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Egyptian Actors on a prank show

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I've seen that before. I will not reply to ignorance.
Then you deny at least one person a learning experience, yes? That's what proud folk do when they can think of no reasoned response to those they consider inferior. Why should anyone follow you or believe in you, then?
It goes beyond that. Just see how he tried to apologize for his conduct: by inviting the woman he hit to a private rub-down. Such misogyny is all of a piece with the televised reports of Egyptian gangs raping any Western woman they see not wearing a chador.

What more proof is needed that Egypt, the oldest nation on Earth, has to learn to be civilized all over again?
Stop generalizing please. No body is less civilized than the country that you come here to defend everyday. Yes this guys is a low life piece of **** and most Egyptians would agree with that because of his behavior toward women and Jews, but that hate for Israel is justified and is shared by almost every single Egyptian including Non-Muslim Egyptians. We will never forget your crimes, and we will never forget the people and the children that have been murdered by Israel in Egypt, in the Arab & Muslim world.
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