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China's three kinds of new and improved exposure J-11D

Good observation on the CFTs... they could also be internal weapons bays btw.

Looks like China's "PAK-FA" to me. Similar SU27/30 inspiration with the addition of some 5th gen design elements.

Yes it could be both most probably IWB's.

I also like its bubble canopy:cheers:
When is this entering service? Is there a prototype flying?
J-11DGlobal defense articles, J-11 to change as a complement and backup of four generations of
Crew: one pilot

Length: 19.4 meters

Wingspan: 14.25 meters

Full Height: 5.35 meters

Wing area: 79.04 square meters

Empty weight: 14,879 kg

General take-off weight: 25,457 kg

Maximum Takeoff Weight: 36,899 kg

Engine: 2 China-made turbo fan-10B engines, 155.7 kN
Speed: 2.35 Mach (1,600 miles / h, 251.8 km / h)

Cruise speed: Mach 1.85 (1,320 miles / hour, 1,987 km / h)

Flight range: 1,700 miles (1,940 nautical miles, 3,160 km), to add a two drop tanks

Maximum ceiling: 21,000 meters

Wing loading: 352 kg / m2

Thrust: 350 kN (afterburner) 199.8 kN (general)

Maximum G limits:-3.1G / +9.2 G

Takeoff roll distance: 598 meters

Landing run distance: 895 meters

Combat radius: 2875 km

Maximum dive speed: 2.68 Mach

Maximum payload: 15.34 thousand kilograms

Maximum takeoff weight: 28,273 kilograms

Empty weight: 14,235 kilograms

What kind of engine it will be using ? 155 kN is thrust with afterburner or just dry ? whether its dry thrust or with after burner how come its coming to 350 kN in total??
Secondly all the details are given so specifically like runway required for take off and landing etc. But there are no details of Radar and EWS,RCS and what materials it will be using in its structure?
I think you forgot to add TVC here ??

If this future aircraft is so capable then why china was buying Su-30MKM from Russia, although they have J10 and J-11 INDEGINOUS Fighter AC production lines in China itself ??

As long as F-22 is concerned, First you need to detect it before F-22 detects you and fire on you and then later you can engage 2-3 or how many of ur aircraft u like to chase F-22.

As long as this aircraft is concerned put some valid resource and pics.
If this future aircraft is so capable then why china was buying Su-30MKM from Russia, although they have J10 and J-11 INDEGINOUS Fighter AC production lines in China itself ??

As long as F-22 is concerned, First you need to detect it before F-22 detects you and fire on you and then later you can engage 2-3 or how many of ur aircraft u like to chase F-22.

As long as this aircraft is concerned put some valid resource and pics.

i have my doubts on the engines (if domestic) at this point, who knows maybe they'll suprise me

anyway what are you talking about with regards to the SU-30 MKM? what does that have to do with china? the MKM is Royal Malaysian Air Force's version

and bout the f-22 i believe the chinese plane mean to counter this is the JXX which is not out yet so right now not a whole lot can take on the F-22
i have my doubts on the engines (if domestic) at this point, who knows maybe they'll suprise me

anyway what are you talking about with regards to the SU-30 MKM? what does that have to do with china? the MKM is Royal Malaysian Air Force's version

and bout the f-22 i believe the chinese plane mean to counter this is the JXX which is not out yet so right now not a whole lot can take on the F-22

I have many sources on the J-11D/E variants. They will be using WS-10B engines (the same TVC engine used on the J-10B), which are certified for combat aircraft installation this year.

I have many sources on the J-11D/E variants. They will be using WS-10B engines (the same TVC engine used on the J-10B), which are certified for combat aircraft installation this year.

if they are good then thats great, wonderful. but i guess we have to wait and see, if 5 years go by after they are in full service and nothing bad has happened then i will say we have developed a worthy modern engine.

I have many sources on the J-11D/E variants. They will be using WS-10B engines (the same TVC engine used on the J-10B), which are certified for combat aircraft installation this year.

I checked some details for WS-10B and till now there is no engine which can produce 199kN as mentioned in the blog. WS-10B not even reached to 155kN, WS-10 series latest engine has 132-135 kN and that too is not fully operational , its having some issues (which are not listed). They are just planning to have 155kN in future.
I checked some details for WS-10B and till now there is no engine which can produce 199kN as mentioned in the blog. WS-10B not even reached to 155kN, WS-10 series latest engine has 132-135 kN and that too is not fully operational , its having some issues (which are not listed). They are just planning to have 155kN in future.

None of my sources mentioned 199 kN thrust. They say it's either 135 kN or 155 kN.

Remember, they use double engines, so 199 kN could've been total thrust.

WS-10B (which has TVC) is supposed to be installed on the J-10B this year.
That's fast after W-10A. I suppose the problem they have with W-10A is common to W-10B, and once they solved it the TVC part is already ready.
That's fast after W-10A. I suppose the problem they have with W-10A is common to W-10B, and once they solved it the TVC part is already ready.

WS-10B isn't the only WS-10 variant to enter service this year. For example, the WS-10G is also entering service.

And what is this problem with the WS-10A?
USA has limit the number of F-22 to ~120 ( the numbers can be 10 more or 10 less) coz F-22 was costing alot even a country like USA having $ 650 billion budget didnt afford it due to the current economic currench and pressure of opposition as we know that Chinese equipment is always of very low cost so theyn can make
3 J-xx in cost of a single F-22 raptor ( if J-xx program is rightly on its way) so possible 250-300 J-xx will be gud against ~122 raptors:cheers:

I have hundreds of Chinese news sources that state that the J-13 and J-14 fighters have already entered "secret service". They supposedly made their maiden flights in 2007 and entered production last year. Apparently, the thing that makes this "secret" is that the government allows no videos of it to be released nor acknowledgment. But I have photos! And links! Reply to this post if you want the links and photos.
I have hundreds of Chinese news sources that state that the J-13 and J-14 fighters have already entered "secret service". They supposedly made their maiden flights in 2007 and entered production last year. Apparently, the thing that makes this "secret" is that the government allows no videos of it to be released nor acknowledgment. But I have photos! And links! Reply to this post if you want the links and photos.

photos + links NAO!!!
i swear if they are PS'ed...
photos + links NAO!!!
i swear if they are PS'ed...

I personally don't think they can be ready that quick, SF's jet is said to be having its maiden flight this year, entered production last year seems very hard to believe, but I'd like to be proven wrong :cry:
Is the J-11 4th Generation or 4.5 Generation?

Is China working on 5th Generations jets?
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