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Sindhi Wadera rapes and murders child

This is what army protected establishment waderas are doing in Sindh.
Is it possible to find bigger tyrants than these waderas? They are worse than Indian occupiers in IOJK.
Jihad is needed in Pakistan first against such filthy bastards in power before Jihad happens in IOJK.
This is how so called “terrorists” are created.
In Sha Allah the tyrant wadera gets what he deserves. Anyone defending the wadera is equally responsible. These tyrant waderas use the states forces to defend them self after such crimes. Put a bullet in the waderas head and anyone who’s defending him no matter what.
These bastards won’t learn until Pakistani awam don’t publicly lynch such bastards. If army tries defending such bastards then f*ck them and lynch them too.
And yes I support mob lynching in this situation cuz the state is run by such bastards and never in its history has ever delivered Justice. The Justice system in Pakistan is a joke.
Before anyone says “Pakistan will become like Syria” these establishment supported sardars and waderas have already made it worse than Syria for innocent people.
Ibn Qasim invaded Sindh for the honour of Muslim women. It’s time to be Ibn Qasim again and launch real Ghazwa e Hind first in Sindh against these munafiq tyrants.
Let the whole world call you terrorists. Being called terrorists is better than allowing Muslim girls getting r*ped frequently by these powerful elite. How often do we hear such stories? The innocent never get Justice. Instead they are further suppressed and silenced.

Mullah Omar R.H. started Taliban in Afghanistan after the warlords were r*ping people and committing the same crimes the waderas and sardars in Pakistan do. Maybe it’s time for a Mullah Omar R.H. to rise in Pakistan and put these tyrants in place.

@Maula Jatt @PakSarZameen47 @Menace2Society @Pakstallion @Vapnope @Areesh@DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox 1 1 @N.Siddiqui @Norwegian @TNT @Imad.Khan @Dalit @ziaulislam @EternalMortal @lastofthepatriots @WarKa DaNG @Warking @TALWAR e Pakistan@WinterFangs @kingQamaR @Menace2Society @Indus Pakistan @Ghazwa-e-Hind @Norwegian @PakFactor @akramishaqkhan @Zornix @pakpride00090 @Abid123 @Goritoes @SecularNationalist @PakistaniandProud @PAKISTANFOREVER @Dual Wielder @Great Janjua @ahaider97 @PakFactor @Sayfullah @SaadH @villageidiot @Olympus81 @Mobius 1 @General Dong @Genghis khan1 @alphapak @RealNapster @Kharral @Mobius 1 @Goenitz @Muhammad Saftain Anjum @AA_ @Mobius 1 @Great Janjua @The Accountant @PakSword @villageidiot @Kharral @SaadH @Goenitz @PakFactor @Tamerlane@ARMalik @Khan_21 @Yousafzai_M @NaqsheYaar @NooriNuth @SaadH @Kharral@AA_ @SaadH @Tamerlane @villageidiot @waz @PakSword @Mugen @PanzerKiel @Tamerlane @PakAlp @HerbertPervert @Path-Finder @Tamerlane @Drexluddin Khan Spiveyzai @AlKardai @waz @Areesh @hatehs @Path-Finder @HerbertPervert @Dr. Strangelove @Sayfullah @AA_ @Clutch @Bleek @mangochutney @FuturePAF @Cash GK @Trango Towers @airmarshal

These waderas are backed by Pakistan Army. Never forget that.

PPP is a liberal and secular party on its face but supports ethnic chauvinism and feudalism while also providing cover for r4pists.

Where are all the woman’s rights activists at?
Naa nothing gona happen,
Look at him how much he is happy to kill innocent

2023-08-17 12_16_48-Window.png

Surgically castrate him.
So he can fulfill his rape cravings from his a$$.

Why surgically? His balls should be crushed slowly and d!ck should be lit up so all his rape cravings are treated properly.
Waderas = Pakistan Military. Same shi.t different uniforms and faces. We all need to understand that Military elites have married into Wadera families, Judges families, major businessmen and so forth. IT IS AN OCCUPIER MAFIA THAT IS EATING PAKISTAN ALIVE. Have you ever seen Hyenas eating a live Impala and tearing its arms and limbs from its body while it is still alive?? THESE PEOPLE ARE DOING THE SAME THING TO PAKISTAN.
Some of the comments here are over the top.

You don’t change the system, these things will happen. What do I mean by the system?

- Courts acquitting criminals
- Weak prosecution
- Blood money to the victim family
- Weak policing
- Political patronage of these criminals

Nothing will happen.
Thanks Nehru for taking over zamindars lands and distributing among poor.
Land reforms was the best initiative of the Indian leadership. We have still not been able to do that and large landowners are still the kings in their own remote/rural areas. They make insane amounts of money because of the unimaginable size of their land holdings and then are free to do as they please. This is the generalization.

More specifically on this incident, the child is neither naked, as claimed in the post, nor is the video too clear or complete to determine what had happened.
Thanks Nehru for taking over zamindars lands and distributing among poor.
how much land was allowed in india per person?
What has this got to do with the rape and death of a child?!?? Mod's should be on the ball on such off-topic posts.
Their is serious silent message which is meant to be Feel and receive by readers.
how much land was allowed in india per person?
Per person 18 acre max.
how much land was allowed in india per person?
Basically, zamindari system was abolished. It resulted in distribution of land to smaller farmers. It also killed (mostly) archaic local oppressive rule run by the Zamindar‘s. Many ills of the past haven’t yet gone, but I shudder to think, if Zamindari system was still here then what it would have it led to?
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More specifically on this incident, the child is neither naked, as claimed in the post, nor is the video too clear or complete to determine what had happened.

The child who is writhing on the floor is the one who ended up dead and was picked up from the same floor by her mother.

How heartless could you get man?
Why surgically? His balls should be crushed slowly and d!ck should be lit up so all his rape cravings are treated properly.
Cut his dick from the root but leave his balls. So he can have sexual cravings but no way to fulfill them.
Ultimately he will be forced to take it in the a$$.
The child who is writhing on the floor is the one who ended up dead and was picked up from the same floor by her mother.

How heartless could you get man?
The word you are looking for is "Objective"; How objective am I?

I cannot be swayed with sensationalist posts and partial/incomplete evidence as I am a firm believer that all sides need be given a fair chance to present their case. I don't know if you have seen the same video which I saw (in the first post), in which I see a girl who seems to be writhing as if in severe pain but the video is blurred and of very low quality and is not complete as to what might have happened or caused this condition.

If she has indeed been raped/tortured then I am objective that the perpetrator needs to be stoned to death or given 100 lashes for rape and then beheaded for causing death of the child through torture. However, in the event that the case is something else then the accused needs to be set free with dignity.

Now judge my objectivity!
The word you are looking for is "Objective"; How objective am I?

I cannot be swayed with sensationalist posts and partial/incomplete evidence as I am a firm believer that all sides need be given a fair chance to present their case. I don't know if you have seen the same video which I saw (in the first post), in which I see a girl who seems to be writhing as if in severe pain but the video is blurred and of very low quality and is not complete as to what might have happened or caused this condition.

If she has indeed been raped/tortured then I am objective that the perpetrator needs to be stoned to death or given 100 lashes for rape and then beheaded for causing death of the child through torture. However, in the event that the case is something else then the accused needs to be set free with dignity.

Now judge my objectivity!

No words man, no words.

We'll remain objective, just like how we were when that Baloch minister plowed a cop and the 'evidence' showed he wasn't on the wheel.

Or how Mr Jatoi was brought in from Dubai to vote in the NA.

Probably this video was made by some Gen AI.

The mother of the girl is probably lying.

Do you know, the girl who went to help the writhing girl is her sister?

Idhr awam aur mulk dono ko lagay hathon mari jao mari jao, but let us all remain objective and play goody two shoes. That's worked before very well too!

This is what army protected establishment waderas are doing in Sindh.
Is it possible to find bigger tyrants than these waderas? They are worse than Indian occupiers in IOJK.
Jihad is needed in Pakistan first against such filthy bastards in power before Jihad happens in IOJK.
This is how so called “terrorists” are created.
In Sha Allah the tyrant wadera gets what he deserves. Anyone defending the wadera is equally responsible. These tyrant waderas use the states forces to defend them self after such crimes. Put a bullet in the waderas head and anyone who’s defending him no matter what.
These bastards won’t learn until Pakistani awam don’t publicly lynch such bastards. If army tries defending such bastards then f*ck them and lynch them too.
And yes I support mob lynching in this situation cuz the state is run by such bastards and never in its history has ever delivered Justice. The Justice system in Pakistan is a joke.
Before anyone says “Pakistan will become like Syria” these establishment supported sardars and waderas have already made it worse than Syria for innocent people.
Ibn Qasim invaded Sindh for the honour of Muslim women. It’s time to be Ibn Qasim again and launch real Ghazwa e Hind first in Sindh against these munafiq tyrants.
Let the whole world call you terrorists. Being called terrorists is better than allowing Muslim girls getting r*ped frequently by these powerful elite. How often do we hear such stories? The innocent never get Justice. Instead they are further suppressed and silenced.

Mullah Omar R.H. started Taliban in Afghanistan after the warlords were r*ping people and committing the same crimes the waderas and sardars in Pakistan do. Maybe it’s time for a Mullah Omar R.H. to rise in Pakistan and put these tyrants in place.

@Maula Jatt @PakSarZameen47 @Menace2Society @Pakstallion @Vapnope @Areesh@DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox 1 1 @N.Siddiqui @Norwegian @TNT @Imad.Khan @Dalit @ziaulislam @EternalMortal @lastofthepatriots @WarKa DaNG @Warking @TALWAR e Pakistan@WinterFangs @kingQamaR @Menace2Society @Indus Pakistan @Ghazwa-e-Hind @Norwegian @PakFactor @akramishaqkhan @Zornix @pakpride00090 @Abid123 @Goritoes @SecularNationalist @PakistaniandProud @PAKISTANFOREVER @Dual Wielder @Great Janjua @ahaider97 @PakFactor @Sayfullah @SaadH @villageidiot @Olympus81 @Mobius 1 @General Dong @Genghis khan1 @alphapak @RealNapster @Kharral @Mobius 1 @Goenitz @Muhammad Saftain Anjum @AA_ @Mobius 1 @Great Janjua @The Accountant @PakSword @villageidiot @Kharral @SaadH @Goenitz @PakFactor @Tamerlane@ARMalik @Khan_21 @Yousafzai_M @NaqsheYaar @NooriNuth @SaadH @Kharral@AA_ @SaadH @Tamerlane @villageidiot @waz @PakSword @Mugen @PanzerKiel @Tamerlane @PakAlp @HerbertPervert @Path-Finder @Tamerlane @Drexluddin Khan Spiveyzai @AlKardai @waz @Areesh @hatehs @Path-Finder @HerbertPervert @Dr. Strangelove @Sayfullah @AA_ @Clutch @Bleek @mangochutney @FuturePAF @Cash GK @Trango Towers @airmarshal
Pakistan needs immediate land reforms like India did in 1953, all big land holders were kicked out of big land holdings only six acres were allowed per person , when there is no land there is no power , land was distributed to those who were tilling land or to those who were landless people hindu muslims or any other religion .

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