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Big attack on Chaman Border crossing

And solution? Call NATO and US back?
No, point is, policy should not be in the hands of dangerous duffers.
They may think very high of themselves but they are intellectually retard and financially corrupt. The whole bunch is compromised.
I think our sufferings will continue.
What do you mean even racist to Pakistanis. They keep thrashing you because you are essentially a weak people and they recognise that. They are a warrior people who know no other way historically. And they consider you to be squatting on their land. That is not a nice situation for you to be in. Don't worry about us. We can take care of ourselves. Our people walk freely among the Taliban. As guests. Not today. But always. I know. I've had coursemates embedded there for years. And we've had millions of Afghans in India since the troubles began in the 80s. No issues except some scuffles here and there. That too among young guys and girls involved. A potent combination.

Afghanistan is a war-torn drug-infested failed state. What will the Pashtuns gain from joining Afghanistan? If Afghanistan was the paradise that you are depicting it to be (that Pakistani Pashtuns would be willing to rebel to join it) then why are there 3 million Afghan refugees in Pakistan? They should stay in their paradise, shouldn't they? Stick to your own kind your cousins Bangladeshis Sri Lankans issues don’t talk for us Pashtuns u low life scum from the east.
This guy claimed that Indian forces have critically injured Lt gen Bilal Akbar at sialkot sector and there were thousands of likes all the while Bilal Akbar was not even in Sialkot that day so yeah baba banares can dream all he wants.

What do you mean even racist to Pakistanis. They keep thrashing you because you are essentially a weak people and they recognise that. They are a warrior people who know no other way historically. And they consider you to be squatting on their land. That is not a nice situation for you to be in. Don't worry about us. We can take care of ourselves. Our people walk freely among the Taliban. As guests. Not today. But always. I know. I've had coursemates embedded there for years. And we've had millions of Afghans in India since the troubles began in the 80s. No issues except some scuffles here and there. That too among young guys and girls involved. A potent combination.
Haha dude your attempt to rile up Pakistanis is hilarious. Ask any Afghan why they are in a misery and they will blame Pakistan this doesn't sound like a warrior spirit to me. We have been "occupying their land" since our inception and they couldn't do jack about it. They can start skirmishes here and there but it will bring more misery to them and them only.

And no you don't walk among Talibs or Afghans freely.
This the first time in history the people of Indus are able to defend their territory.

The godless heathens around us are used to invading our lands for a millennia. This is causing severe pain in their collective as*ses.
Folks, we should not call names.
And give proper arguments.

When aryans came to India they have one single God, Indra. The natives were polytheists and attached two goddesses to Him, varuna and Mitra.
Probably polythiests of Arabia learned from them and attached two female deities manat and uzza to the True God.

Many pashtun Afganis are from Jewish descent and thus are very arrogant, obstinate, and haughty. For many centuries sood khor pathan from Kabul were as famous as sood khoor banya and sood khoor jew.

Jews, Hindu banya class, and some pathans, all are famous for usury business.
This guy claimed that Indian forces have critically injured Lt gen Bilal Akbar at sialkot sector and there were thousands of likes all the while Bilal Akbar was not even in Sialkot that day so yeah baba banares can dream all he wants.
Wait what the f? For reals? What a dick 😂😂
Afghanistan is a war-torn drug-infested failed state. What will the Pashtuns gain from joining Afghanistan? If Afghanistan was the paradise that you are depicting it to be (that Pakistani Pashtuns would be willing to rebel to join it) then why are there 3 million Afghan refugees in Pakistan? They should stay in their paradise, shouldn't they? Stick to your own kind your cousins Bangladeshis Sri Lankans issues don’t talk for us Pashtuns u low life scum from the east.

Why should the Afghans or us be bothered by who resides on our land currently? Our claim is on the land. The people can stay or go. EXACTLY like in 1947. You are not making sense. This is not a friggin popularity contest.
Folks, we should not call names.
And give proper arguments.

When aryans came to India they have one single God, Indra. The natives were polytheists and attached two goddesses to Him, varuna and Mitra.
Probably polythiests of Arabia learned from them and attached two female deities manat and uzza to the True God.

Many pashtun Afganis are from Jewish descent and thus are very arrogant, obstinate, and haughty. For many centuries sood khor pathan from Kabul were as famous as sood khoor banya and sood khoor jew.

Jews, Hindu banya class, and some pathans, all are famous for usury business.

Aryan invasion is a myth. Pashtuns are not of jewish descent and even if there is a loose connection, it is meaningless.
Why should the Afghans or us be bothered by who resides on our land currently? Our claim is on the land. The people can stay or go. EXACTLY like in 1947. You are not making sense. This is not a friggin popularity contest.

if someone is treating you badly, will you stay on his place for 35+ years … i think NO , we treated them like our brothers … !!!
if someone is treating you badly, will you stay on his place for 35+ years … i think NO , we treated them like our brothers … !!!

They don't have a choice bro. They are war refugees. Even warrior tribes have women and children.

Hundreds of thousands of Ukranians in Poland. Are you saying Ukranians and Poles love each other. Kabhi history padhi hai uss region ki? The Poles friggin claim most of western Ukraine as their own. Aur batao.
So where’s all those expensive toys like missiles, drones, jf17 thunders, weapons……that this corrupt army likes to parade ariund every yr on march 23 to terrorize Islamabad citizenry ???

Are those for showoff only and for museaums to feel goid?

Lakh di lanat on this new coas, lanat on crore commanders for doing nothing to protect citizens

Kisi aur mulk pe ye hamla huwa hota to an tak wo aisa sabaq sikha chukay hotay k 100 saal tak koi na sochta k ainda ye kerta

Beghairat fauj aur beghairat generals, ye dallay afghaniyon se b dertay rahainge, innocent pakistanis of a so-called “nuclear power” will keep dying to bunch of fuckers daily.

BC asim munir kidher warh gya?

I am just disgusted beyond words at this almost daily violations of border and killing of innocents

Agar ye bc fauj kisi jogay nai to come out and declare such in the open that hey, we can’t do this, we r not capable, we’re busy womanizing and being drunk in dha, bahria, fizaia, anchorage etc

I now have no doubts that this army will be unable to prevent an indian+afghan invasion.
Nukes are useless, never be used, just showoff pieces only.
Behissi aur beghairti will now embolden these enemies even more.

Pakistan Army = men who’re cucks!!
The same army landed inside Afghanistan just six months back. Hundreds of Boots on ground in another country’s territory…
Helis, SFs, and what not. We bombed the shit out of them. Don’t kick aside the supreme sacrifices of your soldiers just because of a delay in response. A counter needs extensive planning. Plus a lot of variables are in play.

Pretty expected with kind of healthcare they will be getting, more would succumb in coming days

This pandering is reaching unprecendeted levels now.

They can go ahead and cut our fence, lob artillery shells into our people, and simply apologize and get away with it?

From what I gather, this pandering is due to our hope (in vain perhaps) that the Taliban will help us control TTP. Let's see how that pans out.

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