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Blonde Girl in Cairo gets followed by Men

when you are at the forefront of creating filthy images and pictures of your women then why blame others for viewing them like that , western culture is at fault here

and as far as women wearing anything they want wihtout getting attntion , then its not true for the west , it has actually been taken to next level , date rape is not uncommon in western countries

lol ... where do you see anything about making rape legit
When you say that people going together is as pervert as rapes

You're very hypocrite too blaming the other people for the fact that you watch ****

It's not different from a guy eating a good meal at a restaurant, and leave the restaurant insulting everybody
when you are at the forefront of creating filthy images and pictures of your women then why blame others for viewing them like that , western culture is at fault here

and as far as women wearing anything they want wihtout getting attntion , then its not true for the west , it has actually been taken to next level , date rape is not uncommon in western countries

lol ... where do you see anything about making rape legit

It's not a mans place to tell a grown woman how to dress, period. Women are autonomous agents and must be treated as such. It's not our fault that you guys can't control yourselves. Your culture promotes sexual repression and we see it's consequences in the video.
It's not a mans place to tell a grown woman how to dress, period. Women are autonomous agents and must be treated as such. It's not our fault that you guys can't control yourselves. Your culture promotes sexual repression and we see it's consequences in the video.

haha you people are very good liars and hypocrites your self , you said that most Brazilans are Catholics right ? well I've visited the heart of Catholicism in the Vatican , St Peters Church , I noticed some interesting things on the entrance , the guy at the entrance had a stack of blue apron like paper cloth , when some lady with a very high nicker would trun up at the entrance she was made to wear that covering blue apron so that it covered her bare leg before she was let in , so dont talk about women being asked to cover up , what is considered decent is faily universal
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When you say that people going together is as pervert as rapes

You're very hypocrite too blaming the other people for the fact that you watch ****

It's not different from a guy eating a good meal at a restaurant, and leave the restaurant insulting everybody

don’t misquote me on rape , go back and read each of my post and bring forward where I even made any mention of rape , you have poor reading comprehension I think.
and speaking of **** , you have seen it too , without exception all men browsing the internet have seen it.
**** however has negative consequences especially when it comes to how a men perceive women , this is all well documented and acknowledged that pornography , 90% of which originates from the west , has created a perverse view of how men and women should have relationship.
haha you people are very good liars and hypocrites your self , you said that most Brazilans are Catholics right ? well I've visited the heart of Catholicism in the Vatican , St Peters Church , I noticed some interesting things on the entrance , the guy at the entrance had a stack of blue apron like paper cloth , when some lady with a very high nicker would trun up at the entrance she was made to wear that covering blue apron so that it covered her bare leg before she was let in , so shut the f*** up about women being asked to cover up , what is considered decent is faily universal

In churches yes but not in daily life. What's with the rude language? You're showing signs of frustration.
In churches yes but not in daily life. What's with the rude language? You're showing signs of frustration.

I've edited my post of the rude content but you have to tell why in churches do you think its ok to ask women to cover up before entering church but not otherwise ?!? you did say that 'It's not a mans place to tell a grown woman how to dress'
Egypt has a fucking problem man, a serious one. Shit if it were me, id gun every guy down anywhere near this woman. You just need to do this once and thats it. Kill a few hundred in one go, the rest will not even look at a woman again. Absolute power is everything.
Finally once we can agree :tup:, i know how many muslims are staring at the tourist girls in their countrys but doing worst thing to their own women if they look like them.

They are sexually repressed and willing to go to any lengths in order to sate their sexual desires, as demonstrated by the video.
don’t misquote me on rape , go back and read each of my post and bring forward where I even made any mention of rape , you have poor reading comprehension I think.
and speaking of **** , you have seen it too , without exception all men browsing the internet have seen it.
**** however has negative consequences especially when it comes to how a men perceive women , this is all well documented and acknowledged that pornography , 90% of which originates from the west , has created a perverse view of how men and women should have relationship.
What about rapes in the traditionnal societies? Nothing to see with ****, rapists have no excuses.

And you've mentionned rapes, read again yourself
What about rapes in the traditionnal societies? Nothing to see with ****, rapists have no excuses.

And you've mentionned rapes, read again yourself

I mentioed it in the context of date rape , go back and read

Finally once we can agree :tup:, i know how many muslims are staring at the tourist girls in their countrys but doing worst thing to their own women if they look like them.

staring happens in Italy also , the further south ones goes towards Naples its more , grabbing a purse or something more is also not uncommon , same it true for Spain , these things happen in non-muslim places as well.
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staring happens in Italy also , the further south ones goes towards Napoli its more , grabbing a purse or something more is also not uncommon , same it true for Spain , these things happen in non-muslim places as well.
The point is that European women can walk freely in their countrys without males acting like animals.
entering up the back channel , then into the mouth ... how very clean and humane ehh ?

Im not here to defend people acting like perverts in the video but just to get you off your high horse

the pronogrphic images are avilable everywhere and they are watched also , in most of those images its western woman who performing sexual acts , these images have played a role in creating the view that women dressed or apearing like western women are sexual object open to advances , its a perverse view but thats how it has come to be

What utter bullshit!!! What **** had Islamic hero Tariq Bin Ziyad watched when he made the following speech while attacking Spain and offering western women as objects of desire worth killing and dying for???

You have heard that in this country there are a large number of ravishingly beautiful Greek maidens, their graceful forms are draped in sumptuous gowns on which gleam pearls, coral, and purest gold, and they live in the palaces of royal kings.
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