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Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

Should Pakistan upgrade its Mirages to South African Cheetah standard if not Beyond?

  • Yes

    Votes: 181 59.0%
  • No

    Votes: 126 41.0%

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Sir jee kar di thi baat mene to es topic pe,jisne yaqeen krna kre jisne nahi krna wo na kre sbki apni merzi meri baat harf e akhir thori na hai...!!!

Imo its useless to discuss same topic again and again whose faith is unknown.

Please do not quote my Indus viper post here :D
Jiger when to expect news about vipers?? US even selling equipment to Argentina
Jiger when to expect news about vipers?? US even selling equipment to Argentina

i have contacted Lockheed Martin's PR dept to see if there is even a morsel of evidence that points towards a new batch of vipers/upgrades
i have contacted Lockheed Martin's PR dept to see if there is even a morsel of evidence that points towards a new batch of vipers/upgrades
You taking to next level what they said?? Probably No
What the Mirage can do the JF-17 can

A dedicated JF-17 can do what a Mirage can do (more or less). However, the threat scenarios have changed. You'll be flying into S-400s and all kinds of other gizmos. Maybe in the future into PAC-3 batteries. So, one has to do a bit better than before.

Here is one way I can think of, where we can do a bit better. Use the RD-93 and other subsystems (like landing gear, cockpit avionics, fuel system) of the JF-17. Build a new airframe Skunk Works style. Build a basic hybrid of the F-117 and Mirage. Replicate the FCS of the JF-17.

Viola, you have a stealth strike aircraft. The F-117 was the lowest cost stealth aircraft and relatively easy to maintain, as the skin was not as maintenance intensive as on other later fighters.

Sir jee kar di thi baat mene to es topic pe,jisne yaqeen krna kre jisne nahi krna wo na kre sbki apni merzi meri baat harf e akhir thori na hai...!!!

Imo its useless to discuss same topic again and again whose faith is unknown.

Please do not quote my Indus viper post here :D

Egyptian C-130's were in Pakistan today.

He's saying in response to a query that the C-130s were not carrying Horus parts today. Then what were they here for?

Nobody knows anything. If these C-130s aren't delivering then must be for pickup or otherwise, I don't see any reason for a mid stop as where would be they flying? Just guessing as EAF's C-130s were here before as well... days ago.
Nobody knows anything. If these C-130s aren't delivering then must be for pickup or otherwise, I don't see any reason for a mid stop as where would be they flying? Just guessing as EAF's C-130s were here before as well... days ago.

The previous trips were pretty much confirmed deliveries of Horus and I'm quite sure these two must be for the same purpose but this guy Rana Suhaib who generally has access to bases is saying today's flights weren't for delivering Horus. Just confusing.
The previous trips were pretty much confirmed deliveries of Horus and I'm quite sure these two must be for the same purpose but this guy Rana Suhaib who generally has access to bases is saying today's flights weren't for delivering Horus. Just confusing.

Sir, I don't see anyone disclosing such information to someone outside the Base while officials are tight lip and not saying a single word. I am not saying that he is lying but the thing is; anyone can tip-off with any sort of information either to manipulate or let the rumors run high but no one can confirm for sure unless there are three or 4 or more sources. In the end, we will be guessing on the basis of possibilities and why EAF's C-130s are flying in-out of Nur Khan in matter of weeks. I think there was possibility of selling trainers to EAF but then again, nothing concrete at the moment. Most probable guess could something to do with Mirages or in the end, Medical Supplies. While I type Medical Supplies, I just realized that how much of those supplies will need 5 trips.
I can't see the PAF acquiring ex-Egyptian Mirages for the purposes of service in the PAF. For one thing, the Horus would have to be modified to use PAF weapons, such as H2/H4 and the Raad, as well as other avionics and equipment to integrate them into our Comms and datalinks, which would be timely and costly. Secondly, the PAF Mirages are meant to be gradually being replaced with the JF-17. The only reason the PAF would be interested in Egyptian Mirages is maybe to acquire a few airframes to canabalise for spare parts to keep existing PAF Mirages flightworthy until they are phased out. That may be particularly the case if there's any delay in the production of Block-3 JF-17. In addition, if the PAF acquired complete Horus airframes in large numbers for the purposes of service, they'd probably be transported by ship rather Hercules, as otherwise it would take way too long.
A dedicated JF-17 can do what a Mirage can do (more or less). However, the threat scenarios have changed. You'll be flying into S-400s and all kinds of other gizmos. Maybe in the future into PAC-3 batteries. So, one has to do a bit better than before.

Here is one way I can think of, where we can do a bit better. Use the RD-93 and other subsystems (like landing gear, cockpit avionics, fuel system) of the JF-17. Build a new airframe Skunk Works style. Build a basic hybrid of the F-117 and Mirage. Replicate the FCS of the JF-17.

Viola, you have a stealth strike aircraft. The F-117 was the lowest cost stealth aircraft and relatively easy to maintain, as the skin was not as maintenance intensive as on other later fighters.

Write me a nice beefy check I will make it.

Why are all of you hyped for Mirages that cant even FLY--------Spares you all SPARES.
I can't see the PAF acquiring ex-Egyptian Mirages for the purposes of service in the PAF. For one thing, the Horus would have to be modified to use PAF weapons, such as H2/H4 and the Raad, as well as other avionics and equipment to integrate them into our Comms and datalinks, which would be timely and costly. Secondly, the PAF Mirages are meant to be gradually being replaced with the JF-17. The only reason the PAF would be interested in Egyptian Mirages is maybe to acquire a few airframes to canabalise for spare parts to keep existing PAF Mirages flightworthy until they are phased out. That may be particularly the case if there's any delay in the production of Block-3 JF-17. In addition, if the PAF acquired complete Horus airframes in large numbers for the purposes of service, they'd probably be transported by ship rather Hercules, as otherwise it would take way too long.

Respected member as stated here and there the Horus have sufficient life left in them, so as PAF is going for may be 30+ jets. It should be expected that at least one squadron of 18-20 after some modifications shall be inducted directly i.e to replace existing Mirages, meanwhile the remaining jets shall be cannibalized to further upgrade the existing Mirages. The expected out come is may be two squadrons of Mirages with upgraded multi role capabilities. The gadgets available in Horus are described to be much latest from Radar to other capabilities. The inducted/upgraded Mirages can have true BVR capability along with defensive capabilities.
I have pointed out many times that if Mirages have to remain here for long time then they should have true multi role capabilities. The other jets escorting them for bombing missions shall not be a viable option in future expected war. They shall have to survive themselves during such missions by countering both air and ground challenges.


Write me a nice beefy check I will make it.

Why are all of you hyped for Mirages that cant even FLY--------Spares you all SPARES.
If PAF is making efforts to get Horus then they certainly have enough advanced capabilities as it is obvious that they may have been inspected thoroughly by PAF. On other side it is my guess that deal if finalized may involve a higher price tag as compared to past Mirages which were cheaply purchased. Please do consider the secrecy scenario about the deal/delivery. No official wording yet.

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