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The so-called Chinese claims on Arunachal

The Southern Chinese are sentimental to their lect but for national unity, they will not revolt or take it too much as racism. The Taiwanese also have grievances about the diminishing of our lect.

You will not understand the Chinese psyche about this issue. The Chinese leaders like Chiang Kai Shek and Mao are non-Mandarin and once they ascend, they promote Mandarin in favor of their own lect. Even the Cantonese and Taiwanese people know that if their own tribe ascend, they will still impose Mandarin.

Jiang Zemin is Shanghai-nese, so is Chiang Kai Shek. Mao is Xiang speaker. The rest are mandarain "dialect" speaker. They are not going to favor any of their own lect.

Get it. Chinese is non racist.
The Southern Chinese are sentimental to their lect but for national unity, they will not revolt or take it too much as racism. The Taiwanese also have grievances about the diminishing of our lect.

You will not understand the Chinese psyche about this issue. The Chinese leaders like Chiang Kai Shek and Mao are non-Mandarin and once they ascend, they promote Mandarin in favor of their own lect. Even the Cantonese and Taiwanese people know that if their own tribe ascend, they will still impose Mandarin.

Jiang Zemin is Shanghai-nese, so is Chiang Kai Shek. Mao is Xiang speaker. The rest are mandarain "dialect" speaker. They are not going to favor any of their own lect.

Get it. Chinese is non racist.

Promoting Mandarin is fine but what is the need of banning Cantonese. That proves Chinese never want to accept diversity in their country.
The Southern Chinese are sentimental to their lect but for national unity, they will not revolt or take it too much as racism. The Taiwanese also have grievances about the diminishing of our lect.

You will not understand the Chinese psyche about this issue. The Chinese leaders like Chiang Kai Shek and Mao are non-Mandarin and once they ascend, they promote Mandarin in favor of their own lect. Even the Cantonese and Taiwanese people know that if their own tribe ascend, they will still impose Mandarin.

Get it. Chinese is non racist.
That proves Chinese never want to accept diversity in their country.

Why dont you study a bit more before you make any claims. I give you an example. The Korean PRC identify more with Han and China than South Korea. PRC carefully preserve their lect and vernacular school.

http://isdpr.org/isdpr/publication/journal/30-1/5Choi Woo-Gil.pdf

Then they go S Korea, they get shitt from Korean racist. Go and study more about Chinese ethnic relationship that will amaze you.

The Tibetan problem is mainly due to Dalai's group. It will be solve in next 10 years and very soon fewer and fewer will heed Dalai's group until it reaches zero. Dalai group is working for USA.
Another American view of India

Send the stinky slimebag PACKING! Allowing her to stay is only opening the door to more problems! In my book an indian is either Apache, Cherokee, Sue, Ute, Arapaho, Navajo, or any other native American! Anyone else that comes into this country from some stinky foreign land that worships cows is a disgrace to the human race for trying to take something that does not belong to them. And what american in their right mind would want to live in india? ITS CURSED!
Let the Virgin Princess roll in her wonderland, dude. It's really funny that coming from Shanghai and staying in Singapore, she claims to know more about Himalyan people than the Nepalese themselves. :lol:

They always lived inside Great Wall of China, how will they even know about Himalayan people except for some fake maps provided by CCP.
They always lived inside Great Wall of China, how will they even know about Himalayan people except for some fake maps provided by CCP.
One can engage in good discussion with people who present rational proofs and explanations dude, not with someone whose sole aim is to troll. I say feed them some of their own BS and ask them how it tastes!
One can engage in good discussion with people who present rational proofs and explanations dude, not with someone whose sole aim is to troll. I say feed them some of their own BS and ask them how it tastes!

Chinese will say you China was united in 221BC by Qin Dynasty but it contains only a small portion of modern China. Why so, because they always see non-Hans as an alien race.

Does it look united China to you which Chinese claims as first united China in 221BC. :omghaha::omghaha: See Great Wall is their natural boundary.

Chinese will say you China was united in 221BC by Qin Dynasty but it contains only a small portion of modern China. Why so, because they always see non-Hans as an alien race.

Does it look united China to you which Chinese claims as first united China in 221BC. :omghaha::omghaha: See Great Wall is their natural boundary.

Really good just like the way some Chinese talking about Indian history.Just one question:Do these maps useful?


are these maps usful?
Really good just like the way some Chinese talking about Indian history.Just one question:Do these maps useful?


are these maps usful?

The claims are mainly made by Chinese that how China was first united in 221BC by great Chinese emperor Qin Shi Huang. :laugh:

BTW this Emperor Qin Shi Huang seems a very crazy character.
Just stick to the McMohon Line.India should press ahead and ask the Chinese to vacate from Indian territorries.Do not entertain nonsense like forward policy of Nehru as an accuse.Must get the Chinese monkeys out.India has entertained these Chinese monkeys for too long from 1962.India's border was with Tibet(not China proper)Also the Dalai Lama, the paramount ruler of Tibet says that AP belongs to India
Just stick to the McMohon Line.India should press ahead and ask the Chinese to vacate from Indian territorries.Do not entertain nonsense like forward policy of Nehru as an accuse.Must get the Chinese monkeys out.India has entertained these Chinese monkeys for too long from 1962.India's border was with Tibet(not China proper)Also the Dalai Lama, the paramount ruler of Tibet says that AP belongs to India

I am hoping days and night India starts her forward policy again. The time India tries it, would be the time time China regaining back South Tibet. This time China will not withdraw.
I am hoping days and night India starts her forward policy again. The time India tries it, would be the time time China regaining back South Tibet. This time China will not withdraw.

ROFL...I like the confidence with which you're taking the decisions on behalf of CCP here. Expected nothing less from a 50-center....how much is it in Singaporean Dollars?
I am hoping days and night India starts her forward policy again. The time India tries it, would be the time time China regaining back South Tibet. This time China will not withdraw.

:blah::blah::blah: ....... been hearing it for quite some time .

Last two time PLA tried it , they ran back with a bloody nose .
I am hoping days and night India starts her forward policy again. The time India tries it, would be the time time China regaining back South Tibet. This time China will not withdraw.
India no intension to invade Tibet I think for it is barren land.Only our own intentionally military action can make our southern Tibet back home.
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