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Egypt court sentences 529 Morsi MB terrorists to death

I don't know how they gave you your analyst badge, but you need to read politic articles, and stop reading MOSSAD links
Mubarak and Sissi are "moderate and professional"? On what planet is this?

The only thing they are "professional" at is massacring their own people.

Also, don't believe the media hype about Egyptian people supporting the dictators. Egyptian media is owned by the rich elite who were Mubarak's cronies. These same people are now in with Sissi. Meanwhile, the ordinary Egyptians lose.

Remember, you can never reclaim your country from the dictators until you reclaim the media.

Some people claim MB was Islamist, others claim it was Zionist. It's funny how people throw labels. I can guarantee you 100% that Israel prefers the military dictators over MB. The US was paying Mubarak $2 billion/year to play nice with Israel and Sissi wants that money to flow again. Of course, most of that money ends up in the military dictators' bank accounts and the Egyptian people see no benefit.

Morsi improved relations with Iran -- he even angered extremist elements in MB -- and he was not anti-Shia. Being more tolerant towards Shias doesn't mean supporting dictators. Assad is a dictator; any reasonable person is against dictators, whether they are backed by Iran or Arabs.

UN: Egyptian death sentences contravene international law

Court in Minya gave death penalty to 529 Muslim Brotherhood members after two-day mass trial in which defense attorneys were not allowed to present their case.
News Agencies
Published: 03.25.14, 13:21 / Israel News

GENEVA - The United Nations human rights office said Tuesday that an Egyptian court's decision to sentence 529 members of the Muslim Brotherhood to death contravened international law, and voiced concern for others facing the same charges.

Rights campaigners and lawyers described Monday's ruling as the biggest mass death penalty handed out in Egypt's modern history. The sentences capped a swift, two-day mass trial in which defense attorneys were not allowed to present their case, drawing wide public and international criticism.

"The mass imposition of the death penalty after a trial rife with procedural irregularities is in breach of international human rights law," UN human rights spokesman Rupert Colville told a news briefing in Geneva on Tuesday.

The swift verdicts and the harsh sentences stunned human rights activists and raised fears that the rule of law is being swept away in the crackdown waged by the military-backed interim government against ousted president Mohamed Morsi's Musim Brotherhood since his overthrow last July.

But on Tuesday, the same court in Minya, south of Cairo, opened another mass trial of Islamist suspects, with 683 defendants - including the Muslim Brotherhood's top leader - facing an array of charges, from murder and inciting violence to sabotage.

The charges in Tuesday's proceedings also stemmed from rioting last August sparked by the security forces' storming of two Brotherhood sit-ins in Cairo that killed over 600 people.

The dispersal of the protest camps came weeks after the military overthrew Morsi following days of massive protests in which millions demanded he step down for abusing power.

Only 68 of the 683 defendants were in the dock on Tuesday. The rest are being tried in absentia. A handful of other defendants held in the case, including the Brotherhood's spiritual leader Mohammed Badei and other senior figures who are jailed in Cairo, were not present at the trial in Minya. Authorities cited security reasons for not bringing them to the hearings.

Defense lawyers in the case boycotted Tuesday's proceedings in a protest over Monday's death penalties handed by Judge Said Youssef, who was also presiding over the session Tuesday.

Khaled Fouda from the lawyers' syndicate in Minya, held a press conference to announce the protest.

"As lawyers, we haven't seen anything like what happened here yesterday in our entire professional lives and we will not see anything like it until our deaths," he said.

Defense lawyer Yasser Zidan, one of those boycotting the proceedings, said that despite the absence of the suspects' lawyers, Judge Youssef did not postpone the trial - another grave violation of due process.

"This is just another disaster," Zidan said. "This judge smashed the rock of justice with his own hands. He is inventing a new law."

Zidan added that the lawyers have filed a suit against the judge, demanded his removal. He said that according to the law, a court is obliged to postpone a session in the absence of defense attorneys and until new lawyers are assigned to the case.

The defendants were brought to court in prison trucks under heavy security measures. In addition to Badei, top Minya Brotherhood officials such as Mamdouh Ammar and lawmaker Mohammed Marzouk were listed among the defendants but it was not immediately clear if they were in court Tuesday.

The 68 were arrested following an August attack on a police station in the town of el-Adawa, when an angry crowd of pro-Morsi supporters stormed a police station to steal weapons, looted government buildings and carried out acts of "sabotage" against the state security, according to the charges. The defendants are also charged with the killing of two policemen and attempt murder of five people, including a Christian resident.
Look JEW UN speaking about conventions to protect their beheaders, always attacking egyptian soldiers to protect Israel
BS, everyone in the world knows that Safavids were Azerbaijani Turks. You are a racist moron.


Mullahs need some mercenaries to pressurize Israel, and Hamas does the job. As simple as that.
BS, everyone in the world knows that Safavids were Azerbaijani Turks. You are a racist moron.


Mullahs need some mercenaries to pressurize Israel, and Hamas does the job. As simple as that.
All things aside, what do you think of Malaysia fuckups over the MH370 flight? Apparently South-East Asia is just a big parking lot that even a freaking 200 feet passenger aircraft could go missing in it without anyone's noticing.
More baseless hit and run from you. :lol:
More baseless hit and run from you. :lol:

why are hamas leaders crying recently about the siege imposed by Egypt then ?

MB are over now , what left the remnants of alqauda that entered Egypt during morsi rule , not much left of them either.

Egypt has now announced setting up a fast intervension counter-terrorism army for a reason .

I don't know how they gave you your analyst badge, but you need to read politic articles, and stop reading MOSSAD links

You are the best source of MOSSAD propaganda on this forum.

It is not true to say that only rich elite support him

Look at the people who supported this military dictator and who own the Egyptian media. They are all rich Egyptians, friends of the military dictator and similar people. The main backer of the Tamarod movement was a wealthy Egyptian Coptic Christian who made billions under Mubarak and who owns major TV stations in Egypt.

Saudi Arabia was supporting the murderous thug Mubarak, and Saudi Arabia is supporting this military thug. The people of Egypt spoke in a democratic election and chose Morsi. You can ignore the votes and believe media propaganda if you like, but it won't change the facts.

Don't be fooled by the label "Islamist". That's a label that everyone throws around to discredit their opponents.

Want to massacre a few political opponents? Just call them "Islamists" or "terrorists" and you can kill them, no questions asked.
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You couldn't have said it any better. :)

You're so full of hatred it's unreal, yet you guys were trying to present a perspective to us that they're hateful people bent on injustice...Ha....
how many times do i have to tell you a supporter of hamas and the brotherhood must not talk about democracy or hate what about hamas when will we see another elections or see laws that respect all opinions beleive me brotherhood types are the last people to talk about human rights
how many times do i have to tell you a supporter of hamas and the brotherhood must not talk about democracy or hate what about hamas when will we see another elections or see laws that respect all opinions beleive me brotherhood types are the last people to talk about human rights
MB are the founders of islamism and terrorism.
If they stand up again, kill 4000 of them in few days like sisi did
No one is denying that there are terrorists in Egypt and even that MB has extremist elements.

That still does not justify the military dictatorship's massacre of anyone in opposition.

That's like saying that, just because OBL was found in Abbotabad, then it's OK to bomb everyone in Abbotabad.

No one has seen OBL in Abbotabad but the ouster of MB was not on the count of this one man alone (who is visible) and this is story of today and not the reason of Moorsi's ouster. He was ousted due to his own extremist behavior, speeches and acts.
God forbid, if Moorsi, was in power today, he would have killed even more numbers of Muslims labeling them what ever.

What i'm trying to show is that, people who are now facing gallows are culprit, beyond doubt and now even you have accepted it.

Whereas, Moorsi, was an engineered leader, launched on time by his handlers, who do not leave things to happen on chance, otherwise Mubarik had local opposition all the time. Even Army accepted his ouster but army was professional enough to smell the rat at early stage, and countered a foreign cooked revolution,.... just on time.

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Moorsi's ouster. He was ousted due to his own extremist behavior, speeches and acts.

He was ousted because he refused to follow the Mubarak policies and dared to take Egypt to a more balanced foreign policy.

Don't believe the military's propaganda. Few people outside Egypt do.

What i'm trying to show is that, people who are now facing gallows are culprit, beyond doubt and now even you have accepted it.

No, what you showed is that some individuals were guilty (assuming we can trust the Egyptian military-run court system). This same kangaroo court is now trying western journalists who told the truth about the military thugs.

That's why I gave the example. According to your logic, just because OBL was found in Pakistan, then it's OK to massacre random Pakistanis and call them terrorists.
He was ousted because he refused to follow the Mubarak policies and dared to take Egypt to a more balanced foreign policy.
can you tell me what balanced policy did he make ? or can you tell me 1 thing he done right in his 1 year of rule ?
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