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Sindhi Wadera rapes and murders child

Thanks Nehru for taking over zamindars lands and distributing among poor.
Nehru did a big mistake of not sending our brother muslims to muslims home Pakistan , I will give all credit of big mess of hindu muslim riots to him .
But i will give him credit for land reforms , today a a big landholder is holder of six acres only . He is not a big zamindar , he is only a farmer.
The child who is writhing on the floor is the one who ended up dead and was picked up from the same floor by her mother.

How heartless could you get man?
Some are just like that ...
After much hue and cry SHO and doctor also arrested for destroying evidence.
Control of Police, and land revenue dept, that's how these evil waderas rape the whole society.
And they rule Karachi top...
The reason beautiful Karachi is top in the list of garbage cities.
Doubt it..
Mark my words here

Indeed, Pakistan movement was co-opted by the zamindars who also contributed manpower to the crown and later to what became known as the napak fauj...zamindar and sepoy nexus goes way back to the British native sepoy army, circa 1751...

Ideological and moral descendants of Mir Jaffer and Mir Sadiq...
Blame the zameendar but peers are not zameendar
Pakistan needs immediate land reforms like India did in 1953, all big land holders were kicked out of big land holdings only six acres were allowed per person , when there is no land there is no power , land was distributed to those who were tilling land or to those who were landless people hindu muslims or any other religion .

Na, Pakistan Military has occupied these lands. They will not ALLOW any reforms at all even if the country gets destroyed. In fact, the military just goes and steals lands of ordinary people and threatens them. I know of a few people whose prime private land was stolen by the Military. One day the Military jeeps just drove in and stole lands of these innocent people.
Na, Pakistan Military has occupied these lands. They will not ALLOW any reforms at all even if the country gets destroyed. In fact, the military just goes and steals lands of ordinary people and threatens them. I know of a few people whose prime private land was stolen by the Military. One day the Military jeeps just drove in and stole lands of these innocent people.
When people complain that there property, women were stolen..people would label them anti state and next day they will dispear after openly picked up by army to show people who are the boss

Military has private prisons where the lucky ones are kept rest end up in ditches like Imran riaz khan
Na, Pakistan Military has occupied these lands. They will not ALLOW any reforms at all even if the country gets destroyed. In fact, the military just goes and steals lands of ordinary people and threatens them. I know of a few people whose prime private land was stolen by the Military. One day the Military jeeps just drove in and stole lands of these innocent people.
Ultimately poor landless farmers were exploited in Pakistan , in India congress and opposition all supported poor farmers , they supported land reforms bill , all big landholders lost their zamindari overnight, all princes , raja , nawab lost their land at a stroke of the pen . Indira gandhi abolished privileges of princes , they all became a common citizen .
Pakistan should do it immediately , poor public will be benefitted by such steps .
i am a urdu speaker, and havent found them to be like this. there are bad people in every group. i have lived among bashaoor and educated sindhis, pathans, kashmiris, balochis, pathans, and have found all of them to be decent and sophisticated people. all good, selfless, loyal friends.
Aatay mai namak ke baraber, most of Punjabi's/Sindhi's/Baloch/Pathans and their culture has no place in modern society, their life style is backward and barbaric. Go to Interior Sindh, or KPK/Tribal Area's or Balouchistan or South Punjab, people live like animals, behave like animals, Women beatings is common in Punjab culture, Pashtoon's culture is full of racism and violence, balochi people I don't need to say anything about them as its obvious, if Pakistan Administration was given to Urdu speaking people we would not be a fcuked nation, MQM was not bad when it started off as APMSO, Urdu speaking people/community and their values/morals are superior to the rest of Pakistan.
Aatay mai namak ke baraber, most of Punjabi's/Sindhi's/Baloch/Pathans and their culture has no place in modern society, their life style is backward and barbaric. Go to Interior Sindh, or KPK/Tribal Area's or Balouchistan or South Punjab, people live like animals, behave like animals, Women beatings is common in Punjab culture, Pashtoon's culture is full of racism and violence, balochi people I don't need to say anything about them as its obvious, if Pakistan Administration was given to Urdu speaking people we would not be a fcuked nation, MQM was not bad when it started off as APMSO, Urdu speaking people/community and their values/morals are superior to the rest of Pakistan.
Potohar isn't like that though
Potohar isn't like that though
so ? does that make any difference?
so ? does that make any difference?
Yeah that's like half of Punjab...
Yeah that's like half of Punjab...
I doubt it, South Punjab is pretty backwards... Punjabi's are famous for women beatings, loud and obnoxious, with poor hygiene.
I doubt it, South Punjab is pretty backwards... Punjabi's are famous for women beatings, loud and obnoxious, with poor hygiene.
Potohar is North Punjab, South Punjab has a lot of Baloch/Pashtun settlers
No words man, no words.

We'll remain objective, just like how we were when that Baloch minister plowed a cop and the 'evidence' showed he wasn't on the wheel.

Or how Mr Jatoi was brought in from Dubai to vote in the NA.

Probably this video was made by some Gen AI.

The mother of the girl is probably lying.

Do you know, the girl who went to help the writhing girl is her sister?

Idhr awam aur mulk dono ko lagay hathon mari jao mari jao, but let us all remain objective and play goody two shoes. That's worked before very well too!
Yes, remain objective and that's how the first world got to where it is today. Be disgusted with immoral/criminal acts but still remain objective in the response to them. That's how cultured and civilized nations respond globally.

I am disgusted by the way we handled the case of the cop killing brother of the Baloch Leader who had insane political clout whereby his brother walked free after ploughing a serving, active duty cop on the road right infront of witnesses and CCTV. Curses on the judiciary and the system for allowing that. As a human, devoid of bounds of religion and morality, I would tie the limbs of this ****** to 4 horses and have them pull his body to pieces. However, objectivity demands that the person be put to death as per the constution and rule of the land, which I would have followed if I could have.

On Jatoi and on lotasism and how Imran Khan and PTI have done the exact same things, please save me the lecture and tell me how Gilani was defeated in his contest of the Senate Chairmanship? Why Imran Khan bent backwards infront of the electable to join PTI left, right and center? And how about Imran Khan's own audio where he is speaking of buying votes in an attempt to defeat the NCV? Seriously, it is time to climb down of the moral high horse back to reality.

Again, and finally, as I had explained before, I cannot see any torture on the girl in the posted video, so should I condemn the accused without even giving him the benefit of the doubt he is entitled to, just because he is in a role (Pir) which we despise? Unless you have watched a different video, I do not understand your jump to conclusions and belief in sensationalist news.

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