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Egypt, Turkey will join nuclear arms race

because one neutron can cause a chain reaction , and this neutron can be anywhere, and alot of more things .... but it can be easier to have one nuke and use it imidiatly but keeping it is hard

That's the theory of how a nuclear chain takes place in U-235, there are reactors that work with 93% HEU (Tehran's nuclear research reactor used to work with 93% HEU before Argentina converted it to use 20% LEU) and they are safe. Keeping HEU safe isn't something that only few states could do, it's doable.
Turkish nuclear program is a little bit different from Iranian and Egyptian ones. We can obtain eastern and western technology.

Russia to build Turkey’s nuclear plant - FT.com
Energy Tribune- Turkey, Canada Sign Agreement To Build Nuclear Power Plant

First plant will build by Russians, and second one will build by Canadians. Both countries will give Turkey know-how and ToT. Probably, Turkey will be the first country who have eastern and western nuclear plants.

Our program is civilian, not for military uses. But, if you can design a civilian reactor, it is not too difficult to build a nuclear bomb.
Actually it's. Light-water reactors are useless for weapons. You're going to need either enrichment facilities with centrifuges churning out weapon's grade uranium or heavy-water nuclear reactors.
Actually 95%. But I don't understand why it needs a lot of protection.
It's much easier to use plutonium obtained as a bi-product of nuclear fission than to use HEU for atomic weapons. (Iran's locally-built IR-40 heavy water reactor in Arak produces ~12 kgs of plutonium annually when it is inaugurated).
Yeah heavy-water is the way to go, but it's easier to build centrifuges underground than to build a heavy-water reactor on the surface where it can be hit (like the Osiraq reactor in Iraq).

But the IR-40 reactor will be a game changer.

The question is, why would Turkey and Egypt need nuclear bomb? Please can someone give me some logical reasons?

Well, in the West they are trying to sell two ideas: that Iran is trying to make nukes (false) and that countries surrounding Iran will start their own program if Iran gets the nuke.
Turkey does not have to join the Nuclear arms race, We already have about 80 B61 Nuclear Bombs based at Incirlik base from USA. Able to be carried by 40 Special Modified Turkish F16s. Infact i dont think the US or EU would apriciate such an Action, But something like an domestic nuke would be sweeeeeeet! :)
Well, in the West they are trying to sell two ideas: that Iran is trying to make nukes (false) and that countries surrounding Iran will start their own program if Iran gets the nuke.

Well, even if Iran manages to make nukes, that would personally make me happy..Another Muslim nation to join the club..Typical western BS..trying to diversify ME

Turkey does not have to join the Nuclear arms race, We already have about 80 B61 Nuclear Bombs based at Incirlik base from USA. Able to be carried by 40 Special Modified Turkish F16s. Infact i dont think the US or EU would apriciate such an Action, But something like an domestic nuke would be sweeeeeeet! :)

I understand your point mate..But we dont need nukes..Instead let us focus on TF-2000 :D
I Left out Saudi Arabia for reasons everyone knows they want to buy one from pakistan question is pakistan will be under more fire if they give the saudis one.
I Left out Saudi Arabia for reasons everyone knows they want to buy one from pakistan question is pakistan will be under more fire if they give the saudis one.

Why would Pakistan give or sell a "nuclear bomb" to SA? We are talking about a nuke here, not a armoured vehicle that you can trade easily
So? If you would have said, Pakistan would support SA nuclear program, i would understand..But you cant just give/sell a nuke to another country..Or am i wrong?

Saudis have some old Chinese Missiles and well that was the deal Saudis buy a bomb from pakistan.
Why would Pakistan give or sell a "nuclear bomb" to SA? We are talking about a nuke here, not a armoured vehicle that you can trade easily

Its far more realistic then you think bro. For example France has nuclear weapons but they arent from France, They are made in Germany while for some reason Germany does not have any.
Saudis gave funds to their program similar to Saddam Hussein one.
And we've probably helped the North Koreans in many cases when they have ran out of funds.

Nukes aren't candy. Plus, in order to use nukes as deterrents, you're going to need your own program.

You're going to need a platora of nukes, not one. You're going to have to design proper delivery systems and be able to maintain them on a regular basis. The Saudis could only use their jets as delivery systems and trust me, when the Saudis go "oy USA, retrofit my jet so I can fit some pakistani nuke on it," the Americans will just invade the country the next day lol. You have to store it properly, you have to design ballistic missiles (harder than making nukes), you have to make tons of nukes etc... What you're saying is implausible so don't be naive please. It's just not so simple.

Its far more realistic then you think bro. For example France has nuclear weapons but they arent from France, They are made in Germany while for some reason Germany does not have any.

compare apples and apples

France produces 79 percent of its power from nuclear energy, the highest percentage in the world. They're experts in the field. They're producing everything they need.

To what extent is Germany involved, I don't know, haven't read anything about that, but to say the situation is similar to Pakistan-SA is laughable. Saudis can't make a dishwasher even. The French have a platora of reactors with some of the best tech in the world and everything in the world to make nukes. They also have a native military industrial complex capable of supporting the nuke arsenal. They can provide means of delivery and continued maintenance. For all intents and purposes they're independent of every country on earth.
Well, i doubt Pakistan would give KSA any n-*-*-*u-*-*-*k-*-*-*e-*-*-*s, however there are unconfirmed reports of a understanding between the two countries that Pakistan will deploy its troops in the Gulf if required by the Saudis, so far this has not been confirmed so i can't say it is true or not, but Pakistan certainly will not give any n-*-*-*u-*-*-*k-*-*-*e-*-*-*s, because as members here pointed out already, n-*-*-*u-*-*-*k-*-*-*e-*-*-*s ain't armored cars or candy.
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