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Egyptian Actors on a prank show

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The Middle East is a mess; Arabs hate israelis but they hate Iranians even more, Iranians hate israel but they hate Gulf Arabs even more, Gulf Arabs have no problem with israel since they see it as an ally against Iran, and etc.....

The Middle East is just one big shithole. Since the beginning of the written world till now. There haven't been a long structural era of peace in that region for ever.
Yeah, i agree, it was pretty effed up that he hit a woman but what puzzles me so much is that why did they get really pi$$ed off from the fact that they were on a israeli channel (even though it wasn't an israeli channel/show)??? Even Pakistanis and indians don't hate each other that much.

The Middle East is a mess; Arabs hate israelis but they hate Iranians even more, Iranians hate israel but they hate Gulf Arabs even more, Gulf Arabs have no problem with israel since they see it as an ally against Iran, and etc.....

True, it is a troubled area. IMO the only way to move forward is to shed the ignorance, hatred, and bigotry and move forward with education.
Cry yourself as your accusation is a lie. Pakistanis can say they "stole land". So can Americans. But it turns out it is very difficult to say that the Zionists did: under the Turks and Brits Jews purchased land because that was the only way, and afterwards the Zionists still respected the civil and property rights of the Arabs, as the Caliph requested of them in the Treaty of Sevres. The Caliph requested the same of Arabs about Jews but the Arabs disobeyed. So are the Zionists really criminals or the last loyal subjects of the last Ottoman Caliph?

The land they legally purchased aside they have been expelling Palestinians ever since.

huh? what?

:rofl: He blindsided you with that one out of nowhere.
Trust me the Pakistani members on this thread who are writing things against Israel is solely because of their emotions which in turn arise by seeing videos on youtube. That is their source of knowledge about Israelis. They haven't met any in their real life that's why they do this.

I don't base my denial to accept what the state of Israel does on emotions, neither do I base my emotions on my denial to want my country to recognize Israel.

What do I base it on then, you ask?

Many reasons, but the reasons that top the list are reasons stating what Israel has done or what I believe Israel is planning to do with Pakistan.

You, MadDog, can act like a mad reckless dog all you like, but you will only heed the plans of what Israel has in store for Pakistan when that moment actually occurs.

When will that moment occur, you say? It will occur, I promise you this (If God allows it to occur). You probably think that Israel is happy with a Muslim nation having nuclear weapons. No! You are totally wrong. Do you think that decades will be let passed without a move against what a country, and the allies of that country, consider a so called 'threat'? If you actually studied, and put forward your knowledge within your hands, you will increase that knowledge on the awareness of what the truth is. Otherwise, you will just be what your name states, a mad dog. You, along with others who think the same as you.

I do not hate Israel. I would support it's rights to exist, despite what happened in the past. But it is what Israel does behind closed doors, that I hate.
Although this is a video and not actual written news, it has to do with world politics because of the regime change and Islamists winning the elections.

Egyptian Actors on Candid Camera Show Turn Violent When Told Channel Is Israeli- YouTube


To say the least, this video is revolting and disgusting to watch. There is nothing sexual in the video though, for all the religious Muslims in the forum.

How does any of this come as a surprise for you? Egyptian media have been blatantly anti-Jewish and anti-Western for decades now, sprouting the wildest conspiracy theories regarding the evil Jews. What you see here is the end result of decades of bigotry and hate against these particular groups.
Conspiratorial thinking is deeply ingrained in Egyptian thinking, as you should know.

Here are some of the most remarkable gems in just the printing press:

Jews are seen as the origin of evil and corruption, spreading AIDS, prostitution and the insidious destruction of Egyptian society. One theory growing in popularity is that of Holocaust denial, accusing Jews and Israel of using the myth of the Holocaust to garner international sympathy and support

It has accused Israel of spreading AIDS and other diseases and Jews of distributing illicit drugs and narcotics and luring Egyptian youth into a Satanic cult.

Another recurring motif is that of Judaism as an evil and immoral religion which aims to corrupt Islam and invoke blood rituals that call for the murder of gentile children. In June 1995, Al-Ahram termed Judaism "inherently aggressive." Al-Wafd recently published an article stating that Jews sacrifice Christian and Moslem children in order to use their blood for various ceremonies. The writer also emphasized that, "Jews have gained great skill in kidnapping children."

In a March 1995 article in Al-Ahram, Mustafa Mahmud claimed "an international conspiracy is being conducted against Islam and is being carried out by industrial countries steered by Jewish money." The following November, Mahmud described Jews as "abnormal." He wrote, "They are like monkeys and other jungle dwellers." Massacre, murder and genocide, Mahmud claimed, are central tenets of the Jewish religion.

Anti-Semitism in the Egyptian Media - Conspiracy Theories

Yet some have the audacity to call mainstream Western media bigoted. Nowhere does it display this level of hatred.....

I heard many muslim members here saying that they dont have problem with Jews but with Israelis..

But these pathetic group people were hitting screaming that the hosts were jews, calling them sick.and what not..

That just a smoke screen that the more educated ones put up in order to cover up the narrow-minded intolerance and anti-Antisemitism of the weaker minds. A great deal of the masses surely do not differ between a Jew and Israel/Zionist. That's what some apologists would like you to believe.

The idea that virulent anti-Jewish propaganda in Arab media can be dismissed as a tool to invalidate the existence of Israel is false and should be explained within the context of more general ideological developments. Goetz Nordbruch has examined elements of Arab anti-Semitism by tracing anti-Semitic thought back to its socio-historical interaction with nationalism and contemporary Islamist thinking.

A recent sociological study about Egyptian images of the Jew concludes that in popular perception, Jews constitute “an enemy of a special kind”. This result formulated by an Egyptian academic holds true not only for Egypt, but for other Arab countries as well. Various studies into Arab media, sermons, political and religious pamphlets, textbooks and opinion surveys reveal the popularity and persistence of negative images of Jews in contemporary Arab discourses.

These images are often described as expressions of "racism of war“, as a direct result of the Arab-Israeli conflict and US and Israeli politics in the Middle East. However, an analysis of the structure and context of anti-Jewish images in the Arab-Islamic context puts such interpretations into question; it can be shown that the assumption of a causal link between the Arab-Israeli conflict and negative perceptions of Jews fails to explain the spread and radicalisation of anti-Jewish patterns of thought. Instead, today’s images of Jews are better explained by profound social and ideological transformations of Arab societies that have given rise to distorted interpretations of Arab history and Arab social reality.

Hidden Hands and the Conspiracy against Community: The Image of the Jew in Contemporary Arab-Islamic Discourses - DIIS

I don't base my denial to accept what the state of Israel does on emotions, neither do I base my emotions on my denial to want my country to recognize Israel.

What do I base it on then, you ask?

Many reasons, but the reasons that top the list are reasons stating what Israel has done or what I believe Israel is planning to do with Pakistan.

You, MadDog, can act like a mad reckless dog all you like, but you will only heed the plans of what Israel has in store for Pakistan when that moment actually occurs.

When will that moment occur, you say? It will occur, I promise you this (If God allows it to occur). You probably think that Israel is happy with a Muslim nation having nuclear weapons. No! You are totally wrong. Do you think that decades will be let passed without a move against what a country, and the allies of that country, consider a so called 'threat'? If you actually studied, and put forward your knowledge within your hands, you will increase that knowledge on the awareness of what the truth is. Otherwise, you will just be what your name states, a mad dog. You, along with others who think the same as you.

I do not hate Israel. I would support it's rights to exist, despite what happened in the past. But it is what Israel does behind closed doors, that I hate.
You live in paranoia. Pakistan is not a threat to Israel, as Israel is not a threat to Pakistan. We have our own individual enemies to think about, and they are not each other.

@ Cloakedvessel

I`m not surprised about the Jew hatred.What revolted me was the fact the woman was beaten shamelessly and sexually harassed, then she apologized and all the men were laughing and smiling. These creatures are sub-human.
You live in paranoia. Pakistan is not a threat to Israel, as Israel is not a threat to Pakistan. We have our own individual enemies to think about, and they are not each other.

@ Cloakedvessel

I`m not surprised about the Jew hatred.What revolted me was the fact the woman was beaten shamelessly and sexually harassed, then she apologized and all the men were laughing and smiling. These creatures are sub-human.

The most disturbing part to me was where the staff is applauding afterwards... There were no reproaches for the violent, hateful or sexist behavior of the guests at all. In stead, the fat guy even gets praised for his 'patriotism', after using vulgar words and tossing a woman to the other side of the room.....

What does this tell us? That the wave of hatred in popular culture in Egypt runs deep. No amount of Israeli concession is gonna sweep away this level of anti-Semitism, if it's even connected with the state of Israel.

In all fairness, I would like to know if there were more guests pranked by this Jewish/Israeli angle, and if so, what there reactions were.... But I doubt if their outbursts would be different.
I don't base my denial to accept what the state of Israel does on emotions, neither do I base my emotions on my denial to want my country to recognize Israel.

What do I base it on then, you ask?

Many reasons, but the reasons that top the list are reasons stating what Israel has done or what I believe Israel is planning to do with Pakistan.

You, MadDog, can act like a mad reckless dog all you like, but you will only heed the plans of what Israel has in store for Pakistan when that moment actually occurs.

When will that moment occur, you say? It will occur, I promise you this (If God allows it to occur). You probably think that Israel is happy with a Muslim nation having nuclear weapons. No! You are totally wrong. Do you think that decades will be let passed without a move against what a country, and the allies of that country, consider a so called 'threat'? If you actually studied, and put forward your knowledge within your hands, you will increase that knowledge on the awareness of what the truth is. Otherwise, you will just be what your name states, a mad dog. You, along with others who think the same as you.

I do not hate Israel. I would support it's rights to exist, despite what happened in the past. But it is what Israel does behind closed doors, that I hate.

Your post reflects your lack of knowledge about Israel, Israel's enemy are not Muslims, 20 % of its population is Muslim...its enemies are the arab countries surrounding it. I know what you are talking about are the youtube lectures of radical mullahs telling that in the end times Israel will attack Pakistan...these very mullahs were against the creation of Pakistan.

Infact i was listening to this "so called" scholar from Trinidad...who said Israel will unleash a huge war to become a global power but before that it will have to destroy Pakistan's nuclear weapons..however it has a big partner which will help it and that is Pakistan Army...LOL...dude these radicals say such ridiculous statements that they start looking outright stupid in the eyes of people.

In the past it was Israel which sent weapons Mossad got from Leabenon to Pakistan which were then given to Afghan mujahideen to defeat Soviets in Afghanistan...even our ISI chief told the americans that Israeli nationals in india could be under threat from extremist groups....I am 100 percent confident...that Pakistan is steaming towards becoming a progessive Muslim country....and being aware of the international politics ...i can confidently say Israel and Pakistan have no disputed issues and have no reason to be hostile towards each other.

It is precisely because of this attitude of some Pakistanis that Jews from Pakistan especially from Karachi have migrated to Israel especially after 1960's and 70's due to anti israeli propoganda of arab-israeli wars , in 1919 the mayor of Karachi was Jewish but because of some misguided people they had to leave for Israel and those few families left behind portray themselves as Zoroastrians. Here is the link..you can search more about them ...currently there are 1000-2000 Pakistani jews from different parts of PAKISTAN living in Israel
Pakistanis in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Must be something the Jews have done, clearly. Otherwise the Arabs would have been civilized gentlemen.

Calm down, you people even made Moses mad, that he broke the 10 commandments. and you don't understand why he got mad that he even hit the woman, being on an ISRAELI CHANNEL that people will watch is a DISGRACE ( scandal) , ITS A SHAME THAT EVERY ARAB WILL HAVE, YES HE WILL BE CALLED A TRAITOR, HE FEARED HIS NAME WILL BE RUINED. enough said.
Calm down, you people even made Moses mad, that he broke the 10 commandments. and you don't understand why he got mad that he even hit the woman, being on an ISRAELI CHANNEL that people will watch is a DISGRACE ( scandal) , ITS A SHAME THAT EVERY ARAB WILL HAVE, YES HE WILL BE CALLED A TRAITOR, HE FEARED HIS NAME WILL BE RUINED. enough said.

He could have left the show in protest..he could have said clearly that him representing on a israeli tv channel would not be right and left in a huff even..but he thought him beating some israeli women will make him hero among egyptians...

that is the same logic used by Alqaeda and its affliates when they explode suicide vests in a market place...
He could have left the show in protest..he could have said clearly that him representing on a israeli tv channel would not be right and left in a huff even..but he thought him beating some israeli women will make him hero among egyptians...

that is the same logic used by Alqaeda and its affliates when they explode suicide vests in a market place...

You don't understand, we have a saying People's tongue knows no mercy, he feared that his name will be ruined because of disgraceful thing if he was on israeli tv, plus the man was mad, he hit the man first, which increased his anger so he started hitting anything in front of him, which was the woman unfortunately. again, he is a human. im not trying to defend him and stuff, im just saying the man has temper and he gets mad easily, people get angry.

and now you are upset because a man hit a woman because he was angry because he thought she was an Israeli ?
can't you see what the Israeli have done to kids and women in Palestine since 1948?
I loath israel and israels actions have made me loath jews

The amount if sheer utter hatred israel had created for the jews will gurantee an immense amount of suffering for future jews

The current situation wont last for ever
You don't understand, we have a saying People's tongue knows no mercy, he feared that his name will be ruined because of disgraceful thing if he was on israeli tv, plus the man was mad, he hit the man first, which increased his anger so he started hitting anything in front of him, which was the woman unfortunately. again, he is a human. im not trying to defend him and stuff, im just saying the man has temper and he gets mad easily, people get angry.

and now you are upset because a man hit a woman because he was angry because he thought she was an Israeli ?
can't you see what the Israeli have done to kids and women in Palestine since 1948?
There is no excuse for hitting a woman and he did it with brutality and pride, did not feel remorse but triumph.

This is not a human being, and yet i see so many "men" here defended his actions because the word "Israel" is mentioned.
I won't say what you are because apparently no one taught you how to be men.
He went after the woman because she was the only one who could not defend herself, simple as that.

He is a coward and i would personally, gladly, show him what it must have felt like for that woman.
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