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Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

Should Pakistan upgrade its Mirages to South African Cheetah standard if not Beyond?

  • Yes

    Votes: 181 59.0%
  • No

    Votes: 126 41.0%

  • Total voters
but we should have a better strike fighter like the su-34, it is extremely manuveral yet it can fit many bombs and missles. it has the fighting of a SU-27 while the bombing of a A-10

Operating costs are major considerations. An F-15 costs USD 40000 per hour, while an OV-10 costs USD 1000 per hour, although both have been used for coin operations. The difference between operating an SU-34 and a jf-17 would also be great. The SU-34's main benefits are range and deep strike ability, which are not needed as all targets in India are only a few hundred km away. Su-34 also would have major drawbacks, like for example its radar cross section is as large as a Boeing 737, which makes it easy to track.

So our JF-17 suits us perfectly as it is inexpensive, can be developed according to our requirements and will undertake all missions as required by us.
Really useful forum I never knew that we have forum like this available where we can get information LOVE IT.....
Operating costs are major considerations. An F-15 costs USD 40000 per hour, while an OV-10 costs USD 1000 per hour, although both have been used for coin operations. The difference between operating an SU-34 and a jf-17 would also be great. The SU-34's main benefits are range and deep strike ability, which are not needed as all targets in India are only a few hundred km away. Su-34 also would have major drawbacks, like for example its radar cross section is as large as a Boeing 737, which makes it easy to track.

So our JF-17 suits us perfectly as it is inexpensive, can be developed according to our requirements and will undertake all missions as required by us.
the JF-17 is amazing but the onlything paf lacks is the size of planes. all of our plans are light mutiroles. this means they are small, this helps with stealth and stuff but in terms of strikes in cant carry that much, which means we need mulitiple fighters to do one mission. pakistan needs heavy fighters like the Su-35 or the J20 for offemnsive purposes.
the JF-17 is amazing but the onlything paf lacks is the size of planes. all of our plans are light mutiroles. this means they are small, this helps with stealth and stuff but in terms of strikes in cant carry that much, which means we need mulitiple fighters to do one mission. pakistan needs heavy fighters like the Su-35 or the J20 for offemnsive purposes.

I have explained previously that size is a distinct disadvantage and air forces only use larger planes if they have to make long range sorties. Otherwise, smaller planes are much better. If a larger plane can carry a heavier war load, it also costs much more to operate. It is much better to have a larger number of inexpensive light jets as compared to a smaller number of expensive heavy jets.
but we should have a better strike fighter like the su-34, it is extremely manuveral yet it can fit many bombs and missles. it has the fighting of a SU-27 while the bombing of a A-10
MAYBE we should have su34 but we CANT have su34 one of the reasons being heavy costs..
Rafiqui AFB is responsible for offensive tasks...mirages maybe old but they can be fitted with H weapon (released mid air while flying in enemy territory and then remotely guided to the target from the cockpit) and thats enough..

I have explained previously that size is a distinct disadvantage and air forces only use larger planes if they have to make long range sorties. Otherwise, smaller planes are much better. If a larger plane can carry a heavier war load, it also costs much more to operate. It is much better to have a larger number of inexpensive light jets as compared to a smaller number of expensive heavy jets.

Dear don't take me negative as I am partially agreed with your statement. In Indo Pak scenario yes small but agile jets are quite effective yet in new scenario they should have stealth features if not the should have superior ECM/ESM capabilities for survival, and these features do not come cheap. Pak requires at least medium range fighter bomber in medium weight class as the main focus of JF17 block 3 shall also be more on A2A warfare.

The Mirages whether capable or not new they are overhauled again and again, they are just like women in fifties looks good after plastic surgery yet in reality is old. Especially in bad whether these jets prove to be more dangerous. They have limited ECM/ESM capabilities and their strong point was low level flying to evade enemy radars. Now India has latest low to medium altitude radars so this feature of these jets is also lost.
We should and must go for FC31 if it is useful or otherwise try to get any J11 series jet for strike role.
All old aircraft's are obsolete & are not fit to fight modern air war or ground attacks.
Yes, their time is long gone past. While what they have done to improve the aircraft is phenomenal e.g. ROSE etc; it is time to salute and rest them.

Just a nice pic
soon they will be supplemented by JFT.
they served very well, but their golden days are gone, they need rest.
bt 2020s PAF will operate F16 and JFT as fighet aircraft.
i think if we have a total of 350+ JFT blk and above plus F16 this should make some balance betwin PAF and IAF
soon they will be supplemented by JFT.
they served very well, but their golden days are gone, they need rest.
bt 2020s PAF will operate F16 and JFT as fighet aircraft.
i think if we have a total of 350+ JFT blk and above plus F16 this should make some balance betwin PAF and IAF
i doubt they will go by 2020, i believe all the f-7s will go by 2020. while recent interviews shows the block 3 will be produced in 19-20 time frame so i fully expect this ti stay till 2025
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