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Is Saudi Arabia a nuclear weapon state now?

Is that nuclear umbrella is valid against nuclear nation as well?

I mean what the heck you will do if some European nation chose to nuke SA? Putting you nuke in a F-16, refueling it multiple times(not sure how), breaching the SAM,s and air defence, do a suicide hit?

And then get ready to watch hundreds of Trident looming over Pakistan?

I dont think you are in a position to guarantee security to any nation.

Yeah, we all have our opinions, don't we? You are not in a position to know or predict or even guess. An umbrella is a cover. Hundreds of tridents looming over Pakistan is just a matter of sick imagination. Why would things come to this? What might happen that relations erode to that extent? It is not even a valid what-if scenario.
Yeah, we all have our opinions, don't we? You are not in a position to know or predict or even guess. An umbrella is a cover. Hundreds of tridents looming over Pakistan is just a matter of sick imagination. Why would things come to this? What might happen that relations erode to that extent? It is not even a valid what-if scenario.

Is there something called conditional umbrella?

Or when we put someone in our umbrella, we consider all if and buts in the world?

Just tell me objectively, against which nuke power, you are going to retaliate for KSA? Or in easy world, are you guys ready to let your country obliterate for someone else?
Is there something called conditional umbrella?

Or when we put someone in our umbrella, we consider all if and buts in the world?

Just tell me objectively, against which nuke power, you are going to retaliate for KSA? Or in easy world, are you guys ready to let your country obliterate for someone else?

You are reading too much into this thing. The umbrella is just a heads up for people who might think that they can push our Arab friends around by issuing threats of nuclear weapons. Nobody is about to target anyone. There is not going to be a nuclear war. Tell me who would be nuts enough to target Arabs? It would take a true mad man to do so. Just think about it.
You are reading too much into this thing. The umbrella is just a heads up for people who might think that they can push our Arab friends around by issuing threats of nuclear weapons. Nobody is about to target anyone. There is not going to be a nuclear war. Tell me who would be nuts enough to target Arabs? It would take a true mad man to do so. Just think about it.

Actually no one but not because anyone is afraid of pakistan but the natural resource KSA possess.

My problem is pakistanis looking to massage their ego by coining umbrella term as if they can really provide any such thing. Its simply beyond their pay grade. Pakistan do not even cover whole world to claim so.
Actually no one but not because anyone is afraid of pakistan but the natural resource KSA possess.

My problem is pakistanis looking to massage their ego by coining umbrella term as if they can really provide any such thing. Its simply beyond their pay grade. Pakistan do not even cover whole world to claim so.

Your problem? Is that a Freudian slip? How is this your problem? Do you believe that talking about other people's ego solves 'your' problem?

You should be talking to a psychiatrist, not me.
Your problem? Is that a Freudian slip? How is this your problem? Do you believe that talking about other people's ego solves 'your' problem?

You should be talking to a psychiatrist, not me.

Catching words huh and that too in absurd sense.

Use your wisdom rather to figure out what sort of umbrella pakistan provide to KSA.
What do you mean by that ? Say for example Israel nuke KSA then in return Pakistan will nuke Israel ? Am i correct ?

Israel will not one day wake up and decide to launch nuke, there would be event that lead to it, and when the time comes they will be told.
Haha they dont have even missle. They have bought some missle from China at 27 years ago. In their AbdulUS sword exercise they showed them by a truck :lol:
Yes Pakistan would nuke Israel in a heartbeat over such an attack.
Nope it won't. Unless it targets holy sites, which it'll never do unless it has nearly lost the war.

Pakistan will wait instead for sanctions to be placed on Israel. By attacking Israel with nukes, you'll only divide public opinion. Nukes are always last resort. In case of Israel, it'll use nukes when it's about to collapse and at that point, it's useless to nuke Israel as you'll only do collateral damage. This because Arab forces will have captured Israel.

Also if Israel does nuke, Pakistan will nuke back (in your theory), it'll also hit Jeruselm, which is another holy site. Israel will rather lose the country than see its holy sites being nuked. Moreover, the site is holy to muslims as well.

Bottom line, nukes are only deterence. They won't be used, likely even if Israel happens to use them.
Haha they dont have even missle. They have bought some missle from China at 27 years ago. In their AbdulUS sword exercise they showed them by a truck :lol:

Are you sure that is all they have go?
No,but I know they can not build simple missles. The missles that they have is old missles that they have bought from China at 27 years ago.
But still, how do you know that this is all they have? KSA is not going to announce acquisitions just like that, is it?
But still, how do you know that this is all they have? KSA is not going to announce acquisitions just like that, is it?

I dont have too information about them and dont want... but I know in the exercise, they showed 27 years old missles that bought from China.
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