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Beautiful India

If there is a feeling of superiority in the mind then there is going to be discrimination.
People must understand that everyone is equal irrespective of ones cast, skin colour, community, religion or even gender. Laws should be made to support this equality so that it can seep into the minds of the people.
Did not see the video

I wish I could agree with you. We may not have the caste system institutionalized like India but it does exist in Pakistan too. How many of us are willing to sit on the same table with our maids, cleaners, sweepers and share the same food and cutlery? On the other hand we will gladly dine with a western 'white' cleaner/sweeper who may be visiting us. Shows our hypocrisy does it not? Even many of the Arabs we accuse of having a master-slave mentality dine with their servants at feasts.

The fact is that there is a master-slave mentality is deeply embedded in our pyshe. There is a reason why our elite/people in power behave the way they do

I didn't ask anyone to agree with me but I would expect you to be at least truthful and logical but unfortunately you are not either of those.

I may not be able to speak on behalf of the the whole country since what goes on some far flung villages of Sindh and Punjab or in some homes, but as far as I have observed that's no where even close what has been shown in the video, the untouchables cannot even touch their food while our maids cook foods for us and we eat and in our home, they eat the exactly the same food and at the same time. They are not required to touch our feet or knees since that's an unislamic practice, they don't have to walk without shoes where we wear shoes..similarly, they don't have to clean our toilets with their bare hands and they don't have to fetch water from some dirty pond rather they drink only the same water rather the use the same glasses. I mean the differentiation based on hygiene is different for example, in our homes every family member has his or her own towels, indoor shoes, and other common use items but that does not mean that it is a discrimination so equate the two entirely different things is totally unfair, illogical and a trademark of self-hating liberati.

The comments in this forum seem to be straight out of youtube comments section. Maybe same members.
That's the crap since this video on youtube has no comments so basically you are lying.
But regardless this video highlights a huge issue that is plaguing India but you are as usual, like most of the saffron bandits, in the denial mode.
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But it is the worlds largest democracy, so show some respect.

When sh*t happens we are all the 'same' are we? Bomb goes off in the West and then 'we are peace loving Hindoos' and it is them 'bad muslims Po*kistani's' who plant bombs. Hypocrites.

I reiterate elitism is everywhere. Look at how blacks are treated in USA. In Europe, in Pakistan and every country has pegging order but in India the scale is epic. The intensity, the degree and the scale is gob smacking. Like I said 300 million. Just think about that number. What is a fringe in other countries is a pandemic in India.

Man it already has been done. This is Hinduism from 999AD. Today in India everything is reformed.
All the crap you are talking is a privilege for you(others would get banned). That's elitism.
I mean one would understand if India was south korea
That is where the problem is. What happens is these half dried naked tits who have never had full square meal in their lives and wear a rag around their torso called Sari eventually afford to eat full meal and buy something called 'jalvar kamij' then come running to Pakistani's and act big about 'Shining India' and how they eat chicken for breakfast, meat kebab for lunch and karai ghosht for supper meal and in between swigging on jugs of lassi.

And then brag how they built Harrapa, Mohenjo Daro and how built Taxila University. How they all look like SRK. Fvcking full on fraud these people are.

privilege for you
Go over to Indian forums and see the distilled garbage directed against Pakistan that would make this look like sweet apple custard. I am merely trying balance the account. Here is another of my earlier pieces that might be educational. Don't say you don't learn anything at PDF.

Link > https://defence.pk/threads/man-as-beast-india.402799/

Any folks think India. Think beautiful. Think India. Adios Indios ....
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Wow are all threads in this forum of this standard ? I expected sonething different.

Kaptaan seems to be a disturbed person. My sympathies.
Week end troll thread!
It is not to troll, I feel sorry if you think so rather it is aimed at highlighting an issue that must be solved if Hinduism has to exist as a religion in the modern times. Such practices tarnish the face of the religion. Are these the core teachings of the Hinduism or were added later has to be answered but in any case these practices have to abandoned.
That is where the problem is. What happens is these half dried naked tits who have never had full square meal in their lives and wear a rag around their torso called Sari eventually afford to eat full meal and buy something called 'jalvar kamij' then come running to Pakistani's and act big about 'Shining India' and how they eat chicken for breakfast, meat kebab for lunch and karai ghosht for supper meal and in between swigging on jugs of lassi.

And then brag how they built Harrapa, Mohenjo Daro and how built Taxila University. How they all look like SRK. Fvcking full on fraud these people are.
You are only seeing what you want to see or like to see. If you only look for negative aspects then you will find it in huge proportions in India.
But on the contrary if you look for the positive aspects then you can find that too in huge proportions in India.
Cleanse your heart of such hatred as it will drown your soul in it.
That's not crap rather a factual documentary...but alas you are in the denial mode.
I know the facts, i live here. Yes there is that number of 300 million less privileged ones. A lot is done for them to put them forward wirh reservations and other protection schemes. I know thats not going to be as far reaching number that one would want.it neither the wild west where things just happen because there is no rule. Comparing to europe its bad. I would want it to be far better.

But when it comes from joke of a democracy like yours then the reference point is pakistan then its like heaven. So stop drooling over others problems and focus on yours because it not going to help either.
Well, that would be true in B h a r a t. R a k s h a t, do they are use to that site. When you level the playing field, they are at a loss. Can't win any debates without moderator protection.
Honestly, compared to Indian sites PDF is bastion of fairness, The Mods; here are far more impartial then any Indian site. In Indian sites the genreal trend is chuck everything at Pakistan followed by China and if anything is slightly said that is contra their narrative 'ban'.

Then you have millions of Indian's living in the West who are select portion of the real India. They do their best to paint Pakistan in negative light. Any event slightly negative will be amplified by the Indian's. In America the Indian's brag about being better educated then all other groups. what people overlook is they are the cream of the 1.3 billion. You want to see real India. Look at these 300 million Adivasi, Dalits, Untouchables. Only problem is they are too poor, too trampled on to migrate.

If a million of them had enough food in their stomachs, enough money in their pockets and enough liberty to break societal shackles they would also head to Europe and the world would get to see real India. However these 300 million are too shackled to move, let alone to migrate !
I would expect you to be at least truthful and logical but unfortunately you are not either of those.
Truth and logical would have meant that we look at ourselves in the mirror before we point fingers at others before taking the moral high ground. You too failed

our maids cook foods for us and we eat and in our home, they eat the exactly the same food and at the same time.
I have seen with my own eyes cleaners being served food in different plates as opposed to the plates in which other staff were being served in a government organization. These cleaners even had their own designated sitting area. I accidentally once sat their for lunch and this person approaches me and says to me in a hushed voice. "Listen! cleaners and sweepers eat here". I mean would you do this with a "Gora" who might even be a professional garbage collector?
illogical and a trademark of self-hating liberati.
First time I have been called that but if it differentiates me from the likes of you I am fine with it
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Honestly, compared to Indian sites PDF is bastion of fairness,
True but I have seen quite a few slurs being hurled at Indians recently that would have been unthinkable few years ago. And No I am not talking about the words you have coined for the Indians :ashamed:. Maybe it is because of the heightened tensions between the two countries.
Honestly, compared to Indian sites PDF is bastion of fairness, The Mods; here are far more impartial then any Indian site. In Indian sites the genreal trend is chuck everything at Pakistan followed by China and if anything is slightly said that is contra their narrative 'ban'.

Then you have millions of Indian's living in the West who are select portion of the real India. They do their best to paint Pakistan in negative light. Any event slightly negative will be amplified by the Indian's. In America the Indian's brag about being better educated then all other groups. what people overlook is they are the cream of the 1.3 billion. You want to see real India. Look at these 300 million Adivasi, Dalits, Untouchables. Only problem is they are too poor, too trampled on to migrate.

If a million of them had enough food in their stomachs, enough money in their pockets and enough liberty to break societal shackles they would also head to Europe and the world would get to see real India. However these 300 million are too shackled to move, let alone to migrate !
PDF is so secular that no indian member is banned and no negative ratings are given.

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