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Can India Help Ukraine Defend Russia's All-Out Attack? Gen GD Bakshi Explains

What made you mention a jco desgination in a synical manner for making fun of an Indian general ?

Is it anything to do with the rank or the cultural upbringing ?
No disrespect to any JCO or non commissioned officer of a military as they are the back bone of a military.But their way of thinking and caliber doesn't match with a senior commissioned officer ofcourse. So General GD Bakshi doesn't think and talk like a General .That's what i mean.
But their way of thinking and caliber doesn't match with a senior commissioned officer ofcourse.

So of all the trades/examples out there in the world only jco's become a fair game for venting it out on an enemy General?
I am forced to smile at your use of these buffoons and their buffoonery, but it is frankly painful. My family's relations with the military goes back to my father's stint as liaison with the XIV Army in 1943, and his personal acquaintance with some of the oldest members. That has continued through the next generation, through professional service in defence industries, and other reasons, including family members participating in military service.

The people I remember were people of character and integrity.

I understand.

The problem is that Hindu elite (exceptions are excluded), including those belonging to INC and other so-called secular parties of India, pre-Independence and post-Independence, have forced us to behave in a way, which we shouldn't, under decent circumstances.

We cannot accept the hegemony, these gentlemen wanted to, and want to, impose on us; so, perhaps ridicule is one of our defense mechanism. You would even notice it abundantly on PDF.

We deem attack on Kashmir, instituted by Nehru, in connivance with that cuckold Mountbatten, on October 27, 1947, as an attack on our honor and sovereignty, and a naked expression of that hegemony. That is our sensitivity, and if Indian folks are not ready to regard our sensitivity; then why should we?
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i had to check and recheck if i was reading "Stupid & Funny from Around the World" thread or something else :/

Phul sapport far Ukraine:


Phul sapport far Ukraine:

View attachment 818796

Replace "Ph" in your sentence with "L". :lol:

No disrespect to any JCO or non commissioned officer of a military as they are the back bone of a military.But their way of thinking and caliber doesn't match with a senior commissioned officer ofcourse. So General GD Bakshi doesn't think and talk like a General .That's what i mean.

My only objection to your original post is that you assigned such a high rank of "Subedar" to this clown Bakshi. :lol:
He is reflecting Indian establishment current predicament. Confusion.
He is reflecting Indian establishment current predicament. Confusion.
You probably meant it as a jibe, but that is literally true.
The old establishment, that didn't think that radar was ineffective on cloudy nights, is sitting on the sidelines, furiously resentful. Pakistanis are inclined to say in a cavalier manner that all of Hindu India is bigoted and freakish. I can only shrug my shoulders as a kind of acknowledgement; most educated Indians who share my views would not even pause to think about such assessments; it isn't relevant. The serious support that these unbelievable marginal minds - no other phrase occurs - has got from the moronic cow-belt is staggering, and has completely unbalanced the careful checks and balances that had evolved over the years.
Nobody knows how things will end. On March 10, the UP results will come out. The general consensus is that the BJP will win once again, but with a sharply diminished margin. There is an outside chance that Akhilesh Yadav, the youngster who heads up the Samajwadi Party, may squeak through, but Amit Shah is waiting, ready and eager, with his huge funds to buy up marginal elected representatives and turn the results around. After all, that is how the BJP won in Karnataka (where all the hijab row is taking place) and in Madhya Pradesh.
I don't ask for anyone to pray for us, not being a praying man myself. I do ask that liberal, progressive Pakistanis reading this spare a kind thought of commiseration for our plight. Nothing more needed, nothing more usable.
You probably meant it as a jibe, but that is literally true.
The old establishment, that didn't think that radar was ineffective on cloudy nights, is sitting on the sidelines, furiously resentful. Pakistanis are inclined to say in a cavalier manner that all of Hindu India is bigoted and freakish. I can only shrug my shoulders as a kind of acknowledgement; most educated Indians who share my views would not even pause to think about such assessments; it isn't relevant. The serious support that these unbelievable marginal minds - no other phrase occurs - has got from the moronic cow-belt is staggering, and has completely unbalanced the careful checks and balances that had evolved over the years.
Nobody knows how things will end. On March 10, the UP results will come out. The general consensus is that the BJP will win once again, but with a sharply diminished margin. There is an outside chance that Akhilesh Yadav, the youngster who heads up the Samajwadi Party, may squeak through, but Amit Shah is waiting, ready and eager, with his huge funds to buy up marginal elected representatives and turn the results around. After all, that is how the BJP won in Karnataka (where all the hijab row is taking place) and in Madhya Pradesh.
I don't ask for anyone to pray for us, not being a praying man myself. I do ask that liberal, progressive Pakistanis reading this spare a kind thought of commiseration for our plight. Nothing more needed, nothing more usable.

PMIK is not trying to be Aristotle when he said a "tiny but highly organised" group has over taken India, just like it happened in Nazi Germany. Fuhrer is here to stay.
India abstained alongside China in condemning Russia at the UN, so this General trying to suck up to the Americans is completely opposed to Indian foreign policy.

Besides in wars where they don't outnumber the enemy several times over, the best they can do is to make a bollywood movie or shoot their own helicopters down.
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