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BREAKING: Indian Hindutva nationalist PM worships naked Pajeet man's penis and posts it on Twitter

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Dec 21, 2021
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bhava is like deku mera nikki lulli maza aiya.
giphy (7).gif
Lets thank God for being a Muslim. It is truly a great blessing.
Lol. Muppets from PDF will drown in their own sorrows.
Lol. Muppets from PDF will drown in their own sorrows.
Was Modi trying to suck his d!ck Hinduism is a disgusting and illogical religion
Was Modi trying to suck his d!ck Hinduism is a disgusting and illogical religion
You are a disgusting person, as is anyone who vomits without understanding who the person is. He is a Jain guru, a religion that has taken ahimsa to its wildest limits. A minority that is not Hindu, and someone who usually make sure they walk carefully on earth to make sure they don't trample on any insects.

Idiots don't even know the difference between Hinduism and Jainism

A person like you speaking of logic is not just laughable but insulting to logic, when you speak about something without an iota of knowledge. Fact is you are a Xenophobic person, with religious and racial superiority.

It's no wonder, the first thing that came to your mind i sexual. Disgusting person

Have some shame and grow up
Makes sense why so many Hindu males are camp gandoos
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