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Egypt court sentences 529 Morsi MB terrorists to death

Who are my brothers and who burned down churches? MB is a peaceful movement which was democratically elected into power.

Your position is very clear, your nation supports the military regime from fear of their people uprising against monarchies.

you reap what you saw kid , denial will not help you , this is why the MB were defeated including your sieged brothers in gaza, enjoy .

Totally agree, in our case, we are waiting for our General to take over and end the drama of negotiations with ghosts.
Imagine, other than few show horses, we never know of any Taliban older than 16-18 and all Pakistan politicians aka APC are out there to negotiate with under age ghosts at some unknown place.

Pakistan Army is strongest in region no dought but problem as you mentioned the political will to end insurgents .
you reap what you saw kid , denial will not help you , this is why the MB were defeated including your sieged brothers in gaza, enjoy .

Pakistan Army is strongest in region no dought but problem as you mentioned the political will to end insurgents .

More baseless hit and run from you. :lol:
BS, everyone in the world knows that Safavids were Azerbaijani Turks. You are a racist moron.


Mullahs need some mercenaries to pressurize Israel, and Hamas does the job. As simple as that.
Hoshhhhh toroke baghal.. calm down, we are not in some vegetable market where you can scream like a donkey.

The name of Safavid comes from Safi-ad-din Ardabili, who was an ancestor of Ismail I.

Sheikh Safi-ad-din Is'haq Ardabili (of Ardabil) (1252–1334) (Persian: شیخ صفی‌الدین اردبیلی‎), was the Kurdish eponym of the Safavid dynasty, founder of the Safaviyya order, and the spiritual heir and son in law of the great Sufi Murshid (Grand Master) Sheikh Zahed Gilani, ofLahijan in Gilan province in northern Iran. Most of what we know about him comes from theSafvat as-safa, a hagiography written by one of his followers.

Sheikh Safi al-Din's has composed poems in the Iranian dialect of old Tati.He was a seventh-generation descendant of Firuz Shah Zarrin Kolah, a local Iranian dignitary.

The male lineage of the Safavid family given by the oldest manuscript of the Safwat as-Safa is:"(Shaykh) Safi al-Din Abul-Fatah Ishaaq the son of Al-Shaykh Amin al-din Jebrail the son of al-Saaleh Qutb al-Din Abu Bakr the son of Salaah al-Din Rashid the son of Muhammad al-Hafiz al-Kalaam Allah the son of Javaad the son of Pirooz al-Kurdi al-Sanjani (Piruz Shah Zarin Kolah the Kurd of Sanjan)"similar to the ancestry of Sheykh Safi al-Din's father in law, Sheikh Zahed Gilani, who also hailed from Sanjan, in Greater Khorassan.
Hoshhhhh toroke baghal.. calm down, we are not in some vegetable market where you can scream like a donkey.

Jabal Amel asked Mohaqeq Korki to help publish the Shia Islam. The name of Safavid comes from Safi-ad-din Ardabili, who was an ancestor of Ismail I.

Sheikh Safi-ad-din Is'haq Ardabili (of Ardabil) (1252–1334) (Persian: شیخ صفی‌الدین اردبیلی‎), was the Kurdish eponym of the Safavid dynasty, founder of the Safaviyya order, and the spiritual heir and son in law of the great Sufi Murshid (Grand Master) Sheikh Zahed Gilani, ofLahijan in Gilan province in northern Iran. Most of what we know about him comes from theSafvat as-safa, a hagiography written by one of his followers.

Sheikh Safi al-Din's has composed poems in the Iranian dialect of old Tati.He was a seventh-generation descendant of Firuz Shah Zarrin Kolah, a local Iranian dignitary.

What city of Pakistan you in, Karachi? :o:
Hoshhhhh toroke baghal.. calm down, we are not in some vegetable market where you can scream like a donkey.

The name of Safavid comes from Safi-ad-din Ardabili, who was an ancestor of Ismail I.

Sheikh Safi-ad-din Is'haq Ardabili (of Ardabil) (1252–1334) (Persian: شیخ صفی‌الدین اردبیلی‎), was the Kurdish eponym of the Safavid dynasty, founder of the Safaviyya order, and the spiritual heir and son in law of the great Sufi Murshid (Grand Master) Sheikh Zahed Gilani, ofLahijan in Gilan province in northern Iran. Most of what we know about him comes from theSafvat as-safa, a hagiography written by one of his followers.

Sheikh Safi al-Din's has composed poems in the Iranian dialect of old Tati.He was a seventh-generation descendant of Firuz Shah Zarrin Kolah, a local Iranian dignitary.

The male lineage of the Safavid family given by the oldest manuscript of the Safwat as-Safa is:"(Shaykh) Safi al-Din Abul-Fatah Ishaaq the son of Al-Shaykh Amin al-din Jebrail the son of al-Saaleh Qutb al-Din Abu Bakr the son of Salaah al-Din Rashid the son of Muhammad al-Hafiz al-Kalaam Allah the son of Javaad the son of Pirooz al-Kurdi al-Sanjani (Piruz Shah Zarin Kolah the Kurd of Sanjan)"similar to the ancestry of Sheykh Safi al-Din's father in law, Sheikh Zahed Gilani, who also hailed from Sanjan, in Greater Khorassan.
Surenas the Chuttiya is back and is barking again. :lol: BTW, we also call you Sag. :lol:
Bunch of non-senses again. Mr. idiot, what tati has to do with kurdish? tati is an obsolete language which was spoken in Azerbaijan and not in Kurdistan. BTW, all you did was that you said they have married with, probably and not even certainly, an Iranian in their 15th or 20th last generation. I think you could have reach to Adam and Eve if you were going a few more generations back. BTW, If that's the case, the Abbasid empire, Omayyid Empire are not arab, and ottoman empire is not turkic, and Roman empire is not european since they have had much more marriages with other races. Anyway, it shows your shallow history that you try to dig the history of other people up to their nth generation to find a person who has married with someone in a dynasty, and then try to hijack their history, but the world would only laugh at you.:lol: What history tells us, is very clear. FYI, Shah Ismail has written poems in Turkic language, which are some of the oldest and most valuable written oghuz turkic poems and he, and his tribe, and his follower, aka Qizilbash tribes were all turks. These are very simple facts.
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Surenas the Chuttiya is back and is barking again. :lol: BTW, we also call you Sag. :lol:
Bunch of non-senses again. Mr. idiot, what tati has to do with kurdish? tati is an obsolete language which was spoken in Azerbaijan and not in Kurdistan. BTW, all you did was that you said they have married with, probably and not even certainly and Iranian in their 15th or 20th last generation. I think you could have reach to Adam and Eve if you were going a few more generations back. BTW, If that's the case, the Abbasid empire, Omayyid Empire are not arab, and ottoman empire is not turkic, and Roman empire is not european since they have had much more marriages with other races. Anyway, it shows your shallow history that you try to dig the history of other people up to their nth generation to find a person who has married with someone in a dynasty, and then try to hijack their history, but the world would only laugh at you.:lol: What history tells us, is very clear. FYI, Shah Ismail has written poems in Turkic language, which are some of the oldest and most valuable written oghuz turkic poems and he, and his tribe, and his follower, aka Qizilbash tribes were all turks. These are very simple facts.

A torok calls a Persian man dog.. isnt it funny?
Arent your ancestors related to dogs (since they were wolfs according to your own myths.. lol), now you call an Iranian man a dog?

Tati or not tati, they had Iranic ancestors which gave shape to their ideology.
anyways torok-e-baghal, I've no time for your pseudo-history lessons. I just write down what is already known/researched.

According to some historians,[37][38] including Richard Frye, the Safavids were of Azerbaijani (Turkish) origin:[24]

The Turkish speakers of Azerbaijan are mainly descended from the earlier Iranian speakers, several pockets of whom still exist in the region. A massive migration of Oghuz Turks in the 11th and 12th centuries not only Turkified Azerbaijan but also Anatolia. Azeri Turks were the founders of Safavid dynasty.

Other historians, such as Vladimir Minorsky[39] and Roger Savory, refute this idea:[26]

From the evidence available at the present time, it is certain that the Safavid family was of indigineous Iranian stock, and not of Turkish ancestry as it is sometimes claimed. It is probable that the family originated in Persian Kurdistan, and later moved to Azerbaijan, where they adopted the Azari form of Turkish spoken there, and eventually settled in the small town of Ardabil sometimes during the eleventh century.

A torok calls a Persian man dog.. isnt it funny?
Tati or not tati, they had Iranic ancestors which gave shape to their ideology.
anyways torok-e-baghal, I've no time for your pseudo-history lessons. I just write down what is already known/researched.
According to some historians,[37][38] including Richard Frye, the Safavids were of Azerbaijani (Turkish) origin:[24]
The Turkish speakers of Azerbaijan are mainly descended from the earlier Iranian speakers, several pockets of whom still exist in the region. A massive migration of Oghuz Turks in the 11th and 12th centuries not only Turkified Azerbaijan but also Anatolia. Azeri Turks were the founders of Safavid dynasty.
Writing nonsense is all you can do. BTW, First try to learn your Persian language, before trying to insult others with that language.:lol: BTW, even your Mr. Frye who has married with an Iranian himself, and is highly pro-persian and anti-turk, has clearly confessed that Safavids were Azeri turks.
FYI, this is my First post, that you invaded to it, like a barking dog:
BS, everyone in the world knows that Safavids were Azerbaijani Turks. You are a racist moron.
FYI, Azeri is the same term as Azerbaijani, maybe that's the source of confusion for you.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Other historians, such as Vladimir Minorsky[39] and Roger Savory, refute this idea:[26]

From the evidence available at the present time, it is certain that the Safavid family was of indigineous Iranian stock, and not of Turkish ancestry as it is sometimes claimed. It is probable that the family originated in Persian Kurdistan, and later moved to Azerbaijan, where they adopted the Azari form of Turkish spoken there, and eventually settled in the small town of Ardabil sometimes during the eleventh century.

Again, as I said before, you started the rant with no proof, and with a statement which says that "It is probable that":lol::lol::lol: where is proof? BTW, FYI, the Russian guy has a book about Medians which he , in the introduction of the book, says that I have not found any sources, but I think the Medes have been like this or that. This guy is famous for fantasizing about Iranian history and talk based on his farts instead of evidence.
Very nice try.
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Writing nonsense is all you can do. BTW, First try to learn your Persian language, before trying to insult others with that language.:lol: BTW, even your Mr. Frye who has married with an Iranian himself, and is highly pro-persian and anti-turk, has clearly confessed that Safavids were Azeri turks.
FYI, this is my previous post:

FYI, Azeri is the same term as Azerbaijani, maybe that's the source of confusion for you.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Again, as I said before, you started the rant with no proof, and with a statement which says that "It is probable that":lol::lol::lol: where is proof? BTW, FYI, the Russian guy has a book about Medians which he , in the introduction of the book, says that I have not found any sources, but I think the Medes have been like this or that. This guy is famous for fantasizing about Iranian history and talk based on his farts instead of evidence.
Very nice try.

eshek/idiot I'm giving you 2 theories without hiding any possiblity. One of them says this and one of them says something else. Both could be correct at the same time, however panturkism propaganda/lies made you blind. Read with your little eyes again to understand what is written down:

Other historians, such as Vladimir Minorsky and Roger Savory, refute(that they were oghuz) this idea:[26]

From the evidence available at the present time, it is certain that the Safavid family was of indigineous Iranian stock, and not of Turkish ancestry as it is sometimes claimed (like by N. Frye).

1.You don't need to attack the researchers, I know panturkism comes with this kind of silly attacks when they have no argument.
2. Even one of them was so funny that didn't accept a source from a 10th century armenian historian because of the recent conflict between armenians and ottomans. Since the source was written down 1000 years ago by an armenian it was called fake because probably the armenian knew that 900 year later there would be a genocide against armenians, so he already in advance started to write down lies about turks.
3. That Richard N Frye is married to an Iranian doesnt mean he is always correct my simple child. What has A to do with Z (gooz chesh be shaghighe?)
eshek/idiot I'm giving you 2 theories without hiding any possiblity. One of them says this and one of them says something else. Both could be correct at the same time, however panturkism propaganda/lies made you blind. Read with your little eyes again to understand what is written down:

Other historians, such as Vladimir Minorsky and Roger Savory, refute(that they were oghuz) this idea:[26]

From the evidence available at the present time, it is certain that the Safavid family was of indigineous Iranian stock, and not of Turkish ancestry as it is sometimes claimed (like by N. Frye).

1.You don't need to attack the researchers, I know panturkism comes with this kind of silly attacks when they have no argument.
2. Even one of them was so funny that didn't accept a source from a 10th century armenian historian because of the recent conflict between armenians and ottomans. Since the source was written down 1000 years ago by an armenian it was called fake because probably the armenian knew that 900 year later there would be a genocide against armenians, so he already in advance started to write down lies about turks.
3. That Richard N Frye is married to an Iranian doesnt mean he is always correct my simple child. What has A to do with Z (gooz chesh be shaghighe?)
haha, Your Persian language sucks. You again did mistake when trying to insult with persian language.:lol:
Anyway, Stop repeating your rant. You just mentioned Frye's quote, and then you saw that you have done a big mistake.:haha: :omghaha:
BTW, your second quote has not provided any proof, and it says that it is probable that ... Basically, it's probably a good story for children's lullaby :omghaha:
Now, stop wasting my time Mr. Surenas the Chuttiya. Go back to your cave.
haha, Your Persian language sucks. You again did mistake when trying to insult with persian language.:lol:
Anyway, Stop repeating your rant. You just mentioned Frye's quote, and then you saw that you have done a big mistake.:haha: :omghaha:
BTW, your second quote has not provided any proof, and it says that it is probable that ... Basically, it's probably a good story for children's lullaby :omghaha:
Now, stop wasting my time Mr. Surenas the Chuttiya. Go back to your cave.
are you dumb? I'm not surenas
@moderator compare my ip and that of surenas please for this guy.
Ofcourse the wiki article is a summary, they are not going to publish whole book in wikipedia special for mr. torok so that he then believes it.
And "probable" is about the location where they came from, but "certain" is about their Iranian ethnicity.

Learn to read and to understand an article.
you reap what you saw kid , denial will not help you , this is why the MB were defeated including your sieged brothers in gaza, enjoy .

Pakistan Army is strongest in region no dought but problem as you mentioned the political will to end insurgents .

All things aside, what do you think of Malaysia fuckups over the MH370 flight? Apparently South-East Asia is just a big parking lot that even a freaking 200 feet passenger aircraft could go missing in it without anyone's noticing.
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