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China renames 6 places in Arunachal, takes its claim over state to whole new level

China should vacate Aksai Chin which it occupied in 1962 and Arunanchal Pradesh is always India and will remain a part of India.

Actually Chinese have hold talks with British in secret and have told infront of Indians that the Chinese deny Mc Mahon Line and this led for the panchsheel accords which were violated by Chinese within 6 months.
Buddhism is an Universal religion and Gautam Buddha got divine revelation from the Supreme Creator and Gautam Buddha belongs to Indian nation.
Buddhism is not Indian religion.
According to your logic, Jesus belongs to Isreal and Muhammad belongs to Saudi Arab ?
Indian nukes are for China only. China know that too. India should have around 130 to 150 nukes. And the point is India is constantly increasing its nuke number.

And Indians have not deny this and the whole world is aware about the reasons behind Indian Nuclear programme.
You mean Buddism.
Chinese civilization has existed long long before Buddism was created .
The core of Chinese civilization is Confucianism created by Confucian.
All these are common sense for anyone knowing little about China except illiterate person like you.
If anything, China is a Confucian country. so are Korea and Japan
Buddhism is an Universal religion and Gautam Buddha got divine revelation from the Supreme Creator and Gautam Buddha belongs to Indian nation.

Nonsense. Gautama Buddha is a Shakyan born in Lumbini located in modern Nepal. He is mongoloid. Here is his portrait.

Sakyamuni Buddha.jpg
so there is no such country like china.Zhongua is a dynasty beig ruled by different kings kings different parts.so claiming tibbet is foolishness.

China was created in 221BC as a country. It was a civilization a long time before that. Though it was a civilization, it never become a country until 221 BC.

India was created in 1947 AD. It was a civilization long before that. But it didn't become a country until 1947.
Buddhism is not Indian religion.
According to your logic, Jesus belongs to Isreal and Muhammad belongs to Saudi Arab ?

All the Universal religions are one way or another way linked to Indus Valley Civilization and to the Indian Nation.

No one denies this that Prophet Muhammed Pbuh is close to Indian tribes and the facial and physical features which are mentioned in Hadees regarding Prophet Muhammed Pbuh clearly point out his links to the people of Indian nation.

By the way , when the messengers were sent by Prophet Muhammed Pbuh to all the kings of that era , only Indian King came to meet Prophet Muhammed Pbuh by his own will and wish. So the status of Indian nation infront of the supreme creator is always special and Indian nation do understand what is Dharma since centuries even before Prophet Muhammed Pbuh was born.
chinese history...hahaha....made upon foreighn begged idology from soviet union.You forget hongkong which was under british rule till 1992.Britishers just still ruling there with there ideology.

In your dreams.India is bounded by religion since millenia.View attachment 391614

Take a look at this Battles fought in 17th and 18th century-
1757- Battle of Plassey- war between siraj-ud-daulah ( nawab of Bengal) and East India Company (EIC) helped by Mir Jafar.
1766-1st Anglo Mysore war- between Haider Ali( Mysore) and EIC helped by Nizam of Hyderabad.
1775- 1st Anglo Maratha war- between madav Rao II peshawe(pune) and EIC helped by Raghunath Rao.
1782-2nd Anglo Mysore war- between Haider Ali and EIC helped by Nizam and Marathas.
The most decisive battle, which changed the fate of India , was 3rd battle of Panipat- fought between Marathas and Ahmad shah Abdali( Afghan ruler) supported by Najib khan(Rohilakhand) and shuja-ud-daulah( Awadh) in 1761. The maratha army was completely routed. Their defeat gave an opportunity to English EIC to consolidate its power in Bengal and South India. In fact, the third battle of Panipat did not decide who was to rule India but rather who was not. The way was, therefore, cleared for rise of British power in India.
If there is feeling if nationalism among the people of India, then one state of India would have helped other Indian state against any foreigner enemy. But the bitter truth here was that, not only they didn't helped their native state but they also joined hands with the foreigners against other Indian state for their personal greed.
Well upto 1857, there was absence of spirit of political nationalism among the people of India. This was because India at that time lacked the elements which constitute modern nation. The people of India did not feel they were all Indians, nor they conscious of oneness, even though elements of cultural unity had existed in country for centuries. Therefore, there did not exist the ideal living and dying for one's nation. Instead people were loyal to persons, tribes, castes and religious sector.

All the Universal religions are one way or another way linked to Indus Valley Civilization and to the Indian Nation.

No one denies this that Prophet Muhammed Pbuh is close to Indian tribes and the facial and physical features which are mentioned in Hadees regarding Prophet Muhammed Pbuh clearly point out his links to the people of Indian nation.

By the way , when the messengers were sent by Prophet Muhammed Pbuh to all the kings of that era , only Indian King came to meet Prophet Muhammed Pbuh by his own will and wish. So the status of Indian nation infront of the supreme creator is always special and Indian nation do understand what is Dharma since centuries even before Prophet Muhammed Pbuh was born.

There was no such a thing as a Indian king. You need to specify the kingdom or the empire. The first Monarch of India was queen Victoria.
You admit india is a student of British colonist ? Tell me about Sikkim and Bhutan and Nepal.

Dalai Lama claim South Tibet is part of Tibet until india force him.
China has ruled Tibet for hundreds of years. Dalai Lama admitted it, and he and his followers are slave master which are deprived of the power of slavery .
As long as the central government of PRC allowed these lama and the lords to enslave the Tibetan as same as before, Dalai Lama and his followers would be happy to accept the governance of China as their ancestors
But PRC government can not accept such an tradition existing at China in 20th century ,because Tibet belongs to China and belongs to the liberated Tibetan which is 95% of the entire population of Tibet.
Then these slave masters escaped to their wonder land a country with a slavery tradition.

You india could keep your old slavery tradition, caste-system.
But Chinese prefer to destroy the sinful slavey ,even it's an old tradition.

India had a long history before British and may be before China. It was unified and it was broken into parts.
Similar to China, there were regions which were part of India. It extended up to parts of Iran. We never claim those parts. Most of the countries which were created recently by the British colonialist. It was mostly based on religions (India and China) or tribes (Africa).
Sikkim wasn't forced into India by anyone. It joined the Union as a result of political unrest. That too requested by PM of Sikkim.
If India was so expansionist, why didn't we force Bhutan or Nepal to the union, might as well as add Bangladesh to for extra credit.
What China did to Tibet is in no comparison with India. It was annexation. What it is doing in South China sea is the same expansionist mindset. China is just the bigger bully in the room.
Where did you get this 'India forcing Dalai Lama to speak something'. This is not how it works here. He once said, Arunachal Pradesh should become part of Tibet when it gets full autonomy. He is free to talk anything. Even if he publicly denounce India, doesn't make his life hard here.

If you don't know what caste system and slavery is don't drool out here. It's all half naked truth which you get when you skim through internet or wikipedia well whatever is not banned in China.

Chinese citizens are slaves to their own government we saw that during Tienanmen square massacre and the great famine, the cultural revolution, destroying 5000 year old tradition, betraying once own teacher and so on.
Now executing civilians for petty crimes. You guys took slavery to a whole new level.

Lastly tell me, if Tibetans are so happy living and 'spreading their religion' (which is banned in China) why Tibetan monks are self immolating. I read that they were required to fill in papers for re-incarnation LOL:omghaha: Coming from an officially atheist government. What is wrong with you folks.
Take a look at this Battles fought in 17th and 18th century-
1757- Battle of Plassey- war between siraj-ud-daulah ( nawab of Bengal) and East India Company (EIC) helped by Mir Jafar.
1766-1st Anglo Mysore war- between Haider Ali( Mysore) and EIC helped by Nizam of Hyderabad.
1775- 1st Anglo Maratha war- between madav Rao II peshawe(pune) and EIC helped by Raghunath Rao.
1782-2nd Anglo Mysore war- between Haider Ali and EIC helped by Nizam and Marathas.
The most decisive battle, which changed the fate of India , was 3rd battle of Panipat- fought between Marathas and Ahmad shah Abdali( Afghan ruler) supported by Najib khan(Rohilakhand) and shuja-ud-daulah( Awadh) in 1761. The maratha army was completely routed. Their defeat gave an opportunity to English EIC to consolidate its power in Bengal and South India. In fact, the third battle of Panipat did not decide who was to rule India but rather who was not. The way was, therefore, cleared for rise of British power in India.
If there is feeling if nationalism among the people of India, then one state of India would have helped other Indian state against any foreigner enemy. But the bitter truth here was that, not only they didn't helped their native state but they also joined hands with the foreigners against other Indian state for their personal greed.
Well upto 1857, there was absence of spirit of political nationalism among the people of India. This was because India at that time lacked the elements which constitute modern nation. The people of India did not feel they were all Indians, nor they conscious of oneness, even though elements of cultural unity had existed in country for centuries. Therefore, there did not exist the ideal living and dying for one's nation. Instead people were loyal to persons, tribes, castes and religious sector.
Those indian educated know the history which is embarrassing ,but won't admit it .
China was created in 221BC as a country. It was a civilization a long time before that. Though it was a civilization, it never become a country until 221 BC.

India was created in 1947 AD. It was a civilization long before that. But it didn't become a country until 1947.
People's Republic of China was created on 1949 before that it was Ming, Ping, Ling, Ding dynasties. India is a civilisational state both culturally and geographically. India has been defined in ancient Indian texts as the land south of Himalayas and north of the ocean. :agree:
Dalai Lama is a big faker and Indians know it they just want to use him as a political tool. A theocracy that chooses a "buddha" to rule them by a weird occult ritual contradicts buddhism

Actually Indians were fighting the invaders but the tactics adopted by the invaders were to adopt religion and claim the ancient holy lands of Indian nation. Religious Holy books do explain all these things in detail and the Supreme Creator have already warned nations to live in harmony and avoid bloodshed .
All the Universal religions are one way or another way linked to Indus Valley Civilization and to the Indian Nation.

No one denies this that Prophet Muhammed Pbuh is close to Indian tribes and the facial and physical features which are mentioned in Hadees regarding Prophet Muhammed Pbuh clearly point out his links to the people of Indian nation.

By the way , when the messengers were sent by Prophet Muhammed Pbuh to all the kings of that era , only Indian King came to meet Prophet Muhammed Pbuh by his own will and wish. So the status of Indian nation infront of the supreme creator is always special and Indian nation do understand what is Dharma since centuries even before Prophet Muhammed Pbuh was born.

Indians have a knack for claiming credit for everything. Indians even claim that the Buddha is the reincarnation of Vishnu. Comedians. Lucky for the Chinese, the Indians haven't claim that the Confucius is a Bharat.
India had a long history before British and may be before China. It was unified and it was broken into parts.
Similar to China, there were regions which were part of India. It extended up to parts of Iran. We never claim those parts. Most of the countries which were created recently by the British colonialist. It was mostly based on religions (India and China) or tribes (Africa).
Sikkim wasn't forced into India by anyone. It joined the Union as a result of political unrest. That too requested by PM of Sikkim.
If India was so expansionist, why didn't we force Bhutan or Nepal to the union, might as well as add Bangladesh to for extra credit.
What China did to Tibet is in no comparison with India. It was annexation. What it is doing in South China sea is the same expansionist mindset. China is just the bigger bully in the room.
Where did you get this 'India forcing Dalai Lama to speak something'. This is not how it works here. He once said, Arunachal Pradesh should become part of Tibet when it gets full autonomy. He is free to talk anything. Even if he publicly denounce India, doesn't make his life hard here.

If you don't know what caste system and slavery is don't drool out here. It's all half naked truth which you get when you skim through internet or wikipedia well whatever is not banned in China.

Chinese citizens are slaves to their own government we saw that during Tienanmen square massacre and the great famine, the cultural revolution, destroying 5000 year old tradition, betraying once own teacher and so on.
Now executing civilians for petty crimes. You guys took slavery to a whole new level.

Lastly tell me, if Tibetans are so happy living and 'spreading their religion' (which is banned in China) why Tibetan monks are self immolating. I read that they were required to fill in papers for re-incarnation LOL:omghaha: Coming from an officially atheist government. What is wrong with you folks.

I stop reading when you said China was a British colony... Don't make up things. Just because Hong Kong was taken over doesn't mean that the whole China was a British colony. If it were, its constitution would have been written in English, like India.
I stop reading when you said China was a British colony... Don't make up things. Just because Hong Kong was taken over doesn't mean that the whole China was a British colony. If it were, its constitution would have been written in English, like India.
I didn't say China was a British colony in fact China was divided by British.:D Since you have the habit of 'stopping' reading selectively you missed most of the points.

Indians have a knack for claiming credit for everything. Indians even claim that the Buddha is the reincarnation of Vishnu. Comedians. Lucky for the Chinese, the Indians haven't claim that the Confucius is a Bharat.
You are one goddamn fail. Nobody claim Buddha was reincarnation of Vishnu rather people treated him equal to Hindu god Vishnu. And Buddha was born in India. (Don't start with Nepal story)
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