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Beautiful India

May 7, 2012
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United Kingdom
Nearly 300 million people in India (compare that with 200 million population of entire Pakistan) are Untouchable/Dalits or Adivasi's. These are very attractive people who belong to the bottom caste of Hindu society. This program by CBS details the succcess that is India. Should Pakistan be jealous of India? Are there any Pakistani's who regret being liberated from these fine people in 1947?

ADVISORY: This was aired in 999AD so the programme is over 1,000 years old. We know India today is differant and under Modi so much progress has been made that it does not have any Dalit discrimination.

@Chinese Bamboo @Chinese-Dragon @beast89
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Just a reminder. The programme is dated 999AD. From 1018 years ago so you can't call it 'modern'.
I didn't know they had recording facilities in year 999AD and could make documentaries that too about future...were they time travellers?
by the video description tell us it was "Uploaded on Apr 22, 2011" that's approx 6 years ago
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Did not see the video

Such practices in the modern world are unheard of and a total disgrace for humanity.....
I wish I could agree with you. We may not have the caste system institutionalized like India but it does exist in Pakistan too. How many of us are willing to sit on the same table with our maids, cleaners, sweepers and share the same food and cutlery? On the other hand we will gladly dine with a western 'white' cleaner/sweeper who may be visiting us. Shows our hypocrisy does it not? Even many of the Arabs we accuse of having a master-slave mentality dine with their servants at feasts.

The fact is that there is a master-slave mentality is deeply embedded in our pyshe. There is a reason why our elite/people in power behave the way they do
recording facilities in year 999AD
This is India your talking about. Not Pakistan. They had spaceships even let alone recording facelties !

Elitism is everywhere. In USA or even Europe and Pakistan but what defines India is the epic scale. For gawds sakes 300 million. That is more than population of United States or Western Europe and easily more then all of Pakistan.

Now I understand why 2 million Indian's are pulling rickshaws. They are Dalits so worth less than a donkey.

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Did not see the video

I wish I could agree with you. We may not have the caste system institutionalized like India but it does exist in Pakistan too. How many of us are willing to sit on the same table with our maids, cleaners, sweepers and share the same food and cutlery? On the other hand we will gladly dine with a western 'white' cleaner/sweeper who may be visiting us. Shows our hypocrisy does it not? Even many of the Arabs we accuse of having a master-slave mentality dine with their servants at feasts.

The fact is that there is a master-slave mentality is deeply embedded in our pyshe. There is a reason why our elite/people in power behave the way they do
I agree to the above statements. Pakistanis also have a similar mentality, it may not be named as cast system but it is there. This is because of the shared history of both countries.
As for India, this discriminatory cast system is being uprooted systematically, but it will take time, may be decades or even centuries.
Reforms in Hinduism is being done in a fast pace, some ultra religious people may not like it but it must be done.
Wow are all threads in this forum of this standard ? I expected sonething different.

Sometimes, seeing the exploitation make you realize that slavery still exist. This is similar to Spartans and Helots. Except it's Indian equivalent are Brahmins and Dalits. This slavery is perpetual.
Except it's Indian equivalent are Brahmins and Dalits. This slavery is perpetual.
But it is the worlds largest democracy, so show some respect.

I agree to the above statements. Pakistanis also have a similar mentality, it may not be named as cast system but it is there. This is because of the shared history of both countries.
When sh*t happens we are all the 'same' are we? Bomb goes off in the West and then 'we are peace loving Hindoos' and it is them 'bad muslims Po*kistani's' who plant bombs. Hypocrites.

I reiterate elitism is everywhere. Look at how blacks are treated in USA. In Europe, in Pakistan and every country has pegging order but in India the scale is epic. The intensity, the degree and the scale is gob smacking. Like I said 300 million. Just think about that number. What is a fringe in other countries is a pandemic in India.

Reforms in Hinduism is being done in a fast pace, some ultra religious people may not like it but it must be done.
Man it already has been done. This is Hinduism from 999AD. Today in India everything is reformed.
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We didn't miss anything, I mean one would understand if India was south korea and pakistan north korea as many delusional bharatis and retarded pak liberals want us to believe, but ground reality.... Not even FATA is as poor as many regions of India.

UN MPI report Pakistan 0.19 vs India's 0.29.

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