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Egypt court sentences 529 Morsi MB terrorists to death

a visit to moscow and china ? mubark did it before him what results did he get nothing .el sisi visited russia at least he came back with results

Mubarak was an American puppet. Not even a puppet; he was a brutal henchman who was paid $2 billion/year to keep the Egyptian people in check and to follow US policies in the Middle East.

Morsi defied that arrangement and brought Egypt into a more balanced relationship with the other powers. He also improved relations with Iran.

Sisi is just Mubarak #2 but, instead of the US, his payment comes from Saudi Arabia. And, just as Mubarak and his cronies pocketed most of the American money, so Sisi and his cronies will pocket most of the Saudi money. Both military dictators were paid billions by foreign governments to keep the Egyptian people under control.
Mubarak was an American puppet. Not even a puppet; he was a brutal henchman who was paid $2 billion/year to keep the Egyptian people in check and to follow US policies in the Middle East.

Morsi defied that arrangement and brought Egypt into a more balanced relationship with the other powers. He also improved relations with Iran.

Sisi is just Mubarak #2 but, instead of the US, his payment comes from Saudi Arabia. And, just as Mubarak and his cronies pocketed most of the American money, so Sisi and his cronies will pocket most of the Saudi money. Both military dictators were paid billions by foreign governments to keep the Egyptian people under control.
mubark was a dictator i know this and i was one of the millions in tahrir square telling him to leave but there are a lot that i did not know at the time that he had red lines in our national security or our army which is ranked in the top 15 in the world and the US and i am sure of what i am saying did want mubark to leave i did not beleive this maybe becuase i did not want to but there is no way to escape the truth
morsi policy was simply folowing the brotherhood intersts inside and outside the country he worked from day 1 to take control of every thing the justice system the army the police if he is still in power they would never leave after 4 years or even 400 years they want democracy as long as it serve their intersts and when the time is right they would throw it away

Because he got money for it.
what do you mean that russia gave us money ?
mubark was a dictator i know this and i was one of the millions in tahrir square telling him to leave but there are a lot that i did not know at the time that he had red lines in our national security or our army which is ranked in the top 15 in the world and the US and i am sure of what i am saying did want mubark to leave i did not beleive this maybe becuase i did not want to but there is no way to escape the truth
morsi policy was simply folowing the brotherhood intersts inside and outside the country he worked from day 1 to take control of every thing the justice system the army the police if he is still in power they would never leave after 4 years or even 400 years they want democracy as long as it serve their intersts and when the time is right they would throw it away

what do you mean that russia gave us money ?

He was given money to buy arms.
morsi policy was simply folowing the brotherhood intersts inside and outside the country he worked from day 1 to take control of every thing the justice system the army the police if he is still in power they would never leave after 4 years or even 400 years they want democracy as long as it serve their intersts and when the time is right they would throw it away

I agree with you that the MB has some extremist and terrorist elements. Morsi himself made some extremist statements before he got elected and, even after election, he abused his authority several times.

However, he was evolving. As he spent time in office, he became more moderate. He defied -- and got flak from -- extremist elements within the MB for his moderate policies. No one is saying he was perfect, but Egypt was slowly maturing towards a better democracy.

The military coup was the worst possible thing to do, because it has sent the message to the Egyptian people that democracy means nothing. If you don't like the results, just call in the army. As long as you have the media -- controlled by the pro-military elite -- on your side, you don't need to play by the rules of democracy.
He knows persian well, if you're interested it means "hey turk, owner of convenience store" :lol:

Pro-US Morsi ashamed Islam. MB like hamas was made by Israel.

Now Hamas is created by Israel because they're not going to go to war for Iran. Go ask Hezbollah to go to war for you or Syria, the people of Gaza never took orders as such and won't do so in the future.
Now Hamas is created by Israel because they're not going to go to war for Iran. Go ask Hezbollah to go to war for you or Syria, the people of Gaza never took orders as such and won't do so in the future.
Hamas ashamed muslims and Islam by their terrorist attacks against civilians and took orders from Qatar and Morsi. Hezbollah is protecting the shia against car bombers (such as hamas, and some among Palestinian refugees in Lebanon).
Hamas ashamed muslims and Islam by their terrorist attacks against civilians and took orders from Qatar and Morsi. Hezbollah is protecting the shia against car bombers (such as hamas, and some among Palestinian refugees in Lebanon).

Stop lying liar, only reason you don't like them is because they warned nothing to do with Bashar. Don't bring up 'terrorist' attacks especially when civilians are being carpet bombed by your ally.
can you tell me what balanced policy did he make ? or can you tell me 1 thing he done right in his 1 year of rule ?

Running Egypt democracy......It is a positive thing made by Mursi. Only fool who can expect that one year term can achieve much thing my friend, especially for any new democracy country like Egypt.

Your problem is actually quite similar like Thailand, power problem. It is all about power between nationalist vs Islamist. This fight should be done in a democratic way, not through street demonstration. We had also before, street demonstration tried to overcome our new democracy during 1999, but thanks to ALLAH that our people was much wiser at that time.

Actually we did topple our own elected leader (Abdurrahman Wahid) during the first 2-3 years of our new democracy (starting from 1999 election), but we toppled him trough democratic process, voting in a parliament, not like you who use Military to come and then dissolved your parliament. Abdurrahman Wahid came to power by Islamist power and then made many policy mistake and seems make many people angry to him, including Islamist power.

I want to tell about the importance of being patience in a democratic system:

After toppling Abdurrahman Wahid trough legal parliament process, the Islamist then made a coalition with a Secular Nationalist party / PDI-P (Megawati Soekarnoputri). During her rule, many bad policies happened, like selling many good state owned company to foreign buyer and put liberal economist into vital economic position. But, in order to make democracy still run, all of the Islamist power were not fighting her, but instead using parliament as a basis to clean the government in a long run, so with other power in the parliament, they created Anti Corruption Commission (KPK) which is independent form executive (all 4 leaders of this body are elected by parliament). This body has become the most respected institution in Indonesia now, even executive and legislative will lose any political war if they dare to fight this body (Susilo Bambang Yudoyono had before, and turned back after people were starting to make demonstration against him)

They (Islamist power+ Soeharto follower (Golkar) also understand the bad thing about trowing a running President that they did before, so they choose to change the system into Presidential system in this period, and it can make any Ruling President become strong politically because it cannot be taken down by parliament if not making a really bad thing (like corruption). So many politician seems to look in a long term basis while still get angry of how Megawati ruled the nation. Because if there is a clash between Nationalist and the Islamist, this class can be taken on the street and can endanger our new democracy. Actually, during the first 5 years, the battle between Nationalist vs Islamist (+ Soeharto follower) were quite fierce in emotional level, but we never try to make the class become real by using mass power, something than we can see now in Egypt, Tunisia, Thailand.

And after Megawati feel in 2004 Presidential and Parliament election, because people were so sick with her policy, all of Islamist party make a coalition with Democrat party who won the election. After that, we knew that almost all ministery from PDI-P were prosecuted by KPK and being put into jail, many of their parliament members also made corruption and being put into jail. PDI-P is the party who has the most politician being put in jail compare to other parties.

The lesson is simple : Be Patience and just focus on making a good law if you are end up as being a looser in a current election, since you still have a chance to win in other term.
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According to your logic, just because OBL was found in Pakistan, then it's OK to massacre random Pakistanis and call them terrorists.

Oh dear, you seem to miss what did those people did... they are guilty of killing burning and destroying state property and disrupting common life. Same tactics, which Imran Khan used, first to have PM's forced resignation from his army post, later to have his resignation from Presidential post and last for re-in statement of judiciary.
If you want to talk in reference to Pakistan, than sorry we only believe in the character of Army and not politicians or corrupt democratic system.
If army general sack some one, out of circumstances or on basis of intelligence, does not society should be hijacked by using violence, crime is crime.

Why not you go to Egypt and interview the locals and come back and tell us!

I have lived in Egypt... not so long ago, before Mubarik's resignation, at that time 50% common people wanted him to change him, but he continued to rule, but when foreign agencies wanted change they delivered it instantly as Mubarik, was patriotic and so is all the Egyptian army.
Direction Moorsi took after assuming power, was rejected by same Egyptians, who may have voted him on the first place, rest we all know the street drama, clashes of public and deaths, initially, Army warned Moorsi to fix the street situation, but he was there for different agenda, hence nothing improved.
Army takeover had support of masses, and all became peaceful, afterwards. This is the true story.

I want to tell about the importance of being patience in a democratic system:

You mean civilian democracy! otherwise, when majority votes for Army, its already democracy.
Civilian Democracy which you wish, is tainted in Islamic countries.. specially strategically located Islamic countries, there is too much foreign interference. Hence its not democracy in its true sense.
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Why don't you write those in English ?
Let that idiot alone. His farsi sucks, and many of his sentences does not even make sense in Farsi. No wonder, since he is Surenas the troll who has been born in Pakistan and a refugee in Netherland, who has learnt farsi in college, therefore, his Farsi is still weak ;)
Let that idiot alone. His farsi sucks, and many of his sentences does not even make sense in Farsi. No wonder, since he is Surenas the troll who has been born in Pakistan and a refugee in Netherland, who has learnt farsi in college, therefore, his Farsi is still weak ;)

That's not Surenas. :lol:
Stop lying liar, only reason you don't like them is because they warned nothing to do with Bashar. Don't bring up 'terrorist' attacks especially when civilians are being carpet bombed by your ally.

Civilians being carpet bombed? how many civilians did your hamas-example saddam and zarqawi kill? Zarqawists have already killed more than 150000 Iraqis with hidden (car) bombs. I guess in Syria and Iraq they have killed 200000-300000 civilians.

The difference is when assad attacks he knows there are terrorist hiding in some neighborhoods, but zarqawists who have ashamed Islam deliberately attack civilians.
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