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Brahmins the new untouchables of India

I am SC and a supporter of caste based reservations which is obvious .But also feel bad for the general category because of the positive discrimination against them . Caste is just too deeply entrenched in the hindu society that It's gonna take at least a hundred years to eradicate this evil . I have had many instances of caste discrimination which would be hard to believe for some . Lower castes would be doomed if the reservations are done away with anytime soon .
Issue is obc reservation and general policy imblance. Not about sc st reservations.
irradiate caste system, meaning no Brahmin and no Shudra...reservation will automatically go. I consider caste system to be a much larger evil than reservation.
Brahmins and upper caste people did like to take food from lower caste persons.

The only Brahmin I have ever seen doing that is Rahul Gandhi :lol:

Before that period .. India was place of
angles and cupids shooting each other
with loveArrows . It's just wicked
Britishers and before that Muslims
Invaders who has ruined our Fun.

I don't care what India was or what used to happen before what I care is about the discrimination happening today and in future against particular person whose only fault is him being born in a particular caste WTF kind of balant discrimination belong in past they shouldn't have any place in twenty first century
I dont know about North Indian Brahmins ... Buts most South Indian Brahmins ... specially the Nambothiri Brahmins which are said to the oldest tribe Brahmins know Poojas and Karmams very well...

I know a Couple of Nairs, they became Brahmins... who learned Poojas shastras are working as poojaris in Temple...

most Vedic knowledge is passed on by mouth not by writing it ... as according to the tradition if these Texts are written then changes can be made and hence be corrupted from the original text ... these mantras can only be said in rhyme and tune ...

so either the government should take initiative to secure these mantras and hymns should be preserved ... or some Organizations funded by government should take up the cause... or else these would be extinct for ever with the extinction of these Brahmins... Culture and knowledge of 5,000 + years would be lost with in a century...

There are Ved Path Shalas run all over the country. These schools work towards preservation of Veds. Boys wishing to pursue career as a priest are enrolled there at an early age. I don't know the exact curriculum, but I think they are taught Veds and upanishads among other things. Our local priest has completed his training from such a school in Pune.
The only Brahmin I have ever seen doing that is Rahul Gandhi :lol:

I don't care what India was or what used to happen before what I care is about the discrimination happening today and in future against particular person whose only fault is him being born in a particular caste WTF kind of balant discrimination belong in past they shouldn't have any place in twenty first century

You are hypocrite as your both argument are contradictory !

On one hand you are talking of equality in the society and another hand boasting supremacy of brahmins and not accepting food from lower caste people.

one suggestion : if you want reservation for brahmins or talking of abolishing Reservation altogether , Plz contest election and change the law itself.

If you can not do that ...then keep whining ...Nobody cares.Those who cares do not matter in Indian politics.:D
There are Ved Path Shalas run all over the country. These schools work towards preservation of Veds. Boys wishing to pursue career as a priest are enrolled there at an early age. I don't know the exact curriculum, but I think they are taught Veds and upanishads among other things. Our local priest has completed his training from such a school in Pune.
Vedas, Pranas and Upanishads are not end of Hinduism ... its just the start towards the Paramathma to the Paramsatya...

Their thousand of stotrams each changing among each tribes of Brahmins ... different types of Homams , Prathistas , even the knowledge of Vratas . Deity worships ...the list too big and varies from place to place... a dedicated University should be built in each state ...
irradiate caste system, meaning no Brahmin and no Shudra...reservation will automatically go. I consider caste system to be a much larger evil than reservation.

something which is there for more than 2000 years can not be easily eradicated
One must argue that its Karma?

:D wrong policies blame it on karma, when you bowed to Dravidian culture abandoned your own and still managed to suppress them but at the same time failed to strengthen your community , it ends up at karma ohh I mean Burma mori karnay wala.
Atleast there is some justification that your ancestors did evil things and you are paying for it.
Think about me I'm non brahmin but come under General Category... My community is just 4000 member strong, none of my ancestors stopped people from going to temple nor did they think that they are better than other human beings.

So just stop your victim mentality, there are people like me who are disadvantaged for no reason...
One must argue that its Karma?
I doubt it's karma, its deliberate votebank policies of minority appeasement, If human tragedy could be argued as Karma, then what would explain the 49000 fatalaties of your countrymen?
Atleast there is some justification that your ancestors did evil things and you are paying for it.
Think about me I'm non brahmin but come under General Category... My community is just 4000 member strong, none of my ancestors stopped people from going to temple nor did they think that they are better than other human beings.

So just stop your victim mentality, there are people like me who are disadvantaged for no reason...

This whole,you stopped me from temple is a big bogus nonsense.

Most SC/STs were people who didn't believe in the temple system,they had their own animic beliefs.

And even my grandparents didn't exploit or hurt anyone and all the leasees of our agricultural land were SCs and they prefer to lease our land than that of non brahmin caste hindus as they dont get an equitable agreement there.

so,please stop all this exploitation story.

Under muslim invasions,brahmins were the ones who got slaughtered and they were the ones who faced certain death and died also and it is because of them,that today we are still sovereign and not an arab protectorate like pakistan.
This whole,you stopped me from temple is a big bogus nonsense.

Most SC/STs were people who didn't believe in the temple system,they had their own animic beliefs.

And even my grandparents didn't exploit or hurt anyone and all the leasees of our agricultural land were SCs and they prefer to lease our land than that of non brahmin caste hindus as they dont get an equitable agreement there.

so,please stop all this exploitation story.

Under muslim invasions,brahmins were the ones who got slaughtered and they were the ones who faced certain death and died also and it is because of them,that today we are still sovereign and not an arab protectorate like pakistan.

Not sure you had been to other parts of Tamilnadu - forget about rest of the India. SC/STs are stopped from entering many temples and sometimes courts had to intervene to allow these people inside the temple.
This whole,you stopped me from temple is a big bogus nonsense.

Most SC/STs were people who didn't believe in the temple system,they had their own animic beliefs.

And even my grandparents didn't exploit or hurt anyone and all the leasees of our agricultural land were SCs and they prefer to lease our land than that of non brahmin caste hindus as they dont get an equitable agreement there.

so,please stop all this exploitation story.

Under muslim invasions,brahmins were the ones who got slaughtered and they were the ones who faced certain death and died also and it is because of them,that today we are still sovereign and not an arab protectorate like pakistan.
you really need to refresh your knowledge on history
Not sure you had been to other parts of Tamilnadu - forget about rest of the India. SC/STs are stopped from entering many temples and sometimes courts had to intervene to allow these people inside the temple.

There is never an argument about SC/ST reservation whether about temples or otherwise.

I am not saying SC/STs were not stopped,i am merely talking about many non brahmin upper castes like sriram here claiming we did all this because the brahmins asked us to do so,wow.

Even i myself have done nothing strongly discriminatory but so what?

I see some castes like kings/soldiers/big landowners getting reservation claiming backwardness.

it is like i was supposed to become a rocket scientist and the evil brahmins found a switch to control my brain.
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