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Egypt, Turkey will join nuclear arms race


Mar 16, 2011
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A nuclear Iran would speed up a regional nuclear arms race that would include Egypt, Turkey and Saudi Arabia," Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Thursday evening during an annual event held at the Air Force House in Herzliya in honor of Independence Day.

Barak warns: Egypt, Turkey will join nuclear arms race - Israel News, Ynetnews

Saudi Arabia cannot make a nuclear weapon they don't have the ablity to make one currently they will likely buy a bomb from pakistan but the question is if Pakistan denies them it ?

Egypt has a nuclear program but nowhere near to make a nuclear bomb.

Turkey likely.
Sounds very lovely. Tiny Israel engulfed by nuclear states. Such an interesting scenario it could be. LOL. Israel's nuclear hegemony in the region is too shaky that if another state acquires nuclear weapons or have access to advanced nuclear technology it'll have many serious negative consequences for Israel. I'm not talking about attacking Israel with nuclear weapons, but it could neutralize Israel's nuclear threat which is very bad for Israel regarding its small size in comparison to states like Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt.
NATO nuclear weapons sharing states (Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Turkey)
turkey already have
but when eygpt will get i think they can't make such type of weapon
People think nuclear weapons technology is very advance secretive stuff, but in reality the difficulty only relies on keeping it secret.
That could be easily overcome by using the Silex Process with few modifications. But at the moment I think the process is in its very early stages.
NATO nuclear weapons sharing states (Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Turkey)
turkey already have
but when eygpt will get i think they can't make such type of weapon

but turkey doesnt have independence over it

People think nuclear weapons technology is very advance secretive stuff, but in reality the difficulty only relies on keeping it secret.
That could be easily overcome by using the Silex Process with few modifications. But at the moment I think the process is in its very early stages.

then why saudi arab couldnt build one??

making centrifuges are alone the impossible challenge
Saudi Arabia simply doesn't have the industrial base needed (I don't want to start a flame war here so swallow your pride and don't start a war). Also the Americans will never in a billion years let them import the man power and expertise needed, nor they will allow the import of supplies needed. It's just a crazy and laughable thought.

Turkey is a democracy and its people won't allow nukes to be built. Turks won't risk their relationship with the West. Building light water reactors for electricity production is one thing, building heavy-water reactors or centrifuges is another.

Egypt is the only one that might be able to make nukes. However can it survive sanctions like Iran did? Most likely not. Egypt is already in trouble without sanctions. It also doesn't have the leadership it would need to steer the country through sanctions and the whole headache that comes with being an independent Middle Eastern country.
Turkish nuclear program is a little bit different from Iranian and Egyptian ones. We can obtain eastern and western technology.

Russia to build Turkey’s nuclear plant - FT.com
Energy Tribune- Turkey, Canada Sign Agreement To Build Nuclear Power Plant

First plant will build by Russians, and second one will build by Canadians. Both countries will give Turkey know-how and ToT. Probably, Turkey will be the first country who have eastern and western nuclear plants.

Our program is civilian, not for military uses. But, if you can design a civilian reactor, it is not too difficult to build a nuclear bomb.
Egypt and Turkey will make it easily but the Saudis it will take them a long time
Egypt is the only one that might be able to make nukes. However can it survive sanctions like Iran did? Most likely not. Egypt is already in trouble without sanctions. It also doesn't have the leadership it would need to steer the country through sanctions and the whole headache that comes with being an independent Middle Eastern country.
1 mounth and we have a elected presdeint and do you think that building a nucler plant is the only way to get nuclear weapons ? and maybe we already have nuclear weapons in egypt who knows
lol, enriching Uranium 235 to more than 85% is not joke man! it needs a lot of protection . 1 mistake boom!
in normal nuclear plants you need just 3% enriching !
Iran had a lot of problem to enrich it's 235U to 20%!! but as i know we reached the laser enriching ability. so we can enrich it to higher percentages (but expensive) . but we won't because it will need a lot protection and we don't want to be Chernobyl 2.

1 mounth and we have a elected presdeint and do you think that building a nucler plant is the only way to get nuclear weapons ? and maybe we already have nuclear weapons in egypt who knows

i'm not sure for that, but good for you, i hope Egypt grow in the future. and one question: who do you think will be elected? (liberal?seqolar? Islamic? )
lol, enriching Uranium 235 to more than 85% is not joke man! it needs a lot of protection . 1 mistake boom!
in normal nuclear plants you need just 3% enriching !
Iran had a lot of problem to enrich it's 235U to 20%!! but as i know we reached the laser enriching ability. so we can enrich it to higher percentages (but expensive) . but we won't because it will need a lot protection and we don't want to be Chernobyl 2.

i'm not sure for that, but good for you, i hope Egypt grow in the future. and one question: who do you think will be elected? (liberal?seqolar? Islamic? )

Actually 95%. But I don't understand why it needs a lot of protection.
It's much easier to use plutonium obtained as a bi-product of nuclear fission than to use HEU for atomic weapons. (Iran's locally-built IR-40 heavy water reactor in Arak produces ~12 kgs of plutonium annually when it is inaugurated).
I don't see that happening any time in the near future. Egypt's economy won't allow that, as if we want to join nuclear arms race, we had better first prepare our economy for it. Besides, military needs the American foreign aid. We can't afford to lose that for the time being, but if a good president is elected ( which I highly doubt ), then Egypt can turn into a strong country.
Actually 95%. But I don't understand why it needs a lot of protection.
It's much easier to use plutonium obtained as a bi-product of nuclear fission than to use HEU for atomic weapons. (Iran's locally-built IR-40 heavy water reactor in Arak produces ~12 kgs of plutonium annually when it is inaugurated).

because one neutron can cause a chain reaction , and this neutron can be anywhere, and alot of more things .... but it can be easier to have one nuke and use it imidiatly but keeping it is hard
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