.
This hafiz saeed is on ISI payroll. Remember omar khalid khorasani also fought in kashmir, he is declared terrorist and this one is not?
Because Khalid Khorasanai after fighting in Kashmir was busy bombing markets mosques and civilians in Pakistan even in revenge in Islam you can't target civilians
Because he is not a terrorists he is fighting for people of Kashmir and Pakistan and your own TTP have separated ways those loyal to Pakistan are now coming for talks openly those who are on RAW payroll
He is a Punjabi.. He has nothing to do with Kashmir...
Yes, there will be no "fallout" as some self proclaimed "experts" hallucinate.

If Pakistan can "get away" with sponsoring terror all over the world (if 50,000 dead in their own country, including 15000 Shia, would still count as getting away), taking our some terrorist scum will hardly have any "fallout" that can't be managed.

In fact, I will assume that many sections in Pakistan will be secretly elated and it will be a favor to them, just like the drones.
It has gone beyond their imagination and beyond their control now. Pakistan is being courted now to send jihadi's to syria, somalia, kashmir and afghanistan. Pakistan has metamorphosed into a jihadi supplying factory for the rest of the world.

kashmiri separatists want paksitan to keep the jihadi tap on by infiltration of terrorists into kashmir.

The saudis / AQ want pakistan to send fighters into syria, somalia and other conflict regions.

The other arabs want them to take on israel.

Ant china forces want them to send jihadis into china. Anti NA forces want them to revive the afghan jihad.

In the meantime none of these customers are concerned about the daily bomb blasts and the sectarian violence as well as teh radicalization that happens inside pak.

The pakistani's desperately want to get out this mess but it's like quicksand and they just are just sinking in deeper.
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