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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

Yes, it is. The question is whether you find it reliable enough.

My bad, but it certainly isn't reliable enough. Any primary or secondary sources or confirmation from the health ministry/student faculty?
Photo of young university student shot in the head by security forces today in Alexandria (HIGHLY GRAPHIC):
Ouch. I have seen loads of headshot images shot by the Egyptian security forces or army. Not sure what's the difference now since both are assisting each other but one hella huge *** caliber penetrated through brains and even eyes.

I'm not able to post links until I reach 30 posts but what can I say after the coup? There are army forces on roads with their hostility toward civilians and jihadi takfirist on the other side does car bombings to destabilize Egypt.

And oops the irony of the army claims to be superpower of the Middle East when they can't even beat beduuns in Sinai now. Bouteflika and his army must be laughing at egypt now.

What a mess the country is while GCC regimes sending $12b McDonald meals to Abdul Fetteh :lol:
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Kolana ma3a eldjaich el misri, dhalimoon aw modhlimoon!

Egypt: 3 years after the revolution
in the bubble
the situation is yet to be defused (desamorsi, Algerian dialect)

And oops the irony of the army claims to be superpower of the Middle East when they can't even beat beduuns in Sinai now. Bouteflika and his army must be laughing at egypt now.

When we were between the anvil and the deep sea, we were used as " lab" for their regime, and labelled Algerian as undesirable by enacting strong visa requirements for our citizens save Tunisia, that was our only breathing window for us while they were helping financially with political support the Muslim fundamentalists, they followed France of Mitterand and later Lionel Jospin and Clinton US by enforcing an embargo. Only the UAE managed to order and transhipped defense equipment destined to her re-routed to Algeria.
All the Arab states, toed the line that was dictated by the west. We didn't expect Moubarek to be that calice after all what we have done for his country.
They forgot that our history was based on war! Mubarek used to use Algeria as topic to further his political agenda while selling Egypt to the West to stay in power! Moubarek forgot, the country he was demonizing, was the only country that sayed with Egypt thru thick and thin during the the Israeli-Arab war, and if it wasn't for the Algerians in their entirety and their army, Egyptian will be speaking hebrew right now!
For us to laugh at Egyptians or at Egypt in their time of difficulties is just immoral, and it is not in our character, we feel for them.
We lived what they began to fear the most, and we hope that they find a time of clarity to reconsider taking the road of no return.

What a mess the country is while GCC regimes sending $12b McDonald meals to Abdul Fetteh :lol:

GCC promisses a lot and delivers a little and there is no country that understands that better than Egypt..[/quote]
[quote="Ceylal, post: 5178095, member: 143815"

Kolana ma3a eldjaich el misri, dhalimoon aw modhlimoon![/quote]
I wouldn't agree with the "dhamilmoon" part, but no doubt that what's happening now is a result of the foolishness of the MB. They have no one to blame but themselves.
Third blast in Cairo after bombs at police HQ, subway kill 5 & injure dozens
Third blast in Cairo after bombs at police HQ, subway kill 5 & injure dozens — RT News

This war against a bunch of coward terrorists can never be own alone. There needs to be international or atleast regional coooperation.

Fighting off terrorists by force alone won't do good.
Cutting funds, media eat against terrorism, and most importantly cutting the snakes head off is the only way to succeed in this war. No country can do it alone simply because the terrorist networks are spread in different countries, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen are all hotbeds for these cells, they will all continue to grow unless the entire region starts to cooperation.
This war against a bunch of coward terrorists can never be own alone. There needs to be international or atleast regional coooperation.

Fighting off terrorists by force alone won't do good.
Cutting funds, media eat against terrorism, and most importantly cutting the snakes head off is the only way to succeed in this war. No country can do it alone simply because the terrorist networks are spread in different countries, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen are all hotbeds for these cells, they will all continue to grow unless the entire region starts to cooperation.

What happened in Egypt has ZERO to do with MB and has to do with Sinai small militant group which consists of Egyptian bedioun tribes which were abandoned by the government and since then conflicted with each other. Do you not understand that or what?
What happened in Egypt has ZERO to do with MB and has to do with Sinai small militant group which consists of Egyptian bedioun tribes which were abandoned by the government and since then conflicted with each other. Do you not understand that or what?
The bombing in Egypt was done by Ansar Bayt Masqsidi which is part of the Al Qaeda who claimed to infiltrate the capital. It's just the beginning.

This is interesting. Blowback in Cairo
The bombing in Egypt was done by Ansar Bayt Masqsidi which is part of the Al Qaeda who claimed to infiltrate the capital. It's just the beginning.

This is interesting. Blowback in Cairo

No it isn't part of Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda is just an inspiration. Ansar Beit maqdas is made of of a couple to few hundred people from bedioun tribes mostly in the Sinai. I know this better than you and I've been to the Sinai and the government is resented for abandoning the people yet when the people facilitate their own source of revenue the government arrests their family members and this resulted in an conflict there.

Also, I don't completely believe they're behind it because it feeds people like you. I'm suspecting the Mossad or Egyptian hit men hired to do this to make it appear as if the government is fighting terrorism when in reality it isn't and it is committing many human rights violations. A recent amnesty report stated this recently:

Amnesty slams Egypt on rights, government attacks 'distorted picture'| Reuters

However, even if this group is at conflict with security forces that gunned down thousands of innocent Egyptians killing them in one day then this is something they set up for themselves. If Sisi thinks he can go around harassing half of the population and killing tribals in the Sinai and arresting and killing people who have MB membership then he reaps what he sows and hopefully the next one gets rid of this terrorist asshole.
Egypt is stupid they bought this on themselves

You can't dispose of a legitimate government kill thousands of its supporters and then expect them to sit back and take it

all this chaos is a necessary

Only a Egypt under severe economic stress will break the hold of the military and secular haramiis
A deadly attacks wave shakes Cairo
  • PHOb6cbb6be-851b-11e3-97e3-ef0367b39b73-805x540.jpg

Correspondent in Cairo

Pharmacy Abdel el-Waheb Rewani, there remains a mountain of debris. Son hanged electrical, ceiling were torn by the blast."I slept in the back room. Suddenly I heard a loud "boom". I immediately raised: it is as if a bulldozer had been there. I went out into the street. There was a huge cloud of smoke.People shooting in the air. It was chaos, "said still rang the doctor 27 years.

It is 6 pm 30 am when, on Friday, a huge explosion shook the city of Cairo, felt even on the other side of the Nile. Never the Egyptian capital had experienced a brutal awakening. The attackers did not miss their target: the imposing gray building of the security management, now transformed into a pitiful skeleton of concrete and steel. According to the Ministry of Health, six people were killed and hundreds were injured. Three other explosions occurred in the morning and late in the day, in the neighborhood of Dokki and an avenue leading to the Pyramids of Giza, have killed at least one person.

The damage caused by the first attack are impressive: the blast dug a deep crater in the road and damaged the facade of the Museum of Islamic Art, opposite. Around all the windows of the shops, the pharmacy Abdel Waheb were blown.

Sissi to protect us! "shouts Hani Zakri, fifties, brandishing the portrait of the new strong man of the country since the ousting of Islamist president, Mohammed Morsi , last July, a band repression tirelessly against the Muslim Brotherhood . "The people demand the execution of all the Brothers!" Intones a small group by attributing all evil to the Brotherhood, even if the attack was claimed by a splinter group of Sinai inspired 'to al-Qaida and who benefits from the current instability to act.

The wave of attacks was claimed by Ansar Bayt al Maqdis, a jihadist group Sinai linked to al Qaeda.Clearly, the authors wanted to attacks hit hard by violently shaking the capital on the eve of the anniversary of the Egyptian revolution. In parallel, the day on Friday was punctuated by events organized by the anti-Worth Alliance, headed by the Muslim Brotherhood, which called for 18 days of rallies - the length of the revolt that led to the departure of Mubarak .

According to a spokesman of the Brotherhood, six new protesters are killed by the bullets of the security forces. A spiral of violence that worries organizations defending human rights. "The Egypttook over the management of worsening repression and further clashes, "says the latest report from Amnesty International.



Troisième anniversaire de la révolution égyptienne: portraits croisés des acteurs qui convoitent la plus belle part du gâteau
Egyptian Presidents past and present.





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