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Egyptian Actors on a prank show

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Although this is a video and not actual written news, it has to do with world politics because of the regime change and Islamists winning the elections.

Egyptian Actors on Candid Camera Show Turn Violent When Told Channel Is Israeli- YouTube

To say the least, this video is revolting and disgusting to watch. There is nothing sexual in the video though, for all the religious Muslims in the forum.

LOl, the guys got pretty violent. Anyways, i don't see what the problem is, if its their country then who the hell is anyone to say anything about them or dictate to them??

Though i do agree that they bit on the high end when it came to hating Jews, not all Jews are israeli and Zionists just as not all Zionists are Jews so its completely unjustified to hate all Jews, though Arabs are also Semites so i don't think they can be accused of "anti-Semitism" since that would mean they would hate themselves too.
You can cry all you want Zionist the world knows you have stolen land -
Cry yourself as your accusation is a lie. Pakistanis can say they "stole land". So can Americans. But it turns out it is very difficult to say that the Zionists did: under the Turks and Brits Jews purchased land because that was the only way, and afterwards the Zionists still respected the civil and property rights of the Arabs, as the Caliph requested of them in the Treaty of Sevres. The Caliph requested the same of Arabs about Jews but the Arabs disobeyed. So are the Zionists really criminals or the last loyal subjects of the last Ottoman Caliph?
Cry yourself as your accusation is a lie. Pakistanis can say they "stole land". So can Americans. But it turns out it is very difficult to say that the Zionists did: under the Turks and Brits Jews purchased land because that was the only way, and afterwards the Zionists still respected the civil and property rights of the Arabs, as the Caliph requested of them in the Treaty of Sevres. The Caliph requested the same of Arabs about Jews but the Arabs disobeyed. So are the Zionists really criminals or the last loyal subjects of the last Ottoman Caliph?
The Zionists (not Jews) bought 20-25% of the land that is now Israel
Wow - what a video. Paranoia bordering on insanity. I thought EEE-GGGG-ypt and Israel were pretty close, my bad, I was wrong!
I have to say that the interviewees in that video were just pathetic & retarded. There can never be an excuse to hit a woman! NEVER! NEVER! NEVER! In fact there should have been no violence at all. Even enemies can be respectful towards each other.

I would advise people to not generalize every Egyptian based on this video. Some of my best friends in university were Egyptian, & they were good people.

LOl, the guys got pretty violent. Anyways, i don't see what the problem is, if its their country then who the hell is anyone to say anything about them or dictate to them??

Though i do agree that they bit on the high end when it came to hating Jews, not all Jews are israeli and Zionists just as not all Zionists are Jews so its completely unjustified to hate all Jews, though Arabs are also Semites so i don't think they can be accused of "anti-Semitism" since that would mean they would hate themselves too.

I agree. It is unjustifiable to hate all Jews or any other race or ethnicity people have enmity with. Although the Egyptians aren't pure Semites, some of them are probably mixed with Semitic Arab tribes. They do speak a Semitic language though. Personally, I don't think most people can be accused of anti-Semitism. That would imply that they hate every Semite in the Middle East, & that is extremely unlikely.
Guys calm down, in my personal experience of interacting with different people, i can say one thing confidently. Israelis as people are much better human beings as compared to the arab countries surrounding Israel.

@ Israeli members on this forum

Muslims and Arabs aren't the same thing, Today there are nearly 1.67 billion muslims in this world, out of which only 30 percent or less are Arab. There are plenty of Muslims all over the world who want their countries to have diplomatic ties with Israel. Israel is a reality, it has proved itself by making sure it exists in the face of all odds and I respect Israel for that. Trust me you will not believe i personally know plenty of Pakistanis who want Pakistan to recognize the state of Israel for the mutual benefit of two countries. Those who oppose this, base the reason for their stance towards Israel purely based on emotions, it is because of such people that the whole Islamic world is facing so many problems.

Trust me the Pakistani members on this thread who are writing things against Israel is solely because of their emotions which in turn arise by seeing videos on youtube. That is their source of knowledge about Israelis. They haven't met any in their real life that's why they do this.

The world talks about gaza, but forget about Mayammar, Kashmir, Chechnya...etc. In each of these conflicts more people have been killed than in Palestine....yet Palestine seems to get the limelight. I can go on and on with this...but i would stop here !!!
Fat date rapist takes out his anger on the only person he knows can't fight back. Classy.
I am not sure if it is acting or if it just a prank, either way it is stupid and offensive not just to Jewish people, but to women too. You don't show such things on TV. Also, i am not sure if these people are actors or not. If they are, they are not known at all to me. The media is just crazy in Egypt. Anybody can say anything, about anybody. I understand that people seek freedom, but it is not freedom when you are being offensive.
Anybody can say anything, about anybody. I understand that people seek freedom, but it is not freedom when you are being offensive.
Actually, it's freedom only when one is allowed to be offensive. But physical assault is out. I guess Egyptians have to learn new limits.
Well I just watched the video and i take back my comments.Its fucked up..he even hit the women..I sure hope that not all Arabs are like this.This guy should not be allowed to be anywhere near women.
Fat date rapist takes out his anger on the only person he knows can't fight back. Classy.

Yeah, i agree, it was pretty effed up that he hit a woman but what puzzles me so much is that why did they get really pi$$ed off from the fact that they were on a israeli channel (even though it wasn't an israeli channel/show)??? Even Pakistanis and indians don't hate each other that much.

The Middle East is a mess; Arabs hate israelis but they hate Iranians even more, Iranians hate israel but they hate Gulf Arabs even more, Gulf Arabs have no problem with israel since they see it as an ally against Iran, and etc.....
Well I just watched the video and i take back my comments.Its fucked up..he even hit the women..I sure hope that not all Arabs are like this.This guy should not be allowed to be anywhere near women.

I hope Pakistanis don't backstab us. Even Indians don't say such things about us. Everyone just look at himself.
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