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Blonde Girl in Cairo gets followed by Men

The point is that European women can walk freely in their countrys without males acting like animals.

the means of settling their urges are provided via socializing in bars , people go there , get drunk , chat up and some end up going home together and not knowing who they wake up next to in the morning

this provision has removed unwaranted advances towards women in non-designated places but it has whole lot of other problems related to alcoholism , STDs , teenage pregnancy , signle parent issues and many others

Removing one problem and repalcing it many others is not the soultion to seuxal harassment of women
the means of settling their urges are provided via socializing in bars , people go there , get drunk , chat up and some end up going home together and not knowing who they wake up next to in the morning

this provision has removed unwaranted advances towards women in non-designated places but it has whole lot of other problems related to alcoholism , STDs , teenage pregnancy , signle parent issues and many others

Removing one problem and repalcing it many others is not the soultion to seuxal harassment of women
Are you somehow trying to say that Europe wouldnt have these problems if they would threat women as objects?
Are you somehow trying to say that Europe wouldnt have these problems if they would threat women as objects?

What Im saying is that the soultion to ending harasment of women does not lie in copyng the western way of living beacuse it may have masked one problem but has given rise to many others

and women are treated as sexual objects in western culture , whether its clothing , tv commericals not matter what they are about even if its about furniture , movies , the propagated view of women is highly sexualized
Most rapists are men who are sexually repressed or have no chance with women in real life. Living in the US does not mean that everyone has access to women.

In Egypt, rape is rampant now. keeping women indoors and covered from head to toe is not the answer.
I am partially agree with you and partially with @Albatross .. See repressed one do commit such type of crimes, but even married one or person in relationship also does the same.. Its about power projection and making a statement for those criminals...
What utter bullshit!!! What **** had Islamic hero Tariq Bin Ziyad watched when he made the following speech while attacking Spain and offering western women as objects of desire worth killing and dying for???

where is the reference to this quote that you have pulled out of your *** ?! , Tariq Bin Zyad was invited by a nobleman named Julian to attack Roderic in Spain who had raped his daughter , so shut your mouth

and by the way you should enable your flag , dont hide like a coward , enable your flag so you can be deflated accordingly

After Roderic came to power in Spain, Julian had, as was the custom, sent his daughter to the court of the Visigothic king to receive an education. It is said that Roderic raped her, and that Julian was so incensed he resolved to have the Arabs bring down the Visigothic kingdom. Accordingly he entered into a treaty with Tariq to secretly convey the Muslim army across the Straits of Gibraltar, as he owned a number of merchant ships and had his own forts on the Spanish mainland.

About April 29 711, the army of Tariq, composed of recent converts to Islam, was landed at Gibralter by Julian.

Tariq's army contained about 7,000 men, and Musa is said to have sent an additional 5.000 reinforcements.Roderic, to meet the threat, assembled an army said to number 100,000.Most of the army was commanded by, and loyal to, the sons of Wittza, whom Roderic had brutally deposed. Tariq won a decisive victory when Roderic was defeated and killed on July 19 at the Battle of Guadalete.

On the advice of Julian, Tariq split his army into various divisions which went on to capture Cordoba, Granada and other places, while he remained at the head of the division which captured Toledo and Guadalajara . Tariq was de facto governor of Hispania until the arrival of Musa a year later.

Both Tariq and Musa were simultaneously ordered back to Damascus by the Umayyad Caliph Umayyad Caliph Al-Walid in 714, where they spent the rest of their lives.
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