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Brahmin,Bania and Jain hedgemony in india

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Obviously not, diwani Pathans are Bhumihar converts who can't trace any ancestry outside of India, they make the majority of "Pathans". Nasali and Rohilla Pathans can trace Afghan ancestry however we have mixed with local population.
Understood my submissive punjabi friend, you people have never even ruled your own land lmao.:woot:

Raped by pathans you mean and now claim pashtun ancestry? You guys dont speak pashto and dont look like pashtuns, have some shame. Pashtuns were rulers there, but they didnt migrate in mass to poverty strickin Bihar and UP and left 11 million decendents.

Even in Punjab which is next door to pashtun homeland and many times richer then Bihar and UP historically, still there are only 3 millions of them. At least punjabi pathans looks like pathans even if they dont speak pashto.
Really.. Nairs are tribals .where did you get that information?.Are you a real pakistani? I think Pakistanis has more brain than this

sorry for topic.This guy Shasi Tharoor is Nair clan.
Now can you prove he is a tribal guy?
That Mehr Tarar woman in pak was bleeding from her heart for this tribal hamesha! lol
Stop quoting me kanjar boy, had enuff of you . Your tribe was declared criminal by the british because of the deeds of your ancestors, not that your present day deeds in Pakistan are any better :lol:

Now Shoooooo

Ok kanjar boy, your caste was indeed upper. Higher in crimes i mean.
Second that. In punjab and haryana, maybe western UP and rajasthan, jatts, gujjars and ahirs have totally marganalized the brahmins unlike the rest of India. So the only thing that matters now is who wields the political clout and muscle power. Maybe also because the influence of sikhism and arya samaj in these tracts. @ranjeet and @Jarha ur input is required

I fully agree with You! In case of Haryana Rajasthan and Punjab ..Brahmins and Baniya are fully marginalized.

Let me tell an incidence of UP
A brahmin was seeking 2nd hand motorcycle of Yadav with it's numberplate having "YADAV" written on it.

I asked him "why is it so?"

He replied "because then no police man will dare to stop that Bike,otherwise police harass him about driving license,registration etc."
Understood my submissive punjabi friend, you people have never even ruled your own land lmao.:woot:

Afghans too talk in the same way about them on Pashtun forums. :omghaha::omghaha: But the language you use is very polite compared to them. :laugh:
I fully agree with You! In case of Haryana Rajasthan and Punjab ..Brahmins and Baniya are fully marginalized.

Let me tell an incidence of UP
A brahmin was seeking 2nd hand motorcycle of Yadav with it's numberplate having "YADAV" written on it.

I asked him "why is it so?"

He replied "because then no police man will dare to stop that Bike,otherwise police harass him about driving license,registration etc."

I was talking about their overall influence historically or even now when it comes to politics, bussiness etc So how is brahmim comunity doing in Rajasthan and Haryana in terms if economic well being.
Yeah no bharti, his crazy wife said that who sucided days later. Crazy whore
Dont insult a dead person have you even got an iota of respect ? that shows your upbringing!
Dragging a departed soul to prove your point is the lowest one can get!
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