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Egypt court sentences 529 Morsi MB terrorists to death

All things aside, what do you think of Malaysia fuckups over the MH370 flight? Apparently South-East Asia is just a big parking lot that even a freaking 200 feet passenger aircraft could go missing in it without anyone's noticing.
He is not Malaysian ;) He is an arab, and if I remember correctly, he is from Oman ;)
He is not Malaysian ;) He is an arab, and if I remember correctly, he is from Oman ;)

Then what is it with Malaysian flag and the name Mahatir? There are many Malaysians working in the GCC countries.
Egypt judiciary = Pakistani Judiciary...corrupt to the core will do anything for dollars.

MB is not a terrorist organization but sheikhs successfully labelled them. What is basis of sentencing them? people coming out on the roads to support their leader becomes terrorists overnight.
I guess, because he is a fan of Malaysia.

Malaysia is the less extreme case of our own current Iran, just without sanctions. But oh god, oh god, the people are getting more and more radical, and they're very vocal about it, I was there 30 days ago, I stayed there about a week, OH MY GOD, the religious extremism has reached a new high since the last time I was there! And the problem is not only the government, but some people of Malay ethnicity as well!

I don't know why Iranians stay there, poor people, I really feel sad for the fools who have left Iran just to entrap themselves in that bureaucratic hellhole.
Malaysia is the less extreme case of our own current Iran, just without sanctions. But oh god, oh god, the people are getting more and more radical, and they're very vocal about it, I was there 30 days ago, I stayed there about a week, OH MY GOD, the religious extremism has reached a new high since the last time I was there! And the problem is not only the government, but some people of Malay ethnicity as well!

I don't know why Iranians stay there, poor people, I really feel sad for the fools who have left Iran just to entrap themselves in that bureaucratic hellhole.
In eslaam mesle yek virus hast ke har jaa bere, ounjaa ra be gand mikesheh. Har chi bishtar ham bemouneh, bad tar misheh. SE Asia, ke normally retard hastand, eslaam ham be Malaysia ezaafeh shodeh. :disagree:
In eslaam mesle yek virus hast ke har jaa bere, ounjaa ra be gand mikesheh. Har chi bishtar ham bemouneh, bad tar misheh. SE Asia, ke normally retard hastand, eslaam ham be Malaysia ezaafeh shodeh. :disagree:

Bekhatere hamine migam bayad ina ro control kard. Farda mizanand donya ro be gand mikeshand. Hadeghal in masihihaye badbakht nemikhan digaran ro monfajer konand. Yahudiha ham ke sareshon to kare khodeshone. Mimone Mooslamoonha ke donbale "Global Domination" hastand.
Egypt judiciary = Pakistani Judiciary...corrupt to the core will do anything for dollars.

MB is not a terrorist organization but sheikhs successfully labelled them. What is basis of sentencing them? people coming out on the roads to support their leader becomes terrorists overnight.

Even we can get them doing corruption.....Corrupted Judge are every where....

"The chief justice of Indonesia’s Constitutional Court was arrested this week in a nighttime raid on his official residence by anticorruption investigators, who accused the justice of taking a bribe to issue a favorable verdict in an election dispute " (NYT)

Ono ke man hastam 100%. Manzooram in nabood ke mashiha hame khob hastand, dashtam comparison mikardam beyn bad va badtar. Dar kol ma entekhabi ke "religious extremism" pishe roye ma gozashte ya ma bayad zende bashim va ya anha, va misalaman my choice is ma ;)
Khob, eslaam mosallaman khashen tarin din e donyaa hast. dar hodoud e 9-10% ghoraan faghat aayaat e jahaad hast. Anyway, in extremism ra nemisheh kaar e khassish kard. in mesle yek cherk hast ke belakhareh baayad az badan bezaneh biroun. extremist ha, ba in kaar hashoun, in process ra tasri' ham mikonand. mesaal e vaazehesh ham Iran hast ke in enghelaab, prose ye secularism ra tasri' kard.
Anyway, We are talking in persian language, and going off-topic. :lol: Let's not continue the discussion.
So Saudi agenda is to support moderate and professional bunch and not support fanatic bunch, hijacking a major society in the name of Islam.... moorsi was most likely another one of double agent, towing the prevalent agenda of demonizing Islam.

We don't need such idiots, who show us violence in the name of Islam, because we know its false and it is evil agenda.

Egypt is in more professional hands, Egypt army is adored by its nation, moorsi was a hijacker in the name of Islam and people of Egypt learned it fast.

Propaganda should stop, there is no restriction on Islam in present day Egypt, people are just not allowed to kill each other in streets.

Mubarak and Sissi are "moderate and professional"? On what planet is this?

The only thing they are "professional" at is massacring their own people.

Also, don't believe the media hype about Egyptian people supporting the dictators. Egyptian media is owned by the rich elite who were Mubarak's cronies. These same people are now in with Sissi. Meanwhile, the ordinary Egyptians lose.

Remember, you can never reclaim your country from the dictators until you reclaim the media.

Not true, he declared war against Syria (ally of Iran) about 1 week before he was arrested. That'what i call a divine event

I'am deeply satisfied with Sissi's leadership
No mercy for the zionist MB forbidding everything and attacking everybody to help Israel bring the muslims world back to the stone age, and ashaming the religion with satanist like beheadings

Some people claim MB was Islamist, others claim it was Zionist. It's funny how people throw labels. I can guarantee you 100% that Israel prefers the military dictators over MB. The US was paying Mubarak $2 billion/year to play nice with Israel and Sissi wants that money to flow again. Of course, most of that money ends up in the military dictators' bank accounts and the Egyptian people see no benefit.

Morsi improved relations with Iran -- he even angered extremist elements in MB -- and he was not anti-Shia. Being more tolerant towards Shias doesn't mean supporting dictators. Assad is a dictator; any reasonable person is against dictators, whether they are backed by Iran or Arabs.
What a mockery, and you have idiots supporting such massive injustice

The M.B came to power through democracy and elections, whether you like or dislike them they chose the legitimate path, this is the process ALL muslim socities should support in order to stop radicalisation and push all people's towards a acceptable democratic process.

This kind of mockery, this injustice, this brutality confirms to all muslims that you cant trust the harami liberal secular types and war and fighting is the only option * how can you blame them when they have been arrested and slaughtered

Lets not compare Egypt to Pakistan, Pakistan in many ways may have similar problems but our army loves its people, we have faced rule by generals and it is enough, we do not want it anymore and we have chosen democracy however corrupt, inshallh in time it will get better and better

Our military is not power hungry and does not slaughter its own civillians en mass in order to put another general in power

Some of egypts decisions, to sell cheap gas to Israel, to buy F-16's without effective BVR etc are just mind boggling stupid, but this deicision to destroy Egypts first attempts at democracy and condemn the state to decades of military rule/intervention is the dumbest thing they have ever done
Love it, but i doubt it would stay!!

There has already been mental sickness in your society. Prior to this event your people were killing each other only because of they have different football team. The sickness should be cured first, I wonder how to cure it....? You guys have been watching what is happening in Syria now, and never learn a thing from it.........
Mubarak and Sissi are "moderate and professional"? On what planet is this?

The only thing they are "professional" at is massacring their own people.

Also, don't believe the media hype about Egyptian people supporting the dictators. Egyptian media is owned by the rich elite who were Mubarak's cronies. These same people are now in with Sissi. Meanwhile, the ordinary Egyptians lose.

Remember, you can never reclaim your country from the dictators until you reclaim the media.

Some people claim MB was Islamist, others claim it was Zionist. It's funny how people throw labels. I can guarantee you 100% that Israel prefers the military dictators over MB. The US was paying Mubarak $2 billion/year to play nice with Israel and Sissi wants that money to flow again. Of course, most of that money ends up in the military dictators' bank accounts and the Egyptian people see no benefit.

Morsi improved relations with Iran -- he even angered extremist elements in MB -- and he was not anti-Shia. Being more tolerant towards Shias doesn't mean supporting dictators. Assad is a dictator; any reasonable person is against dictators, whether they are backed by Iran or Arabs.

You couldn't have said it any better. :)

Love it, but i doubt it would stay!!

You're so full of hatred it's unreal, yet you guys were trying to present a perspective to us that they're hateful people bent on injustice...Ha....
Mubarak and Sissi are "moderate and professional"? On what planet is this?
The only thing they are "professional" at is massacring their own people.
Also, don't believe the media hype about Egyptian people supporting the dictators. Egyptian media is owned by the rich elite who were Mubarak's cronies. These same people are now in with Sissi. Meanwhile, the ordinary Egyptians lose.
Remember, you can never reclaim your country from the dictators until you reclaim the media.

I was calling them moderate as an opposite to the so called ISLAMIC extremists aka Islamists.
Professional he is... do not doubt on this one, afterall he was choice of non other than moorsi.
Without public support and leadership qualities, this man can be zero in Egypt.
It is not true to say that only rich elite support him, to the best of my knowledge, the people who oppose him just wanted a change and involvement in state affairs.While, Egypt governed by a General is not like Pakistan governed by General, where politicians continue to run operations as they wish.
Egypt, does have a culture of big boss.... very unlike American or Australian culture.
Media in Egypt, has always been very small and we have little chance of getting influenced of it.
Ordinary, people loose but they were gaining when Mubarik was there. If you know Egypt was the leading economy in all Africa besides South Africa.
Dictator he may be but have no doubt on nationalism of Egyptian Army Chief.
Putin is dictator but Ukraine choose him, Musharraf may be a dictator for some but we progressed and felt more free under his command.
King of Saudi and Premier of China came personally to Pakistan to advise us... on changing Musharaf with democracy.... should we believe that he was there man?
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