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US scholar urges nuclear deal with Pakistan

Dude, do you believe in Law? Is Pakistan a signatory to NPT? No. Did we break any sort of laws? No. Can anyone do anything about it? No.

After Crimea, don't you think the strategic center of gravity has shifted away from the US of A? Yes. Do you think we give a hoot? No. Does it matter if India complains from rooftops about us? No. Rest of the world is too busy trying to stay sane.

By the way, you were the first in breaking the cardinal rules of proliferation on the subcontinent. The day you decided to divert civilian fissile material to weapons program. Not us. Furthermore, don't you think we are capable of doing the exact same thing? Yes. Don't forget all that fissile material from KANUP. It has been operational for decades.

Incorporating foreign tech in Indian weapons is one thing, selling nuclear tech to other nations is another. Are you comparing the two?

Actually he's very informed person. It's just that if there's anything good vis-a-vis Pakistan, he puts on some sort of blindfolds and starts typing. All in all, maybe mildly hypocrite. Though, I do enjoy arguing with him! :D

Don't bother with him Hyperion, he's a hypocrite who doesn't like to see the mirror even when shown repeatedly.
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Don't bother with him Hyperion, he's a hypocrite who doesn't like to see the mirror even when shown repeatedly.
Thankyou for the character certificate. Next time, do mention where you find fault with any fact that I mention in any of my posts.

Dude, do you believe in Law? Is Pakistan a signatory to NPT? No. Did we break any sort of laws? No. Can anyone do anything about it? No.

After Crimea, don't you think the strategic center of gravity has shifted away from the US of A? Yes. Do you think we give a hoot? No. Does it matter if India complains from rooftops about us? No. Rest of the world is too busy trying to stay sane.

By the way, you were the first in breaking the cardinal rules of proliferation on the subcontinent. The day you decided to divert civilian fissile material to weapons program. Not us. Furthermore, don't you think we are capable of doing the exact same thing? Yes. Don't forget all that fissile material from KANUP. It has been operational for decades.
I am aware that Pakistan is not a signatory to NPT.
However two simple questions are relevant here:
1. Did Pakistan export nuclear designs and material to countries that had signed the NPT?
2. If so..Why then did Pakistan export nuclear designs and material to countries clandestinely.
The answer is obvious then.

On the other hand - has India sold any nuclear technology/design/material on the black market?
Yes/No would suffice here.

Are you aware that while US was literally bulldozing the rest of the world to accept the exception to the NPT ie India, the only reason half the countries accepted it, despite the US pressure was because India's spotless record in nuclear proliferation was emphasized again and again.

When I say nuclear proliferation - I imply India being a conduit for other nations to acquire nuclear technology.

Even then it was a hard bargain, with many countries putting up a strenuous fight.

Are you aware that NSG works only on consensus? If even one country had objected, the entire deal is torpedoed. Again and again, our clean proliferation record was what salvaged it. And again and again, Pakistan was shown to the world as an example of contrast to India's actions.

Lastly, no country besides the US can offer Pakistan a nuclear deal. As always, most members of this forum are children without knowledge who know nothing but 'crush the kafirs' - and say 'we want a nuclear deal from China' or 'yay! we got a nuclear deal from China'.

A nuclear deal is one in which the rest of the world removes sanctions on the country and allows the country to take part in the global nuclear trade. To get that, you need a clean exemption from the NSG. Only the US has the wherewithal to push through that, and even then only when other members are convinced about your sincerity towards the goal.

Do you think China or even Russia can get that done? No, not even remotely close.
Secondly, what majority of Pakistani members here consider to be a 'nuclear deal' with China is actually nothing but sale of reactors from China. Its exactly the same as how India purchased reactors from Russia even before the nuclear deal. Both India and Pakistan purchase reactors from Russia/China under 'Grand father clauses'. Not even close to what the Nuclear deal actually means in the current context.

Now that you know the background answer me this:
1. Is US likely to push as vociferously for Pakistan as it did for India to get an NSG exemption
2. Are the rest of the countries - those who dont accept US diktats but look at your own proliferation record going to accept Pakistan and say 'oh, okay, you sold designs earlier to North Korea and Iran and Libya, but hey, its all good, you wont do it now'.

Please tell me what is likely.

Though, I do enjoy arguing with him! :D
Quite the same. In my opinion, there are more and more Pakistani members who are better read and aware than the mullah types that were predominant earlier. Quality of discussion is improving.
Why only Pakistan? Maybe a Right wing Hindu nutcase could get his hand on Indian bomb and fire on Pakistan?

Why Pakistan???

1)Pakistan has the world’s fastest growing nuclear arsenal.

2)history of supporting insurgents against India.

3)highly unstable internal threat environment.

4)Pakistan scored the lowest for “Political Stability” on the 2014 NTI (nuclear threat initiative) Index .

5) Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence’s association with anti-India militant groups raises concerns of state-sponsored nuclear terrorism.

6) we’ve seen the Pakistani Taliban and other insurgent groups within the country target military facilities in recent years.The potential of an attack succeeding against a Pakistani facility containing nuclear weapons or nuclear materials may be remote but worth considering.

Why NOT India??

1) India has excellent multilateral compliance, including fully implementing UN security council resolution 1540.

2)At the Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul, India had pledged to establish an independent regulatory agency for nuclear material security.

3) Indian armed forces and intelligence groups are not known to support any kinda extremists.India's nuclear weapons program and nuclear security is fiercely independent of its national politics.
Why Pakistan???

1)Pakistan has the world’s fastest growing nuclear arsenal.

2)history of supporting insurgents against India.

3)highly unstable internal threat environment.

4)Pakistan scored the lowest for “Political Stability” on the 2014 NTI (nuclear threat initiative) Index .

5) Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence’s association with anti-India militant groups raises concerns of state-sponsored nuclear terrorism.

6) we’ve seen the Pakistani Taliban and other insurgent groups within the country target military facilities in recent years.The potential of an attack succeeding against a Pakistani facility containing nuclear weapons or nuclear materials may be remote but worth considering.
Why NOT India??
1) India has excellent multilateral compliance, including fully implementing UN security council resolution 1540.

2)At the Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul, India had pledged to establish an independent regulatory agency for nuclear material security.

3) Indian armed forces and intelligence groups are not known to support any kinda extremists.India's nuclear weapons program and nuclear security is fiercely independent of its national politics.

An outsider knows much about Pakistan's nuclear bombs as much as a cow would know about flying a plane. Pakistan's nuclear bombs are not bananas that can be stolen or be given away.
Pakistan is unlikely to use the bomb unless attacked by India. India can use as many lobbies in USA to put pressure on Pakistan but Pakistan will continue to make more nuclear bombs. Finally our establishment has realised we have no friends in the region, nuclear bomb will keep India away and its illegitimate child Afghanistan will shake and tremble in awe of Pakistan's bomb. We could even test it on them as a sample to show India.
An outsider knows much about Pakistan's nuclear bombs as much as a cow would know about flying a plane. .
Hehehe...well that should mean that my post did make you uncomfortable.Because if nothing Pakistan is more at risk of loosing its nuclear know how to the insurgents than India.

Jaanbaz said:
Pakistan's nuclear bombs are not bananas that can be stolen or be given away
Nor are Indian nuclear bombs mangoes which can be stolen easily :coffee:

Jaanbaz said:
Pakistan is unlikely to use the bomb unless attacked by India.
India declared a NO FIRST USE (NFU)policy after making nuclear tests in 1998.

Jaanbaz said:
India can use as many lobbies in USA to put pressure on Pakistan
Tell me about it...
I thought it was Pakistan who always got the extra support from US.And in recent times India and US have not really been in best of terms.India seems to be closer to Russia than US.So this argument can be trashed safely.

Jaanbaz said:
Finally our establishment has realised we have no friends in the region,
A little sleuthing is enough to know that Pak maintains very good relations with India's arch China.And is on neutral terms with Russia.So thats 1.5 : 1 against India.

Jaanbaz said:
nuclear bomb will keep India away and its illegitimate child Afghanistan
And what about the legitimate ones sandwiched between Afghanistan and India??.:whistle:

Jaanbaz said:
We could even test it on them as a sample to show India.
Toothless gums!!!!
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