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Is Saudi Arabia a nuclear weapon state now?

Those came from the South African total of 10 nuclear bombs, with one tested. Actually 3 went missing somewhere in the middle east.
You can read about it, it is all over the net for a while now, here follows an example:

From the link you provided. Very interesting lines:

A fact, Pakistan has never been involved in nuclear proliferation and Dr. A. Q. Khan is a patsy covering for another group at the demand of the United States. This is not conjecture.

However, intelligence agencies, since 1990, have scoured the planet offering nuclear triggering devices to any buyer, as part of sting operations. It is believed by many that Dr. A. Q. Khan of Pakistan assisted in this intelligence effort.

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If it turns out that Pakistani nukes have been delivered to KSA then not only is that an act of high treason by the high ranking officials involved but also goes to show that our strategic weapons are NOT in safe and responsible hands.

You don't just go around handing out our strategic weapons in the name of "brotherhood" like its candy or something.

I know you have read about the recent show of DF3 missiles.
What do you think? Can we add KSA to nuclear weapon wielding states or not yet?

This is the Debka article published a while ago:

Saudi Arabia became the first Middle East nation to publicly exhibit its nuclear-capable missiles. The long-range, liquid propellant DF-3 ballistic missile (NATO designated CSS-2), purchased from China 27 years ago, was displayed for the first time at a Saudi military parade Tuesday, April 29, in the eastern military town of Hafar Al-Batin, at the junction of the Saudi-Kuwaiti-Iraqi borders.

The DF-3 has a range of 2,650 km and carries a payload of 2,150 kg. It is equipped with a single nuclear warhead with a 1-3 MT yield.

Watched by a wide array of Saudi defense and military dignitaries, headed by Crown Prince and Deputy Prime Minister Salman bin Abdulaziz, the parade marked the end of the large-scale “Abdullah’s Sword” military war game.

Conspicuous on the saluting stand was the Pakistani Chief of Staff Gen. Raheel Sharif alongside eminent visitors, including King Hamad of Bahrain and Sheikh Muhammad bin Zayed, the crown prince of Abu Dhabi.
debkafile’s military and intelligence sources report the event was deliberately loaded with highly-significant messages, the foremost of which was that the Middle East is in the throes of a nuclear arms race in the wake of the Iranian program.

1. The oil kingdom was saying loud and clear that it has obtained nuclear missiles and is ready to use them in the event of an armed conflict with Iran.

2. The message for Washington was that Riyadh adheres to its adamant objections to the comprehensive accord for resolving the Iranian nuclear question which is racing toward its finale with the six world powers led by the US. The Saudis share Israel’s conviction that this pact - far from dismantling Iran’s nuclear capacity - will seal the Islamic Republic's elevation to the status of pre-nuclear power. The result will be a Middle East war in which the Saudis will take part.
3. The participation of the nuclear DF-3 missiles in the “Abdullah’s Sword” exercise signified Riyadh’s estimate that the coming conflict will see the use of nuclear weapons.
4. By showing off their ageing Chinese missiles, the Saudis intimated that they had acquired the more advanced generation of this weapon, which they are keeping under wraps. debkafile’s intelligence sources report that in recent visits to Beijing, high-ranking Saudi officials negotiated the purchase of Dong-Feng 21 (DF-21), whose range is shorter, 1,700 km, but more precise and effective in view of its terminal radar guidance system. The West has no information about when the new Chinese missiles were delivered to Saudi Arabia.
5. The presence of the top Pakistani soldier at the parade of military and nuclear hardware was meant as corroboration of Islamabad’s active role as the source of the Saudi nuclear arsenal.
6. The Saudis no longer rely on the American nuclear umbrella. They are developing their own nuclear strike force with the help of China and Pakistan.

In the real world, if you want to be taken seriously, don't talk about debka crap!
Whether KSA have nuclear weapons or not right is not so important. The most important thing is that we will get them eventually. Just a question of time.

A regional power like KSA needs them and nuclear energy in general. In the future most of KSA's energy will be nuclear energy.

In any case I would not be surprised if KSA already have nuclear weapons either on its territory or ready for deliverance.

If tiny Israel can have nuclear weapons then KSA as a major regional power and the 13th biggest country in the world, the cradle of Islam and the biggest Arab economy need them as well. A country in the heart of the ME.

Especially when we will unite the Arabian Peninsula into one unit once again.

Sooner rather than later KSA must annex all other countries on the Arabian Peninsula and create 1 formal strong entity which would become the 6th biggest country in the world and a country with a ideal population of about 130-150 million people by 2050.

Arabs created 3 of the 11 largest empires in human history. More than any other ethnic group in the top 15. Establishing Caliphates, Empires, Sultanates, Emirates, Sheikdoms, Kingdoms across the world is a large part our heritage. We have a imperial heritage. If the Arab world would be united we would be a major world power like before in history. First the Arabian Peninsula should formally unite though.
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If it turns out that Pakistani nukes have been delivered to KSA then not only is that an act of high treason by the high ranking officials involved but also goes to show that our strategic weapons are NOT in safe and responsible hands.



Ouh, we have so afraid ! You are so funny…:D

Evidently, you forget who funded ‘Pakistan nuclear bomb’ of our brothers.

...The most important thing is that we will get them eventually. Just a question of time.

A regional power like KSA needs them and nuclear energy in general. In the future most of KSA's energy will be nuclear energy.

In any case I would not be surprised if KSA already have nuclear weapons either on its territory or ready for deliverance.

If tiny Israel can have nuclear weapons then KSA as a major regional power and the 13th biggest country in the world, the cradle of Islam and the biggest Arab economy need them as well.
A country in the heart of the ME.

Especially when we will unite the Arabian Peninsula into one unit once again.


Thank you very much. ;)

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If it turns out that Pakistani nukes have been delivered to KSA then not only is that an act of high treason by the high ranking officials involved but also goes to show that our strategic weapons are NOT in safe and responsible hands.

You don't just go around handing out our strategic weapons in the name of "brotherhood" like its candy or something.

You are making the mistake of taking seriously some random floating conjectures. Whoever said that these theories merit any attention to begin with?

Especially when we will unite the Arabian Peninsula into one unit once again.

Sooner rather than later KSA must annex all other countries on the Arabian Peninsula and create 1 formal strong entity which would become the 6th biggest country in the world and a country with a ideal population of about 130-150 million people by 2050.

Arabs created 3 of the 11 largest empires in human history. More than any other ethnic group in the top 15. Establishing Caliphates, Empires, Sultanates, Emirates, Sheikdoms, Kingdoms across the world is a large part our heritage. We have a imperial heritage. If the Arab world would be united we would be a major world power like before in history. First the Arabian Peninsula should formally unite though.

1. I find serious problem with your world-view in that you see world through a specific interpretation of 'Saudi Arab Nationalism". Must it be expansionist and militant in the extreme on the back of size and hypothetical population?

2. When you say that "Sooner rather than later KSA must annex all other countries on the Arabian Peninsula" you are proving the case of UAE. As I recall one of the reasons UAE came into being was out of fear of annexation by the expansionist Saudis. What makes you think that Omanis, Emiratis, Qataris, Kuwaitis would put up with annexation at all? You are preaching expansionism at the expense of other nationalities and using your version of "Saudi Arab Nationalism" as vehicle of choice.

3. You then launch an exposition of Arab greatness based on X number of Arab empires which are more than among Y number of Ethnic groups. Your supposed imperial heritage does nothing to impress others who happen to read your post. It only betrays a mind-set of supposed Arab superiority based on effort of long-lost ancestors who were actually a very different people from likes of you.

I do not wish to belittle your Arab pride, but please use some boundaries, otherwise you sound so very jingoistic and Ethno-centric.

Sorry to hurt your ego, but brother you really need some advise.
You are making the mistake of taking seriously some random floating conjectures. Whoever said that these theories merit any attention to begin with?

1. I find serious problem with your world-view in that you see world through a specific interpretation of 'Saudi Arab Nationalism". Must it be expansionist and militant in the extreme on the back of size and hypothetical population?

2. When you say that "Sooner rather than later KSA must annex all other countries on the Arabian Peninsula" you are proving the case of UAE. As I recall one of the reasons UAE came into being was out of fear of annexation by the expansionist Saudis. What makes you think that Omanis, Emiratis, Qataris, Kuwaitis would put up with annexation at all? You are preaching expansionism at the expense of other nationalities and using your version of "Saudi Arab Nationalism" as vehicle of choice.

3. You then launch an exposition of Arab greatness based on X number of Arab empires which are more than among Y number of Ethnic groups. Your supposed imperial heritage does nothing to impress others who happen to read your post. It only betrays a mind-set of supposed Arab superiority based on effort of long-lost ancestors who were actually a very different people from likes of you.

I do not wish to belittle your Arab pride, but please use some boundaries, otherwise you sound so very jingoistic and Ethno-centric.

Sorry to hurt your ego, but brother you really need some advise.

KSA is a regional power and the undisputed power on the Arabian Peninsula. The Arabian Peninsula uniting one day is in the interest of all countries and KSA will naturally assume the leading role.

UAE, Qatar and partially Kuwait are recent creations. They have no historical legitimacy. The people there are just people from Eastern Arabia and all their ancestors came from what is now KSA mostly. In ancient history they were part of the ancient Dilmun Civilization and other civilization native to Eastern Arabia whose majority population and land was found in modern day KSA. It's only naturally that we want those lands back.

Dilmun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eastern Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I want the best for KSA. This would suit us.

This is the reality and we are proud of our history. If people cannot deal with this it is not our problem.

This forum has showed to us that we can only trust our own kin. We are discussing those issues in our own section. Foreigners do not need to be impressed or even like the ideas discussed. We seek nothing from them. At least I do not.
The reason why general sharif was there is well documented But there is no cure for western delusions and height of conspiracy theories.
KSA is a regional power and the undisputed power on the Arabian Peninsula. The Arabian Peninsula uniting one day is in the interest of all countries and KSA will naturally assume the leading role.

UAE, Qatar and partially Kuwait are recent creations. They have no historical legitimacy. The people there are just people from Eastern Arabia and all their ancestors came from what is now KSA mostly. In ancient history they were part of the ancient Dilmun Civilization and other civilization native to Eastern Arabia whose majority population and land was found in modern day KSA. It's only naturally that we want those lands back.

Dilmun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eastern Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I want the best for KSA. This would suit us.

This is the reality and we are proud of our history. If people cannot deal with this it is not our problem.

This forum has showed to us that we can only trust our own kin. We are discussing those issues in our own section. Foreigners do not need to be impressed or even like the ideas discussed. We seek nothing from them. At least I do not.

1. My interest in this thread is based purely on Pakistan's supposed involvement. It has nothing to do with this being an 'Arab' section and my being a 'foreigner'.

2. The best for KSA is not necessarily best for those you wish to annex. If I am not wrong, Saudis are Najdis and therefore they can not legitimately claim exclusive right to Arabian peninsula in exclusion to others. Wanting your lands back could make sense in terms of personal property dispute being adjudicated in a court, but not in regional terms under the cloud of Saudi nationalism.

You can easily ignore me - I am not into calling undignified names when disagreed with. I merely wish to point out that stating your objective in such stark terms is likely to provoke reaction, which would certainly be counter-productive.

3. You may look back at Dilmun, I look back at Indus Valley Civilization. But both of us actually have a common ancestor, Adam and both of us actually belong to our creator, Allah. We are brothers in a sense and a wish to assume superiority by either of us is pointless.

4. Your pride in your identity, culture, and history must not necessarily mean demeaning others. In a civil conversation, frank opinions and differences therein should be tolerated and accepted for the sake of politeness.

5. So this forum has taught you the value of your own kin. It then depends upon how you define your kin. The definition of your identity is up to you. You decide which layer of identity gets precedence. I apologize if some of my boorish fellow-countrymen have caused you to restrict the idea of your kin. Most of us see Arabs as brothers. This has been the way of our ancestors from before discovery of oil in Gulf.

Wa Salaam.
1. My interest in this thread is based purely on Pakistan's supposed involvement. It has nothing to do with this being an 'Arab' section and my being a 'foreigner'.

2. The best for KSA is not necessarily best for those you wish to annex. If I am not wrong, Saudis are Najdis and therefore they can not legitimately claim exclusive right to Arabian peninsula in exclusion to others. Wanting your lands back could make sense in terms of personal property dispute being adjudicated in a court, but not in regional terms under the cloud of Saudi nationalism.

You can easily ignore me - I am not into calling undignified names when disagreed with. I merely wish to point out that stating your objective in such stark terms is likely to provoke reaction, which would certainly be counter-productive.

3. You may look back at Dilmun, I look back at Indus Valley Civilization. But both of us actually have a common ancestor, Adam and both of us actually belong to our creator, Allah. We are brothers in a sense and a wish to assume superiority by either of us is pointless.

4. Your pride in your identity, culture, and history must not necessarily mean demeaning others. In a civil conversation, frank opinions and differences therein should be tolerated and accepted for the sake of politeness.

5. So this forum has taught you the value of your own kin. It then depends upon how you define your kin. The definition of your identity is up to you. You decide which layer of identity gets precedence. I apologize if some of my boorish fellow-countrymen have caused you to restrict the idea of your kin. Most of us see Arabs as brothers. This has been the way of our ancestors from before discovery of oil in Gulf.

Wa Salaam.

1) Fair enough. I never objected to any participation of yours or that of other users. I just stated my own opinion. I don't find it controversial at all since I believe that most people of the Arabian Peninsula want to unite and form a strong and prosperous entity that would ensure a much higher degree of cooperation by virtue of being one single entity.

2) No, Saudi Arabians are not only Najdis. The majority is not even that. Where did you get this idea from? KSA is made up by many historical regions. From North to South and West to East. KSA already forms 80% of the Arabian Peninsula if I remember correctly. Most of the people of those GCC states I have mentioned are originally from what is today KSA and their ancient history is tied to the territories of what is today KSA and the civilizations native to that territory.

Huh? Where have I used undignified names?

3) This is just purely 1 out of dozens of ancient and influential Semitic civilization native to the ME, Arabian Peninsula and the Arab World that modern-day Saudi Arabians can claim as part of their heritage. I agree with that and I never claimed anything else.
I am just including ancient history and recent to make a point that derives from history but can be used politically to suit my ideas namely that of the necessity to unit the Arabian Peninsula and KSA becoming the natural ruler in such a entity due to a lot of factors. Some based in history, heritage, ancestry, economy, military, size etc.

4) I am not doing that but just voicing my ideas. I know that many people do not agree with me and that is fair enough.

5) Well, what I mean is that we at the end of the day depend on our own kin firstly and in this case my own kin, at least paternally are fellow Arabians and inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula and after that other Arabs. That's all that it means.
I want to see a strong KSA and possibly a united Arabian Peninsula just like most Pakistanis want to see a strong Pakistan that also includes Kashmir being under Pakistani rule.
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1) Fair enough. I never objected to any participation of yours or that of other users. I just stated my own opinion. I don't find it controversial at all since I believe that most people of the Arabian Peninsula want to unite and form a strong and prosperous entity that would ensure a much higher degree of cooperation by virtue of being one single entity.

No, Saudi Arabian are not only Najdis. Where did you get this wicked idea from? KSA is made up by many historical regions. From North to South and West to East. KSA already forms 80% of the Arabian Peninsula if I remember correctly. Most of the people of those GCC states I have mentioned are originally from what is today KSA and their ancient history is tied to the territories of what is today KSA and the civilizations native to that territory.

Huh? Where have I used undignified names?

3) This is just purely 1 out of dozens of ancient and influential Semitic civilization native to the ME, Arabian Peninsula and the Arab World that modern-day Saudi Arabians can claim as part of their heritage. I agree with that and I never claimed anything else.
I am just including ancient history and recent to make a point that derives from history but can be used politically to suit my ideas namely that of the necessity to unit the Arabian Peninsula and KSA becoming the natural ruler in such a entity due to a lot of factors. Some based in history, heritage, ancestry, economy, military, size etc.

4) I am not doing that by just voicing my ideas. I know that many do not agree with me and that is fair enough.

5) Well what I mean is that we at the end of the day depend on our own kin firstly and that of our own and in this case my own kin, at least paternally are fellow Arabians and inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula and after that other Arabs. That's all that it means.
I want to see a strong KSA and possible a united Arabian Peninsula just like most Pakistanis want to see a strong Pakistan that also includes Kashmir being under Pakistani rule.

1. Agreed. Though I might wish for sake of all involved for this process to be based on empowering a willing union and not annexation by KSA.

2. Citizens of KSA are certainly not all Najdis. But Aal-Saud are Najdis. Their capital Riyadh is in Najd. I hope that clarifies what I have been trying to convey. This ties back to point #1 above.

The reference to undignified names was meant to communicate that I do not take offence at difference of opinion unlike many on this forum. It was not directed at you, but was in fact included to put you at ease. Unfortunately, I have seen some Pakistani members exhibit bad manners with you, which you do not tolerate. That is all.

3. Agreed.

4. Agreed.

5. I see nationalism, culture, custom, language, tribal affiliation, etc... as means to an end - Identity. But the highest identity, in my view, is being a human creation of Allah.

Not saying anything about you, but I see various attitudes on this forum relating to identity. Practicality is one thing, preference is another, prejudice is still another, and the worst is racism and assumption of superiority.
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