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US scholar urges nuclear deal with Pakistan

Humankind's worst nightmare is a terrorist letting off a nuclear bomb in a major city.And there are enough terrorists in Pakistan.
But hey what about US???
A report by BBC in july 2012 shows nuclear failure in US,when some intruders broke into the US weapons facility in Oak ridge Tennessee by simply cutting through 3 fences.They manged to get as far as the wall of the building that housed enough highly enriched Uranium. And they were confronted by just a single guard.
The intruders happened to be protesters making a political point.
So that shows how US manages its Uranium...lead by example they say. Ha!!
Hague Summit has tightened the nuclear security but countries like India,Pakistan,Russia and China refused to cooperate since US and its allies love to show their high handedness.
Nevertheless nuclear security is the need of the hour. I hope Pakistan can keep its Uranium safe.

This line stand out


Why only Pakistan? Maybe a Right wing Hindu nutcase could get his hand on Indian bomb and fire on Pakistan?
where did i say he will get the spanking from India

Veena Malik best knows how to do that
after the big boss episode with ashmit patel and after the magazine stunt
she is the best who knows how to give/receive a spanking

LOL, what is going on here? :woot:

On topic, it's definitely something to think about. Solutions to problems often come about in a very round-about way.
Not in favor of any deal with the US. I'm in favor of a deal with China. Besides that deal with China will NOT give us fuel security, so we will somehow have to work that out ourselves. FMCT is our crimson line. Not a chance. Either they give us EXACTLY the same deal, or we keep developing even more weapons. Eventually they will learn, and that isn't that far off. They do understand now that we can not be cornered. Ball is in their court.

Do you think there are sources for such things? :hang2:

Any idea about Pak uranium reserves?

Most international source claim nothing significant.

If thats true than how long do u think u'll keep running those Chinese new reactors without fuel guarantee as China itself is importing uranium.
Dude, you still believe in "international sources," haven't you passed puberty yet? :blink:

Any idea about Pak uranium reserves?

Most international source claim nothing significant.

If thats true than how long do u think u'll keep running those Chinese new reactors without fuel guarantee as China itself is importing uranium.
LOL, what is going on here? :woot:

On topic, it's definitely something to think about. Solutions to problems often come about in a very round-about way.
i replied back thinking he is a genuine poster
but he was not

he started trolling,so did I :laughcry:

they must have thought about this and there is no way they are going to support Pak with a nuclear deal..........
if they will give one to Pak then there relationship with India will deteriorate further which they will never want under present circumstances.............
FMCT not going to happen for two more decades. CTBT, they can kiss our arses. Treaty, no treaty, doesn't matter one bit. By favoring just India, US of A has lost all it's moral standing. When some nuclear shit hits the fan, US of A will be as helpless as it is today in the case of Crimea. Sad part is, they never learn.

And every Western power can shove their high tech up theirs. Now I really get the scope of their power.

1. An effing Boeing missing for three weeks, not a clue, and they used to say, we can see a virus on the tip of peoples dicks while they were peeing.
2. Russia comes walking in. All they could do was: protest.

Bhawawwawawawawwawawawawawa........ :D

@WebMaster please have a look at the LANGUAGE.............pathetic.
My case? Maybe! However, in your case it's a sure shot thing that you suffer from a case of selective amnesia. One of the biggest proliferators of all sorts of weapons tech, in the habit of slapping "indigenous" on everything that comes your way.......and lectures everyone else on ethos.

Dude, what's really wrong here. There are two kind of people. The very well informed and the idiots. Idiots dance day and night to the tune of whatever they are fed by the media, I don't mind them at all. Then there are you type, belonging to type one, who know exactly what's in their closet, yet, still are used to blatant lies.

Become a man, before you become a blind nationalist. Later we can both debate.

While you as a Pakistani might be oblivious to all that. The rest of the world is not. Pakistan's actions as a State have been much shorter of what the world expects of a responsible State, let alone a responsible nuclear power.
Our civil reactors are all safeguarded. That's the duplicity to begin with. Yes, we have more than 80,000 MW of untapped hydel power, we surely need to focus on that, however, that's not the point here. The point is, by giving just India the deal, they have freed up your reserves for making more weapons. So why not us? .
so you want a deal for making more wepons??
its good for pakistan to stop making more nuke warheads because the threshold limit is already over... also Pakistan not require more nuclear war heads than 100.. for nuclear deterrence against india pak only needs less than half the number as of now.. but pak pursuing with high rate and destabilizing the whole regions..

it's estimated that about 40 countries has capability to make nuke war heads if required.. so technically speaking it is not a great achievement becoming a nuclear state..
Nope. I'm not in favor of a deal. Specially signing FMCT ever. This world deserves more fissile material, and instability.

Stop lecturing who needs how many weapons. There is no theoretical limit how many should be produced by us. India & the US are last two nations to dictate us anything. Better mind your own business, and try to annex BD.....

so you want a deal for making more wepons??
its good for pakistan to stop making more nuke warheads because the threshold limit is already over... also Pakistan not require more nuclear war heads than 100.. for nuclear deterrence against india pak only needs less than half the number as of now.. but pak pursuing with high rate and destabilizing the whole regions..

it's estimated that about 40 countries has capability to make nuke war heads if required.. so technically speaking it is not a great achievement becoming a nuclear state..
Dude, you still believe in "international sources," haven't you passed puberty yet? :blink:

Mineral deposit reserves r published by extensive studies n research by most countries, though they may not be 100% correct but they r not trash either.

But I guess sarcasm is all u can come up with as there is hardly anything u got to back it up.
Dude, now here a logic for you to digest. Why are India and US's panties in a twist, for wanting us to sign FMCT? Let's say there are zero reserves with us, and all gates to uranium-mall for us are closed, then why the urgency?

P.S. Those studies aren't even worth the ink they are written in, or the pixels they occupy on your monitor.

Mineral deposit reserves r published by extensive studies n research by most countries, though they may not be 100% correct but they r not trash either.

But I guess sarcasm is all u can come up with as there is hardly anything u got to back it up.
Dude, now here a logic for you to digest. Why are India and US's panties in a twist, for wanting us to sign FMCT? Let's say there are zero reserves with us, and all gates to uranium-mall for us are closed, then why the urgency?

P.S. Those studies aren't even worth the ink they are written in, or the pixels they occupy on your monitor.

Do i really need to tell u why, simple as its acts in there national interest n vice versa for Pak.

But thats not the answer to my question.

I asked to a genuine question but u preferred sticking to off topic rants.

Anyways good luck with ur upcoming zillions of nukes.:tup:
My case? Maybe! However, in your case it's a sure shot thing that you suffer from a case of selective amnesia. One of the biggest proliferators of all sorts of weapons tech, in the habit of slapping "indigenous" on everything that comes your way.......and lectures everyone else on ethos.

Dude, what's really wrong here. There are two kind of people. The very well informed and the idiots. Idiots dance day and night to the tune of whatever they are fed by the media, I don't mind them at all. Then there are you type, belonging to type one, who know exactly what's in their closet, yet, still are used to blatant lies.

Become a man, before you become a blind nationalist. Later we can both debate.
Incorporating foreign tech in Indian weapons is one thing, selling nuclear tech to other nations is another. Are you comparing the two?
Oh. Please. You know what I don't like, I really don't like self-righteous people. You know very well, who got what and how! You can leave the indigenous / accountably / state actor and all other tag-lines for the innocents here. I know very well what India is, and where Pakistan stands.

Don't bother with him Hyperion, he's a hypocrite who doesn't like to see the mirror even when shown repeatedly.
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