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BREAKING: PAF base Mianwali under attack, suicide bombers and heavy weapons in use

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1. The tangos got their arse handed to them. Sent straight to hell! Special Service Wing did an outstanding job.
2. Security failure of the perimeter wall has been identified, this is the same wall that was scaled during the protest- why wasn’t it redesigned?
3. Clear intelligence failure as TA dated 11 Sept suggested attack on gov facility highly likely in KPK and Punjab.
4. Indians celebrating this prove their intent for our country
5. Luckily no aerial assets have been damaged.
Indian twitter posts😅😅😅.
I hope you are correct and no important national assets were destroyed.
However very unprofessional and lame security from Armed forces. Very shameful that even this happened.
Likely because people at the helm 'believed' Mianwali to be 'secure'. Since it is a training base, further away from the trouble. I have seen many videos of civilians plane spotting just outside the boundary wall, without any meaningful security presence or patrols, and also that base has been hosting foreigners too. Lax attitude, from the authorities, shows in this episode. Those terrorists may have even circled around the whole perimeter, posing as partying civilians, and identified breach points...
PAF has a separate arm, called Ground Combateers, who are responsible for all such matters.
So they fucked up, screw 'em!!, this is the third fucking time this has happened to them and they have fucked, and u know the indians don't even need to have aerial engagements to screw paf, they do ground operations like that, Everyones a lumber one in pakistan.
Not all Lahoris have that mentality. Look, I’m not a fan of the afghans but I want to wipe pajeets bindis off this planet. Burn their cities down because they are financing this. Dare them to fight us and make your nukes operational and forced them to fight. The fact that this occurred is infuriating.

Maybe the bindu is in cahoots with the Jew to force Pakistan to keep away from the conflict in the Middle East. The pajeet loves the jew so wouldn’t be surprised if they pull this out of some pajeet love for foreign dominance.
And I agree, I also want the same thing. But baniyas are smart, they sit back and plan, then execute. Different to our reactionary last minute policies.

They have found a stray dog to our west and are propping him up using their own resources to indirectly face us. If we go directly for them, he is going to mess with you from the back. They themselves don't want to waste resources on war.

For the dog, Islam is not important but ethnic nationalism is, I'm sure you've seen what they say about your kind and what they want to do to it. Basically genocidal Nazi stuff.

Two front or even three front war for Pakistan is not unlikely if it were to ever break out. India is obviously the big fish here, so you need to make sure you neuter his dogs to tackle him upfront.
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1. The tangos got their arse handed to them. Sent straight to hell! Special Service Wing did an outstanding job.
2. Security failure of the perimeter wall has been identified, this is the same wall that was scaled during the protest- why wasn’t it redesigned?
3. Clear intelligence failure as TA dated 11 Sept suggested attack on gov facility highly likely in KPK and Punjab.
4. Indians celebrating this prove their intent for our country
5. Luckily no aerial assets have been damaged.
Not all are celebrating , so no its not correct.
So they fucked up, screw 'em!!, this is the third fucking time this has happened to them and they have fucked, and u know the indians don't even need to have aerial engagements to screw paf, they do ground operations like that, Everyones a lumber one in pakistan.
Pakistan is number #1 at turning professional institutions into tea parties for old & corrupt duffers. They did this to everything in this country and wonder why its failing so badly.
Agreed. I just saw the picture of SIdhu at the base and 'congratulating' the officers. Kis moon say congratulate kar raha hai?

The terrorists came and stood for more than 20 minutes and shot RPG's as if they were poppers. Woh jo karnay aye thay kar gaye. They didn't come to get arrested or handcuffed, unhon nay anay say ghanta pehle nasha kia aur agaye.

You killed them on your flight line FFS. They definitely weren't hiding, but running around on the base.

On a more serious and investigative note:

- Saw the picture of the ladder as well. There's at least 3 black spots on the perimeter that I can see in that one picture. Terrorists could erect a ladder and send 7 guys in. That's at the very least, 2 minutes. Fence should be electrified, airbases get electricity all the time from multiple grid stations.

- The sentry towers should be near. Many times I have seen on existing bases that the posts are far apart. SPD/strategic orgs do a much better job of this, might be anecdotal.

- Where was the CCTV system? A live perimeter CCTV/motion sensor system from NRTC definitely would cost less than a shiny new VIP aircraft or Sidhu's trip to his village. Saray SO aur log red carpet kay liay masroof hain.

- Even if they didn't destroy a single aircraft, this is still a major security lapse, not to mention the intelligence. Perimeter security is a joke. Now they'll disband DSG and make some other 3 letter team with the same people and SOP's and tactics just to wash over the obvious faults.
They should keep multiple guard dogs roaming around the perimeter

Instead of expensive German shepards
Cheaper resilient desi gulteirs would do well

Can also put on go pro like cams on them
To live monitor
Much cheaper then continuosly electrifying whole fence
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1. The tangos got their arse handed to them. Sent straight to hell! Special Service Wing did an outstanding job.
2. Security failure of the perimeter wall has been identified, this is the same wall that was scaled during the protest- why wasn’t it redesigned?
3. Clear intelligence failure as TA dated 11 Sept suggested attack on gov facility highly likely in KPK and Punjab.
4. Indians celebrating this prove their intent for our country
5. Luckily no aerial assets have been damaged.

That is a very juvenile vision.

1. Weapons were smuggled in ( international border was not secure )
2. Weapons were transported to Mianwali ( internal security didn't do it's job )
3. Terrorists scaled the wall ( how any why base security didn't work ... ?? )
4. Terrorists had a free time around the base ( base security failed again )
5. Terrorists had access and time to upload footage ( base security failed again )

6. An overall intelligence failure.

Now instead of chanting alhamdulliah and celebrating loss of only grounded assets ( supposedly )

One should find out who are the people responsible for the above 6, and fire them.

We paid for a service ( security ) that service was not delivered. We must fire the incompetent.

Lastly, After KAMRA attack, i would like to know what lessons were learned ( if any ), and how was base security tightened after that around the country.
That is a very juvenile vision.

1. Weapons were smuggled in ( international border was not secure )
2. Weapons were transported to Mianwali ( internal security didn't do it's job )
3. Terrorists scaled the wall ( how any why base security didn't work ... ?? )
4. Terrorists had a free time around the base ( base security failed again )
5. Terrorists had access and time to upload footage ( base security failed again )

6. An overall intelligence failure.

Now instead of chanting alhamdulliah and celebrating loss of only grounded assets ( supposedly )

One should find out who are the people responsible for the above 6, and fire them.

We paid for a service ( security ) that service was not delivered. We must fire the incompetent.

Lastly, After KAMRA attack, i would like to know what lessons were learned ( if any ), and how was base security tightened after that around the country.
I’ll accept your view. I’ve always maintained our ISR is very poor at the moment. Lessons haven’t been learned but this is something I warned about a long time ago, let me search the post.


Here you go:

Home grown jihadi outfits once again turning on their erstwhile masters. Likely in retaliation for PAK military role in drone bombings with supplying gps coordinates.

But Pak military attaches feverishly trying to find links to India, only way to hide incompetence and embarrassment.

Not withstanding what PAF & ISPR admit, question is - why would they keep retiring aircraft in a training center and that too in hangar. More likely that training is conducted on more recently inducted or due to be inducted aircraft.
I’ll accept your view. I’ve always maintained our ISR is very poor at the moment. Lessons haven’t been learned but this is something I warned about a long time ago, let me search the post.


Here you go:

It is not a matter of views; it is a matter of honest analysis.

The General is tasked with one and only one task; he makes and own the strategy.
He is not supposed to pick up the rifle, he is not supposed to go guerilla.
He is supposed to use his brain, and own the bloody strategy; secondly he has to ensure the middle management
can translate that strategy effectively into tactical level wins.

If the loop of looking at lessons learned, and changing as per the lessons is not implemented, the generals need to be fired
and the next batch needs to be trained accordingly.
Read history.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh whipped their asss.
The Afghani pushtoons fought Punjabi Sikh for about a 100 years. Both trading blows over the years. Both winning some and losing some. The Afghani claim that they never lost a war , 2as undone by the Sikh.

However in the peanut sized Afghani brain, the current day Muslim Punjabi are responsible for their historical defeats against Sikh "Phinjabay'.
From there comes the hate .
Later the British went all the way to Kabul along with Sikh Punjabi soldiers, whom they had conquered, and forced the Afghani king to sign the Durand line agreement. Not 9nce but three times.
The Afghani are salty about that too, and claim all Pakistani areas up to the indus river. Claiming that they don't want to abide by the agreement signed by their own king.
Then there is the ethnic reason. Afghan claim Pakistani pushtoon to be "one of their own" and claim that the "Punjabi " country of Pakistan is dividing people of same blood, just by existing as a country called Pakistan.
So there. you go. That's their reasons.
Hari Singh Nalwa the most infamous of Ranjeet Singh's generals and an unabashed anti muslim bigot along with his 8,000 soormas on their usual muslim harassment campign were routed and defeated by a few hundred mashwani pustun villagers at the battle of Srikot. The general was knocked down falling into a ravine and hid their like a coward, making his escape after the villagers left the scene.

A lot of mythology has been created around sikh people's martial prowess vis a vis the Afghans and ethnonationalists have eaten it up.

In this vain and in keeping with tradition, when Hari made it back to camp he exaggerated the number of mashwanis that attacked his war party to the tune of 80K. In 1901 a survey was conducted, a full 77 years after the battle, by the British colonial authorities and the total number of mashwani tribesmen was less than 4,000.
I am quite skeptical that only 3 F-7s were lost considering the terrorists had 40 minutes to do their job.

Secondly, it seems quite obvious no lessons were learnt after the Kamra base attack.

Thirdly, pretty obvious there was an Afghan flavor to it. PAF operations inside targets in Afghanistan and this was a retaliation by TTP or their affiliates to send a message.

Forthly, whether there was an Indian involvement, this cannot be ascertained at the moment. Sane minds would suggest Pakistan do not go full retard (like the Indians in Pulwama).
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