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China renames 6 places in Arunachal, takes its claim over state to whole new level

Seem you have no idea about nukes. Let us come to topic...now that China has renamed 6 towns of AP, what is the next step? Are you going to attack India?

This is linked to the border talks which is now under final stages and Dalai Lama visits to cities within Republic of India is somewhat linked to the border talks.

Question is ... Does China want a war... because if China could have win a war against India now.. China would have already started a war... so till the time you have capacity to win the war.. you can draw and redraw maps all you want.. and waste as much ink as you want.

Chinese do have a very aggressive policy in the whole neighbourhood and its even visible to the whole world. Republic of India is facing proxy war since decades from Myanmar and Nepal borders. Chinese have occupied Indian nation holy lands and no one can deny this.
I didn't say China was a British colony in fact China was divided by British.:D Since you have the habit of 'stopping' reading selectively you missed most of the points.

You are one goddamn fail. Nobody claim Buddha was reincarnation of Vishnu rather people treated him equal to Hindu god Vishnu. And Buddha was born in India. (Don't start with Nepal story)

True or False. Is Indian constitution written in English?
You are one goddamn fail. Nobody claim Buddha was reincarnation of Vishnu rather people treated him equal to Hindu god Vishnu. And Buddha was born in India. (Don't start with Nepal story)

I don't find India in any of my History books on the ancient Indian Continent. I am afraid India only exist in your head. You are right that there also isn't a Nepal. Maybe you like to read my post again. I clearly put it as "located in modern Nepal". You have a habit of making things up. The Buddha is a Shakyan, born in Shakya in the kingdom of Kapilavastu. You are RIGHT, No NEPAL and No INDIA.
For heavens sake, the Buddha is not a God, what's there to compare with your God Vishnu???
If China could win a war.. China would have started it by now.... rest is all chest beating.
Lol, china didn't start the 1962 war. Guess who did.

Says a runawy Chinese.. who shipped his wealth out of China and bought a Canadian Visa .... Come here lets start a little war fro fun...
The Canadian flag is just to throw you off track. You can keep guessing. Lol....
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all half naked truth which you get when you skim through internet or wikipedia well whatever is not banned in China.
India had a long history before British and may be before China. It was unified and it was broken into parts.
Similar to China, there were regions which were part of India. It extended up to parts of Iran. We never claim those parts. Most of the countries which were created recently by the British colonialist. It was mostly based on religions (India and China) or tribes (Africa).
Sikkim wasn't forced into India by anyone. It joined the Union as a result of political unrest. That too requested by PM of Sikkim.
It is what your history book told you. India alway took advantage of others when they are unrest.
If India was so expansionist, why didn't we force Bhutan or Nepal to the union, might as well as add Bangladesh to for extra credit.
Shamed on you. You should check out what india has done to Nepal and Bhutan .

What China did to Tibet is in no comparison with India. It was annexation.
Let alone the ancient Dynasty.
Tibet is a part of China, which was admitted when Great Britain established formal relationship with Qing Dynasty in 19th century. Even your master admitted it .
The Republic of China's territory also include Tibet ,which was admitted by international society including your master.
When Britain established formal relationship with PRC,they still admitted Tibet is a part of China.

What is the basis of your statement about annexation ?
Since when does india have the authority to divide other countries territory ?

What it is doing in South China sea is the same expansionist mindset. China is just the bigger bully in the room.
Where did you get this 'India forcing Dalai Lama to speak something'. This is not how it works here. He once said, Arunachal Pradesh should become part of Tibet when it gets full autonomy. He is free to talk anything. Even if he publicly denounce India, doesn't make his life hard here.

If you don't know what caste system and slavery is don't drool out here. It's all half naked truth which you get when you skim through internet or wikipedia well whatever is not banned in China.
Caste system and Slavery are both to judge people from the bloodline and make a few of people rule others from generation to generation.
People all the world know what the caste system is , cause it is the oldest and most famous indian tradition.
I have been india and watch a lot of discrimination towards lower caste people.
Do not defend for this sinful system if you have a little idea of civilization.
Chinese citizens are slaves to their own government we saw that during Tienanmen square massacre and the great famine, the cultural revolution, destroying 5000 year old tradition, betraying once own teacher and so on.
Now executing civilians for petty crimes. You guys took slavery to a whole new level.
A slave like me could fly to any country include india and make much more money than most of you free indian and have a honor to date with a noble and free indian girl.

The Chinese tradition which has been destroyed in your dream now has more and more foreign learners .

Again, indian people become Chinese lawyer questioning the judge of Chinese court .

Lastly tell me, if Tibetans are so happy living and 'spreading their religion' (which is banned in China) why Tibetan monks are self immolating. I read that they were required to fill in papers for re-incarnation LOL:omghaha: Coming from an officially atheist government. What is wrong with you folks.
Tibet monks just like the Brahman and Kshatriyas used to rule 95% of ordinary Tibet .
After 1958, they lost the power of enslave others ,of course some of them will be very dissatisfied and depressed.
Image what would happen if Brahman and Kshatriyas have to sit with Dalit equally . I bet lots of them will suicide , that is a great contribution to civilization world.
BEIJING: Upping the ante, China has for the first time announced "standardised" official names for six places in Arunachal Pradesh, days after it lodged strong protests with India over the Dalai Lama's visit to the frontier state.

The state media here said the move was aimed at reaffirming China's claim over the state. China claims the state as 'South Tibet'.

"China's Ministry of Civil Affairs announced on April 14 that it had standardised in Chinese characters, Tibetan and Roman alphabet the names of six places in 'South Tibet', which India calls 'Arunachal Pradesh', in accordance with the regulations of the central government," state-run Global Times reported today.

The official names of the six places using the Roman alphabet are Wo'gyainling, Mila Ri, Qoidêngarbo Ri, Mainquka, Bümo La and Namkapub Ri.

The India-China border dispute covers the 3,488 km-long Line of Actual Control (LAC). While China claims Arunachal Pradesh as South Tibet, India asserts that the dispute covers Aksai Chin area which was occupied by China during the 1962 war.

The two sides have so far held 19 rounds of talks with Special Representatives to resolve the boundary dispute.

China's move comes just days after the Dalai Lama's visit to Arunachal Pradesh, which was seventh since he fled from Tibet through Tawang and sought refuge in India.

During the 81-year-old Tibetan spiritual leader's Arunachal Pradesh visit, China had warned India that it will take "necessary measures" to defend its territorial sovereignty and interests.

Commenting on the standardisation of the names of six places, Chinese experts said that it was a move to "reaffirm the country's territorial sovereignty to the disputed region", according to the daily.

"The standardisation came amid China's growing understanding and recognition of the geography in South Tibet. Naming the places is a step to reaffirm China's territorial sovereignty to South Tibet," Xiong Kunxin, a professor of ethnic studies at Beijing's Minzu University of China, was quoted as saying.

Xiong said that the legalisation of the regions' names is a part of the rule of law.

"These names have existed since ancient times, but had never been standardised before. Therefore, announcing the names is like a remediation," Guo Kefan, a research fellow at the Tibet Academy of Social Sciences, said.

Standardising the names from the angles of culture and geography could serve as a reference or leverage when China and India negotiate border issues in future, Guo said.

"The South Tibet region is located alongside China's southwestern border and India's north-eastern border where Sino-Indian border disputes are cantered," the report said.

It claimed that India "abruptly announced that it was officially designating the region as 'Arunachal Pradesh' but the Chinese government has neither recognised India's occupation of the region, nor the legitimacy of the province".

During the Dalai Lama Arunachal Pradesh visit, Union Minister of State for Home Affairs Kiren Rijiju, who accompanied the Tibetan spiritual leader, had asserted that that Arunachal Pradesh is "an inseparable part of India".

China had lodged a diplomatic protest with India over the visit and warned that it would have a negative impact on the efforts to resolve the border dispute.

After the nine-day visit of the Dalai Lama to Arunachal Pradesh, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang had said that India should not use the Tibetan spiritual leader to undermine China's interests.

"We urge the Indian side to observe its commitment on Tibet related issues and implement our consensus namely they should not use Dalai Lama to undermine the interests of China," Lu had said.

"Only in this way can we create a good atmosphere to the settlement of the boundary question," he had said.

This is not the first time that the Dalai Lama has visited "South Tibet" or referred to the region as Indian territory, which means he is committed to separating the nation, Zhu Weiqun, head of the Ethnic and Religious Affairs Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, told Global Times.


Bharatis must be pissing in their pants after this report. :chilli:
Do it if you can, it will be wet dream for china,

India has More Tibet people and if wanted will take to UN also
The tibetans in india are getting Indian passports thus making your argument null and void.

LOL. How fanciful. A bit like the Germans crossing some border areas with France, occupying those briefly - then moving back to Germany and claiming they had subjugated the French and won World War -2! hahaha - no wonder the civilized world laughs at China.
I laugh at your post and in your face.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
I didn't say China was a British colony in fact China was divided by British.:D Since you have the habit of 'stopping' reading selectively you missed most of the points.
On the planet, each country which fought against British got divided by British.
Compared to France, Germany ,Spain and Turkey, British is too nice to China and only divide a small island and return it to China later.
You are one goddamn fail. Nobody claim Buddha was reincarnation of Vishnu rather people treated him equal to Hindu god Vishnu. And Buddha was born in India. (Don't start with Nepal story)
Do not be so shameless ,though there is no Nepalese people in the thread.
The Indians don't have much recorded history. They depend on the Arabs and the Chinese for reference. Most of their facts are hearsay.

The whole Indian army surrendered to the Chinese army in 1962, Chinese army did more than just cross the border and returned to China border.
He knows. He just pretends he doesn't. Lol...
Chinese do have a very aggressive policy in the whole neighbourhood and its even visible to the whole world. Republic of India is facing proxy war since decades from Myanmar and Nepal borders. Chinese have occupied Indian nation holy lands and no one can deny this.
China have 19 neighbors,of which only indian , Japan , Philippine and Vietnam have disputes with China.
How about India ?
What is Indian naition ?British India or Republic of India?
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