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Can India Help Ukraine Defend Russia's All-Out Attack? Gen GD Bakshi Explains

Jai hind

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India can assist Ukraine by resisting the temptation to hide any Donbass rebels in the Indian embassy in Ukraine

Previous attempt to hide Serbian rebels in India's Belgrade embassy did not go very well
Then my fraand Putin has already put indian embassy in Ukraine GPS coordinates in his kalibr cruise missile.
Then my fraand Putin has already put indian embassy in Ukraine GPS coordinates in his kalibr cruise missile.
As I mentioned last time for hiding Serbian rebels in Belgrade Indian embassy during Kosovo campaign, the embassy got bombed. Guess this time the same will happen again

May be Imran can display his dominance to Putin convince otherwise
India Army won respect from both Pakistan and China because of Gen GD Bakshi's stupidity.
Major General.

Your point is correct. How this guy survived the clearing out at colonel level is a mystery.

He is not the only one. I can count about 10, who appear on Indian TV Channels. How many of such likes are sitting in their homes; Allah he behtar jaanta hae. :lol:
He is not the only one. I can count about 10, who appear on Indian TV Channels. How many of such likes are sitting in their homes; Allah he behtar jaanta hae. :lol:

He is not the only one. I can count about 10, who appear on Indian TV Channels. How many of such likes are sitting in their homes; Allah he behtar jaanta hae. :lol:

Hasn't anyone told you yet what watching these channels does to the brain? AND moral character?
I haven't watched for five years. Trust me, it helps.
If Subedar Bakshi was the commander of Ukrainian army

What made you mention a jco desgination in a synical manner for making fun of an Indian general ?

Is it anything to do with the rank or the cultural upbringing ?
Hasn't anyone told you yet what watching these channels does to the brain? AND moral character?
I haven't watched for five years. Trust me, it helps.

They are extremely entertaining, at least, for us Pakistanis. Of course, can't be for sane Indians. For them, these would be very embarrassing. I have saved some of these on my computer. Sometimes, when I feel bored or depressed; I either see one of these programs or some old movie of Om Prakash, whom I deem a great comic actor of Bollywood. :-)
They are extremely entertaining, at least, for us Pakistanis. Of course, can't be for sane Indians. For them, these would be very embarrassing. I have saved some of these on my computer. Sometimes, when I feel bored or depressed; I either see one of these programs or some old movie of Om Prakash, whom I deem a great comic actor of Bollywood. :-)
I am forced to smile at your use of these buffoons and their buffoonery, but it is frankly painful. My family's relations with the military goes back to my father's stint as liaison with the XIV Army in 1943, and his personal acquaintance with some of the oldest members. That has continued through the next generation, through professional service in defence industries, and other reasons, including family members participating in military service.

The people I remember were people of character and integrity.
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