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Russia, Egypt nearing $3bn arms deal: report

The Jewish Press » » Egypt Signing Unprecedented $3 Billion MIG-35 Deal with Russia

Egypt Signing Unprecedented $3 Billion MIG-35 Deal with Russia

By: Jewish Press Staff
April 22nd, 2014

Ehud Ya’ari of Israel’s Channel 2 News reported on Tuesday night, that Egypt and Russia will be signing an unprecedented military agreement.

In this agreement between Cairo and Moscow, Egypt will receive 24 of Russia’s advanced Mikoyan MiG-35 fighter jets, along with military and strategic advisers, as well as training for the Egyptian Air Force.

The deal is worth $3 billion.

It follows in the footsteps of a $2 billion arms deal that Egypt signed with Russia in February, and was primarily funded by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

The deal itself has been in the works since November, as JewishPress.com reported when Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu visited Cairo and Egyptian leader Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, and developed in response to decreased US military aid to Egypt.

This deal is a major setback to US policy and diplomacy in the Middle East, and is a direct slap in the face for U.S. President Obama.

Egypt, Russia said close to deal for advanced jets
In potential shift of orientation away from US, Cairo said hosting delegation of advisers from Moscow to discuss MiG-35 purchase
BY TIMES OF ISRAEL STAFF AND AFP April 22, 2014, 10:39 p

Egypt is slated to sign a deal with Russia to purchase 24 advanced MiG-35 fighter jets, Israel’s Channel 2 news reported Tuesday, citing official sources in Moscow and Cairo.

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Ahead of the agreement for the sophisticated aircraft — not sold as of yet to any other country — a delegation of Russian advisers are currently in Cairo meeting with officials.

According to a February report of the deal, Egypt was prepared to buy a number of MiG-29 planes, as well as Mi-35 helicopters and other hardware, for over $3 billion. RIA Novosti listed Saudi Arabia and the UAE as funding the purchase.

It is not known when the planes would be sent to Egypt. The Russian Air Force is waiting on 100 new MiG 35s, which are expected to be delivered in 2016, according to a report in Jane’s Defence last week.

The sale to Egypt could be seen as a major blow to US President Barack Obama, who has fought charges of weakening US power in the face of Russian intervention in Ukraine. The Channel 2 analyst described it as a potential case of “Obama losing Egypt to Putin.”

The US, which sends over $3 billion in annual aid to Egypt as part of the Camp David peace accord with Israel, has supplied most of Egypt’s military hardware since 1979.

However, Washington has threatened to withhold some funding following a military coup that saw defense chief Abdel Fattah el-Sissi seize power from Islamist president Mohammed Morsi in July.

The country is scheduled to hold elections next month, with Sissi expected to cruise to victory.

The election has turned into a contest between the ex-army chief lauded by millions for ousting an Islamist government and a leftist who claims to represent the ideals of the 2011 uprising.

Sissi’s sole rival is Hamdeen Sabbahi, who came third in the 2012 election which Morsi won, and is seen by supporters as the only leader representing the aspirations of those who revolted against the dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak in 2011.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is a vocal supporter of Sissi, having endorsed his candidacy in February, before Sissi announced he would run.

RT : Mon , 21 /4/2014
Egypt considers buying Russian MiG-35

Better to invest in Super Mushak/Hurkus, K-8 Block-II, JF-17 Block-II. Naval Vessels and Land Vehicles.
Read this, it'll explain

I don't think they'll confuse the two, besides the Mig-35 is a Mig-29 M but with the Zhuk-AE (AESA) radar, so I think the Russians wanted to give Egypt the M\M2 but the Egyptians insisted on the 35, hence the delay in finalizing the deal, from what I read there were some technical difficulties as the Russians put it from the time Egypt's Sisi (when he was still defense minister) visited Moscow, that was probably about the radar in their new Migs.

I still cant get it why EAF went for MIG-35 rather than SU-30 , perhaps there is something we do not know
Read this, it'll explain

I don't think they'll confuse the two, besides the Mig-35 is a Mig-29 M but with the Zhuk-AE (AESA) radar, so I think the Russians wanted to give Egypt the M\M2 but the Egyptians insisted on the 35, hence the delay in finalizing the deal, from what I read there were some technical difficulties as the Russians put it from the time Egypt's Sisi (when he was still defense minister) visited Moscow, that was probably about the radar in their new Migs.
What about the time frame for delivery, maybe the MIG-29 can be delivered more quickly with some AESA radar added, If it is the same as the MIG-35.
Most articles on the net speak about the MIG-29, that is why I tought that the Jewish press was confusing things up, since they are the only ones who brought up the Mi-35 helicopters in their article.
I would rather see the EAF getting SU-35s, along with Mig-29s and MIG 35s to be somehow in par with Israels F-15s and F-16s, and replace the smaller fighter jets with the JF-17.
The technical difficulties are most probably about the time of delivery, since Russian forces are waiting for a 100 MIg-35 for themselves first, then Russia might be able to export some (most pobably made for export).
How many MiG-29s could this contract include?
It depends on if the US doesn't push back against this. I can guarantee the Americans will try and stop this deal aggressively, we're already seeing this with resumption of US military aid to Egypt.

Jf-17 is a pygmy compared to mig-35
To be fair, they have different roles and philosophies behind their designs, so it's kind of unfair to compare them. It's like comparing a Su-35 with an F-16, doesn't really make much sense.
What about the time frame for delivery, maybe the MIG-29 can be delivered more quickly with some AESA radar added, If it is the same as the MIG-35.
Most articles on the net speak about the MIG-29, that is why I tought that the Jewish press was confusing things up, since they are the only ones who brought up the Mi-35 helicopters in their article.
I would rather see the EAF getting SU-35s, along with Mig-29s and MIG 35s to be somehow in par with Israels F-15s and F-16s, and replace the smaller fighter jets with the JF-17.
The technical difficulties are most probably about the time of delivery, since Russian forces are waiting for a 100 MIg-35 for themselves first, then Russia might be able to export some (most pobably made for export).

Well, the Mig-29 M\M2 with the Zhuk-AE radar is the Mig-35, as far as I know the air-frames are identical except for the radar and some avionics components and neither are in serial production, although the Russian AF supposed to be getting their 1st batch of Mig-35s pretty soon (I think they might have already received a few, I think I read something about it), and the info about Egypt getting the Mig-35 were quoted from the director of Rosoboronexport and on multiple sources. I think when they referred to technical difficulties they were referring to what kind of radar not the timeline for deliveries, but I could be wrong, those things are hard to know as there are no details available in open sources. And as for the JF-17, I don't think its the best choice, as the EAF already operates 240+ F-16s and the USA resumed its military aid to Egypt as they announced a couple of days ago, to apply a high-low mix, they'll use their existing fleet of F-16s and maybe upgrade the older ones, doesn't make sense to replace 240 of them with the JF-17s, plus the EAF needed an air superiority fighter, the JF-17 isn't the best for that role, and yes, the Su-35 would have been a better choice but who knows, maybe the EAF will be getting some of those too, you know the old mentality of secrecy the Egyptian military still has! And yes, the Mig-35 boosts up the EAF's capabilities against the Israeli F-15s no doubt, and the EAF needed that for a long time, they've been asking the Americans for F-15s and been denied, then F\A-18s and again been denied so the Mig-35 evens the odds, but still I wanted to see the Su-35 in the EAF, that jet would give the EAF a decisive edge over the Israeli F-15s and even the odds with their planned F-35s..
Well, the Mig-29 M\M2 with the Zhuk-AE radar is the Mig-35, as far as I know the air-frames are identical except for the radar and some avionics components and neither are in serial production, although the Russian AF supposed to be getting their 1st batch of Mig-35s pretty soon (I think they might have already received a few, I think I read something about it), and the info about Egypt getting the Mig-35 were quoted from the director of Rosoboronexport and on multiple sources. I think when they referred to technical difficulties they were referring to what kind of radar not the timeline for deliveries, but I could be wrong, those things are hard to know as there are no details available in open sources. And as for the JF-17, I don't think its the best choice, as the EAF already operates 240+ F-16s and the USA resumed its military aid to Egypt as they announced a couple of days ago, to apply a high-low mix, they'll use their existing fleet of F-16s and maybe upgrade the older ones, doesn't make sense to replace 240 of them with the JF-17s, plus the EAF needed an air superiority fighter, the JF-17 isn't the best for that role, and yes, the Su-35 would have been a better choice but who knows, maybe the EAF will be getting some of those too, you know the old mentality of secrecy the Egyptian military still has! And yes, the Mig-35 boosts up the EAF's capabilities against the Israeli F-15s no doubt, and the EAF needed that for a long time, they've been asking the Americans for F-15s and been denied, then F\A-18s and again been denied so the Mig-35 evens the odds, but still I wanted to see the Su-35 in the EAF, that jet would give the EAF a decisive edge over the Israeli F-15s and even the odds with their planned F-35s..

If the report is correct then egypt has done a good deal as usa will never supply it with aesa radar.

Zhuk ae is an aesa and huge upgrade over the zhuk m of mig-29 k of iaf which is just a simple pulse doppler radar.

And no the frames are not 100 pc same and nor are the sensors compared to mig 29 m,but to mig-29 k of indian airforce that contains israeli ecm and ukranian jammers along with other improvements.

Still they lack aesa and the 3d tvc.
So its an excellent deal with zhuk ae having stated range of 200km for 5 m2 target,thats almost double of apg 68 v9
If the report is correct then egypt has done a good deal as usa will never supply it with aesa radar.

Zhuk ae is an aesa and huge upgrade over the zhuk m of mig-29 k of iaf which is just a simple pulse doppler radar.

And no the frames are not 100 pc same and nor are the sensors compared to mig 29 m,but to mig-29 k of indian airforce that contains israeli ecm and ukranian jammers along with other improvements.

Still they lack aesa and the 3d tvc.
So its an excellent deal with zhuk ae having stated range of 200km for 5 m2 target,thats almost double of apg 68 v9

To my knowledge the air frames are identical, the specs on both Migs are exactly the same (same length, win-span,height, wing-area,..etc) and same power specs (same engine, the RD-33MK) and the same max speed, take-off weight,....etc meaning, that since its the same engine, then the similarities in those numbers indicate a similar air-frame. The differences, like I mentioned, are the Radar and avionics, and the Mig-29K is the different variant, cause its a navalized version, the air-frame has significant modifications so the specs are a bit different. Egypt won't opt ofcourse for any Israeli avionics in their Migs, and from what I hear the unit coast for the Egyptian Mig-35s are unusually high, Egypt probably will incorporate low rcs features in their Mig-35s to counter the Israeli F-35s, so that is why, probably, the coast is unusually high.

But yes, it is a great addition to the EAF, we needed such a fighter for a very long time, and almost for sure they'll get a very capable BVR missile to go with it, something that Egypt lacked for a while. The EAF also needs tankers, there aren't anything about tankers in the deal so far, but the EAF has been trying to procure tankers from the USA for years, so it only makes sense that they get some from Russia. And yea, the USA resumed aid to Egypt, I mean if they wanna keep any leverage with Egypt they have to, and i don't think the USA can afford not having Egypt on its side especially with everything that is going on in the region.
To my knowledge the air frames are identical, the specs on both Migs are exactly the same (same length, win-span,height, wing-area,..etc) and same power specs (same engine, the RD-33MK) and the same max speed, take-off weight,....etc meaning, that since its the same engine, then the similarities in those numbers indicate a similar air-frame. The differences, like I mentioned, are the Radar and avionics, and the Mig-29K is the different variant, cause its a navalized version, the air-frame has significant modifications so the specs are a bit different. Egypt won't opt ofcourse for any Israeli avionics in their Migs, and from what I hear the unit coast for the Egyptian Mig-35s are unusually high, Egypt probably will incorporate low rcs features in their Mig-35s to counter the Israeli F-35s, so that is why, probably, the coast is unusually high.

But yes, it is a great addition to the EAF, we needed such a fighter for a very long time, and almost for sure they'll get a very capable BVR missile to go with it, something that Egypt lacked for a while. The EAF also needs tankers, there aren't anything about tankers in the deal so far, but the EAF has been trying to procure tankers from the USA for years, so it only makes sense that they get some from Russia. And yea, the USA resumed aid to Egypt, I mean if they wanna keep any leverage with Egypt they have to, and i don't think the USA can afford not having Egypt on its side especially with everything that is going on in the region.

Isn't it a 4++ generation fighter? I believe this is a good addition for Egypt and hope they go ahead with the deal. I will see this jets next summer when I visit Egypt again. :D Can't wait. :)
To my knowledge the air frames are identical, the specs on both Migs are exactly the same (same length, win-span,height, wing-area,..etc) and same power specs (same engine, the RD-33MK) and the same max speed, take-off weight,....etc meaning, that since its the same engine, then the similarities in those numbers indicate a similar air-frame. The differences, like I mentioned, are the Radar and avionics, and the Mig-29K is the different variant, cause its a navalized version, the air-frame has significant modifications so the specs are a bit different. Egypt won't opt ofcourse for any Israeli avionics in their Migs, and from what I hear the unit coast for the Egyptian Mig-35s are unusually high, Egypt probably will incorporate low rcs features in their Mig-35s to counter the Israeli F-35s, so that is why, probably, the coast is unusually high.

But yes, it is a great addition to the EAF, we needed such a fighter for a very long time, and almost for sure they'll get a very capable BVR missile to go with it, something that Egypt lacked for a while. The EAF also needs tankers, there aren't anything about tankers in the deal so far, but the EAF has been trying to procure tankers from the USA for years, so it only makes sense that they get some from Russia. And yea, the USA resumed aid to Egypt, I mean if they wanna keep any leverage with Egypt they have to, and i don't think the USA can afford not having Egypt on its side especially with everything that is going on in the region.

Point of my comparison was wrt mig-29 m which are significantly less capable than mig-35 and mig-29k
Isn't it a 4++ generation fighter? I believe this is a good addition for Egypt and hope they go ahead with the deal. I will see this jets next summer when I visit Egypt again. :D Can't wait. :)

Yes it is a 4++ generation fighter and yes it is a great addition, we needed it for so long.
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