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Brahmins the new untouchables of India

The caste based reservation is important because there is very high level of correlation between castes and economic deprivation.
Brahmins and upper caste people are successful as their parents can help them get a head start in the race. Its like having a marathon race in which lower the caste, bigger the burden you will have to carry.
Occasionally you will see some poor or backward caste person being successful and considered hero, but statistically that does not mean much.

Meritocracy in a completely unequal society is a joke.

You Brahmins need to have your butt-kicked for keeping Lower-Cast-Mere-Mortals like @Ayush & @Dillinger as your personal mechanics & munshisss ! :angry:
You Brahmins need to have your butt-kicked for keeping Lower-Cast-Mere-Mortals like @Ayush & @Dillinger as your personal mechanics & munshisss ! :angry:
@Ayush is untouchable, I will burn my car if he touches it. @Dillinger although from upper end of lower caste is largely tolerated by me because he saves me a lot of money by doing some number tricks. :lol:
So much love showered on Pandats here, it makes me feel sick to my core.
Now if you'll excuse me I have to delete my browser history to cleanse my laptop of filth.
@Ayush is untouchable, I will burn my car if he touches it. @Dillinger although from upper end of lower caste is largely tolerated by me because he saves me a lot of money by doing some number tricks. :lol:

The Untouchable part for @Ayush is correct - He hasn't taken a bath for 3 years....apparently something to do with a vow he has taken of only bathing in the waters of River Indus ! :unsure:

As far as @Dillinger is concerned - Make Him Suffer ! :smokin:
You Brahmins need to have your butt-kicked for keeping Lower-Cast-Mere-Mortals like @Ayush & @Dillinger as your personal mechanics & munshisss ! :angry:

Both Dillinger & Ayush are Bhumihars,not lower castes. 
So much love showered on Pandats here, it makes me feel sick to my core.
Now if you'll excuse me I have to delete my browser history to cleanse my laptop of filth.

Tumhare pandat alag hain,hum log alag hain.
Castes should be replaced with ethnic groups. Discrimination based on caste is disgusting however pride in being a Rajput, Jatt, Yadav, Dalit, Brahmin etc should be allowed.
The caste based reservation is important because there is very high level of correlation between castes and economic deprivation.
Brahmins and upper caste people are successful as their parents can help them get a head start in the race. Its like having a marathon race in which lower the caste, bigger the burden you will have to carry.
Occasionally you will see some poor or backward caste person being successful and considered hero, but statistically that does not mean much.

Meritocracy in a completely unequal society is a joke.

Thats all ok but rich dalits keep eating off the reservation pie denying poor dalits and i have seen rich jats and some such castes claim reservation based on backwardness,like someone stopped him from using his brain since the good old days.

I mean Reddy can fly a plane but his brain is too slow for mathematics cause the pandits did so.

Castes should be replaced with ethnic groups. Discrimination based on caste is disgusting however pride in being a Rajput, Jatt, Yadav, Dalit, Brahmin etc should be allowed.

Reservation policy wont help unless you take it to the villages and some people ll always be brainy whether you give them reservation or not.
Thats all ok but rich dalits keep eating off the reservation pie denying poor dalits and i have seen rich jats and some such castes claim reservation based on backwardness,like someone stopped him from using his brain since the good old days.

I mean Reddy can fly a plane but his brain is too slow for mathematics cause the pandits did so.


Reservation policy wont help unless you take it to the villages and some people ll always be brainy whether you give them reservation or not.
jats are not lower caste as per my knowledge, nor are reddys. One of the downside of politics behind reservation is, powerful castes using muscle and money power are including themselves as backward caste. That does not invalidate the economic and social case behind reservation.
Reservation does apply to village folks, and large number of people benefit from it. Showing a few instances of leakage of a system to completely discredit the whole system is unfair.
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The caste based reservation is important because there is very high level of correlation between castes and economic deprivation.
Brahmins and upper caste people are successful as their parents can help them get a head start in the race. Its like having a marathon race in which lower the caste, bigger the burden you will have to carry.
Occasionally you will see some poor or backward caste person being successful and considered hero, but statistically that does not mean much.

Meritocracy in a completely unequal society is a joke.
You are wrong if you think Brahmins had good economic status historically
Brahmins were either priest or depend on 'Bhiksha' from households for their basic necessities because caste system prohibited them working in some segments.

But when British India introduced modern education system(opportunities were based on your qualification) then Brahmins realized that its their core competency (they have been doing it for generations) which eventually resulted in rise of their status(economic) in the society.

Its not like they had a head start but they were first to act after hearing the clap
The caste based reservation is important because there is very high level of correlation between castes and economic deprivation.
Brahmins and upper caste people are successful as their parents can help them get a head start in the race. Its like having a marathon race in which lower the caste, bigger the burden you will have to carry.
Occasionally you will see some poor or backward caste person being successful and considered hero, but statistically that does not mean much.

Meritocracy in a completely unequal society is a joke.

the underlined sentence sums it all up ...
The caste based reservation is important because there is very high level of correlation between castes and economic deprivation.

Then why not simply have reservation based on economic deprivation ? :lol: Clearly you are blind see the logical fallacy in what you say.

Brahmins and upper caste people are successful as their parents can help them get a head start in the race. Its like having a marathon race in which lower the caste, bigger the burden you will have to carry.

So what ? You want to start discrimination on people who are successful ? how about not allowing shah rukh khans kids into schools since he is more successful that 99.99% of India ? :lol: ......the stupidity never ends.

Occasionally you will see some poor or backward caste person being successful and considered hero, but statistically that does not mean much.

Again, so what ? Why is caste so important that lower caste have to be equally successful ? Why not just see them as people, some of who are more successful and some who ware less successful ?

Meritocracy in a completely unequal society is a joke.

LOL. This statement is a joke.

All societies are unequal.

- High IQ people are more successful than low IQ people.
- Richer people are more successful than the poor.
- Good looking people are more successful than the ugly.
- Taller people are more successful than the shorter people.
- Men are more successful than women.
- Hardworking people are more successful than lazy people.
- Educated people are more successful than uneducated people

Meritocracy is not about equal societies. It is about equal OPPORTUNITIES for all and the more Meritorious going ahead.

Communism tried finding 'equal society' and we all know how that ended up :lol:
Then why not simply have reservation based on economic deprivation ? :lol: Clearly you are blind see the logical fallacy in what you say.

So what ? You want to start discrimination on people who are successful ? how about not allowing shah rukh khans kids into schools since he is more successful that 99.99% of India ? :lol: ......the stupidity never ends.

Again, so what ? Why is caste so important that lower caste have to be equally successful ? Why not just see them as people, some of who are more successful and some who ware less successful ?

LOL. This statement is a joke.

All societies are unequal.

- High IQ people are more successful than low IQ people.
- Richer people are more successful than the poor.
- Good looking people are more successful than the ugly.
- Taller people are more successful than the shorter people.
- Men are more successful than women.
- Hardworking people are more successful than lazy people.
- Educated people are more successful than uneducated people

Meritocracy is not about equal societies. It is about equal OPPORTUNITIES for all and the more Meritorious going ahead.

Communism tried finding 'equal society' and we all know how that ended up :lol:
reservation based on economic deprivation is impossible in India due to lack of availability of income related data(from 47 to even now) with sufficient accuracy. Only 10 percent or so are in tax net (govt got some accurate data) rest can get BPL card at will.
Caste certificate is relatively difficult to fudge, than your income statement( when huge number are working in unorganized sector and farming)
Which is why I said the govt rightly uses the caste correlation as an indicator of deprivation.

The BPL schemes which is aimed at giving relief to poor people (basically a safety net) cannot be used to promote social mobility or equal opportunity effectively.

I was talking of equal opportunity when I said you cant expect people to run same race when some have to carry heavy baggage and some are free to run.
reservation based on economic deprivation is impossible in India due to lack of availability of income related data(from 47 to even now) with sufficient accuracy. Only 10 percent or so are in tax net (govt got some accurate data) rest can get BPL card at will.

How is measuring poverty for general populace any different for measuring poverty for caste ? :lol:

Before deciding SC/ST and OBC, poverty survey was taken. You are hiding so that you don't have to face the truth.

Caste certificate is relatively difficult to fudge, than your income statement( when huge number are working in unorganized sector and farming)

Yet the govt. has successfully identified castes which are poor :lol: ........ if your statement is true what is the proof that these castes are really poor ? What is good for the goose is also good for the gander. A Logical Fallacy.

Which is why I said the govt rightly uses the caste correlation as an indicator of deprivation.

And I have proved your wrong.

The BPL schemes which is aimed at giving relief to poor people (basically a safety net) cannot be used to promote social mobility or equal opportunity effectively.

BPL is a straw-man argument. No one but you have spoken about BPL. Hence its is irrelevant and meaningless.

I was talking of equal opportunity when I said you cant expect people to run same race when some have to carry heavy baggage and some are free to run.

No you were talking about inequalities in society. You have now changed your goal post to equal opportunities. Still your logic continues to be flawed.

As mentioned earlier,

Ugly people carry more baggage than good looking people.
Poor people carry more baggage than rich people.
Women carry more baggage than men people.
Short people carry more baggage than tall people.
lazy people carry more baggage than hard working people.
Stupid people carry more baggage than intelligent people.

LOL. Yet they are all forced to run in the same race. Why special privilege for caste alone ? Logical Fallacy again.
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