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Was Coronavirus an Engineered Biological Attack on China by America

It is definitely possible and plausible. I mean the US government has conducted experiments on its own citizens (African Americans in the Tuskegee experiment) and there have been numerous cases of bio weapons deployed against foreign adversaries from North Korea to Cuba, attacking China with bio weapons is an ingenious way to cripple your arch rival's economy.

This means that US can get China on it knees whenever US wants. China is proved to be a weak country.
This means that US can get China on it knees whenever US wants. China is proved to be a weak country.
It doesn't prove China is weakling but open the game rules to no holds barred. Just some decide to throw nuke first. Then you think China will still restraint from using nuke? They want to play bio warfare and you think China can't?
It doesn't prove China is weakling but open the game rules to no holds barred. Just some decide to throw nuke first. Then you think China will still restraint from using nuke? They want to play bio warfare and you think China can't?

I will hold your statement true the day China responds. Till then, it is a bluff.
Then you think China will still restraint from using nuke? They want to play bio warfare and you think China can't?

woaaaah! We can all clearly see that China can make really deadly bio warfare agents without even trying.
Now imagine if they made one intentionally-OMG!! it will decimate all life on earth in seconds.
Shift blame , how do u shift the blame against the nature? The genome sequence proves the origin of the virus is not from the region of China area. So now you are saying nature are shifting the blame?


If the attack can happen on China, it can happen on any countries. As some point out. It's so dumb of you to think bio weapon nowadays is to Target military. It is to disrupt now lives and cause economy damage.
Give it up. Here is a more credible source as to the origin of the WUHAN COVID-19 virus.

This means that US can get China on it knees whenever US wants. China is proved to be a weak country.
Bio weapons works both ways. Look at the US tanking now, don't play with fire, you might get burnt.
nice post. thank you. i been smelling fishy things since last few days.
plenty of usa worshipppers on this forum.. they wont admit .. they just will keep looking westwards all their life.
china probably will respond by taking over most of the trade in the world.
lets us see.. i wish good for CN
Shift blame , how do u shift the blame against the nature? The genome sequence proves the origin of the virus is not from the region of China area. So now you are saying nature are shifting the blame?


If the attack can happen on China, it can happen on any countries. As some point out. It's so dumb of you to think bio weapon nowadays is to Target military. It is to disrupt now lives and cause economy damage.


a nation like the US wont do it against a nation like China.

because it knows that chinese can retaliate as bad or worse.

so why play on even grounds.

US never plays on even surfaces.

and to top it off to make yourself vulnerable and your allies vulnerable—-not possible.
It doesn't prove China is weakling but open the game rules to no holds barred. Just some decide to throw nuke first. Then you think China will still restraint from using nuke? They want to play bio warfare and you think China can't?

Well said. There are unwritten rules the big boys play by. If they wanna play dirty China can play dirty too haha


a nation like the US wont do it against a nation like China.

because it knows that chinese can retaliate as bad or worse.

so why play on even grounds.

US never plays on even surfaces.

and to top it off to make yourself vulnerable and your allies vulnerable—-not possible.

Correct in most cases but we're talking about Donald Trump the narcissist here and nutjob Pompeo. They play dirty and they are irrational.
This discourse is another EXTREME which should be scrutinized. Why would USA (or any country) unleash a weapon which would end up hurting its own homeland in the process? Does not make any sense.

nice post. thank you. i been smelling fishy things since last few days.
plenty of usa worshipppers on this forum.. they wont admit .. they just will keep looking westwards all their life.
china probably will respond by taking over most of the trade in the world.
lets us see.. i wish good for CN
Two WRONGS do not make a RIGHT.
Right now, other than Anglo Zionist media, many seem to buy the theory that this is bioweapon of USA against China.

The virus though a less virulent strain was already pandemic in USA, masquerade as common flu.

USA need to export this geopolitical disaster to China.

This discourse is another EXTREME which should be scrutinized. Why would USA (or any country) unleash a weapon which would end up hurting its own homeland in the process? Does not make any sense.

Two WRONGS do not make a RIGHT.
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This means that US can get China on it knees whenever US wants. China is proved to be a weak country.

We don't know and probably will never know the real cause of COVID19, but if it was a bioweapon, it has spectacularly backfired because the American economy is on the verge of total chaos. There is a lot of trepidation and fear right now, myself included.
Tin foil hat. Tin foil hat. Get your tin foil hat here.

Only ¥1
We don't know and probably will never know the real cause of COVID19, but if it was a bioweapon, it has spectacularly backfired because the American economy is on the verge of total chaos. There is a lot of trepidation and fear right now, myself included.
The genetic information of the virus is well known. Also well known is China's government attempts to suppress the new virus information -- until it was too late and widespread to deny it.


So while the exact point of origin may never be known, the approximate geography is believed by professionals to be from China.

Pointing out US deficiencies in dealing with this health crisis will not distract the world from what China did and did not. Professionals in the many fields directly and indirectly related to this crisis do not believe in this loony theory feebly propagated by the Chinese goobermint and by the Chinese members on this forum. If it is true -- and the idea continues to gain traction -- that it was China who failed, the rest of the world will not forget that it was China who caused their economic miseries. Once this is over, China will pay -- big time.
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